You can’t escape their Love.(Yandere Harem)

Rin’s House Vll

Take this Touya" she handed me the button., "Keep it with you all the time, use it whenever you are in danger."

[Lol, why is she talking like some hero who will pop out of thin air to save his lover.]

I received the button and kept it in my empty pocket.

"It's almost time for dinner, I shall get home soon"

"Are you leaving, "Rin asked with a sad look.

"Why are you sad, we will meet tomorrow in school right, tomorrow let's make our relationship public."

"No, don't make it public Touya."

"Huh? Why? Wasn't it you who wanted it to be public, and also nothing happened from the time we started dating right?"

Rin paused for a second, and after deep thought, she continued.

"Sensei will become even more aggressive after she gets to know that you got a girlfriend. For now, she is proceeding slowly since she thinks you are not in any relationship, the curse you told about, are you sure it has nothing to do with Sensei?"

[Sensei knew every girl I had a relationship with until now. Maybe she did something to my ex-girlfriends, which made them back down. If I announce it publicly, then Rin will be in danger.]

"Nice thinking Rin, our chief obstacle is Sensei, we have to somehow figure a way out of it. Can I tell my sister about you, I bet she would be thrilled to hear it."

"Ok fine, but I never asked you who your sister is?"

"Oh, her name is Akari Sato, she is in a grade above us."

Rin paused and looked at me with a frightened look, maybe it was my imagination but it looked as if she shivered for a moment.

"Akari... Sato...?"

"Yes, do you know her, she really is cheerful and jolly, and also is a great cook."

"Does she has, purple hair?"


"She is your sister right?"

"Yes, she is my sister, are you shocked by how different our personalities are?"

"I am shocked, "She answered instantly and grabbed my shoulders, "Touya are you fine?"

"Yes, why are you asking that suddenly"

"Did you feel anything unusual going when you are with your sister,"

"No, we are like every sibling, we don't even fight often. She is a nice caring nee-san."

Rin seemed to be worried about something. Is this jealously? No way.

"Are you worried about something, I would like to know what it is."

"If you are fine then no problem, "Rin popped a chocolate in her mouth. "I would prefer it if I personally met her and introduce myself, so there is no need to tell her by yourself. So, make some excuse and wait on the rooftop tomorrow with your sister, I will show up and then introduce me to her."

"Your wish" I replied. I brushed my wrinkled clothes and stepped towards the door. I wanted to ask her many things like her room, that kimono, her parents, and many more but also I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable so I just let it go"

My hand grabbed the doorknob, but before I could touch it, Rin turned my face using her hands and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she clasped her arms around my neck and we continued kissing, our eyes were closed, saliva fell on the clothes and floor but both of us ignored. Our gentle warm tongues tangled and caressing each other, and our bodies wrapped together. Only if the time stopped, we could have done it forever. Even after our lips grew apart, a string of our saliva still connected them.

"It's a good luck charm"

"Thank you." [The best good luck charm ever]

I opened the door and went out. She tagged along with me to the exit of the building.

After bidding her goodbye, I looked at my phone.

43 messages, 51 missed calls.

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