Young Master Has a Daughter

Chapter 23 – Their Tasks

“Do you have any problem with that? If so, you don’t really have to do it. I’d understand if you feel a bit hesitant telling us your task,” the fourth prince suggested in fake concern.

Yun Ling sneered at him in his mind. Problem? If it was indeed like what he said that they might die if they fail the task, then he did have a problem with telling everyone their task. There was a possibility that the other participants who were dissatisfied might interfere with them if they knew what their tasks were, unnecessarily giving them a hard time.

Still, the fourth prince made a valid point. If they didn't let everyone know what was inside their scrolls, they wouldn’t be appeased. He didn't really care about what they feel but it would be for the best if he got them off his case by giving them some answer. He was one of the three supreme geniuses of the capital, after all, he had his pride. He didn't want others to spread rumors about him ‘cheating’ in the competition even if he didn’t cheat. Technically, this wasn’t cheating as it was a new feature of the Golden Dragon Election but some of the people here were too disgruntled to see it any other way.

Disappointing really. How could he let these nobodies question his might?

If anyone knew what Yun Ling was thinking, they would’ve been speechless. Anyone who attended the banquet was a genius yet they were only labeled as nobodies by him. Among the younger generation in the empire, only Yun Ling dared to think of them that way.

“Fourth Prince sure knows how to joke. I was merely asking. I don’t have any problems with it at all. How about you, Fourth Prince? Do you have any problems with me asking?” Yun Ling said sarcastically, though, only the fourth prince, as well as Yu Shan and the crown prince, were able to detect the sarcasm from his words.

The fourth prince scoffed at him. He looked towards the other two and asked, “What about you, Brother, Brother Yu Shan? Would it be fine for you to let everyone know your task?”

“It’s fine,” the crown prince said.

Yu Shan frowned. He actually has problems with it as it wouldn’t be wise to let these people know their task, only for them to make a move and try to sabotage them. However, seeing that Yun Ling and the crown prince had already agreed, he might just as well do the same.

“I don’t mind,” Yu Shan said, sighing.

The fourth prince let out a small smile.

“Very well. Brother, why don’t you go first?”

“Alright,” the crown prince nodded and proceeded to unroll the scroll.

While the crown prince did that, the fourth prince addressed the other participants, “Everyone, please pay extra attention this time. The tasks given by the emperor are by no means simple tasks. There’s a very big chance they’ll die trying to accomplish the task. However, that is to be expected, otherwise, it wouldn’t be justified getting two stages ahead of everyone else in the competition.”

After the fourth prince finished speaking, the crown prince started, “What my little brother said is right. This task can potentially be life-threatening if one were to make a careless mistake on their part. Now then, this is my task, listen carefully.” He looked at his scroll and said, “Bring the head of three specific individuals at the Four Transformation realm.”

As for who these individuals were, the crown prince didn’t say. He didn't want to reveal who they are and risk having his targets know that he was supposed to kill them. He wasn’t stupid. Although he agreed to let them know what his task was, he wouldn’t reveal everything. He knew that there were some competitors here who would more than be glad to see them fail and try to do something to obstruct them.

Before anyone could say something, the fourth prince added, “Oh, I forgot to say this but none of you are allowed to use your family’s power and influence to help you accomplish the task. It would have no meaning otherwise. For each task, you guys can only depend on yourselves. Forgive me for not saying this sooner.”

Most of the participants took a sharp intake of breath. More than ninety percent of them were only at the Core Formation realm. Four Transformation might just be one realm above that but the difference between the two realms was quite high. To speak of its power, even ten Core Formation realm experts teaming up together would easily lose to a single Four Transformation Realm expert. For the crown prince’s task to kill someone at the Four Transformation Realm, it was already a tall order, what was more was that he had to kill three of them.

“Brother Yu Shan,” the fourth prince called out.

Sighing, Yu Shan opened his scroll and read the contents out loud, “Eliminate three wanted criminals at the Four Transformation Realm.”

Indeed, the tasks were nothing to sniff at. Killing three Four Transformation realm experts was something they wouldn’t be able to do. Most of them were only at the Core Formation realm, they wouldn’t want anything to do with a hostile Four Transformation realm expert unless they were tired of living. By now, almost every participant was convinced by the emperor’s arrangement.

“Brother Yun Ling.”

After Yu Shan’s turn, the fourth prince turned towards Yun Ling.

Judging by the previous trend, Yun Ling’s task would probably be to kill another three Four Transformation realm experts like Yu Shan and the Crown Prince.

Yun Ling unrolled his scroll. When he saw what was inside, it was blank, nothing was written on it. A few seconds later, letters and words started forming in the scroll.

Yun Ling frowned when he read the content of his scroll. He took his eyes off from the scroll and looked at everyone. When he saw them watching at him in anticipation, Yun Ling let out a sigh and said, “Kill three demonic cultivators recently seen at the borders of the empire. All of them in the Four Transformation realm.”

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World of Terra's Cultivation Realms:

1. Foundation Establishment

2. Spirit Awakening

3. Core Formation

4. Four Transformation

5. Mortal Lord

6. Fate Dominion

7. Sacred King

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