You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 173 (3)

After TANK’s mid died and missed two and a half waves of minions, the team started to fall apart, not even their top could do anything to save it. Their bot could only stay under the turret. Except for their top, TANK’s other two lanes obviously didn’t know how to continue playing the game……

In the 11th minute, Tong Yao once again killed the opposing mid.

At the same time, Lu Sicheng worked together with Little Fatty’s Braum at bot to kill the enemy support, Thresh-- --

ZGDX took down the first enemy turret at bot and the first Infernal Drake.

Killing the Infernal Drake decided the direction of how the match would play out. After taking her first blue buff, Tong Yao worked with Old K and began invading the enemy jungle. They walked freely around TANK’s jungle and challenged any enemy they met there-- --All of TANK’s players, except their top, were taking turns dying to Tong Yao……

At the 22nd minute, Tong Yao killed the enemy jungler. ZGDX fought Baron as a group and successfully killed their first Baron-- --With the Baron buff, they were able to take down three of the enemy's outer turrets. During their defense of the top part of their base, TANK gambled on a teamfight when their jungler respawned. The first second Ekko moved in, Old Cat’s Mega Gnar slapped him into the wall. Lu Sicheng’s Kog’Maw kept spitting out slime. When the enemy all had a foot in the grave, Tong Yao’s Ahri arrived to reap the kills!

From that second onward, captions constantly appear with an image of Ahri at the center of the screen-- --

Double kill!

Triple kill!

Quadra kill!

-- --Penta kill!


In the end even the commentators jumped up from excitement. They shouted in celebration of the first penta-kill in this year’s S series competition. On the screen, one last caption appeared next to Ahri’s image: “Godlike”.

Commentator D: [This LPL! The region famous for picking a fight! Today we’ve seen the tempo we’re familiar with. In the past four years (the LPL region didn’t participate in S1), we’ve called this: LPL tempo! ! ! ]

Commentator F: [This isn’t the ending the North American region would like to see. As we can now see a resigned expression on Crazy Horse (top of Team TANK)......]

Commentator D: [Let’s congratulate the LPL! Congratulations to ZGDX! They won the match with the sudden team fight around the 27 minute mark and aced TANK. They will secure first place in B group!]


ZGDX played the last group match with TANK quite smoothly. When they destroyed TANK’s base, the audience was jumping up and down in excitement-- --

About an hour later, the optimism ended.

After all the groups finished the group matches, the eight teams that qualified drew lots to decide on their opponent in the quarter-finals-- --The results of the other LPL teams in the group matches were: CK had defeated OP twice and qualified for the quarter-finals as first in their group like ZGDX; YQCB lost to TAT and qualified for the quarter-finals as the second place in their group.

Before the drawing, fans were quite happy. LPL had two teams that were first in their respective groups! They were tied with the Korean region! 

After the drawing, fans couldn’t be happy anymore because the result of the drawing was-- --

CK would go against the second place team in D group, European region’s G4.

ZGDX would go against the second place team in C group, Korea’s OP.

YQCB would go against the first place team in D group, Korea’s RP.

After the drawing, the atmosphere on Tieba was miserable and gloomy-- --

[(Subject) Be optimistic. At least we have three teams qualifying for the quarter-finals, much  better than last year.]

[(Subject) Be reasonable. CK’s in such a good condition. It shouldn’t be too hard to defeat G4 to go to the semi-finals?]

[(Subject) ZGDX has used up all its luck in the group matches. Damn, how can YQCB get OP, ahhhhh!]

[(Subject) How will Smiling compare to Jin Yuguang? Her game with Ahri today makes me optimistic that they’ll probably have a four to six chance……]

[(Subject) Very nice, very exhilarating. It looks like even if CK was second in the group, they would’ve drawn TAT…… Hrm, have the finals started early? I’m looking forward to it.] 

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