A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 36: Back to Hogwarts

Returning to Titans Tower is an experience and a half. In their absence, Zatanna had taken the liberty of bringing everyone else who had been involved so far in helping Harry together. Needless to say, there’s a LOT of hugging involved when he, Nimue, and Luna all step back out of the Lady of the Lake’s Realm and back into the real world.
Though even now that he’s left the Secret Sea behind, Harry can still feel it with him. Suffusing his body, his connection to that hidden realm and its Mistress make him feel good… better than good, really. It makes him feel strong.
Things probably would have escalated beyond mere hugs in short order if not for the fact that several of the people in the room weren’t exactly in bed with Harry. The male members of the Titans were also around after all, but more than that, Wonder Woman was the Chief Cockblocker. The highest ranking member of the Justice League and the only heroine in the room who hadn’t wound up taking a ride on Harry’s big fat cock yet, Diana huffs as she watches a handful of the women in the room sneak quick kisses from Harry before backing away.
Finally though, with greetings done and over, Harry steps forward and spreads his hands wide, smiling as he shows off not just his enhanced physique but also the complete lack of certain jewelry around either of his wrists.
“Thank you, all of you, for your help. But… I’m cured now. I’m no longer dying.”
Everyone is happy for him of course, but Diana’s eyes narrow as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“And what did it cost you exactly, Mister Potter?”
Zatanna smacks Diana’s shoulder lightly from the statuesque woman’s side, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
But the Amazonian woman won’t be dissuaded. Still, Harry sees no reason to hide what happened, save for one small detail.
“I’m a Paladin of the Lake now. Vivienne, the Lady of the Lake, has taken me into her service. Part of the price for that service was curing me of the Dark Potion’s aftereffects.”
He doesn’t mention the Secret Sea of course, on account of it being well… secret. But he says everything else. Rather than being placated by this, however, Diana’s eyes narrow even further.
“Vivienne. The sister of Morgaine le Fey, the witch who has set herself as our current enemy.”
In all fairness, he understands where Diana’s perspective comes from. But at the same time, Harry feels a sense of defensiveness well up inside of him. She’s doing it again, isn’t she? Judging a book by it’s cover, acting without thinking. It’s clear that Wonder Woman’s guilt over the part she’d played in his slow death had vanished the moment he was no longer in danger of dying. Annoying but not entirely unexpected. Still, Harry isn’t feeling very ‘fair’ at the moment.
“The very same. Sister to Nimue Inwudu here too, if you wished to lock her up for daring to share blood with our enemy as well.”
Nimue stiffens at his side, but one look around the room from Diana shows that she isn’t really making a good showing here. Even her proteges and students, and all of her supposed allies, are frowning at her for her suspicion. Harry doesn’t hesitate to put a final nail in the coffin either.
“Indeed, the Lady of the Lake is very aware of her connection to Morgaine le Fey… and feels some semblance of responsibility for her sister. More than that, she recognizes MY responsibility for causing the current conflict between Morgaine and Circe and has tasked me with ending it. THAT is my first mission as a Paladin of the Lake. To stop Morgaine by any means necessary and end her current threat to this realm.”
Whether it’s the looks everyone else is giving her or the conviction in Harry’s voice, Diana’s suspicious gaze finally relents as she uncrosses her arms from her ample chest and stands down with a sigh.
“… Very well. Let’s get to it then, shall we? The situation becomes direr by the passing second and the Justice League has been reduced to barely being able to contain the issue.”
Harry nods sharply at that… before suddenly Vivienne’s voice fills his mind.
“Procure a large bowl of clear water, my Champion.”
He can feel an intent to help in her words, so he doesn’t bother questioning it.
“Get me the biggest bowl we have here please and fill it to the brim with water.”
There’s some curious looks at that, but Harry just offers a crooked smile and shrugs.
“Lake Paladin things.”
Soon enough, a pretty big punch bowl is found and filled, leaving Harry to wonder if the Titans were actually party animals under all of their heroics and what not. Then he remembers that one wild night where they’d pretty much toured the city’s nightclubs and realizes he already knows the answer to that, at least for a couple of them.
Regardless, once the bowl of water is in front of Harry, it suddenly shimmers and glitters with magic. Not his magic however, but rather the Lady of the Lake’s magic. She uses him to channel the spell though and Harry feels every last bit of it. Not only is he pretty sure he could mimic the scrying magic she uses going forward, but he can also tell that he has to be willing for her to cast such things through him.
Heh, he’s learning a lot… but he doesn’t have time to really think about all of that because the image in the water suddenly firms up and he finds himself watching something truly horrifying as everyone else in the room crowds around to get a peek as well. Harry ignores the fact that Zatanna cops a feel as she presses herself up against his side, too busy gazing at the vision of Britain that Vivienne is showing them.
Morgaine might have been engaged in a war with Circe that had spilled over into Europe itself as the two powerful women duked it out, but that did not mean she’d been idle ‘back home’. Morgaine had always considered the British Isles to be part of her ‘territory’, but the witch had been pushed back long ago by Merlin and kept from actually ruling the lands as a tyrant.
But Merlin was long gone and it was obvious that Morgaine had never given up on her despotic dreams, because she was taking this opportunity for what it was… a chance to finally seize control of Great Britain once and for all. Not just Muggle Britain either, but the Wizarding World as well. As Vivienne directs the scrying through him, Harry and his allies see that Diagon Alley is already occupied by Morgaine’s beasts. More than that, the entirety of the British Isles has had one massive set of anti-apparation and anti-floo wards placed over it. No one gets in. No one gets out.
Having exposed herself to fight Circe at full power, Morgaine isn’t hiding her true strength anymore… she’s left it all on display as she works to conquer the British Isles and perhaps all of Europe if given half the opportunity. There’s just one thing delaying her, Harry realizes.
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Vivienne’s scrying spell first moves over to the school, Harry doesn’t even recognize the castle at first glance. Mostly because it and the grounds it resides upon, including the lake and parts of the forest, are currently under a massive shimmering dome of magic.
Ancient Wards, Harry immediately recognizes. A thousand years old at their foundation, but no doubt built upon, reinforced, and strengthened by each and every Hogwarts Headmaster and Headmistress to grace the school’s hallowed halls. They clash with Morgaine’s attempt at dominion over the British Isles, blocking her from accessing Hogwarts and the grounds around it. Her creatures fly in the sky overhead and meander around the edges of the barrier down at the bottom, but they cannot get in. Hogwarts and all of its inhabitants are safe for now.
Harry allows himself to feel a moment of happiness and pride at seeing the school secured, but quickly tries to turn towards finding a way to get past Morgaine’s wards and into the British Isles themselves. However, even as he tries to turn away from Hogwarts…
“No, Harry. THAT is your way in.”
What? Vivienne’s confident tone makes it clear she believes herself completely and totally right. Refocusing on Hogwarts, he furrows his brow in consternation, not quite seeing what she’s seeing. How the hell is he supposed to get to Hogwarts when he can’t even get to the British Isles?
“Oh my dear, sweet Champion… look closer. Draw upon your power. You did not think becoming a Paladin of the Secret Sea would be without its boons, did you?”
Vivienne hasn’t led him astray yet, so Harry leans in towards the bowl, looking closer. The scrying spell magnifies, zooming in on the castle beneath the shimmering dome… no, not on the castle. It zooms in on the Great Lake. Harry’s eyes widen as he feels his connection to the Secret Sea also connecting him to the Great Lake.
This isn’t Vivienne’s scrying spell anymore. Not entirely, at least. Instead, he feels a connection to the Great Lake that is all him… all his own power. He can feel the fish, the merfolk, and even the Giant Squid within those black murky depths. He can feel every inch of the water held within the Great Lake as though it’s part of his own body.
Heh, this would have been nice to have back during his Fourth Year, when he’d had to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. But alas, it was what it was. Still…
“Focus, Harry. Focus.”
It takes him a moment longer, but finally he understands. The Great Lake is as much a part of him as his own body. Save for one fact… his body is not separate from his conscious. But then, why should the Great Lake be separate either? He can travel there, Harry realizes. He can travel to any body of water he feels this connection to, in fact.
“Well done, my Champion.”
Vivienne’s amused voice makes it clear she thinks he took just a little too long to figure that out. Flushing slightly, Harry pulls back from the bowl and looks around at everyone.
“I can get us past Morgaine’s defenses. And… we’re going to want to be at Hogwarts in the coming days.”
Wonder Woman, always looking for an opportunity to be his primary critic, huffs and narrows her eyes again.
“And why is that?”
“Because Hogwarts is defying her. Continuously and successfully. Sure, she might be fighting a war with Circe right now in Europe, but this… the British Isles are her true prize. She likely hopes to establish such dominance and control over Great Britain before all of this is over that even if she winds up pushed back, she can lay claim to the isles and make them her new fortress once the fighting is over.”
Gesturing at the vision in the bowl, Harry shakes his head.
“That’s not something she can do if Hogwarts remains a bulwark of defiance within the heart of her new fortress. She’s going to eventually realize that no amount of her pets can break through… and then she’s going to come herself to try and tear Hogwarts’ wards down and conquer the place with her own two hands. That’s why we need to be there when she does. So we can be lying in wait, ready to strike.”
He can see on Diana’s face that the Themyscirian Princess wants to find something in his explanation to take issue with… and can’t. Finally, Zatanna steps in, eyes wide with interest and fascination as she looks from Harry to the scrying spell in the bowl. More than likely, the American Witch can tell that he’s not the one casting the scrying spell. He can see how curious it’s making her.
“And you think you can get us all there, Harry?”
Smirking, Harry nods.
“I know I can.”
Then, he pauses and looks around the room.
“Well… I know I can get most of us there. There are limits, after all.”
Immediately, everyone has a reason for why they should be coming along on Harry’s team. In the end, conversations are had and negotiations are fierce, but seeing as Harry is the one with the ability, he mostly gets his way. The team he winds up taking with him is all-female for one… but with one significant downside… he can’t exactly get away with not bringing along Wonder Woman, all things considered. It would only make her more suspicious of him at the end of the day.
And so, with Diana on his one side and Zatanna on the other and the rest of their assembled team standing behind the three of them ready to go, Harry pulls on that connection he feels to the Great Lake and creates a portal right in front of them all. Though… portal might not have been the right word for it. Whirlpool was more like it.
Almost immediately, they’re all sucked in and from there it’s quite the experience. It feels like a water tunnel ride, zooming through what Harry alone understands to be part of the Secret Sea. Vivienne’s realm facilitates their transfer, until finally they reach the Great Lake. Still flying through that ‘water tunnel’ experience, Harry and the others see a glimpse of the Giant Squid’s massive shadow and large flowing tentacles before they zoom past.
Finally, they’re spat out on the shores of the Great Lake, having arrived at Hogwarts. Safely within the shimmering dome overhead, having snuck past all of Morgaine’s armies and defenses, Harry grins for a moment before hearing a familiar angry voice shouting at him from a distance.
Blinking slowly, Harry lifts his head from where he’d been laid out on the shore by the rough and wild teleportation. Twisting his neck, he finds one Minerva McGonagall coming down from the castle towards them all, with multiple Hogwarts Professors at her back. The Scottish Witch has her wand in hand and looks most irate as she gets closer, causing Harry to wince when he realizes she has good reason to be annoyed with him.
Ah, right. He’d sort of… skipped out on school, hadn’t he? For months even. Minerva didn’t even know that the situation they were in was actually technically his fault and she was already pissed with him. Awkward.
“Professor McGonagall, I-!”
“Headmistress, Mister Potter. It’s Headmistress McGonagall now.”
Oh right. Dumbledore gone; Voldemort defeated… of course his old Transfiguration Professor would be made Headmistress. Smiling slightly, Harry nods.
“Headmistress McGonagall. I…”
Then he trails off, realizing he actually didn’t have a clue what to say next. Looking around at all of the women he’s brought with him, some of them witches from Britain themselves, some of them heroines, some of them villains… he winces again.
“I can explain?”
It was strange. She’d never been embarrassed to be seen in her regalia before. The persona of Wonder Woman was always one that Diana had worn with pride, costume and all. And yet… as she strides down the halls of this magical castle, this ‘Hogwarts’, she can feel eyes on her, both female and male. Maybe it’s the fact that they all seem to prefer wearing concealing black robes most of the time, but she feels surprisingly exposed in a way she doesn’t normally. As though she’s showing a bit too much skin.
Two days have passed since Harry Potter brought them all to this place. Part of her wondered if perhaps she should have stayed behind and joined up with the Justice League to continue the Search & Rescue and Containment Efforts surrounding Circe and Morgaine’s war. The two magical powerhouses duking it out all across Europe was bad enough, but having their conflict spill out across the entire world couldn’t be allowed to happen.
And yet, Diana was here and not with the rest of the Justice League. To be fair, she suspected Harry was right. Morgaine le Fey WOULD come here eventually to try and take Hogwarts down with her own two hands and that was when they would strike. But given the other powerhouses on their team, did Diana need to be here for that?
No… rather, she knew the true reason she was here and not out there. It was because she knew she had to keep a close eye on the wizard who had wrapped her proteges around his little finger. Both Cassandra and Donna had wound up in bed with the young man at this point. Diana, shamefully, had even watched them go at it, touching herself as she observed Harry fucking her two students into disgraceful messes.
By all rights, she should have stepped in then and there and put a stop to it. She hadn’t at the time out of a sense of guilt. It was her fault Harry was dying. It was her misunderstanding of the situation that had caused his ailment in the first place. That’s why she’d thrown her all behind trying to save his life. But that didn’t change the sort of man he was. Setting aside Ivy’s sex virus, Harry Potter was the sort of man who made fools of even the strongest willed women. He turned them into horny little sluts… and much to Diana’s shock, he didn’t even seem to realize he was doing it. Or at least, he wasn’t doing it on purpose or necessarily going out of his way most of the time.
But it didn’t change the way he seemed to draw women into his orbit and… and give them the absolute best sex of their life. Diana flushes at that treacherous thought and immediately begins trying to make her way far from the main occupied parts of the castle. Hogwarts was an ancient structure said to be over a thousand years old… and not every part of it was actually in proper use, apparently.
Having only been here for two days, Diana had tried her best to familiarize herself with the labyrinthian place, but admittedly she had already gotten lost a couple times. Still, better to be lost over being gawked at by a bunch of young witches and wizards who stared at her like she was some sort of nightwalker simply because her costume revealed a lot of skin.
Honestly, such a thing never would have bothered her before… but then she’d seen how Cassie and Donna started dressing to draw Harry’s attention. Wonder Woman’s costume was practically conservative compared to what her students were choosing to wear these days, but that didn’t really help when she could feel eyes burning into the parts of her body that were exposed, such as her shoulders and upper chest, or her long legs and thicc thighs.
Diana suddenly stops short at that last thought. ‘Thicc thighs’?! By Hera, was she too starting to become infected by whatever-
Before the statuesque heroine can finish that thought, her inner monologue is abruptly derailed by a sight that has her going as still as… well, as still as a statue. Walking across an intersection of hallways right in front of her is Raven of the Titans. Except the half-demon young woman is not dressed in a fashion that Diana has ever seen her. Instead, Raven is dressed like a slutty schoolgirl. That’s the only way to describe it.
White button up blouse unbuttoned and tied off above the belly button instead. Short plaid blue and silver skirt that barely covers the underside of her ass. High heels that force her up onto her tip toes and give aforementioned ass amazing lift while also making her walk in a very specific, very seductive manner.
Raven doesn’t see her, thankfully, but Diana’s jaw drops open nonetheless at seeing the introverted young heroine clad in such attire. In the back of her mind, she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt why Raven is dressed as she is. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t call out to her and stop her to demand an explanation. But… it doesn’t quite explain why she quietly follows after the younger woman instead, hurrying to catch up and discretely trail her at a distance.
Fortunately, Raven doesn’t traverse any of the castle’s more traveled corridors as she currently is. The denizens of Hogwarts already have a relatively poor opinion of them as things stand, it doesn’t need to get any poorer. Diana follows at a distance, making sure not to be caught above all else. Thankfully, Raven has to focus more on her walking than anything else, clearly not entirely used to high heels as tall as the ones she’s currently wearing.
Finally though, the half-demon reaches her ultimate destination. A classroom door that she doesn’t hesitate to step through and close behind her. Very briefly, Diana hears the telltale sound of flesh slapping against flesh and moans coming from within the classroom beyond before the door closes. A shudder goes down her spine and the Justice League Founder knows exactly what she’s going to find through that door.
And yet she approaches all the same, cautiously getting closer until her enhanced hearing allows her to hear the noises even with the door closed. Blushing profusely, Diana presses her ear to the door and listens in.
“Oh yes Mister Potter, YES! Harder! Show your Professor what a proper Head Boy can do!”
Zatanna Zatara’s lust-filled, husky voice crying out in ecstasy fills the room beyond as Diana blinks in surprise. After a moment, she pushes open the classroom door just a crack, NEEDING to see what was going on in the room beyond. What she finds is… well, embarrassing but also titillating, as shameful as her reaction to the view is.
The classroom is a sizable one, with the students’ desks all arrayed in a series of descending rings, a circular fashion that slowly cascades down to the front of the room where a teacher’s desk can be seen. There, bent over the teacher’s desk facing the rings, is Zatanna Zatara. The American Witch is moaning as she’s railed from behind by one Harry James Potter, his hands on her hips and his magnificent member buried in her gushing twat, plowing away at her pussy like it’s no one’s business except their own.
And maybe it isn’t. Maybe it shouldn’t be. But… Raven is right there. Having descended down one set of stairs to the second highest ring of student desks, Raven has taken a seat and promptly spread her legs, lifting her high heeled feet up onto the desk itself so she can reach under her too-short skirt and finger her naked cunt.
Harry and Zatanna have to know Raven is there by this point, but they pay the ‘naughty schoolgirl’ no mind, instead focusing solely on each other. As Harry fucks Zatanna from behind, he chuckles derisively and reaches out, grabbing hold of her black locks and fisting them into a makeshift ponytail.
“I was never made Head Boy, Zatanna. You know that.”
Whining a little bit, Zatanna’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head as she claws at the desk beneath her.
“Haarrryyy~ Don’t ruin my immersion silly! T-That’s Professor Zatara too y-you… and if I want to s-say you’re h-head boy, then damn it all, y-you’re head b-boy!”
Laughing, Harry slides his other hand around to Zatanna’s front, grasping at her naked, bouncing tits. Her nipples stand on end, making it clear just how aroused she is as he plows her senseless. Fuck, he’s relentless with her. Just like he was with Cassie and Donna. Except, Diana can see that he’s making sure to hold back his true strength. Becoming a Paladin of the Lake had likely enhanced him far beyond a mortal’s physical nature and Zatanna, for all her magic, is still only human when it comes to physical durability.
Harry recognizes this and even as he relentlessly fucks her from behind, his crotch slapping into her ass and his cock disappearing into her cunt again and again, he’s making sure to measure his strength and not go so hard that he hurts her. It’s very clearly working too, judging by the pleasured, embarrassing faces that Zatanna is making.
“Heh, sure ‘Professor Zatara’. Sorry for being so… naughty. Then again, you’d know all about being naughty, wouldn’t you Professor? A naughty, naughty bitch begging for her own student to fuck her…”
As Harry muses, Zatanna’s red face lights up with happiness that he’s now playing along.
“Y-Yes! Nnngh, s-so naughty! Such a naughty, guh, c-cunt! Fuck me harder, Harry! Fuck your slutty Professor h-harder!”
“Well, I suppose as Head Boy it’s my responsibility to satisfy every last horny bitch of a Professor, isn’t it?”
“It is! Oooh, m-maybe if that Headmistress of yours took a dick up her cunny, it would dislodge the stick wedged up her ass!”
Harry pauses at that for a brief moment before continuing to fuck Zatanna at breakneck speeds. But at the same time, he shakes his head.
“Look, Minerva isn’t half-bad looking for her age, but let’s not piss her off anymore than we already have, yeah? We barely avoided getting kicked out of Hogwarts by the Headmistress… let’s not push our luck, Zatanna.”
“P-Professor Zatara!”
But Harry just growls as he leans forward, pinning Zatanna to the desk.
“I’m being serious right now. Be careful, alright? Our enemy is Morgaine. Don’t make us new enemies, you naughty little slut.”
The American Witch mewls in response, though Diana notes that she doesn’t ever actually agree to what Harry is saying. On the one hand, the hidden Amazonian is glad to hear Harry is concerned about pissing off their hosts. On the other hand, she’s not sure she likes how he’s completely and utterly dominating his exchange with Zatanna. The other woman is a contemporary of Diana’s in the Justice League. She’s not a sidekick or a protégé like most of the other heroines who have wound up in Harry’s orbit.
She SHOULD be in charge in their relationship. She has more experience after all. And yet, Harry is running roughshod all over her. It’s embarrassing. It should be humiliating. But Zatanna looks like she’s having the time of her life.
Only a short while later, after multiple orgasms on Zatanna’s part, Harry lets out a hoarse groan and proceeds to creampie the American Witch right there atop the desk. By this point, Diana recognizes that this is an abandoned classroom of sorts. No one actually uses this classroom, allowing for Zatanna and Harry to play their games here. But then… how had Raven known how to find them so easily?
The two of them still don’t address the half-demon in the room, even as Harry pulls out of Zatanna and Zatanna pushes up off the desk. However, they do acknowledge Raven’s presence… mostly by way of Zatanna grabbing hold of Harry’s messy cock and steadily walking her way around the desk, leading him by his dick until they’re both out in front.
Only once they’re in full view of Raven does Zatanna drop down into a crouch, grabbing Harry by his hips and opening wide to take his cock into her mouth so she can begin cleaning him off with her lips and tongue. There’s no reason for Zatanna to pull him out from behind the desk save for to give Raven more of a show. Something that the half-demon quickly takes advantage of, her fingers driving in and out of her cunt all the faster as she has to cover her mouth with a palm to stifle her moans.
Meanwhile, from her hiding place at the cracked open door, Diana… Diana’s own hand has slipped down between her thighs. She’s not fingering herself quite yet, but she is pressing the heel of her palm into the moistening crotch of her star-spangled leotard. She knows she shouldn’t. She’s trying to resist the urge with all her might. But… fuck. She’s so turned on right now.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Meanwhile, in the classroom beyond, Zatanna rapidly graduates from cleaning Harry with her mouth and tongue to straight up choking down his cock like a professional prostitute. Crouched there with his seed dribbling out of her onto the floor between her spread legs, the American Witch gurgles as she uses her hold on his hips to choke down the entire length of his cock again and again.
Harry, for his part, has one hand atop Zatanna’s head and the other just drifting at his side. His fingers are splayed out over Zatanna’s scalp, carded through her raven-black locks, but he doesn’t seem to actually be guiding the exchange. Meaning that Zatanna is choking and gagging herself on his cock so violently.
But why? Why does she seem to take so much pleasure in debasing and abusing herself for Harry’s happiness? Diana just doesn’t understand it. Sure, Harry is a handsome enough young man. Sure, he’s got a good sized dick, one that she’s watched him put to good use on multiple women at this point. But all that aside… what is it about him that turns strong-willed heroines into sluts so quickly?
Even Raven is here now! The half-demon woman was about the furthest possible from a sexual creature as far as Diana knew! In fact, wasn’t there a concern that if Raven felt too much emotion, it might bring forth her father Trigon?! Except one look at the grey-skinned ‘schoolgirl’ shows that that’s no concern for some reason. Raven is going to town on herself and clearly having the time of her life watching a naked Zatanna choke on Harry’s cock. But there’s no sign that this is in turn weakening her and leaving her open to attack from her father.
How?! How was any of this possible?! It all came back to Harry Potter in the end. It all came down to him being… impossible in so many ways.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Diana bites her lower lip, still grinding the heel of her palm into her crotch. Said crotch is much wetter now, but not nearly as wet and messy as Zatanna has become. There’s a puddle of cum and pussy juices mixed together between her feet at this point, and on top of that the crouching heroine has her entire front covered in slobber, drool, saliva, and seed. She looks like an absolute mess by now, even as she continues to drill her own throat with Harry’s massive member. Until finally.
“Fuck, Professor Zatara! I’m cumming!”
Harry’s warning almost seems to come too late. Zatanna chokes at first, having to recover as she gurgles down as much of his semen as she can. But even as she tries to swallow it all… she can’t. His seed overflows out the sides of her mouth, making Diana’s eyes widen in surprise at just how much he blows from his balls.
She hadn’t been able to see before because the first load was back behind the desk and delivered to Zatanna’s womb… but the volume of Harry’s loads has definitely increased from what he was capable of back on Circe’s island with Cassie and Donna. When Diana had watched him then, his cum loads had been decently sized but well within human limits. Now? Now it would seem that being a Paladin of the Lake had given him some sort of boost in that department, because his cum just doesn’t stop coming.
Overwhelmed, Zatanna doesn’t put up much of a fight when Harry pulls her off of his cock and finally uses that grip on her hair for something. Spinning her around, he forces the beautiful raven-haired woman face down into the puddle of her own sins that has developed between her thighs. Face down, ass up, Zatanna gurgles and blows cum bubbles out of the puddle as Harry crouches over her and firmly fits his messy cockhead up against Zatanna’s last orifice.
Diana’s eyes widen at the sudden change and she’s just about to intervene, worried that Zatanna might drown in her own sexual fluids… when the American Witch calls out, gasping as her head lifts from the puddle for a moment.
“Y-Yes! Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard, Harry!”
Diana’s blush becomes positively atomic at that point, even as Harry gives Zatanna exactly what she asked for and proceeds to impale her asshole with the entirety of his cock. He fills and fills her with his length, feeding his dick into her bowels without hesitation or mercy. In response, Zatanna squeals and kicks her feet in the air behind him, while at the same time greedily and giddily slurping up the puddle she’s face planted in.
… Her fellow Justice League member barely looks human in this moment. Being butt fucked by Harry from above, she looks like some sort of pig… sounds like one too. Zatanna’s squeals fill the air, her lewd cries only matched by Harry’s ferocity as he fucks her bowels harder and faster by the moment. Loud squelching noises also echo through the air as a result of this, Zatanna’s anal plundering the stuff of legends.
And how is Raven reacting to this complete debasing of an older, more experienced heroine? Why, by lifting herself up off of her chair high enough to fit her other hand under herself so she can stuff a couple fingers into her ass as well of course. Diana bites her lower lip when she realizes what Raven is doing. The half-demon has both hands occupied with her lower holes at this point, using her feet up on the desk as leverage to lift herself up so she can drive her digits in and out of her cunt and ass at the same time.
Shameful. Utterly shameful. And yet… it takes Diana a moment to realize it, but she eventually figures out that all of those squelching, lewd shlicking noises aren’t all coming from within the classroom. Some are louder… because they’re coming from outside the classroom. They’re coming from her. A glance down reveals Diana’s own shame. Her fingers have proven to have a mind of their own and worked their way past the crotch of her leotard and her panties. Not that it mattered much at this point, seeing as both garments were utterly soaked through.
Driving two digits in and out of her own gushing wet cunt, Diana covers her mouth with her hand to hide the moans and whimpers threatening to leave her lips. She quivers in place, knowing full well that she should look away at this point. She needs to stop watching, she needs to stop looking. But instead she continues to gaze on as Harry fucks Zatanna’s ass like there’s no tomorrow, drilling into the naked heroine from above and fucking her like a jackhammer all the while.
She’s not sure how long it takes. Diana herself cums at least once, humiliatingly enough. But that’s nothing compared to how many times Zatanna and Raven both cum.
Until quite suddenly, Harry does one final thrust and then proceeds to fill and fill Zatanna’s ass with his seed. Much like her throat, it overflows out of her bowels, coating her backside in his jizz. When he pulls out, he’s still not done, resulting in her entire body being covered in white, hot, sticky seed. Zatanna doesn’t seem to mind the veritable cum bath though. She just moans happily and shivers and shudders there on the floor, still lapping up the puddle she’s face down in.
That is, until Harry reaches down and grabs her by the hair, pulling her up to her knees and forcing her to look at him.
“I’m not an idiot, Zatanna. I noticed you didn’t give me a proper answer earlier. So I’m going to tell you this right now. You will NOT try to seduce Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Is that understood?”
Licking her lips of some of his cum, Zatanna hesitates for a moment… before finally nodding.
“Yes Harry. I promise I won’t try and turn the Headmistress into a mewling slut desperate for your cock.”
Said cock twitches ever so slightly at Zatanna’s phrasing, but Harry doesn’t react further beyond a single nod.
Then he drops Zatanna’s head back down into the puddle and steps away from her, striding up the stairs. For a moment Diana begins to panic, worried that he’s coming straight for her. She hastily pulls her fingers out of herself and fixes her costume, preparing to run as fast as her divinely blessed legs will take her. But then Harry stops right next to Raven, his cock still out and still rock hard as it points directly at the naughty, busty schoolgirl.
Raven freezes as Harry looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, Raven? Was there something you wanted from me?”
Blushing profusely, Raven slowly removes her hands from her body. She even fixes up her slutty little uniform as best she can. But rather than reach for Harry’s cock, she rises to her feet, licking her lips as she glances in Zatanna’s direction.
“W-Well, Professor Potter… I heard that the Hogwarts Library has a Forbidden Section. And t-that to get access you need the approval of a P-Professor… or to be accompanied by one. So I thought I’d come ask you~”
Harry blinks and then rolls his eyes.
“Seriously? More roleplay? I’m not an actual Professor, Raven… and I certainly don’t have access to the Forbidden Section.”
Raven pouts strongly at this, even as Diana finds herself surprised that Harry is actually putting his foot down. Is it possible that he’s NOT going to give Raven what she wants?
“… Still, I can almost certainly sneak us in. Come on then, Raven.”
Nope. Definitely still giving the half-demon what she desires. Fortunately, Diana is able to hide herself in the time it takes Harry to summon his clothes from across the room and dress himself using magic. But even as he and Raven leave the classroom and Zatanna behind, heading for the Hogwarts Library… Diana knows she HAS to follow them. Who knows what sort of forbidden knowledge Raven might want from the Forbidden Section! She has to make sure that the half-demon has just been sexually corrupted by Harry and his cock, and not demonically corrupted by her father or something.
Yes… that’s why she follows Harry and Raven to their next destination. Definitely no other reasons whatsoever…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories!

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