Set in the mysterious and dangerous world of "Under Dark," the story follows the enigmatic and powerful Don, his encounters with betrayal, love, and revenge, and the journey of those connected to him. A tale of survival, sacrifice, and power that redefines the meaning of destiny.
Death or Survival novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Zeikayd . Read Death or Survival novel online for free.
- Chapter 1: : Chapter001 : "Awakening in the Unknown"
- Chapter 2: : Chapter 002 : "Discovering the Underdark World"
- Chapter 3: : Chapter 003 : "The Emergence of the Cursed Magic"
- Chapter 4: : Chapter 004 : "Breaking Through Time and Unveiling the Zankai Technique"
- Chapter 5: : Chapter 005 : Dungeon of Love and Revenge :
- Chapter 6: : Chapter006 : Memories of the Past and Tears of the Present:
- Chapter 7: : Chapter007 : "The Encounter with the Son of the Illusory Human Empire's King"
- Chapter 8: : Chapter 008 : "Return from the Edge of Death"
- Chapter 9: : Chapter 009 : The King's Honor for Ji :
- Chapter 10: : Chapter 010 : Shadows of Ziker: "Trials of Survival and Betrayal"