You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 169 (2)

The next day, the second round of group matches of the S6 international competition officially began.

Being part of the first match of the first day of the second round group matches, ZGDX and the wild card Russian team, Bear, had both arrived at the arena early-- --During the ten-day break time, the two teams interacted with each other with broken English and had gotten to know each other well. Before they went into the break room after arriving at the arena, the two teams greeted each other warmly……

The Bear players had gotten the news that their opponent had changed their lineup for today’s match. Before going into the break room, their bot duo made sure to come over to greet Tong Yao and expressed their anticipation of playing against her…… Standing in front of the big  Russian guys, Tong Yao looked like a little chick, her thigh was thinner than their arms. Tong Yao however wasn’t intimidated, she shook hands with them and said with a smile: good luck!

After going into the break room, Lu Sicheng laughed: “ ‘Good luck’? You should say that to me. I’m the one who’s going to be playing a one versus three at bot.”

Tong Yao pulled on his clothes: “......Lu Sicheng, that’s enough. You don’t understand, friendship comes first, competition second!”

Lu Sicheng didn’t buy a word she had said: “If you don’t buy a sightstone (an item that allows the player to place wards, the support is responsible for placing wards over the whole map and so it’s a must buy item)[1] today, I’ll pull your power cable. Just try it.”

Tong Yao: “I’ll buy it, I’ll buy it. I can place wards all over mid!”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

As they were happily bickering, Xiao Rui rushed in from outside and interrupted them-- --The break room was quiet for a few seconds. Xiao Rui took a deep breath: “Do you guys remember that before the beginning of the competition, LPL kept bragging about how they had invited a secret guest to do commentary on site, right?”

Tong Yao thought about it and seemed to remember hearing about it. But at the time no one was really paying attention to it since they figured it was probably just some sort of gimmick…… She absent mindedly answered Xiao Rui: “Who’s the secret guest?” While she was saying that, she grabbed Lu Sicheng’s hand over to check his wrist then asked in a low voice whether he needed to wear a brace.

Lu Sicheng looked down at Tong Yao who was carefully holding his hand. He was about to say that he didn’t need a brace when he noticed that Xiao Rui was pointing outside: “That person is here. It’s your Gao oppa.”[2]

Lu Sicheng paused.

Tong Yao didn’t get what Xiao Rui said, frowned: “What?”

Xiao Rui: “It’s Gao Xuecheng! ! ! ! “

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao: “? ? ?”

Tong Yao: “! ! !”

Tong Yao screamed and dropped Lu Sicheng’s hand. She jumped up, pushed aside Xiao Rui who was standing at the doorway, and quickly walked outside-- --She stood at the front of the passageway to the stage and craned her neck to look around. Then she walked back to the room to announce to her teammates: “It really is him, the special commentator is really my king! Friends, do Tong Yao a favor, play good today, don’t lose-- --I can’t do a thing like losing to a wild card team while playing with Smiling as my id.”

Everyone: “...........................”

Lu Sicheng: “What happened to friendship comes first and competitions second?”

Tong Yao gave him a glance: “It's a lie. In esports, only winning counts.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Tong Yao remained in an excited state.

If she was still playing mid today, she would either attack the other side aggressively to get a penta-kill or be attacked by the other side and be part of a penta-kill-- --Lu Sicheng tried to calm her down but failed. He tried to hold her down but still failed……

Finally, he had to accept the fact that his support today would be a maniac.

[1]: To those who keep up with LoL, the story takes place in 2016, before sightstones were removed from the game.

[2]: The Chinese here is 欧巴, (ōu bā), which doesn’t actually mean anything inherently in Chinese. It’s a transcription of the Korean word “oppa” (오빠) to Chinese. To those who aren’t familiar with Korean, “oppa” is the Korean word for “a female’s older brother” and is used roughly similar to “ge ge” in Chinese (though in Chinese both genders use it to address an older brother). And like in Chinese, it can be used as an honorific to an older male who isn't actually your brother.However, when the word “oppa” is used in Chinese, it's used to indicate that the person is a male idol that many female fans adore.

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