A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 38: Wonder Woman Falls

Finally! As Diana skulks after Harry, following him out of the Castle without even missing a beat once he dons his Invisibility Cloak again, she can’t help but feel vindicated. All of the sudden, all of the guilt and shame of watching him with Zatanna, Raven, and Poison Ivy has been washed away. It all makes sense now. She knew her instincts weren’t going haywire. She knew there was something up with Harry Potter!
Cheetah… otherwise known as Barbara Ann Minerva. One of Diana’s greater enemies, a nemesis that she’d fought many a time over the years. And yet… now that she thought about it, it HAD been some months since Diana had heard from Barbara. The Cheetah was normally all over the place, making a nuisance of herself, stealing and scheming as was her villainous ways.
And yet… nothing. Not a peep from her in quite some time now. Was it possible this was where she was all this time? In the Wizarding World, working with Harry Potter? Or maybe… yes, it was said that the witch Morgaine le Fey had some form of power over bestial humanoids. That she liked to create monsters and the like. Perhaps Cheetah had tried to steal from her and bitten off more than she could chew.
That would make Barbara the go between for Harry and Morgaine. And it would make Harry a traitor of epic proportions. Just as Diana always suspected. All of this was likely a trap designed to bring some of the strongest heroines of the Justice League down! Harry was probably going to meet up with Cheetah in the Forbidden Forest so that they could bring down Hogwarts’ wards together and welcome their Mistress in with open arms.
Diana would stop them though. That was why she was here. That was why she’d been spying on Harry all day long. No other reasons. Everything else had been leading up to this. Now… finally, Diana felt secure in the knowledge that she WAS a hero in the end. She wasn’t some… pervert. She’d merely recognized the danger Harry posed to her and her comrades and acted accordingly. Yes. That was it.
Following Harry into the Forbidden Woods, Diana licks her lips as she moves silently. Right now she is not the Symbol for Heroines everywhere that everyone views Wonder Woman as. She’s the huntress. She is stealth. She is subtlety.
The wizard, secure in his Invisibility, doesn’t notice her even as he makes his way deeper into the forest. Until finally, there’s a sudden roar and a familiar furry, spotted feline humanoid launches herself from the top of a big rock right at Harry’s invisible head.
Diana’s eyes widen for a moment at the attack, but as it turns out, it’s not really a true attack. Seemingly unsurprised, Harry catches Cheetah with his newly granted super-strength and the two roll for a moment… but Diana knows how dangerously sharp Cheetah’s claws are. She knows that Barbara is very much a killer. And yet, the claws don’t come out. Cheetah doesn’t try to take a bite out of Harry’s throat either.
They roll for a bit before Harry winds up pinning the furred villain beneath him, pulling off his Invisibility Cloak and breathing heavily as he holds her arms above her head with just one hand. For a moment, they just stare at each other and Diana is reminded of the same intimacy she’d just watched Harry engage in with the other three women. But no… surely not.
Finally, Cheetah snickers and Harry chuckles and they pull apart. Rising to his feet, Harry folds up and tucks away his Invisibility Cloak, even as Cheetah languidly stands as well, rolling her shoulders and flaring her nostrils as she inhales deeply.
“Mm… I’d heard you got stronger. Glad to see it wasn’t a lie.”
Scoffing, Harry gives Cheetah an amused but also exasperated look.
“If it had been a lie, you might have taken my head off with that tackle of yours, Cheetah.”
But Barbara’s eyes just twinkle as she shakes her head.
“No. You would have just blasted me back with your magic, just like the first time we met. You had my number now just as you did then. Saw me coming from a mile away, didn’t you?”
First time they met? Diana leans in from behind the tree she’s hiding behind, listening carefully. Harry, meanwhile, actually hesitates for a moment, looking… displeased with himself? How odd.
“I owe you an apology, Cheetah. While I stand by my decision to bring you with us when we fled Gringotts… I should have stopped Tea from exacting such a heavy price for your salvation from you. You didn’t deserve to be forced to-mmph!”
Tea? Heavy price? Diana wants to know more, but Cheetah silences Harry with a kiss, having crossed the distance between them in two easy steps and wrapped her powerful arms around his neck to pull him in. He kisses her back of course, and when she proceeds to leap up and wrap her legs around his waist as well, his hands go to her furred bottom, groping and squeezing it as her tail slowly whips back and forth.
Diana flushes. So they did have that sort of relationship too. So what? Of course they would, no doubt Morgaine was using Cheetah to keep Harry in line. As a lure to make sure he obeyed her. Barbara was a beautiful woman after all, even with all the fur. Diana… Diana just had to keep watching. She needed to wait for the right opportunity to step in and stop them from bringing down the wards. Yes, that was it.
When they finally pull apart for air after an… uncomfortably long time, Cheetah gives Harry an amused look, even as she leans back in his grasp.
“Foolish wizard. Do you really think I would have stuck around this long if the threat of Galatea was all that was keeping me here? Sure, at first you both forced me to submit. The two of you made me your bitch… your plaything. You called me pet and made me like it, much to my chagrin.”
The more Cheetah talks, the less Diana understands, the more Harry looks chagrined. But then Cheetah scoffs.
“And yet… I’ve had ample opportunity to escape since then, have I not? Galatea was taken down by you and the Justice League. And even before that, you lot left Hogwarts ages ago, getting all caught up in Poison Ivy’s bullshit. Meanwhile I’ve been here, waiting. Do you not wonder why? Do you think that I, a woman with two PhDs, is so broken down and contemptible that I lived in fear of Galatea returning any moment to punish me for my temerity?”
Harry is quiet for a long moment before answering.
“… No, I don’t think you did.”
“Good, because I didn’t. I waited for you, wizard. Because quite frankly, you’re the most fun I’ve had in ages, regardless of how we first met. And the best sex as well.”
Harry flushes at that, even as Diana gapes from her hiding place. The Amazonian Princess isn’t stupid. Just from all of that monologuing, she’s able to put the pieces together. It sounds like Cheetah has been involved with Harry and Galatea since all the way back in the beginning, when it was just the wizard and the Cadmus Clone working together to keep Galatea’s survival hidden from the Justice League. That… WOULD line up with Cheetah’s disappearance.
But where did Morgaine come into all of this, exactly? Harry HAD to be working with the witch. Diana was sure of it. And yet… neither he nor Cheetah make any move to try and break down the wards. In fact… the shimmering shield that protects Hogwarts and the lands around it is actually still about fifteen minutes away on foot. But they aren’t even looking towards it. They’re too busy with one another.
… Has Diana walked into yet another sexual rendezvous?! How does this keep happening? Just how many women does Harry Potter have wrapped around his d- h-his finger?! This is-!
“We’re not alone, you know.”
Diana freezes as Barbara’s words come out in an amused purr… and the villain looks right in her direction with unerring accuracy. Harry is a bit more surprised, his head whipping towards her even as Diana pulls back behind the tree entirely, concealing herself from view. Or so she thinks.
“Homenum Revelio! What the… who’s there? Come out now!”
A spell to confirm her presence. Damn it all. Diana glances up. The trees of the Forbidden Forest are rather tall, and she’s chosen a nice, large one to hide behind. She can probably fly up, following the trunk all the way to the canopy and then curve under the shield dome to fly back to Hogwarts. If she’s fast and lucky, no one will be any the wiser and nobody will know that she-
“Wonder Woman… it’s not polite to spy on people~”
And like that, Diana’s plans come crashing down as Barbara exposes her. Of course the other woman would know her by scent, damn it all. Of course she would recognize her immediately just by smelling her. And if Diana flees the scene now… there’s no telling what the confrontation will look like later. No, she has to stand her ground. She can still spin this, she’s sure of it.
Hands curled into fists, back straight and shoulders squared, Wonder Woman steps out from behind the tree, coming into full view. She knows she cuts an impressive sight now that she’s no longer skulking. With her golden lasso of truth curled at her side, she stands tall, a blazing symbol of feminine power and strength, an idol for women everywhere.
She’s happy that Harry is at least visibly surprised by her presence. Cheetah might have caught her out, but that means Harry isn’t aware of just how LONG she’s been spying on him. Thankfully. Striding forward, Diana holds her head high in direct defiance to what she’s been doing all day long.
“Apologies for the subterfuge, but I had to be sure that everything was… above board. We stand on the precipice, waiting for an opportunity to strike our foe down. It wouldn’t do for someone on the inside to betray us.”
Harry’s surprise quickly melts into a furious scowl at that, as Diana reveals her distrust for him. But then, what does he really expect? After all, most of her experiences with him so far have been him cavorting with villains! Sure, the incident with the Dark Potion was unfortunate… but what if that was all a set up? What if he was Morgaine le Fey’s creature even back then?!
Diana was duty-bound to find out. To be certain of where his loyalties lay. She refused to apologize for that.
“Is that all? You think we’re working for le Fey, Wonder Woman? Don’t be ridiculous. The bitch wants Luna, but Luna already belongs to Harry here. And let me tell you Diana… Harry detests the thought of giving up control.”
She flushes at Cheetah’s lurid tone, even as Harry stiffens, looking a little bit like he doesn’t want such a label applied to him. And yet… it’s true isn’t it? Diana tries not to think too much on it… or on the things she’s witnessed so far today. Instead, she goes for her trump card, pulling her lasso from her waist with a challenging smile.
“Then Harry won’t mind submitting to my Lasso of Truth. A couple of questions and we’ll be done.”
She expects them both to balk at the idea, of course. Harry HAS to be evil… Diana is banking everything on that fact. And so she just knows they’ll refuse her. Once that happens she’ll have her answer anyways. She’ll have… vindication.
Wait, what? Diana blinks stupidly, slightly taken aback as Harry stomps forward with Cheetah following at a more languid pace behind him. He glares daggers at her with those glowing emerald eyes of his and thrusts out his arm in an open invitation. Diana tries not to let his look unsettle her. She certainly doesn’t shiver, no matter how badly her body wants to.
Instead, wordlessly, she reaches out and wraps the Golden Lasso of Truth around Harry’s wrist. Once it’s secured and glowing golden, she asks him a simple question to make sure it’s working.
“What is your name?”
“Harry James Potter.”
He answers easily without hesitation. So Diana dives right into the deep end from there.
“Where do your true allegiances lie?”
Here… here there is a moment of hesitation. Harry grits his teeth, clenches his hand into a fist, and pauses for a moment before finally biting out the words.
“The Secret Sea. Tea. The other women.”
From previous experience, Diana knows that he’s just listed those three things in order of importance to him. The Secret Sea though… was that the Lady of the Lake’s Domain? She knew he was a Paladin of the Lake now, but shouldn’t his first loyalty be to Lady Vivienne then? Unless he wasn’t tied to her, but to her Domain. That was interesting. Very interesting.
Diana opens her mouth to ask more questions, but before she can Cheetah suddenly lunges forward. The golden lasso’s slack is abruptly pulled free and then wrapped around Diana’s wrist as well, making her eyes widen as Cheetah holds her fast and then leans in with a leering hiss.
“Why did you really follow Harry Potter out here, Wonder Woman?”
The Golden Lasso of Truth is a POWERFUL artifact. Divine in origin. And… though most don’t know it, it’s one of Diana’s weaknesses. One might wonder why she would ever use an artifact as one of her main tools when it was also such a glaring weakness for her, but that was just how useful and strong the golden lasso was. It more than made up for its drawbacks with its upsides.
However, that did mean some of Diana’s longer lived foes had caught on to the double-edged nature of the artifact over the years. And Barbara, intelligent as she was, was one of them. Normally, Diana just kept her guard up a little more around such enemies, knowing full well that if she let it down, they would take advantage of her weakness to the lasso.
But she’d been distracted. By Harry. By the situation. By his and Cheetah’s relationship. She’d let her guard down and now…
“I… I was hoping to watch him fuck you.”
She bites down on the additional part of that sentence, the part that would have gone something like ‘like I did all the others so far today’. She doesn’t say that at least. But the damage is still done. Diana tries to yank herself free a moment later, but Cheetah refuses to let her go. And that’s the other drawback of the lasso. Not only is Diana weak to its truth-telling effects, but when she’s restrained by it, she loses some of her superstrength and some of her powers. She’s still stronger than any normal human, but Cheetah is not a normal human.
Nor can Diana fly when she’s restrained by the lasso. So even that isn’t an option to her.
“L-let me go… damn you Cheetah, t-this wasn’t the deal!”
“Excuse me? You hoped to what?”
Diana freezes at Harry’s tone. His silken soft voice is deceptive, but his eyes… his eyes reveal just what he’s thinking as she finds herself trembling under his gaze.
“I… I… I w-wanted to see you plow Barbara s-silly…”
Damn, damn, damn! The lasso still on, she can’t help but answer him just as she’d answered Cheetah. Cheetah, who is now snickering while Harry looks utterly poleaxed. Barbara is the first to recover from the revelations though… but only because she has more questions.
“Now isn’t that curious, Harry. I wonder… what gave this Amazon bitch the impression that you were coming out here to fuck me in the first place, hm?”
It’s not a question directed at her, so Diana is able to fight off the Lasso’s power as it tries to influence her to answer. Cheetah isn’t speaking to her; she doesn’t have to tell the truth. She can stay silent, thankfully.
… Unfortunately, this reprieve is nothing but a lie. Cheetah is playing with her food by asking Harry a leading question. Understanding and realization dawns on the young man’s face before his jaw sets and he growls in the back of his throat.
“Wonder Woman. Just how long have you been following me today?”
And there it is. She fights as hard as she can not to answer. But to no avail.
“S-Since… since I c-caught Raven in a s-slutty schoolgirl uniform going to m-meet with you and Z-Zatanna…”
Harry’s eyes widen at that even as he rapidly follows up with another question.
“And you’ve been watching? All this time?”
Again, Diana wishes she could hold back her answer. But… no.
“Y… yes.”
Cheetah, amused more than anything, tilts her head to the side.
“What does that mean exactly, Harry?”
Frowning at Diana now, Harry grunts.
“It means she watched me fuck Zatanna, Raven, and Poison Ivy before following me out here to you.”
“I-I had to be sure that you weren’t p-planning anything nefarious!”
The words are a half-truth at best, but true enough that she can force them out even with the lasso on. Harry’s frown deepens at that, looking down at the golden glowing rope around both of their wrists with a thoughtful look on his face. For a moment, Diana wonders if she might be able to get away with this… but no.
“Yeah? And did you touch yourself while you ‘made sure’, Diana?”
Cheetah’s words are the final nails in Diana’s coffins. Her eyes widen at that, even as the words are forced to spill from her lips.
“Y-Yes… f-frequently…”
In her shame, she reacts too late to stop Cheetah from pulling the lasso off of Harry’s wrist, the handle out of Diana’s grasp, and then forcing her to her knees. Suddenly, her arms are pulled behind her back and restrained by her own golden, unbreakable, glowing lasso. Diana gasps as her knees hit the soft grassy forest floor and she finds herself in front of Harry Potter… looking up to him.
She’d be lying if she said this position hadn’t played a part in her fantasies and dreams more than once. But then, she’d been lying to herself a lot lately.
“Cheetah? What are you doing?”
“Giving us all what we want, Harry. Hey, bitch. Do you know how I was able to catch you?”
The truth comes easier this time since it’s not truly humiliating.
“… Yes… by my scent…”
She should never have been caught by such an amateurish move though. That is still immensely embarrassing. Her only excuse is that the Forbidden Forest’s magic got the better of her. She’s confident she was downwind of the two of them, and yet Cheetah had caught her anyways.
“Not just your scent, bitch. It was your arousal. You were filling the air with just how turned on you are. But then I thought to myself, how could you possibly be so aroused when we hadn’t even done anything yet?”
… As it turned out, the truth was humiliating. More than Diana ever could have imagined it being. A shudder of dismay and horror runs through the Amazonian Princess as she shuts her eyes and hangs her head in defeat. She’d given herself away entirely, it seemed. At every avenue, she’d failed. And now… now they knew her shame. Her arousal.
“Hey now, you don’t just get to check out, bitch.”
Grabbing hold of her lush black locks, Cheetah forces Diana’s head back. The pain causes her eyes to snap open as well, and she finds herself looking up at an indecisive Harry. He hasn’t pulled out his cock yet. He hasn’t made any move to ravish her. Why is he holding back?
“Cheetah, I’m not sure about this…”
“Heh, you told Tea that with me too. But let me set your mind at ease. Bitch. How badly do you want Harry’s cock right now?”
Oh no.
“I… I want it… I want it badly enough to b-beg for it…”
“There you have it, Harry. Her own tool just exposed her for the horny, needy cunt that she is.”
True understanding finally dawns in Harry’s eyes. After a moment, he steps forward and takes hold of Diana’s hair from Cheetah. The villain lets go without hesitation, her hands instead moving along Diana’s helpless body. She shivers in response. She can’t fly away. She can’t fight her way free because Cheetah and Harry are BOTH stronger than her right now. She’s completely and utterly defeated. They can do whatever they want to her. HE can do whatever he wants to her.
As Harry reaches down and begins freeing his cock from its confines, Diana watches with bated breath. There’s nothing she can do to stop him. There’s nothing-
His cock flops out onto her face, smacking her across the cheek before laying out along the bridge of her nose. Diana goes cross-eyed just looking at it, her breath coming out hot against its meaty underside. She’s watched this same cock fuck so many women now it’s not even funny. And now… now it’s her turn. But it’s fine. She doesn’t have a choice. She doesn’t have a say in this. She just… has to endure.
“Is this what you want, Diana? Is this cock what the great Wonder Woman desires with all her heart?”
Oh no. He was going to keep talking? Why?! Just fuck her already! The lasso…
“Y… yes… please… I… I want it… I desire it… I NEED it…”
A single tear streaks down Diana’s cheek as Harry lets out a shuddering breath at her honesty. Then, he slides his cock along her face until finally, he’s pressing it against her lips.
“Then suck it. Show me how badly you want it. Show me how badly you need this.”
It’s not a question, but Diana still doesn’t hesitate to give in. Because at least with her lips wrapped securely around his cock, they can’t extract anymore humiliating, shameful, uncomfortable truths from her. She’d rather have his big fat dick down her throat than have more embarrassing words slip out of her mouth.
With that in mind, Diana opens wide and sucks in Harry’s meaty rod with gusto. She’s only had a couple of experiences like this in her time in Man’s World. Dating after Steve Trevor had been… a challenge. None could measure up to the love she’d lost all those years ago. And most men expected a certain submissiveness from her. But when they didn’t have the power to back it up, submitting to such men rang… hollow.
Harry’s cock is definitely the biggest she’s ever had though. And he has strength and power in spades, doesn’t he? Diana’s eyes flutter as she gurgles her way as far down his dick as she possibly can before choking. When she tries to pull back, however, Harry’s grip firms up in her hair. He doesn’t hold her in place for long thankfully, but he does take control, moving her back and forth along his cock at HIS pace.
In the end, all she can do is relax her throat as best she’s able and just take it. Kneeling there before Harry, her arms tied behind her back by her own lasso, Diana can do nothing but look up into his emerald eyes as she gags and gurgles on his cock.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Of course, just because she’s helpless doesn’t mean Cheetah is idle.
Diana suddenly feels the cool evening forest air on a part of her body that had previously been covered… her breasts. Cheetah pulls down the top of her costume, freeing her chest from its confines and cooing into Diana’s ear even as she continues to be choked upon Harry’s throbbing man meat.
“There we are. These puppies deserve to be freed for the main event; wouldn’t you agree Wonder Woman?”
Diana just moans in response as Cheetah claws at her tits. Her durability is one of the few powers that remains intact, so Cheetah’s sharp claws don’t immediately shred through Diana’s breastflesh in a spurt of blood and gore. But they do leave thin red lines across her chest, the pain mixing with pleasure as Diana shudders in her spot trapped between Cheetah and Harry.
“Always knew you were a man’s bitch at heart, Diana. Could see it in your every action, you know?”
W-What… no… Cheetah was wrong. She was… she had come to Man’s World to champion women. To f-fight for their rights. What… what was the other woman talking about?
“Don’t try to deny it. You can dress it up however you want, but you’ve always supported the patriarchy. Always made a point to prop up the status quo, maintain the old guard. You’re a traditionalist, Diana. Always have been, always will be.”
That was… Barbara was being ridiculous. Civilization was important. Without governance, they would only have anarchy.
“Just look at all of your biggest enemies, Diana. Me. Giganta. Circe. Why are so many of us women just trying to carve out a place for ourselves in a world run by men, hm?”
That was… a gross misinterpretation and simplification of their many, many crimes. Not to mention, Cheetah was ignoring all of the male villains that Diana found herself facing off against! Barbara was cherry picking things, but it wasn’t like Diana could argue with her… not when Harry’s cock was buried oh so satisfyingly down her throat.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Despite disagreeing with everything the villain was saying, Diana’s nipples are still rock hard pebbles under Cheetah’s claws in short order. She can’t help but moan even as she gags for Harry, drool and saliva dribbling off of her chin and onto her exposed breasts as she shudders in place.
“You needed a real man to put you in your place though. Your fellow heroes are all too squeamish to treat you like you want to be treated. And the villains you face off against are all too weak, aren’t they? But Harry… Harry is different, isn’t he? Harry is special.”
Now Cheetah is saying things Diana agrees with, however reluctantly. She still can’t explain it, of course. She doesn’t know WHY Harry Potter is so special. But Barbara is right all the same. And now that she’s finally here… this honestly feels inevitable, in a way.
All of the sudden, Harry lets out a lustful growl and abruptly pulls her head back off of his cock. Diana comes off with a pop and a gasp, her mouth wide open as she inhales her first proper lungful of oxygen in several minutes. This turns out to be a mistake however, because Harry begins to cum a moment later. She should have seen that coming given all of her spying throughout the day, but Diana is caught completely off guard.
She chokes and sputters as the first thick ropes of Harry’s seed strikes the back of her throat and go down the wrong pipe. This results in her twisting herself in his and Cheetah’s grasp, which means the rest of his cum winds up on her face, not in her mouth. It also ends up all over her heaving tits as Cheetah pulls her hands down to the sides of them, pushing up Diana’s breasts like she’s serving them on a platter, making sure that they get a liberal coating of Harry’s seed.
This continues for what feels like an eternity, the hot salty cum bath seemingly endless for a moment before it finally starts to abate. By the time it does though, Diana is coated in Harry’s seed… just as the women before her. She never thought she’d be here. She never thought she’d submit. And yet…
Before she can truly recover or get her thoughts in order, Cheetah abruptly swings her around, grabbing Diana by her jaw and digging claws into her cheeks.
“How are you feeling right now, Wonder Whore?”
The Golden Lasso forces her honesty, even as Diana shudders in humiliation.
“A-Ashamed… defeated… aroused.”
“You love it, don’t you? More than you ever thought possible.”
“… Yes…”
“And now you want Harry to fuck you, don’t you? You want him to take that big fat cock of his and drill into you with every bit of superstrength he got from the Lady of the Lake.”
Smirking, Cheetah looks over Diana’s shoulder at the wizard watching all of this.
“You heard her… Master~”
Diana jolts at the title. It’s the first time Cheetah has used it with Harry since this encounter began. It brings an incredibly deep blush to the Amazonian Princess’ face, even as her sopping wet cunt clenches down between her slick thighs.
“I heard her.”
Diana feels Harry drop down to his knees behind her. A moment later, she feels his hands on her hips. At the same time, Cheetah uses her grip on Diana’s face to pull the Amazon forward and is kissing her a moment later… no, not kissing her. Cleaning her.
Trapped between the two of them, helpless to stop any of it with her arms bound behind her back by her own lasso, Diana can only whimper and mewl as Cheetah begins licking Harry’s sticky, salty seed off of her face. Meanwhile, Harry yanks Diana’s ass out towards him, his fingers running over her star-spangled behind for a moment before yanking the crotch of her leotard aside. Diana gasps when she feels his cockhead press against her slit just a moment later.
No fanfare, no hesitation, no foreplay, no fingers. He just shoves it right in and all Diana can do is moan like a wanton whore. Like the ‘Wonder Whore’ that Barbara just termed her. But then, to be fair… they’d had plenty of foreplay all day long, hadn’t they? Though Harry hadn’t known it at the time, he’d been preparing Diana for this moment with every other encounter he’d had today.
And now it was finally here. His cock, buried deep inside of her twat. His strength made it so she didn’t have to worry about hurting him. She didn’t have to worry about clenching down too hard or pushing her hips back into his thrusts too fast and shattering his pelvis as a result.
Of course, she tries desperately not to do either of those things anyways, clinging to the shattered, tattered remains of her dignity and pride for as long as possible. But it’s hard. It’s so, so hard. Especially when Cheetah is helping him tag team her, going to town on Diana’s breasts now that she’s finished licking her face clean.
As the furred villain works her tongue and teeth over Diana’s tits and teats, Harry is holding her firmly by the hips, his fingers digging into her flesh with a power he hadn’t had until recently as he drives into her cunt from behind with greater and greater force.
It’s enough to drive a woman mad with pleasure, Diana can’t help but feel. Still, she holds back as long as she can… even if that isn’t very long at all. Indeed, before she knows it, she’s moaning wantonly. Before she knows it, her pussy walls are clenching rapidly around Harry’s length as her fluids gush down his mast. And before she knows it, her hips are betraying her, moving of their own accord in time with his powerful thrusts.
She loves it. She hates how much she loves it. As his cock spears her to her core, the first orgasm finally rips its way through her body and out her mouth, a loud and lurid cry to go with the explosive climax that follows. Trapped between them, her spasming and shuddering form doesn’t go anywhere. But they do pause for a moment as she rides out the orgasm, with Cheetah in particular pulling back and just studying Diana for a moment before looking past her to Harry.
“She’s been a real pain for you, hasn’t she Master? Like a kid pulling pigtails. She didn’t want to admit it, but she’s wanted what I and the others have had with you since you first met. I just know it.”
“… She has been something of a nuisance.”
Diana flushes at that. Her, the great Wonder Woman, reduced to little more than a ‘nuisance’. She’d be more enraged if Harry was the villain she thought he was… but clearly he’s not. He wouldn’t be fucking her silly if his plan was truly to come out her and bring down the wards from the edge of the dome. No… Diana recognized now just how much she’d been lying to herself all this time.
… Barbara’s analogy had more truth to it then she cared to admit.
“Give it to her, Master. She’s yours now. Your bitch, just like me… just like the others. Don’t hold back. Let it all out.”
Before Diana can properly process what Cheetah is suggesting, Harry has ahold of her hair and is yanking her head back. Her spine arches to an unhealthy degree as the most powerful woman in the world gasps, looking up at Harry’s upside down visage.
“Is that right, Wonder Woman? Are you my bitch now? Do you like this? Do you like being treated like my toy?”
“Nnngh… yes… y-es, I like it. I’m… oh gods, I’m y-your bitch…”
There’s no coming back from this. They all know that. Harry smirks down at her.
“You like getting fucked. You like my big fat cock diving deep into your insides.”
“I-I do… I-I love it…”
The words come out breathlessly, with Diana gasping for breath as he drives into her over and over again. Until suddenly…
“But have you earned it?”
He pulls back and doesn’t thrust forward. Diana blinks stupidly for a moment as she feels the distinct absence of Harry’s cock buried in her twat all of the sudden. What… but why? Why would he stop?
Abruptly, Harry pushes her forward, forcing her face into the dirt as Cheetah draws back. Diana goes from on her knees to face down, ass up in an instant, her derriere raising into the air partially from the change in position but also out of sheer, wanton need. And yet, he doesn’t drive himself back into her as Diana hopes. He doesn’t even fuck her ass instead, which she suspected might be his intention. Instead…
“Cheetah, come here.”
As Diana lays there with her arms bound behind her back and her face and tits pressed into the dirt, she feels a sudden heavy weight on her ass. It takes a second for her to realize what’s happening. Harry has lifted Cheetah up and sat her down on Diana’s buttocks like… like the Amazon Princess is nothing more than a chair. A stool. And now, judging by the movements she’s feeling and the moans coming from Cheetah’s lips, he’s fucking her just as hard and fast as he was fucking Diana a few moments before.
A whimper leaves her lips as her pussy clenches and flexes around nothing at all. Cheetah is the one getting dicked down by that massive cock now. Cheetah is the one receiving every last inch of his prodigious cock. The villainess is soon yowling from the experience, clearly having the time of her life if the splatter of juices across Diana’s backside, thighs, and lower legs is any indication.
… She’s Wonder Woman. She’s one of the Big Three, a founding member of the Justice League and the strongest heroine on their roster. She’s arguably the strongest woman in the world, and definitely one of if not the most well-known. She’s every girl’s idol and every boy’s first sexual fantasy. Everyone wants to be her or be with her.
And yet here she is being used as furniture. Harry Potter has every opportunity to fuck her senseless and claim her as his bitch but instead he’s fucking her archnemesis. No, more than that… he already did fuck her. He already made her admit she was his bitch. And then he stopped to fuck Cheetah instead because she wasn’t GOOD ENOUGH.
Something breaks in Diana then. As her body is rocked by Harry’s powerful thrusts into Cheetah’s no doubt gushing twat, the Amazon Princess cries out, whimpering and squirming beneath them both.
“P-Please… please fuck me! Please d-don’t stop! Please-mmph!”
Reaching back behind her, Cheetah grips Diana by the back of her head and drives her face into the ground, silencing her and forcing her to deal with a mouthful of dirt at the same time.
“H-Hush, Amazonian B-Bitch… my, ah… my turn n-now~”
Diana squirms, but her struggling amounts to nothing as Cheetah continues to receive every last inch of Harry’s cock. The cock that should be inside of her… is instead inside of her rival. Diana wishes she could say Barbara doesn’t deserve Harry’s dick. But she knows that’s not true. Even still, she finds herself internally railing at the unfairness of it all. Right up until Harry finally lets out a telltale grunt and Cheetah lets out a cry.
But the real evidence of Harry’s completion is the deluge of seed that flows down over Diana’s crotch and thighs. It should have been inside of her, but instead it’s overflowing from inside of Cheetah, coating Diana’s flesh but otherwise being utterly meaningless.
Cheetah’s weight leaves her ass a moment later though, and Harry’s hands fall back upon Diana’s hips.
“Well, Wonder Whore? I gave you some time to think, didn’t I? Why should I fuck you, really? After all the trouble you gave me, why should I give you the time of day?”
The Golden Lasso compels her to answer honestly. For a moment, Diana fears the words that come out of her mouth will be ‘because I’m Wonder Woman’. Surely she’s not that conceited, right? Fortunately… no. But that doesn’t make her justifications any less humiliating in the end.
“B-Because… because I s-submit. I surrender… just t-take me however you like. You c-can even fuck my ass… so long as you fuck me. Just please fuck me.”
Her voice is tired and defeated but also filled with longing and arousal and… she just can’t do it anymore. She can’t keep pretending to be someone she’s not. Cheetah is right… she wants to belong to Harry. She wants to be a man’s bitch. But not just any man… she wants to be this man’s bitch.
“Please fuck me… Master.”

That last word isn’t something the lasso draws out. That’s Diana’s own choice. And she can tell from Harry’s pause that he recognizes it too. After a moment that feels like it stretches into an eternity… he grabs hold of her hips and lifts them up a bit more. Then, he pulls aside her star-spangled leotard even further, until he finally has access to her ass.
Diana whimpers as he spreads her cheeks and presses his lubricated cock against her backdoor, but she doesn’t protest. She had offered it, truthfully and freely after all. Maybe it wasn’t her preferred hole… but she’d take whatever she could get at this point.
“Oh how the mighty have fallen~”
Cheetah’s teasing words are so very true, even as Harry slowly pushes his cock up Diana’s asshole, making the Amazon Princess squeal and shudder under him. She’d be clawing at the ground right now if her arms weren’t tied behind her back. But truth be told… she likes being tied up like this. She enjoys being bound and helpless, weakened by her own lasso and made to submit. She’s loving every last bit of this, much to her shame… and much to her joy.
Even the anal sex starts to feel surprisingly good the more Harry fucks her. As he plows her asshole with just as much vigor and strength as he did her cunt, Diana can’t help but quiver and shudder and cry out in an ugly fashion. Sprawling out in front of her now, Cheetah just casually fingers herself and then brings her cum-drenched claws to her lips to lick them clean.
Until suddenly, she leans forward and places those claws against Diana’s lips instead. Unthinkingly, Diana opens up and takes Cheetah’s digits into her mouth, sucking them clean of Harry’s salty spunk without a second thought. Only afterwards does she flush in mortification at her actions, but by then it’s far too late. Just another humiliation, another shameful act, another embarrassing deed.
Her dignity in complete tatters, Diana shudders as Harry brings her to orgasm after orgasm, solely from fucking her ass. His salty seed on her tongue, courtesy of Cheetah, enhances the experience… but not THAT much. No, he’s just that good. It’s just that good. Submitting to his big fat cock, being manhandled by his super strength, being bound in her own lasso…
Diana’s eyes roll back in her head and she sees stars as one final titanic orgasm ripples through her. Then, a moment later, Harry pulls out of her ass at the last possible second and finishes all over her again. It doesn’t escape Diana’s attention that he doesn’t cum in her, not a single time. But maybe she hasn’t earned that yet. Or maybe he just gets off on the idea of staining her body and costume, because her star-spangled leotard is certainly soaked in his jizz now, along with the back of her costume.
Shuddering, Diana finds herself yanked back up off the ground by Cheetah, spun back around, and forced to clean Harry’s cock with her mouth and tongue again. Something that the broken princess does with gusto and without hesitation.
There’s no going back after this. Whatever happens next, that will be Harry… no, her Master’s decision. Diana has been truly, utterly tamed at long last.


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