A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 39: Planning Ahead

“The Justice League has sent word.”
Everyone in the room shifts at Wonder Woman’s words. Even Harry can’t deny that he’s interested to hear what she has to say, regardless of the fact that the Amazon Princess hasn’t been able to look him in the eye since he and Cheetah had finally forced her to confront her true desires. Dominating the beautiful statuesque heroine had definitely been the highlight of Harry’s week, and he knew for a fact that she’d enjoyed it just as much as he did.
Alas, you wouldn’t know it by her actions. To be fair, it wasn’t like Harry had sought Diana out after their marathon-length first encounter together. He had more than enough women vying for his attention as it was. But it had quickly become obvious that Wonder Woman was avoiding him. Again.
However, she couldn’t avoid this. They were together once more, ostensibly for the purposes of planning their counterattack on Morgaine le Fey. Technically even with the wards Hogwarts boasted holding, they were still in the heart of the ancient evil sorceress’ power. One way or another, they needed to be ready to strike when the time was right.
Of course, knowing that last part involved having outside knowledge of what was going on in the world at large. That was where Wonder Woman came in. As one of the leaders of the Justice League, she was one of the few among them who still had contact with the Hero Organization.
Also in the room were some of the smarter women that Harry had brought with him when he’d come to Hogwarts. There was Zatanna Zatara, Hermione Granger, and Black Canary. Hermione had a brilliant mind, while Zatanna and Dinah had experience in fighting villains that put his own to shame, albeit very different sorts of villains.
As Harry, Zatanna, Hermione, and Dinah all lean forward, Diana raises herself up and squares her shoulders, clasping her hands behind her back. Is she thrusting her chest out on purpose to entice him, or merely to look as imposing as possible? Who could really say…
“According to the League, Morgaine’s forces have been pushed back from Europe entirely. She’s been forced into a full retreat at this point in time.”
Black Canary purses her lips and narrows her eyes at that, piping up and asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“How could that be, exactly? Has Circe agreed to work in tandem with the Justice League or something?”
Scowling, Wonder Woman shakes her head.
“If only, but no. Circe is as egotistical and impossible to work with as ever. I fear she still has her own ulterior motives too. Unfortunately for Morgaine le Fey, she has picked a fight with a demigoddess. Put simply… she’s outmatched. And with the Justice League working to evacuate civilians and innocents and striking out wherever possible, Circe has gotten the upper hand on Morgaine, leaving the sorceress hard-pressed to maintain her initial offensive.”
That made sense, Harry supposed. Both Morgaine le Fey and Circe were incredibly powerful women. It was why they’d reached out to the pair in the first place seeking a cure for his ailment. After all, either woman had centuries of magical knowledge at their disposal. But that wasn’t quite accurate, was it? Morgaine le Fey certainly had centuries of magical knowledge… but by comparison, Circe had millennia.
Circe wasn’t just your average witch. Legend said she was born of the Sun himself. But even if that was simple hyperbole, what wasn’t hyperbole was that Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Magic, had gifted Circe an entire fifth of her power, raising the Greek Woman from merely powerful and beautiful to true Demigod Status.
Morgaine certainly had her own feats and accomplishments to point at, and she was certainly unfathomably strong in her own way. But she didn’t quite measure up to Circe’s Legend… nor did it seem that she measured up to Circe’s Power.
Hermione is the next to speak up in the wake of Diana’s revelations.
“Then it is only a matter of time before Circe’s army reaches these shores, yes?”
Wonder Woman inclines her head.
“Indeed. The last report has them arriving within a day or two. We have little time to prepare.”
Right as those words leave Diana’s mouth, a pair of familiar hands reach Harry’s crotch. The young man jolts in his seat, eyes widening as someone deftly opens his pants and pulls out his cock. Alas, his reaction does not go unnoticed, especially not by Zatanna.
“Harry? Is everything alright?”
Giving her a smile, Harry nods.
“Fine. Just… thinking about what we can possibly do with such short notice.”
Black Canary huffs at him and rolls her eyes.
“With what your people are capable of? We can do plenty. And that’s not even getting into what you personally can do with those blessings from the Lady of the Lake.”
It seemed Dinah had actually been thinking about this quite a lot. Harry wordlessly listens as she begins outlining her plans to the others, which in turn draws their attention and prompts them to offer their own suggestions in turn.
After a beat of making sure that nobody is paying much attention to him anymore, Harry finally pulls out from the table half an inch, looking down below it at a familiar face painted white with clown makeup. Harley Quinn blinks up at him, her lips already wrapped around his cock as she dutifully sucks his dick in the middle of a very important meeting.
Frankly though, Harry is more baffled than mad. How the hell had Harley even snuck in here in the first place? He’d even gone so far as to put up wards and spells around the room just in case Morgaine had spies within Hogwarts that might have eavesdropped on their planning and reported back to their mistress.
The only way that Harley could be where she was… was if she literally snuck in before any of them arrived and hid under the table, lying in wait all this time and eagerly anticipating her moment to strike.
… They were lucky she wasn’t an actual assassin from Morgaine, Harry supposed. Also, he really needed to stop being so reliant on magic, because there was no excuse for not doing a cursory sweep of the room with his own fucking eyeballs after they arrived. Seriously, if Harley had had any worse intentions then getting her rocks off, who knows what could have happened?
As it is, there’s only one thing that the crazed female clown wants right now… and that’s to suck his cock. Letting out as inaudible of a sigh as he possibly can, Harry gives Harley an affectionate smile and pats her head for a moment before focusing back on the meeting at hand. Under the table, Harley’s cat-like purring causes reverberations up and down his cock that threaten to send shudders down Harry’s spine… but he controls himself, leaning in to some of his Paladin Blessings to remain a steady rock even in the face of Harley’s intense provocations.
Listening to the four beautiful but also scarily intelligent women all weigh in, Harry has to admit, they’ve got a good plan taking shape here. Wonder Woman and her proteges would take up Morgaine’s stronger monsters, while Black Canary would be in charge of two teams of Birds of Prey, one airborne and one on the ground.
The airborne team would take Lady Blackhawk’s jet and provide aerial support while also likely having to engage in no small amount of dogfighting as the battle grew worse. Meanwhile, the ground-based team would be relying on Poison Ivy’s ability to summon and control plants in order to take control of the battlefield.
Attacking Morgaine in her place of power wouldn’t be easy by any stretch of the imagination, so Harry was glad they had some serious heavy hitters for every aspect of the girls’ plans. However, there was one thing that he wasn’t so sure about, and even with Harley taking him deeper and deeper down the back of her throat, Harry leans forward to make his worries known.
“This all sounds well and good, ladies. Truly, I couldn’t have come up with a better plan myself… hell, I couldn’t have come up with half as good of a plan myself.”

This gets them all preening or in Wonder Woman’s case, blushing and averting her eyes. Of course, Black Canary is the one who senses he’s not actually done. Raising an eyebrow at him, she grins playfully.
“I sense a ‘but’ coming along, Harry. And not your sexy tushie.”
Harry snorts in amusement at her easy objectification of him. He’s not bothered by it… after all, he’s more than happy to objectify her and her gorgeous body right back.
“Right. As great as this plan is… I can’t help but wonder about how we plan to enact it. It seems to me that going in first ahead of Circe’s army is just asking for trouble. Why don’t we just wait for Circe’s forces to engage with Morgaine’s defenses and THEN move to back them up? Suffice to say, I think all of us agree that Circe’s… Ani-men are much more expendable then any of us. Hell, I’ll say it outright… her army is definitely more disposable to me than any of you. I wouldn’t want any of you to be hurt needlessly.”
There are some smiles and nods of appreciation at that, with Zatanna being the one to speak up and explain their reasoning to him.
“We wouldn’t want any of us to get hurt needlessly either, Harry. Unfortunately, it might be necessary this time around. If we wait for Circe’s Army to arrive and assail Morgaine’s stronghold, the sorceress is liable to turtle up, so to speak. She’ll have no reason to commit any of her forces to a fight that she already knows she can’t win, leading to what might wind up being a months-long siege. And the longer Circe’s forces remains in the British Isles, assailing Morgaine’s fortress, the more it will have to strip these lands bare just to remain fed. The people will suffer.”
Zatanna pauses for a moment to take a breath before continuing.
“However, if we go first, before Circe and her forces can arrive… then we look like a foolhardy group of heroes trying to take Morgaine down all on her own. She’ll think she can take us out, and if she believes that we’re easily defeated, she’ll be more than willing to commit more to the offense at the cost of her own defense. She’ll leave herself wide open, believing herself to be the spider and we the flies that are going to wind up trapped in her web. Little will she know that we are the trap she’ll be walking right into by overcommitting.”
With her explanation complete, Zatanna sits back in her chair, smiling at him with her hands resting in her lap. Harry gives her a nod, even as he takes a moment to silently process her words. They make sense, in the end. The logic is sound. As much as he might not want to risk any of the strong, beautiful women that he’s come to be so close and intimate with throughout the crazy rollercoaster that’s been the last several months of his life, he also doesn’t want the people of the British Isles to suffer needlessly either. And letting Morgaine turtle up would cause that suffering, because it would force Circe to scour the countryside to keep her army fed.
No, the best bet for saving the greatest amount of his people, both magical and muggle, lay with ending the conflict between Morgaine and Circe as fast as humanly possible… and that meant defeating Morgaine quickly, no matter what it took.
“…-ulghk… -aghk… -ughk…”
“Does… anyone hear that?”
Harry blinks as Wonder Woman suddenly speaks up, her tone one of honest confusion. The other three women at the table all look at each other… while Harry blanches. He’d spent too long pondering Zatanna’s words and everyone else had been quiet as well, leaving no other sound in the room… save for Harley’s enthusiastic sucking.
On top of that, Harley had been growing more and more desperate the longer she’d failed to make progress in getting him off. At this point, she was probably on all fours under the table, clawing at the floor and slamming her head up and down his member, eagerly deep throating every last inch of his cock to try and make him cum for her.
Even though the table they were sat at was a thick, large piece of furniture… the noises couldn’t help but reach the ears of the enhanced sitting around it. Especially Wonder Woman. Narrowing her eyes, Diana suddenly stands up, causing the others to rise and take a step back as well. With a growl, the incredibly powerful Amazon Princess grabs the huge, heavy wooden table… and tosses it aside, where it slams into a nearby wall.
Nobody gets hurt of course, but Harley finds herself exposed, with Harry being the only one left sitting down as the other four women in the room all stare at the lurid sight before their eyes. As Harry anticipated, Harley is indeed on all fours so she can better bob her head up and down his member. She’s instinctively taken on an incredibly slutty pose as well, with her back arched perfectly, her ass up in the air, and her kneeling legs spread apart to accentuate her curves all the more.
It says a lot about how far his and Diana’s relationship has come that she doesn’t actually get angry with HIM over the view. But she does still get angry. Still, rather than turning her incensed gaze in his direction, Wonder Woman hisses and seethes at Harley in particular, even as she pulls her Golden Lasso from her belt. That was progress… right?
“Impertinent clown slut! This was an important meeting and you chose to disrupt it with your insatiable lust?! Perhaps I should tie you up so you can learn some self-control!”
For a moment, Harry considers letting Diana go through with her threat. But two things stop him. One, Harley freezes and looks up at him with the puppy dog eyes to end all puppy dog eyes. Her gaze is so big and wide and beseeching that he can’t help but cave. Two, Harry knows for a fact what sort of woman the Amazon Princess is by this point… and he knows what she would enjoy more.
Shooting a glance at Zatanna, he can tell that the American Witch immediately understands. Giving him a grin and a wink, she mumbles something under her breath in her backwards spellcasting and flicks a finger in Diana’s direction. It’s telling how loose Diana’s hold on her own lasso is… that the spell is able to cause the Golden Lasso to slip from her grasp and then wrap around her before she can even react.
Or perhaps not before she can even react. Harry isn’t sure whether it’s because of his blessings as a Paladin, but he’s pretty sure he sees an aborted movement from Wonder Woman. She could have escaped her own binding, could have slipped out before Zatanna’s spell could run its course. But she doesn’t. She holds back her speed and while she makes a show of being outraged and shocked as she’s bound in her own lasso again, Harry can tell that she’s already enjoying it from how flustered and flushed she gets.
“Z-Zatanna?! W-What is this treachery?!”
Not buying it anymore than he is, Zatanna giggles as she saunters over to Diana and grabs her by the shoulders, forcing the bound superheroine down to her knees. Plucking at some of the lasso with her fingers, Zatanna just smirks.
“No lies now, Diana. Answer me truthfully… would you rather Harley be tied up like this, or yourself?”
The Golden Lasso glows brightly as Wonder Woman sputters… but in the end, she’s forced to speak true.
“M-Myself… but that matters little! She should not be allowed to get away with this unpunish-mmph!”
Zatanna finally silences the Amazon Princess with a tongue-filled kiss, bending over in a very sexy, very deliberate fashion that leaves Harry with a glorious view of her heart-shaped ass and fishnet stockings. His cock twitches and throbs all the harder in Harley’s mouth and throat, even as the female clown goes right back to face fucking herself on his cock now that Wonder Woman has been neutralized.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Snorting derisively, Dinah Lance, aka the Black Canary, sashays her way over to Harry and Harley.
“Oh, don’t worry about that Wonder Woman. I’ll make sure she gets punished.”
At Harley’s muffled questioning, Black Canary lets out a wicked cackle before swinging one leg over the kneeling female clown. She all but ends up straddling Harley’s shoulders, though the way Harley is currently on all fours allows Dinah to keep her feet on the ground even as she grabs hold of Harley by the hair with one hand and leans back with the other in order to…
“Shush now, Harley. You might not be a consistent presence in the Birds of Prey, but as you insist on reminding us, you’re still a member. And that puts you under MY control~”
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Spanking the other woman rather viciously while also forcing her head up and down Harry’s length even harder and faster than Harley herself was managing mere moments before, Dinah Lance looks positively thrilled with the current state of affairs. To be fair, so does Harley if the way her eyes are rolling back in her skull is any indication.
Meanwhile, over on the other side of the room, Zatanna has stopped making out with Wonder Woman. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t given Diana something else to kiss. Pulling aside her leotard and panties and grabbing a fistful of the Amazon Princess’ hair, Zatanna has forced Diana’s face into her crotch and is groaning and moaning in equal measure as she enjoys the powerful woman’s tongue. Technically, Diana is Zatanna’s superior within the Justice League… but such things matter little right now, obviously.
In the end, the odd woman out is Hermione. But to be fair, Harry feels a little left out as well. Sure, it’s his cock that Harley is currently gagging on. His cock that Dinah is currently face fucking the other woman on as well. But ultimately that’s more their thing than his. He’s in danger of feeling like a third wheel, really.
That’s why Harry doesn’t hesitate to beckon Hermione over to him. The beautiful brunette wish blushes and pauses for a moment, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. For a moment, he thinks she’s actually considering whether to come over at all. But that’s not it, because a moment later she makes a decision and pulls out her wand, turning it on herself and vanishing her clothes.
Or rather, her outer layer of clothing. Harry’s eyes widen in surprise and appreciation when Hermione reveals that under her robes, she’d actually been wearing some Gryffindor-Themed lingerie. The red and gold collection of lace and straps doesn’t leave much to the imagination either. The ‘bra’ doesn’t cover up her tits at all, but simply surrounds them and frames them all the more beautifully. The same can be said of her ‘panties’, which really just frame her exposed, glistening pussy mound quite nicely.
Moving with a little less confidence then the collection of heroic and villainous femme fatales they find themselves surrounded by, Hermione nevertheless walks over to him, trying her best to put some sway in her step… until, that is, she gets within range of his hands.
Harry wastes no time in pulling Hermione halfway into her lap. And then, because why only go halfway, he goes a step further, fully dragging her across him so she’s straddling his lap. Of course, this causes some minor issues where Harley is concerned, but Harry just palms Hermione’s full ass and lifts her up a few inches as she wraps her arms around his neck and clings to him for dear life. This gives Harley and Dinah plenty of room to continue their roughhousing down below, while Harry looks up into Hermione’s eyes as he nuzzles the pair of cute tits left right in front of his face.
Hermione moans and whimpers and writhes, clearly enjoying the attention even as she looks down at Harry with big brown soulful eyes. It’s rather wild how their relationship has evolved, isn’t it? All those years in adolescence as friends, only for it to turn rather… well, intimate when Galatea came along. Harry still felt a little guilty sometimes when he considered how he’d treated Hermione at first, but she clearly didn’t hold it against him. If anything, she loved him all the more for it.
Hermione was his and Tea’s first pet, but it was safe to say she was so much more than that now. She was still his best friend of course, but she was more than that too. In the end… putting his and Hermione’s relationship into a quantifiable set of words was all but impossible, much like it was impossible to quantify his relationships with most of the other women in his life right now.
One thing was certain, however… he cared about Hermione rather deeply, and he would do everything in his power to make sure she knew it.
With that in mind, Harry finally lets himself tip over the edge as he suckles at Hermione’s teats. Poor Harley’s jaw was probably starting to get sore by this point anyways, or so he figures. A surprised gurgle takes the female clown as Dinah is forcing her down his cock right as it happens, and cum likely explodes from her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she’s drowned in his seed right on the spot.
Of course, Black Canary is nothing if not merciful. She pulls Harley off of his cock before she can truly asphyxiate on all of that seed, leaving the female clown gurgling happily up until Dinah slaps her across the face a couple times to get her back to a state of cognizance.
“What do we say when someone does something nice for us, Harley?”
“T-Thank you, Mistah H~”
“Good girl.”
Dinah gives Harry a meaningful look and Harry nods at her, more than happy to give her the next round after he’s done with Hermione. Smiling like the cat who caught the canary despite her nomenclature, the blonde heroine drags Harley away, clearly planning to use her for some form of foreplay while she waits.
Harry, meanwhile, doesn’t hesitate. Hermione is so lost in the pleasure of his mouth on her tits that she doesn’t even notice Harley is gone until Harry abruptly and unceremoniously drops her down onto his cock. His best friend’s eyes widen in shock as she’s suddenly properly stuffed with his cock, her sopping wet cunt wrapping around his dick like nobody’s business and squeezing for dear life.
No matter how hard she squeezes however, she still continues to drop, until every last inch of Harry’s throbbing mast is buried inside of Hermione’s gushing twat. The Gryffindor Witch’s eyes roll back in her head and she tosses said head back as she cries up at the ceiling in ecstasy. Harry, meanwhile, luxuriates in making her feel so good, greatly enjoying how she tightens around his dick in an immediate orgasm.
Then… he starts fucking her upon his cock properly. Bouncing her up and down by his grip on her ass, Harry watches Hermione’s face as it contorts in a multitude of pleasured expressions. It’s rather wild, seeing his childhood friend all grown up and just… getting fucked silly. Not just that but getting fucked silly by HIM. He loves it, truth be told.
He should have been enjoying this way back when he and Tea first got their hands on her, but he was too focused on Tea alone at that point, and he was still letting the superpowered clone tug him along by his cock far too much. He still loved Galatea, don’t get him wrong… but their relationship would not and could not ever go back to the way it was. Too much had happened to both of them, but to Harry most of all.
Still, just because you could never go back to the way things were before didn’t mean you couldn’t forge even better ways forward into the future. With that thought in mind, Harry doesn’t hold back with Hermione. He soaks in every expression of pleasure and lust she makes, cataloging the ways in which he makes her feel the best and keeping track of all of the things that make her truly tick.
She cums for him more times than Harry bothers to keep count of too, and he revels in each and every climax he manages to drag out of her. Until finally, with one last grunt, he fills her with his seed.
By the time he does so, Harry has tuckered Hermione out. She’s still a normal witch at the end of the day, and he’s so far from a normal wizard at this point it’s not even funny. To be fair, he was probably never a normal wizard… but physically, his endurance and stamina in particular have expanded massively since this all began.
Slowly, Harry pulls Hermione off of his cock, even as she moans and nuzzles into his neck. He cuddles her briefly, even as he rises to his feet. Holding her in his arms for a moment, Harry takes stock of the rest of the room. Zatanna is still forcing Diana to eat her out from a standing position. Dinah, on the other hand, has pinned Harley down on her back and is seated on the villainess’ face, riding her hard. Judging by the way Harley is fingering herself, she’s enjoying it immensely all the same.
Of course, the moment Harry sets Hermione down on the chair and looks Dinah in the eye, Black Canary perks up and leaps off of Harley, using the female clown’s tits as a jump board for a flip that’s both highly erotic AND technically skillful. Harry raises an eyebrow as the blonde heroine lands right in front of him with a wicked smirk… and then immediately leaps into his arms.
He’s not even rocked back by her body weight truth be told, and a moment later he has the curvy blonde impaled upon his cock as she clings to him like a spider monkey. Dinah moans into his mouth, kissing him deeply, and Harry groans, kissing her right back as he begins fucking her much like he did Hermione. Only, this time, Harry is on his feet and mobile. Thanks to his Paladin Blessings, he doesn’t even have to stand still either.
Bouncing Black Canary upon his cock, listening as she sings his praises and squeals happily at the top of her lungs, Harry walks across the room over to where a somewhat dazed Harley is still laid out on the floor, fingering herself deliriously. Planting his feet on either side of Harley’s head, he proceeds to fuck Dinah rather viciously right over Harley’s face… causing no small amount of bodily fluids from his and the heroine’s joining to splatter across her front.
“Yessss… t-thank you, Mistah H! T-Thank you!”
Harley moans, letting her tongue loll out as she expresses her gratitude profusely. Harry just grunts and keeps on fucking Black Canary, quite enjoying just how melodic the blonde singer’s voice is, even when she’s getting fucked silly like this.
Giving it to Black Canary hard and fast just comes naturally at this point, and before Harry knows it, he’s cumming inside of the blonde heroine just like he did Hermione. Of course, there’s a lot more mess than there was with Hermione, especially when Harry pulls out and the result is a torrent all over Harley’s body. Not that she minds one bit if the moaning and rubbing up and down her coated form is anything to go off of.
Snorting derisively, Harry drops Dinah on top of Harley, right into the strong, slightly crazy clown’s arms. What follows is a whole lot of moaning, wriggling, and flesh slapping against flesh. He enjoys the view for a few moments for what it is, but as his cock begins to grow hard again, he knows that this whole thing is just getting started.
And to be fair, they have some time to kill, don’t they? So why not spend it doing something they’ll all enjoy. Reaching down and stroking his cock back to full mast, Harry smiles as he turns and begins heading in Zatanna and Diana’s direction in order to continue the orgy that Harley’s sneaking and Diana’s discovery had inadvertently started.
Two days later, with Circe’s Army confirmed to be only half an hour away from Morgaine’s Fortress, those waiting at Hogwarts finally make their move. It really is perfect too, because Morgaine has no way of knowing they snuck behind her fortifications and made it into Hogwarts itself.
Exactly as planned, the teams all split up to do their same thing, attacking Morgaine from behind right as she’s preparing to defend from Circe in the front. As a consummate flyer, Harry could alternate between the aerial and the ground teams, but he starts on the ground, fighting alongside Harley, Ivy, Hermione, and all of the others who are more ground bound.
Meanwhile, up above there’s Lady Blackhawk in her Jet along with Black Canary and a couple more of the Birds of Prey to help back her up. And supporting that team is Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and Troia, all of them flying through the air unaided as they provide cover for the jet to do what it does best, which is in turn providing cover for the ground forces.
From Harry’s point of view, they make for quite the compelling force. Frankly, he’s worried for a moment that they’re coming on too strong and too competent. He knows he personally wouldn’t want to fight the forces they’ve managed to sneak into the British Isles and array against Morgaine le Fey.
… But he needn’t have worried. As anticipated, Morgaine looks at them as nothing more than a piddling nuisance to be swatted away before her true enemy arrives. In fact, she even goes so far as to say as much, her visage suddenly projected magically in the air above her fortress, her voice coming out strong and arrogant as ever.
She certainly doesn’t sound nearly as conniving or suave or well-spoken as she did in his previous encounters with the ancient sorceress. In fact, she sounds harried, desperate… and enraged. Harry can’t help the smile that spreads across his face as Morgaine’s Fortress comes alive, opening up and discharging her latest forces in their direction.
Just as they’d planned. Morgaine was forgoing her own last minute preparations just to try to take them down. Clearly she saw them as simple prey, but Harry and his allies certainly didn’t intend to make any of this easy for her.
That said, while he liked their chances of survival, their chances of actually winning and managing to take the fight to Morgaine were next to none if Circe’s forces didn’t show up soon.
Thirty minutes didn’t sound like much time on the face of it, but it’s an eternity in a battle. Entire wars have been decided in the span of thirty minutes.
Nothing for it, in the end. They would hold out for Circe’s arrival. They could do nothing less.


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