Young Master Has a Daughter

Chapter 19 – The Strongest Among Us

Yun Ling, Yu Shan, and the Crown Prince spent most of the meal talking about small things. The crown prince’s two personal guards felt a little out of place especially when the three started talking about both of them. Meanwhile, Yue Dongmei was silent the entire time. Even when the conversation turned towards her, she didn’t have any visible reaction. She continued to eat in silence as if she didn’t hear a thing. Then there was Yun Xia. She was trying to listen to them but couldn’t really understand most of what they were talking about.

After they had finished eating, Yun Ling wiped his lips with a napkin as he turned towards the crown prince.

“Come to think of it Crown Prince, why are you even participating in the Golden Dragon Election? You are the crown prince. You already have the empire’s full support. I don’t see any point in you participating in it.”

The crown prince looked at Yun Ling and thought for a moment. A few seconds later, he responded, “Well, seeing as your father is a general, and Yu Shan’s father is the unit commander of the army, I guess it’s fine if I tell you this since you already know some details.”

The crown prince was fine sharing some things with Yun Ling and Yu Shan. Although there were more people among them, they were no strangers. Two of them were the crown prince’s personal guards while the other two were Yun Ling’s daughter, Yun Xia, and the mother of his daughter, Yue Dongmei.

Of course, the crown prince was wrong. Yue Dongmei was Yun Xia’s caretaker but he assumed she was Yun Ling’s lover. He couldn’t be blamed for thinking such since Yun Ling was occasionally dropping some hints, leading them to think that he and Yue Dongmei were a thing.

With that said, the crown prince spread out his divine sense in case someone was eavesdropping on them. He was right. He noticed there were indeed some people trying to listen to them. He then created an invisible barrier around them so those people wouldn’t hear a thing.

When all said was done, he started, “As you already know, my father cares much about face. He wanted to show everyone that the capital and the imperial family are the strongest in the entire empire. The Jin Empire was originally a kingdom. Only after it had conquered kingdoms through many wars did it turn into an empire. In the past five hundred years, father conquered seven kingdoms and they became a part of the empire. Although they are already defeated, some of them are still unreconciled. In the Golden Dragon Election, their heirs and disciples will also be participating, which is why father gave me an order to participate and trample over everyone in the competition. This is to deter some of those people from rebelling or causing an uprising. Father also has big expectations of you, Yun Ling, Yu Shan. He wanted you two to do your best and show everyone how strong the younger generation is in the capital.”

“That goes without saying,” Yu Shan said with a smile. He looked over Yun Ling and the crown prince and continued, “In the competition, I’ll defeat every opponent that comes my way. Even if that opponent happens to be you, Crown Prince, Yun Ling.”

“Oh?” Yun Ling smirked. “Well, I can’t say I don’t welcome the challenge.”

Yu Shan stared at Yun Ling fearlessly while Yun Ling eyed Yu Shan arrogantly. Sparks seem to form between the two as they gazed at each other intently.

“I’m glad that both of you are excited, father will surely be pleased when he hears of this. Anyway, you two can fight over the second place for the first place will surely be mine,” the crown prince declared, gaining their attention.

“Interesting,” Yun Ling said in amusement. “All of us are known as the three supreme geniuses of the capital yet never have we fought each other seriously before. I think it’s time for the people to know who is the strongest among us three.”

“That’s a good idea, however, we shouldn’t fight right now. Let us decide who is the strongest among us in the Golden Dragon Election,” Yu Shan proposed. He would be forced to go all out if he fought against Yun Ling or the crown prince right now. That wasn't very favorable for him. He didn't want to show his trump card this early or else, he'd be placed at a disadvantage in the competition.

“I agree. Let us make the Golden Dragon Election the grand stage for our battle. It’s the most suitable place for our fight.”

The crown prince agreed with Yu Shan. He also had a similar idea to him. If the three of them fought right now, the other competitors would be able to make countermeasures for their abilities when the competition starts.

Yun Ling nodded, agreeing with them. He was just casually proposing the fight but didn’t really want to engage in a confrontation with any of them for now. Like them, he also had some secrets he would rather show only in the Golden Dragon Election.

Smiling, Yun Ling said, “Then it’s decided. Keep in mind that I will not hold back against any of you two. Make sure you’re strong enough or else, I might kill you accidentally.”

“Hmph,” The crown prince snorted.

Yu Shan merely chuckled. “Be careful what you say, it might turn around on you.”

“Papa, are they bullying you?” Yun Xia asked as she frowned at the crown prince and Yu Shan. She wasn’t sure but she felt that they were being mean to her father.

Yun Ling’s eyes twitched. Him, bullied? Who would dare? If anyone else said this to him, he would’ve long slapped them silly, however, this was his daughter. There was no way he’d ever hurt her.

The crown prince was smiling pretty widely, trying hard not to laugh. A little girl asking one of the most fearsome individuals among the younger generation in the capital if they were being bullied? The arrogant Yun Ling getting bullied? Why was it so funny?

Yu Shan wasn’t as subtle as the crown prince, he let out a laugh as he wiped the escaping tears from the corner of his eyes.

Even Yue Dongmei was smiling. Before she came into the capital together with Yun Xia, Yun Xia’s mother had her investigate Yun Ling and the Yun Clan thoroughly. Only when she was sure that they’d bring no harm to her daughter did Yun Xia’s mother order Yue Dongmei to bring the little girl to the Yun Clan.

In her investigation regarding Yun Ling, he was the type who wouldn’t let go of the slightest grievances. If anyone were to insult him, he would instantly retaliate. Many people had offended him in the past but they all suffered from his hands. Now, everyone who knows him no longer dared to slight him in fear of suffering the same fate of those who offended him before.

Yun Ling was about to explain to his daughter but was interrupted when the lights in the garden suddenly dimmed once again while the lights on the stage turned on. Standing in the center of the stage was none other than the fourth prince.

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