In this captivating tale, a boy unexpectedly awakens in the body of Jaxon, an orphan and classmate of Peter Parker. Initially feeling trapped in a powerless existence, Jaxon's fortunes change when his unique system activates, unlocking incredible potential.
Join Jaxon on his journey as he transforms into a powerful figure, garnering the attention of numerous beautiful women along the way. This story seamlessly blends slice-of-life moments with thrilling action and heartfelt romance, exploring Jaxon’s growth and the relationships he forges in a world filled with extraordinary challenges.
Check out my patreon to read advance chapters and sexy female characters illustrations.
Disclaimer- This is an Translation.
And one more thing, many things won't make sense in this story. so don't question later and just enjoy it.
I am in Marvel World novel is a popular light novel covering Anime & comics genres. Written by the Author EliteN . Read I am in Marvel World novel online for free.