You've become an immortal and you told me it's a comprehensive comic?

Chapter 74

"Unlike the previous spell killers, this time the eyewitness provided a photo. "

As he spoke, the principal handed the photo under the document to Satoru Gojo.

On the photos processed by special technology, it is clear that the existence of cats, non-cats, and non-humans is clearly visible.


Gojo Satoru immediately noticed the figure of the demon in the photo.

"Judging by appearance, this is true, but curses and curses cannot be judged by appearance. "

"I know this, but it's not sure if the other party is a spell spirit. "

Satoru Gojo looked at the information in his hand and suddenly paused.

"Are your vital signs declining, but no external injuries?a debilitating spell?or is it something else?


Thinking like this, Satoru Gojo opened the following information.

"The cloudy sky was blown away by an unknown force, and the surrounding sky suddenly became clear?".

"Anyone in the mountains claims to have seen a dark dragon?"

At first, it was considered to be within the range of the spell spirit, but when he saw the record behind, Gojo Satoru raised his head.

Even through the blindfold, the principal could feel the other party's questioning gaze.

"This is indeed what the above asked me to give you, and as for the authenticity, there are still some of them. "

"That said, there really are dragons in this world? "

Satoru Gojo didn't deny it lightly, but said with a smile.

"So, what about the attitude above?".

"It is believed that the cat-shaped demon is the most credible, and the spell killer is extremely dangerous, so you need to investigate both of these things. "

"What a trouble, what about Nanami?"

"The first-level sorcerer Nanami Kento still has something to do now. "

"Where's Little Worry?".

"Special Spell Master Otoku Yuta is also currently being dispatched. At present, there is only one high-end combat power that can be activated, five. "

Hearing this, Gojo scratched his gray hair.

"It seems that everyone has their own things to keep busy, okay, I'm on a business trip, but there's no guarantee that I'll find it. "

After becoming a super-grade spell spirit, the spell spirit has developed a strong sense of self and has a high level of intelligence, and will no longer be like a low-level spell spirit or an incomplete transformation of the spell fetus, staying in the place of birth.

According to the data, the places where this so-called spell killer appeared varied, and the farthest place even spanned two cities.

Such an existence hidden in the darkness and wandering between different cities is difficult to find.

As soon as the words fell, Satoru Gojo slowly got up and walked out the door.

"Are you ready to leave now? This doesn't look like you. "

The headmaster looked at Gojo with some surprise.

"Of course not, I still have to eat with my lovely students, I can't eat steak if I'm late!".

After opening the door, Gojo's figure disappeared into front of the headmaster's eyes out of thin air.


Time comes back to the present.

On the edge of the rainy capital, a black sedan stopped, and four figures emerged from it.

Several people held up umbrellas and looked at the building not far away.

"This is it. "

"Our 'window' confirmed the curse tire about three hours ago, and when the evacuation guide reached ninety percent, according to the judgment of the scene, the facility was blocked, and the residents within a radius of 500 meters have completed the evacuation. "

"Mr. Idichi, I have a question......


Speaking of which, the boy with short pink hair, that is, knotweed, raised his hand.

"'Window', what is it?".

"The 'window' is a person who can visually observe the curse, but not a sorcerer. "

After a brief introduction, the bespectacled office worker man continued.

Now moving on. "

"'The second dormitory for the tortured in the hospital', the five in the hospital are now staying there with the cursed fetus. "

"If the curse fetus is completely perverted, it is predicted that it will become a super-level spell spirit. "


The faces of the three of them changed at the same time, and even the knotweed that had always been Lotte was solemn.

He remembered that in the conversation not long ago, Mr. Gojo popularized the concept of science.

Is there an existence that can't be solved by carpet bombing either?

"Why are we going to solve this level of spelling?".

Knotweed looked at Iji.

"That's true, but all the Rank 1 and Grade 1 Spell Masters within the High School are currently on a mission. "

Idichi explained.

"I'm sorry. "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. "

Sensing the apology in the other party's tone, Knotweed smiled and waved his hand.

"After all, this kind of thing can't be left alone, the tasks sent from above, you are just the communicator, you don't have to feel guilty. "

"Originally, this time the situation should have been resolved by Gojo-sensei. "

Megumi Fushiguro interjected on the side.

"Unfortunately, since the last Roppongi incident, Gojo-sensei has been on a business trip to other places. "

"After all, he shouldn't be an idle existence in the high school. "

"In the profession of a sorcerer, it is normal to be understaffed, and you are often given jobs that are difficult to handle. "

Yi Dizhi helped his glasses.

"But this time it's an emergency, that's why it's happening. "

"There must be no fighting. "

The tone of the original tone and the tone of the social animal who seemed to have no opinion became heavy.

"When encountering a special grade, there is only one choice between 'escape' and 'death', don't fight blindly, listen to your fears!"

"Don't forget that your mission is simply to identify and rescue survivors. "

Knotweed was stunned.

Even he could understand how much blood and life of the sorcerer was contained in this criterion that the other party was talking about.

In a trance, heavy blood and gas floated through the tips of the noses of the three of them, and then looked at the ordinary two-story dormitory, which was like an ogre cave.

At this moment, a woman's noise came from behind her.

It was the mother of one of the disconnected personnel who had strayed into it, begging the blockade guards to let her in.

"Please, let me in!".

"My son, he's still in it. "

"I'm sorry, the building here is suspected of being poisoned, and until the details are clear, non-professionals can't enter, so please go back. "

Beside him, Yi Dizhi stood in front of the three of them and spoke.

"How could it be ......


The women were struck by lightning and hid their faces and wept bitterly.

The normal people have been evacuated and left, but her son is still inside, which means that I am afraid that there is more luck than luck!

Seeing this scene, in Knotweed's heart, the previous trembling disappeared for some reason, and only the will to move forward was firm.

"Let's go, Fushiguro, Nakizaki ......".

Stepping on the ground, Knotweed was the first to walk towards the entrance of the building.

"Let's go save people!".

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