A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 37: Back at Hogwarts Pt. 2

No one really expects it of her. She dresses so… brashly after all. But what people don’t tend to remember is that before she was Wonder Woman, before she was a symbol of strength and hope for little girls all across Man’s World… Diana was Princess of Themyscira. And not just Princess, but an Amazonian fully trained in their ways as well. And that included hunting.
She knew how to hunt. She knew how to engage in stealth. She could be subtle and sneaky when people least expected it. Everyone only ever saw her brash entrances and front-facing boisterous personality at the end of the day. It tended to lull them into a false sense of security when it came to Diana’s true abilities.
As such, she doesn’t have much issue following Harry and Raven through Hogwarts without being seen. The terrain is still a little unknown to her, so her biggest concern is the possibility of letting them get too far ahead and thus losing them. But the Hogwarts Library is actually one of the castle’s landmarks that Diana is already aware of, and so since she knows where they’re going, she doesn’t even have to worry about that as much.
Diana has to admit to some curiosity on how Harry intends to sneak him and Raven into the Hogwarts Library’s Forbidden Section though. Eventually, the pair stop just down the hall from the library entrance and Harry pulls out a flowing, shimmering silver cloak.
“Alright, couple things Raven. First of all, it’s called the Restricted Section, not the Forbidden Section. You had me all caught up in your tempo earlier.”
Raven blushes at that, even as Diana tilts her head to the side.
“Second… this is how we’re getting in. Follow my lead and don’t make a sound, alright?”
Without further ado, Harry whips the cloak into the air and over the both of them. Diana’s eyes narrow as she watches the thing go nearly translucent. But she can still make out Harry and Raven quite clearly through the garment. What exactly is the plan here? She watches as the two shuffles down the hallway closely together beneath the cloak, heading into the Hogwarts Library, presumably to peruse the now-correctly named Restricted Section.
She doesn’t want to alert them, but she also wants to know what the hell they think they’re doing. As soon as they turn the corner into the Hogwarts Library itself, Diana hurries forward, moving with a stealth and grace that most would think impossible in her red heeled boots. But those people were not Wonder Woman. And they had no idea what she was truly capable of.
Reaching the large entrance to the Hogwarts Library in time, Diana peeks her head in to see Harry and Raven still shuffling across the library’s main hall… right in front of a woman who can only be the Hogwarts Librarian, Madam Irma Pince. Diana had made a point of learning the names of Hogwarts’ Faculty as well as their vocations after the somewhat embarrassing entrance she and the others had all made out on the shore of the Great Lake. They certainly hadn’t put their best foot forward then, so it had fallen to her as a representative of the Justice League to try and do better going forward.
… Even still, was Irma Pince slow? The older woman was sat behind the library’s head desk, perusing a tome… while Harry and Raven snuck past under their translucent garment right in front of her eyes. Diana could see them quite clearly so why couldn’t- oh.
It wasn’t Madam Pince that was slow, it was Diana that was slow. Only as Harry and Raven near another set of doors does Diana finally realize what’s happening. The cloak that he’s using to cover up himself and the half-demon heroine… it’s a form of Invisibility, isn’t it?
Of course it is! No wonder the young man was so confident in his ability to sneak them both in. Invisibility would certainly do the trick. And it wasn’t like Madam Pince had the same advantages Diana did. Her ability to see through most forms of magical invisibility wasn’t actually as well-documented as Wonder Woman’s other powers, but it was rather necessary when you considered something like her Invisible Jet.
Regardless, with Irma none the wiser, Harry and Raven reach what must be the Restricted Section and slip inside without issue… leaving Diana suddenly out in the cold and not entirely certain how to follow them. She’s confident that they didn’t notice her hunting them before, but even if they didn’t know about her presence, they’d still managed to inadvertently place an obstacle in her way in the form of the Hogwarts Librarian.
Without invisibility of her own, and not entirely confident in her ability to sneak past Irma straight from the entrance of the Library, Diana instead walks in boldly, carrying herself with confidence. Of course, this immediately catches the Librarian’s attention, her eyes snapping up from the tome she’d been perusing and narrowing.
“… May I help you…?”
Smiling thinly, Diana strides right up to the desk.
“Princess Diana of Themyscira.”
It’s a Hail Mary of sorts, but these isolated magical societies sometimes… yep, there it is. Irma Pince’s eyes widen.
“Themyscira? The fabled isle of the Amazons?”
Smiling broadly, Diana nods.
“One and the same, Madam Librarian. I see that your world has heard of ours then, even as insular as you appear?”
In the end, that’s all it really takes. Irma has questions of course, and Diana answers them to the best of her abilities. Unfortunately, this does set her back a fair bit. If she’d let the other woman really go wild, she’s sure that she would have been there for hours answering questions. But Diana has more important things to get to, so about fifteen minutes in, she cuts things off.
“Ah, apologies Madam Librarian but if you could… I need access to the Restricted Section for something we believe will help in the fight against Morgaine. Headmistress McGonagall said I should speak to you.”
Lies upon lies. Diana bears them with increasing guilt… but it’s for a good cause. Or so she tells herself. She has to keep a close eye on Harry… and on Raven too, of course. She needs to make sure that the latter hasn’t been corrupted by her father.
Irma Pince’s eyes light up and she quickly rises from her stool.
“Oh! Of course, allow me to-!”
But Diana cuts her off with a hand.
“Oh, just access please. I appreciate the thought, but this isn’t the kind of thing that one can track down via organization. I have to let my feet guide me to my objective… ancient Amazonian Magic, you see.”
And then because she can see that Irma isn’t too sure about all of that, Diana tacks on something of a consolation prize.
“Once I’ve found what I seek, I will be happy to come back here and talk to you in more detail about Themyscira and its people, of course.”
In the end, that does it. Irma grants her access to the Restricted Section and remains where she is, giving Diana everything she wants from the encounter. There is a warning about some of the books and tomes in the Restricted Section being a bit dangerous when not handled properly, but Diana just smiles and points out that she has the protection of literal gods when it comes to magic. She’s not worried.
Still, with everything, it takes her twenty minutes to follow Harry and Raven into the Restricted Section. As soon as she’s out of Pince’s sight, Diana is back in stealth mode, sneaking through the shelves until she hears it… the telltale sound of flesh slapping against flesh.
Raven’s wanton moaning is cut off by what sounds like a hand covering her lips as Diana creeps ever closer to the source of the noises. Of course they were already fucking. It was inevitable, all things considered. She’d taken so long to follow them in here that they could have managed to get up to all sorts of tomfoolery while she was lollygagging.
“Tighten up, darling. That is, if you really want to earn your Professor’s favor and get to take a book with you when we leave this place.”
Raven’s wanton moaning and shuddering send a shiver down Diana’s spine. She eventually locates the pair of them properly. They’re fucking against a bookcase… Diana could have guessed. Raven has her hands planted firmly on one of the shelves, clinging to it for dear life. Her slutty schoolgirl uniform is in shambles, the shirt open and her tits out while her skirt is riding up around her waist like a particularly thick belt.
Meanwhile, Harry is behind her, driving his cock into her likely gushing twat again and again as her legs shake and spasm, her knees knocking together. She wasn’t wearing panties of course, making it all too easy for him to gain access and fuck her to his heart’s content. Her heart’s content too, from what Diana could see. She only had the side profile of course, but Raven’s one visible eye was rolled back in her head, her moans so wanton that Harry has to cover her mouth with his hand to quiet her down.
Fuck… fuck, this shouldn’t be as sexy as it is. Diana shouldn’t be so turned on by all of this. First it was Zatanna acting the part of the Professor, fucking her student. Now it’s Harry as the Professor fucking HIS student. And all of them were having so much fun with it. Lewd, lecherous perverts, the lot of them… and yet, what did that make Diana? If she couldn’t look away, what did that truly make her?
Hiding out of view, Diana bites her lower lip as she watches Harry dominate yet another of his women. She just needs to make sure Raven isn’t about to end their world by letting Trigon in. That’s… that’s all. But of course, there’s no signs of that. Even though Raven is having the time of her life, bucking her hips wildly and cumming her brains out on Harry’s cock… the increase in emotions doesn’t seem to be doing any damage.
From what Diana understood of the younger heroine’s circumstances, it shouldn’t have been safe for her to have sex like this. And yet, clearly Raven had found a way… all so she could be with Harry. Diana supposed she shouldn’t have been all that surprised at this point. He’d done the same thing to both of her proteges after all, hadn’t he?
She still didn’t fully understand it… or maybe she did and just didn’t want to admit it. But both Cassie and Donna had wound up in bed with the handsome, hunky young man. They’d both wound up impaled upon his cock, singing his praises and moaning out his name. In fact… in fact, out of everyone who they’d brought along on this mission to take down Morgaine le Fey, she was pretty sure she was the only one who hadn’t bedded the young wizard yet.
… Diana probably should have been more attentive when they’d been crafting this team, because she was suddenly realizing just how in over her head she was. And yet… she can’t look away. Even as Raven squeals into Harry’s palm at the top of her lungs and Harry grunts before visibly unloading inside of her twat… Diana can’t look away.
Pulling out of her, Harry spins Raven around and pushes her to her knees right there in front of him. His cock, messy and still leaking a little bit, bobs and shudders right before her eyes.
“Clean it up, Raven.”
“Y-Yes Professor~”
Softly moaning out the words, Raven proceeds to lift her gray tits up and wrap them around the base of Harry’s cock. As far as cleaning goes, her breasts don’t do much to wipe his dick off. Sure, some of their combined juices get transferred over to her chest, but mostly she’s just moving it all around. Her mouth and tongue do a little bit of a better job when she lowers them to the top of his cock and takes him past her lips… however, it’s very clear pretty early on that ‘cleaning’ is the last thing on Raven’s mind.
Diana blushes as the half-demon heroine makes an utter mess of herself in her pursuit of some more pleasure on the young wizard’s behalf. Harry just chuckles as Raven starts to go to town on his dick, giving a consummate titjob-blowjob combo. Recognizing how she’s chosen to interpret his orders, he shakes his head and slides a hand through her hair, his fingers spreading across her scalp in the process.
“Bad girl.”
Raven gurgles… and then gags as Harry takes control of things and begins to thrust forward down the back of her throat.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
At first, Diana wonders if she should step in for a moment. Raven’s choking and gagging upon Harry’s massive, throbbing member looks almost violent in a way. Saliva and drool quickly coalesce on the half-demon’s chin, dribbling down into her cleavage. But… even with the rough way Harry is treating Raven, it doesn’t seem to upset her at all.
Instead, Raven’s hands remain pressed into the sides of her tits to continue forming a love canal for Harry to thrust down. On top of that, Diana eventually notices Raven’s tongue writhing and wiggling amidst all of the saliva and slobber, slipping back and forth across the underside of Harry’s cock.
She’s enjoying the rough treatment, Diana recognizes. No, more than that… she’s loving it. It’s around that point that Diana realizes she’s started touching herself again. That would have ignited a mad blush if her face wasn’t already as red as could be. Here she was, a proud warrior of Themyscira… touching herself to the sight of a young wizard face fucking a young heroine right in front of her.
The shame and guilt should have been enough to make Diana flee the scene right then and there. Had she not just been reminded of her heritage during her short talk with Madam Pince? Had she not spoken with the Hogwarts Librarian about how glorious her people were, however briefly? And as their Princess, was it not Diana’s duty to maintain a certain semblance of honor and pride?
And yet here she was, slipping aside the crotch of her costume, fingering her cunt to the sight of Harry railing Raven’s face.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
He’s relentless and at this point Raven’s breasts have fallen away from his cock, the half-demon taking every last inch of his member down the back of her throat without fail. Her hands continue to grope at her own tits though for a moment before one falls down between her legs, fingering her creampied pussy as she just tilts her head back and lets Harry have his way with her.
Does Diana wish she were in the younger heroine’s place? S-Surely not… right? The thought of being on her knees, submitting to the young wizard… it went against everything she believed in. She hadn’t come to Man’s World all those years ago just to become another bitch addicted to a man’s cock. She hadn’t. She’d come to Man’s World to champion the rights of women everywhere, and to set an example for all the young women and little girls who had come to look up to her.
But then… that was that and this was this, right? It wasn’t as though anyone knew what sort of antics Raven was getting up to behind closed doors. Despite her dour attitude, the young heroine had her own fanbase among the people who looked up to the Titans. There were those who idolized her… as well they should. For all her emotionlessness, for all her dark and dreary-seeming attitude, she still used her powers for good. She still used her magic to fight evil and take down villains alongside the rest of her team.
Just as Diana was a paragon of virtue and feminine strength as a pillar of the Justice League’s Big Three, Raven was an example of someone with a very alternative sort of background still doing good. She was an example of a ‘weird’ sort of girl still being able to be a hero and save the day.
“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”
And… just because she was currently getting her throat pounded by a big, fat, juicy cock didn’t mean that was any less true, did it? Diana bites her lower lip as she watches from her hiding place. She can tell that the two are coming closer and closer to the inevitable conclusion of this sex act. Her own fingers drive deeper into her pussy as she watches them reach the end of the line.
With a hoarse groan, Harry tosses his head back and drives Raven down his length one last time. A moment later and he begins to cum, choking Raven on his seed. The half-demon does her best to swallow, but even then, she can’t hold it all in. Harry’s seed winds up dribbling down the sides of her mouth, coating her breasts as Raven’s eyes roll back in her head and she gurgles helplessly for a moment.
It seems like this is some sort of trigger for the young heroine, because down between her legs, her fingers helplessly work at her clit until she tips over the edge as well, bucking her hips and squirting both her own pussy juices and some of Harry’s previous load out onto the floor of the Restricted Section.
Shameful. Disgusting. Horrifying. And yet… also entirely too arousing for words. Diana has a hand clasped tightly over her mouth as she slows down her own masturbation, recognizing that Harry and Raven are beginning to wrap things up. She pulls her fingers from her slit, having still not reached climax herself just yet, and watches as Harry pulls his cock out of Raven’s throat and mouth. Both of them are panting for breath, though in very different ways considering Raven is blowing cum bubbles with her pants.
Moaning softly, the half-demon rubs his seed across her face and tits, smearing it back and forth as she wriggles and writhes there on her knees before him. Harry watches all of this mutely for a moment, letting her enjoy herself. Both of them are entirely unaware of Diana’s presence even now. They have no clue that one of the founding members of the Justice League is watching them at the moment.
“We need to clean up, Raven.”
A mewl of disappointment leaves Raven’s lips at that, but in the end she nods and doesn’t do anything to stop Harry as he pulls out his wand and begins casting spells on her and the floor. The sight makes Diana glance down under herself and go a new color of red when she realizes she’s left a few droplets where she was standing as well. Fortunately it’s not much and the liquid is translucent, but she’s still a little mortified for a moment until Harry’s voice distracts her again.
“Now then… was there anything you actually wanted in the Restricted Section, Raven? Before we sneak back out of here?”
Here it was. This was why Diana had followed them in the first place! Not to watch them engage in acts of debauchery and d-depravity! No, it was always because she needed to make sure that Raven wasn’t a few steps away from unleashing Trigon the Terrible upon this world. They had enough messes to deal with right now as things were…
“A-Ah… yes, actually. I had hoped there might be something here that could help me with my… problem. I can’t just rely on you and Luna forever, now can I?”
Wait, what? Diana blinks as Harry lets out a short chuckle.
“Oh? Already trying to get rid of me, is that it? Hoping to move on from me, Raven?”
Flushing, the gray-skinned heroine shakes her head.
“N-No, it’s not like that! I-!”
Before she can truly work herself up, Harry steps forward and takes her in his arms.
“Raven… I’m kidding. It’s okay… let’s look around and see if there’s anything that could help you learn to block without me and Luna around, yeah? In fact, I might have just the thing…”
Raven perks up at that, and the two of them move deeper into the Restricted Section as Diana watches them from her hiding spot, assimilating this new information. In the end… it seemed that her worries were unfounded. Finding out that the reason Raven was seemingly able to resist her true nature as a gateway to her father was because of Harry and that peculiar Luna Lovegood girl was rather startling… but hearing that Raven wanted to find even better ways to block Trigon made Diana feel a lot better about the whole situation.
Harry might have this strange ability to turn the heads of every woman Diana knew, making strong, independent heroines into little more than fuck toys obsessed with his dick… but at least Raven was still capable of focusing on the true issue at hand. It was… a good sign.
In the end, the two of them pick out a couple of books on the Art of Occlumency, which Harry tells Raven is all about mind shielding. Then, they sneak back out of the Restricted Section under the young wizard’s Invisibility Cloak. Diana is not quite so lucky. Seeing as she went in right in front of the Hogwarts Librarian, she’s also forced to come out right in front of the Hogwarts Librarian. And she’d promised that when she did, she’d talk with Madam Pince some more about Themyscira and the Amazons.
Needless to say, it’s a long, long conversation. One that Diana would normally have enjoyed, if it wasn’t for everything else on her mind.
It’s not until later that evening that Diana is able to get back on Harry’s trail again. Where he and Raven had gone after the library, she truly doesn’t know. She’d been pinned down and questioned by Irma for hours, and indeed it wasn’t until dinner time that she’d been able to beg off and make excuses. It’s also at the meal that she’s able to lay eyes on Harry and then follow him from the Great Hall to his next destination.
Going unseen is difficult but not impossible for her, even if her costume as Wonder Woman DOES draw eyes the entire time until she’s able to slip out of sight. Finally, Harry reaches his next destination… the Hogwarts Greenhouses.
She’s not entirely sure what he’s doing here at first… until she remembers that he’d insisted on Poison Ivy coming along on this expedition. The villainess had been as surprised by her inclusion as the rest of them, but Harry had explained it away as Hogwarts having lots of magical plants that Ivy might be able to use to her advantage in the fight against Morgaine le Fey, making her much more of a heavy hitter than she otherwise would be.
Once the villainess had heard ‘magical plants’, Diana wasn’t sure they could have gotten Ivy to stay behind even if they wanted to.
Still… where was the green-skinned woman? Harry makes his way through the greenhouses without a care, but Diana finds herself increasingly ill at ease as they go further and further. Just how many greenhouses does Hogwarts have? How big is the herbology department of this school? How many species of magical plants are in this castle?
They go past what must have been the normal herbology classrooms and into what can only be described as ‘abandoned’ greenhouses. It’s there that they find Ivy… though Diana has to admit, she’s just as surprised as Harry is by the state they find her in.
“Whoa! Ivy, are you alright?!”
The moment he lays eyes on the villainess, a note of worry and concern fills Harry’s voice and he pulls out his wand, beginning to rush forward. Diana almost does the same from where she’s been following him, preparing to throw her stealth out the window and reveal herself if necessary. The only reason she doesn’t is the same reason Harry is brought up short a moment later.
“Wha-? Potter? I’m fine! Go away!”
Harry doesn’t listen, of course. Diana can’t really blame him, not this time. The state they’ve found Ivy in is a very compromising one… and looks downright perilous. Put simply, it looks as though the plant-themed villainess has been swallowed by the massive mouth of one of her very own plants. As though she’s been hoisted by her own petard.
Turned upside down, Ivy’s upper half is completely inside of the planet, with her lower half in the form of her ass and legs, dangle on the outside of it. Her voice, meanwhile, has come from above, where Diana realizes the plant continues on from its massive bulbous ‘mouth’ and actually has a few openings that seem to almost ‘breathe’ from the way they slowly open and close.
Gaping at the sight, Harry neither leaves as Ivy requested nor puts his wand away either. Instead, he stands at the ready, staring up at the plant and then down at Ivy’s upturned bubble butt with a growing look of consternation.
“… You don’t look fine. In fact, you look rather indisposed. Are you sure you don’t need my help?”
Ivy’s lower half doesn’t move, but her voice does come out of the plant a moment later.
“Yes! I’m sure! I’m working here, Harry! Leave me alone!”
Frowning, Harry slowly puts his wand away but shakes his head.
“No can do, Ivy. Harley sent me. She said you’ve been foregoing meals and she’s worried about you. When I saw you weren’t at dinner, I decided I’d come check on you.”
Well, that was rather nice, wasn’t it? Diana can’t help but smile slightly at that. Insane as Harley Quinn might be, with numerous crimes of varying degrees of awfulness to her name… it was good to see that the Joker hadn’t ruined her completely with his even worse madness. She could still care about people. She could still love.
Of course, Ivy doesn’t see things the same way.
“What?! Ugh, that worrywart! I told Harley already that I’m fine! I don’t need any of that trash they serve for meals in this place either. I’m perfectly capable of procuring food for myself here!”
That was probably true. With Ivy’s powers, she could handle her own nutrients with ease. But still, Harry doesn’t back off. Instead, after a moment of pondering… the young wizard reaches down and pulls open his robes, shucking them off and striding over to Ivy’s lower body while unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.
“Harley also told me that you might be difficult. And she said, in her own words… ‘Mistah H, you do whatever you have to do to drag Ivy out of there for me!’”
Needless to say, Harry’s attempt at mimicking Harley Quinn’s voice isn’t perfect, not by a long shot. But even still, he pulls out his cock and steps up behind Ivy’s dangling legs and ass. It just so happens that her lower half is perfectly proportioned for what it seems is likely to happen next.
“W-What?! What do you think you’re doing back there?!”
Smirking, Harry grabs Ivy by her hips… and then yanks her form-fitting plant-based leggings down off of her ass, exposing her green-skinned bubble butt and puffy pussy lips nestled between her thighs. In response, an indignant squawk emits from the top of the plant that Ivy is currently engulfed in.
“I’m doing as Harley asked. I’m forcing you to take a break, Ivy.”
Without further ado, Harry plunges his cock right into Ivy’s defenseless cunt, fucking her hard and fast from behind. As a pleasure-filled groan leaves Harry’s lips, a reluctantly wanton moan comes from the top of the plant, followed by Ivy’s grumbling.
“F-Fucking b-bastard… nnngh, t-taking such liberties… I’ll g-get you for this… guh!”
Harry just chuckles, continuing to plow Ivy’s pussy ceaselessly and without pause. Diana finds herself a little torn. On the one hand, this situation feels a lot less consensual than the others. Every other woman that she’s watched Harry with has been all too eager for his cock. Ivy is the first to seem reluctant and even downright resistant to the idea of being fucked by him.
Only… her voice says one thing, but her actions say another. Diana is well aware of just how powerful the plant-based villainess truly is. And right now, they’re quite literally in the heart of her power. If she truly wanted to make Harry stop, she could do so with any number of the plants around them. Vines, leaves, and more could be turned into weapons in an instant if she truly wished to force the wizard off of her.
On top of that… there’s the incredibly wet sounds coming from Ivy’s pussy as Harry drills in and out of her cunt without hesitation or mercy. The lewd squelching makes it clear how aroused the green-skinned woman is as he fucks her, pounding away at her pussy nonstop.
More than that, Ivy’s voice continues to moan out from the top of the giant plant she’s currently up to her waist inside. Matched by Harry’s groans, it certainly sounds like she’s having the time of her life in spite of her weak protests.
“S-Stop distracting me… ugh, I’m w-working! B-Bastard, you can tell Harley I’ll come out l-later! Nnnngh!”
With a chuckle, Harry brings a hand down on one side of Ivy’s beautiful bubble butt.
This provokes a squeal from the engulfed villainess, even as Harry shakes his head in amusement and response.
“Sorry Ivy, no can do. Made Harley a promise… a promise I fully intend to keep.”
With that, he returns to jackhammering in and out of Ivy’s pussy, much to her vocal frustration… but also her vocal enjoyment. Diana, blushing and watching from her hiding place near a doorway and as far from any plants that Ivy might notice her through as she can possibly get, worms her fingers back into her cunt. For such a young man, Harry truly can be quite… domineering, can’t he? It’s like he was born to take charge. Like he was made to be a leader.
He reminds her of some of the heroes in the Justice League sometimes. N-Not that Diana has ever done anything with any of them. Even though there’s all sorts of fanfiction and even pornographic artwork of her with either Batman or Superman or even sometimes all three… she’s never once bedded any of her fellow Justice League members. It wouldn’t be appropriate.
Ah, but Harry isn’t a member of the Justice League now is he? So maybe… no, what was she thinking? To have such a thought pass through her mind for even a second… she should really leave. She shouldn’t keep watching this sort of thing. She was… she was being corrupted by her own mind. Her own thoughts. A soft whimper leaves Diana’s lips and she immediately covers her mouth with her hand again… but fortunately they didn’t hear it. Harry is too busy with Ivy’s cunt and Ivy is too distracted by his actions.
“Still not ready to come out? Well here it comes, Ivy!”
With a grunt, Harry thrusts forward into Ivy’s pussy one last time before unloading inside of her. At the same time, her legs kick and Ivy squeals as she explosively orgasms all over his cock. On top of that though, Diana notices Harry grasping her tightly by the hips and pulling with all his might. He’s trying to remove her from the plant while she’s distracted and lost in the throes of ecstasy. A smart tactic, Diana can’t help thinking.
But then, to both her and Harry’s surprise… it doesn’t work. Instead, Harry’s messy cock pops right out of Ivy’s sopping wet pussy and he actually stumbles back, not quite falling on his ass as he blinks at Ivy’s lower half, still protruding from the plant.
“… Huh. Sheesh Ivy. You’re more focused than I thought.”
“J-Just… hah… just l-leave, Potter. I’m… fine…”
Hm. Was there something off about Ivy’s voice? Besides just being frayed and frazzled from being fucked senseless while she was half-eaten by a massive magical plant mouth that is. Something was twinging on Diana’s senses…
But before she can think about it too hard, Harry gets this determined look on his face and shakes his head, stepping forward again and grabbing the villainess’ hips once more.
“No can do, Ivy. No can do.”
Diana’s eyes widen and her blush intensifies as she watches Harry slam his messy cock home into Ivy’s asshole in the next moment. The plant-themed villainess hollers in anger at this and Diana winces in sympathy. Sure, Harry’s dick might be all slippery and sticky and wet from their combined fluids, but that doesn’t mean Ivy’s asshole was any more prepared for him to just thrust into it like that.
“I-Impertinent… brat!”
Harry just laughs, squeezing Ivy’s cheeks with both hands and spreading them wide so he can drill deeper and deeper into her ass. He’s fucking her relentlessly now, plowing her anus with even greater speed and strength than he’d used when fucking her cunt. Diana bites her lower lip at the display of strength. She was well aware that her protégé had helped Harry with his physical conditioning back when they were searching for solutions to his slow deterioration.
Without access to his magic, he’d needed something else to focus on and that had become training his body, working on his muscles and his stamina and speed as much as possible. But this went beyond that because now Harry was as superhuman as the rest of them. Not just because of his magic, but also because of his status as a Paladin of the Lake. With the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian Legend gracing Harry with her power, he was so much stronger now. Actually… it made one wonder why he hadn’t been able to pull Ivy out before.
“If you wanted me to stop, you would have stopped me by now, Ivy! So I’m just going to keep going until one of us breaks, I suppose!”
Still, Harry was right. Diana herself had already noted it. If Ivy wished for this to end, if she didn’t truly want this to happen, she would have already stopped Harry with her plant powers. They were literally surrounded by plants, after all.
Instead, the green-skinned villainess just continues to howl out through the top of the plant as Harry plunders her anus without mercy. She screams and berates him, but that doesn’t stop Harry from fucking her asshole hard and fast. The squelching noises are a bit less wet this time around, and only near the end does Diana realize what Harry is doing. He’s planning on using three points of contact this time.
He’d tried to do the same before of course, with his cock in Ivy’s cunt and his hands on her hips. But this time around, he has his cock buried in her ass… a much tighter, far less wet hole. His hands move from her buttocks to her hips once more and Harry begins to pull as hard as he’s pushing. Even as he’s thrusting into her with all his might, he’s starting to tug her with all his might as well.
… Until finally, his enhanced strength and the cock in Ivy’s clenching ass prove to be all the difference. With a roar, Harry drags Ivy out of the plant ‘mouth’, pulling her squealing upper half free and falling back on his ass. Ivy, from her head to her waist, is covered in slime… and nothing else. Diana blinks at the lack of an upper garment on the villainess, before realizing it seems to have been dissolved given the few tatters she can see here and there.
Ivy’s facial expression, meanwhile… is rather embarrassing. Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, she’s making quite the silly face while she cums explosively from Harry’s dick in her ass, anally orgasming all over the place and tipping Harry over the edge as well. As he cums in her bowels, Harry collapses backwards, taking Ivy with him. The two wind up laying there, the villainess on top of the wizard’s chiseled chest as they both pant for breath.
Until finally, Ivy breaks the silence…
“H-How… how did you k-know?”
From under her, Harry blinks and slowly sits up with her in his arms.
“Huh? Know what?”
Twisting around in his lap, his dick still in her ass, Ivy scowls.
“How did you know I’d gotten myself trapped in there? The damn plant was resistant to my powers somehow… and was slowly in the process of eating me.”
Wait, what? Diana is as surprised as Harry by that revelation. And from the look on Harry’s face… he didn’t know. Not ever.
Ivy’s own face turns stormy as she realizes this too.
“You didn’t know?! You just decided to fuck me for the fun of it?!”
Blushing a bit now, Harry shrugs helplessly.
“Well wait… if you were trapped… was the plant mimicking your voice all that time or was that actually you trying to tell me to leave you to your fate or something?! What, do you have some sort of plant vore fetish I don’t know about, Ivy?!”
Scowling, Ivy finally unimpales herself from Harry’s cock, pulling herself out of his lap. Rather than give a direct answer to his question, she just crosses her arms over her slimy chest and turns her head away.
“I could have escaped on my own eventually! I didn’t need your or Harley’s help!”
Rising to his feet, Harry gives the plant that Ivy had been stuck in a curious, cautious look.
“Right… look Ivy, just go spend the rest of the night with Harley, please. If not for me, then for her. And if not for her… then do it because I’m going out of the castle and I won’t be around to save you if you get yourself stuck again, alright?”
Wait, out of the castle?! Diana jolts in her hiding place at hearing that. Meanwhile, Ivy scowls for a moment before finally offering a begrudging nod of agreement.
“Fine! I’ll go hang out with Harley. What are you doing outside of the castle anyways?”
Smiling crookedly, Harry glances off to the side, in the direction of what Diana has been told is a wooded area called the Forbidden Forest.
“Got a late night rendezvous with Cheetah. Been a while since we had some alone time and I promised her she’d have me to herself tonight. I just also promised Harley I’d check in on you and figure out how to make you take a break.”
Poison Ivy just huffs and then sneers.
“I didn’t enjoy it; I want you to know. I was just delirious from the plant’s fumes. Your stupid cock didn’t play any part in my pleasure!”
“… Sure Ivy. Sure.”
Diana, meanwhile, is stunned speechless. To the extent that she’s almost discovered when the pair begin to depart, but luckily she’s able to get out of the way in time and remain hidden. Still… Cheetah?! Cheetah wasn’t part of their expedition. That meant she’d been here at Hogwarts ahead of time? Why?! Unless… there was a conspiracy at work here! A conspiracy that Diana had to uncover!
At long last, Harry Potter was showing his true colors. Of course he was fine telling a villainess about his late night rendezvous with another villainess! Diana had to follow him and see what he and Cheetah were up to. Were they working with Morgaine le Fey after all?
If they were, she would catch them in the act and bring them all down! Or her name wasn’t Wonder Woman!


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