A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 41: Morgaine le Fey’s Comeuppance

Harry could tell that Vivienne, Lady of the Lake, was not entirely happy with them for doing this. As Morgaine struggles against Vivienne's water, which nevertheless effortlessly restrains and binds the sorceress, the Lady of the Lake's cold eyes flow over all of them. When they come to Harry, however, he refuses to back down. Looking right back at his benefactor, he stands tall and defiant in the face of her judgment.

If she didn't want him to bring her sister here to the Secret Sea, if she didn't want to have him resort to this, then Vivienne shouldn't have stopped Harry from killing Morgaine in the first place. In doing so, she'd left him with no choice. His hands had been tied from the moment he couldn't deliver a killing blow.

Fortunately, Vivienne isn't as irrational as her sister. After a moment the coldness in her gaze fades away and the Lady of the Lake softens as she lets out a low sigh. Glancing to a struggling, snarling Morgain le Fey for a moment, she ultimately shakes her head before gesturing with a hand at the waters behind her.

Rising from the Secret Sea come four more women. Harry, through his connection to this hidden realm, immediately recognizes them as the 'River Sisters'. Elbe Sister, Rhine Sister, Moon Sister, and Tigris Sister. Vivienne makes the fifth of their number, as well as their leader. As such, when she gestures to the heroines that Harry has inadvertently brought with him, he's not surprised to see the River Sisters move forward with soft smiles on their faces.

"Allow the River Sisters to attend you while I, my Champion, and Circe speak on the fate of Morgaine le Fey."

Despite softening up, Vivienne's tone is one that brooks no argument. She's clearly not interested in debating or discussing with any of those who fought alongside Harry all the way into the heart of Morgaine's fortress. Fortunately, they don't raise a fuss. Both Diana and Zatanna do give him concerned looks, but Harry smiles and waves them off, and they let themselves be pulled away without complaint.

In short order, there's only four of them left on the lakeshore. Vivenne herself, her bound and restrained sister Morgaine le Fey, Harry, Champion of the Secret Sea… and last but certainly not least, Circe, Greek Demigoddess.

Honestly, Harry has to admit to being rather impressed that Circe has managed to act so… chill for so long. Of course, once it's just the four of them, she doesn't mince words.

"I demand Morgaine's head. Nothing less will satisfy me."

In an instant, Vivienne's harshness returns, her eyes narrowing as she raises to her full height.

"I would remind you that you are in MY realm, Circe… as a guest for now, but that can rapidly change. I do not entertain demands or orders from other Pantheons. Not now, not ever. If I did not let the Champion of the Secret Sea kill my sister, I'm certainly not going to let you do it either."

Harry's lips thin out, even as Circe jolts and glances his way, looking at him in a new light. On the one hand, he could see what Vivienne was doing and part of him even appreciated it. By stating out loud what she'd done, she was taking the heat off of him, letting Circe know that he hadn't fully been in control of himself back in Morgaine's Castle. Ultimately, it wasn't entirely his fault that he'd acted the way he had. It was Vivienne who Circe should direct her ire against.

On the other hand, he still didn't like that Vivienne had done that. He didn't like it one bit. He wasn't her Champion; he was the Secret Sea's Champion. A minor distinction, but one that Harry had thought meant something, one that he'd appreciated. If she continued to abuse her power over the Secret Sea and therefore him, Harry might just have to sunder his oath and cease being a Paladin of the Secret Sea. That wasn't something he wanted to do, but he refused to let himself be controlled by others any longer.

Fortunately, he gets the impression from Vivienne's apologetic look that this might have been a one-off situation spurned on by an almost forgotten love for a sister lost to her until now. And if that were the case, Harry might be willing to overlook it… just this once.

"Fuck you, sister! Fuck all of you! Once I am free, I swear I will kill you! I will kill you all! I will rip this realm asunder, I will shatter your domain into a million pieces, and I will make you pay for what you have done to me! Every last one of you!"

Of course, then there's Morgaine le Fey, who is making no effort to help her case. The ancient, golden-bodied sorceress thrashes and struggles in her bindings, but breaking free is proving to be quite impossible for her. Not only does it seem like she's been drained of her magic, but also… trying to break free of water? How do you fight an ocean? How do you struggle against the might of the sea itself?

Circe's angry scowl had transitioned into a furrowed, thoughtful brow after Vivienne revealed what she'd done to Harry. Now though, it becomes an amused look as the Greek Demigoddess crosses her arms over her chest and snickers.

"It would seem that your love for your sister does not go both ways, Lady of the Lake. Will you still refuse to give me her head, even as she shouts obscenities and hurls abuse at you?"

Rather than Vivienne answering that, it's Morgaine who speaks up with a cruel laugh, somewhat foolishly in Harry's humble opinion.

"Hah! Even when she betrayed me and sided with Merlin over her own blood, she refused to give him the tools he needed to put me down for good! Don't expect much from my bitch of a sister!"

Circe raises an eyebrow at that, even as Vivienne sighs and shakes her head.

"It was your own decisions that drove me to aid Merlin against you all those centuries ago, Morgaine. Just as it is your own decisions that have driven me to aid Harry against you now."

As Morgaine scowls, Vivienne turns to Circe with a wide smile on her lips.

"I will not let you kill my sister, Circe. However, I offer you something better than her death."

Circe narrows her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.


"Indeed… I offer her complete and utter humiliation."

Huh? Harry blinks in surprise, and so do Circe and Morgaine. Neither understand what Vivienne means until she twists her hand and a loop of her water magic encircles Morgaine's golden neck. A moment later it solidifies into an ocean-blue collar with a glowing sapphire at its center.

Harry's eyes widen as he suddenly feels a connection forming between him and the ancient sorceress. Suddenly, strength flows through his somewhat exhausted body and Morgaine slumps in obvious distress.

"What… what are you doing to me, sister? What have you done?!"

"You entered my domain not as a guest, but as an invader, Morgaine. You sought to strike down my Champion not just out there on the Earth where I am limited in my response, but also here, right in front of my eyes. What am I doing? I am taking my comeuppance from you. I am taking what I and Harry Potter are owed."

Morgaine chokes as the collar around her neck grows a little tighter. She shudders as she's drained a bit more. Harry grunts, feeling even more power enter him. Funnily enough, even as they're finally realizing what's happening, it's Circe who's picking up on it.

"Oh-ho! You've shackled her magic to the wizard! From now on, she won't be able to cast even the most basic of spells without his say so, and no matter what, her magic will always belong to him, to do with as he pleases."

As Morgaine's face turns to horror, Vivienne nods solemnly.

"Indeed. From this moment on, Morgaine belongs to the Secret Sea, more specifically to its latest Paladin. She is owned, completely and utterly, by my Champion. Harry can do whatever he wants to her now… and she has no way of fighting back. Does this punishment satisfy you, Circe? Does this humiliation meet your standards?"

Circe narrows her eyes, looking from Vivienne to Morgaine to Harry.

"Mm… to be forced to submit to a man… it is the lowliest fate I can possibly think of for a proud woman who has crossed me. And even better, it's a man I find halfway tolerable… especially now that I know it was not his own choice to turn on me back in the castle. Still… what will you do with her, Harry Potter? Now that our shared enemy is at your mercy, what will do you next?"

Harry stiffens. He's still reeling from the knowledge that he now basically has access to Morgaine's immense magical power. An ancient sorceress that's centuries and centuries old basically acts as his extra magical battery now, for when he really needs to be strong for a given fight.

But Morgaine herself… she'd certainly been a huge problem for a while now. And she was someone who was in desperate need of correction. Still, Harry didn't necessarily want to step on Vivienne's toes. Morgaine was still Vivienne's sister.

Looking to the Lady of the Lake meaningfully, he all but asks her with his eyes just how far he should go here. In response, the blue-skinned woman just smiles and gestures with her hand.

"Allow us to show you, Circe."

In mere moments, Morgaine and Vivienne have been repositioned. Still restrained by bands of water, still powerless thanks to her new collar, Morgaine le Fey can only squirm helplessly on the lakeshore, her golden body glistening in the sun as she growls and struggles. Meanwhile, Vivienne is over her, naked now and arching her back as she plays with her sister's inhuman body.

Using her knees as well as tendrils of water to force Morgaine's legs apart, she uses her fingers to spread the golden woman's pussy lips.

"Come, Champion. Come and take your conquest. Come and claim your prize."

Glancing at Circe, who just grins and nods her approval, Harry huffs and reaches down, freeing his cock from its confines as he stomps over. This wasn't how he'd intended for things to end; truth be told. But here they were all the same. Of course, Morgaine isn't wet in the slightest. That wouldn't be an issue if she were a normal human woman, but obviously she's not.

So Harry slides into Vivienne first, trusting the Lady of the Lake to properly lubricate his cock, which she does of course, proving true to her name. Once his dick is flooded with Vivienne's arousal and fluids, Harry pulls out of her… and lines up with Morgaine's slit. As Vivienne moans into her helpless sister's neck, recovering from the orgasm that Harry just fucked her through, Harry meets the ancient sorceress' eyes over the top of the Lady of the Lake's body.

"You shouldn't have tried to take Luna from me."

Morgaine hisses, preparing to snarl something in response, but Harry slams into her cunt down below, cutting her off. She howls in outrage as he fucks her hard and fast but is unable to muster up much in the way of defiance or anger. Especially since, by the time she finally manages to get her voice back and is able to smack talk him, Vivienne cuts her off with a kiss on her lips, pushing her tongue into Morgaine's mouth and forcibly making out with her as she's fucked there on the shore.

Harry doesn't just fuck Morgaine, of course. He alternates between the two sisters, finding it appropriate but also necessary. Morgaine's body isn't exactly made for sex and hasn't been for a long, long time. In truth, she's not a very sexual creature these days, especially not like her sisters. But that doesn't stop Harry. He uses Vivienne for lubricant and then fucks Morgaine some more until he needs another dick wetting.

Finally, through plowing both women's pussies silly, Harry at long last reaches the edge and tips over, cumming in Morgaine's cunt. However… he doesn't once manage to make her cum in turn. She might not even be capable of it anymore, what with her strange body.

As Harry finishes inside of her, however, he does feel a small bit of triumph at her mortification and embarrassment. As Vivienne rolls off of her sister and Morgaine is left laying there, powerless and freshly fucked, she sneers at them both.

"You will not break me. Visit as many injustices upon me as you like, but I will never break, especially not to something as… pedestrian as carnal pleasure!"

"Won't you?"

Harry blinks as the response to Morgaine's certainty comes from neither him nor Vivienne. Instead, Circe saunters up, a wicked grin on her lips as she looms over them all for a moment.

"Hm… yes, I accept your ruling, Lady of the Lake. This is a fitting punishment for this bitch who thought she was equal in power and strength to the Great Circe herself. However, I have one condition."

Circe being Circe, she doesn't wait for Vivienne to ask what it is or approve it. Instead, the Greek Demigoddess leans down and taps a single finger against Morgaine's forehead, causing the golden sorceress to blink in confusion. But then… Harry feels it. Circe is trying to perform a transfiguration on Morgaine.

Normally, Morgaine's innate magic would stop such a thing. She would have to be not just unconscious but also drained of all of her power for a transfiguration like Circe is attempting to properly take hold… under normal circumstances. However, these were not normal circumstances. Morgaine's magic was no longer her own. It was Harry's now thanks to the Lady of the Lake's collar. As such, Harry effectively had administrator rights now.

Which meant Circe's spell was asking HIM for permission to take effect, rather than Morgaine herself. He could have said no, allowing her to shake off the transfiguration through the use of her magic… but as he looks at Circe, the Greek Demigoddess grins wickedly and gives him a wink.

"Trust me, you'll like this~"

Then, without consulting Vivienne first, mostly because he's still a little annoyed by her earlier actions… Harry nods and gives his permission, letting Circe's spell do its work. Morgaine chokes on her own spit, and then jerks and shudders as the transfiguration, more of a Curse than anything, goes into effect.

Right before all of their eyes, the ancient sorceress transforms. Her golden body melts away, replaced by pale flesh. Her figure and face transform as well, until Harry is staring into beautiful green eyes set on a very pretty face with full lips, a cute nose, and high cheek bones. Long, beautiful black hair frames her face, even as her bust fills out a bit more and she soon has the body of a goddess made flesh, a perfectly sculpted, voluptuous figure.

It's far nicer than Harry would have expected Circe to Curse Morgaine with… until he finally realizes what she was really going for.

"Well? Do you like her, Harry? Your very own sister in all but truth. Have her as you like. Her body can no longer resist the desires you force on her."

That's right. Thank fuck that Circe hadn't done her research. Otherwise, Harry might be staring down at a red head with green eyes and it would have been like he was fucking his own mum. Instead, Circe has transformed Morgaine le Fey into a proper female version of him. He should have seen that coming, after all the Greeks were all about incest at the end of the day.

Morgaine's green eyes narrow dangerously, and she sneers up at him.

"Like this changes anything. You're still never going to-nnngh!"

Harry silences her with a test. Basically, he grabs onto her tits and gives them a good, hard squeeze. Much to both his amazement and amusement, Morgaine reacts in a truly spectacular fashion, with her pale face immediately getting flushed and flustered as she blushes. Meanwhile, her nipples harden against his palms in mere moments and her body even instinctively arches its back, pushing her breasts further into his groping hands like it wants him to molest her.

Looking up at Circe, Harry lifts a brow. In response, the Greek Demigoddess just giggles.

"The Curse of Flesh is known to promote some… extra sensitivity in its victims from time to time. Anywhere from twice to as much as ten times the amount of sensation, in fact~"

Wow. Somehow, he got the impression that Circe was lying. Not about the extra sensitivity, but where it was coming from. Still, it's not like he's not going to take advantage of this. Pulling hard on Morgaine's new pale tits, yanking her up off of the shore, Harry leans down and kisses her firmly on the mouth. He's expecting her to at least try to bite him, but instead she all but melts into the kiss, her eyes half-rolling in her head from the pleasure.

As she moans for him, Harry nods to himself. Oh yeah, he can definitely work with this. Spinning Morgaine le Fey over onto her front, he forces the newly transformed woman up onto her hands and knees. Flesh and blood once more, powerless to stop him, she hisses as he claps his hands against her naked pale hips, squeezing her until her flesh starts to grow red.

"T-Tch. Do your worst, you b-bastard. Like I will ever submit to you, no matter what you do to me. I am Morgaine le Fey. I am-NNNNGH!!!"

To her credit, she once again manages to contain her voice as he cuts her off. Thrusting into her from behind, Harry chuckles as he begins to fuck her from behind. This time around, there's no need for Vivienne's gushing wet cunt to act as a go-between, because despite Morgaine's protests to the contrary, her pussy grows very wet for him very quickly.

Her whole body shudders under him in fact, and she lets out an involuntary whine as he slams in and out of her with his entire length.


"You… w-will suffer… a thousand tortures… f-for this!"

Scoffing, Harry rears back a hand… and spanks Morgaine's pale bubble butt.



A truly undignified, uncharacteristic, girlish squeal leaves the transformed Morgaine le Fey's lips as she shudders and quivers under him. In return, Harry palms her ass cheek that he just smacked, squeezing her reddening buttocks and groping it to his heart's content.

"Will I? From where I am, it doesn't look like you're going to do anything but get fucked, slut."

"F-Fuck you! This… hah, this state of affairs won't last forever! I swear, I'll- nnngh, I'll break free one day! And then, ugh, I'll have my revenge! You-mmph!"

Grabbing hold of her thick, lush black locks, Harry yanks Morgaine's head back and forcibly turns her around, cutting her off by pushing his lips against her lips again. He makes out with her long enough for her to tip over the edge and cum all over his cock, orgasming explosively despite the obscenities she's trying to throw his way.

When he finally pulls away from her lips, her emerald eyes are a little dazed and she looks almost cute in her state of flustered confusion. Before she can fully come back to herself, Harry twists her head in another direction… towards a watching, smirking Circe.

"Care to partake, Circe? This is your work of art, after all."

As expected, flattery will get him everywhere when it comes to the Greek Demigoddess. Smirking wider still, Circe chuckles and saunters over, before plopping herself down right in front of Morgaine. Harry wastes no time in thrusting the cursing sorceress' head forward into Circe's grasp, and Circe in turn wastes no time in forcing Morgaine's face down into her suddenly exposed cunt.


As Morgaine tries to continue delivering venomous vitriol to the both of them for what they've done to her, Circe instead grinds her pussy into the defeated sorceress' face, forcing her to lick if she wants to continue breathing. Harry, meanwhile, thrusts forward into Morgaine from behind even harder, reddening and bruising her pale ass and hips with the forceful blows he strikes to her gushing twat from behind.

He's not gentle about it, and if not for a little trick, Morgaine would have probably wound up black and blue from just how punishing he's being with her. However, that doesn't happen because Harry has access to Morgaine's magic… and it's incredibly intuitive thanks to Vivienne. All it takes is a simple flex of his will and Morgaine's magic heals her for him, turning what could have been her black and blue into just her reddened pale body, flustered and orgasmic as she cums again and again from the additional sensitivity that Circe forced on her.

Finally, Harry cums inside of Morgaine's twat, this time filling a human, fleshy cunt and womb with his seed instead of her uncomfortable, unaroused golden body from before. Then… he pauses for a moment and glances over at Vivienne.

The Lady of the Lake is sprawled out on her ass, one hand behind her to keep herself propped up and the other fingering her cunt as she watches her own sister being defiled by said sister's greatest enemies. As Morgaine is spit-roasted between Harry and Circe, Harry meets Vivienne's eyes… and sees her wicked grin and encouraging nod to his current thoughts.

Morgaine le Fey is a woman in desperate need of correction… and ignoring alternative methods of that correction is just a plain ole bad idea. That's why, cock well lubricated by Morgaine's fresh new cunt that he'd just finished deflowering, Harry pulls out and uses both hands to spread Morgaine's brand new pale buttocks nice and wide, revealing her equally new and untouched asshole.

The sorceress isn't so far gone that she doesn't realize what's happening. He can feel her tense up and start to struggle anew under his ironclad grasp. To no avail though. She can't stop Harry from forcing his cock into her ass anymore than she could stop Vivienne from locking away her magic or Circe from forcing her to carpet munch her Greek cunt.

All in all, all Morgaine le Fey can do is squeal as Harry pushes into her ass and leverages his weight to force her off of her knees and into a prone position. From there, he's able to prone bone the defeated sorceress quite effectively, plowing her anus with every last inch of his cock as he grips and squeezes at her buttocks.

Watching this happen, Circe grins and licks her lips, humping Morgaine's face even now as she giggles.

"Yesss… give it to her. Give this bitch what she deserves, Harry~"

Circe might be a man-hater, but she was still a woman. And if there was one thing Harry knew from the craziness that had become his life ever since Galatea fell from the sky… it was that women, more often than not, could hold even more hatred in their hearts for one another then they could for men.

It was a strange phenomenon, but time and time again, Harry had seen examples of women who would turn against their own gender at the drop of a hat for the smallest of slights. In this case of course, Morgaine hadn't just delivered a small slight to Circe. They'd essentially declared war on one another.

And so despite Circe having such a low opinion of the male gender, she had an even lower opinion of Morgaine le Fey. And she was loving watching the bitch get anally fucked by Harry's big fat cock.

Morgaine, for her part, is squealing up a storm. All of it is muffled by Circe's cunt lips until suddenly, it's not. Suddenly, Circe yanks Morgaine's head up from between her legs and chuckles at her messy, dazed features.

"Feel that bitch? That's a cock in your ass. Still think you're better than me? Still think you were ever even on the same level as me?"

"F-Fuck… y-you…"

"Hm… fuck her harder, Harry."

Morgaine squeals even louder as he does just that. Meanwhile, Circe adds insult to injury by spitting into the other woman's open mouth, something Morgaine can't stop from happening. Truly, the sorceress has fallen as low as you can go. From one of the most powerful magic users in the world, to nothing but a fuck pig for her former foes' amusement.

Harry doesn't know what's going through Morgaine's mind right now, but he knows one thing… he's going to keep fucking her until she breaks. He can't afford to have an enemy at his back. Even one that he technically controls inside and out might one day be a danger to him. If Vivienne won't let them kill her sister, then that leaves only one option available for Harry. He has to shatter Morgaine le Fey's mind. He has to use the advantages Circe has so generously given him to break Morgaine le Fey into a million little pieces so he can rebuild her into something useful, into someone submissive and subservient to his will.

It's not exactly the thought of a hero, he knows that. He certainly isn't going to be voicing this epiphany to anyone out loud. But it's what drives him to fuck Morgaine harder, it's what causes him to plow her ass silly and fill her bowels with his cum just like he did her cunt. As Morgaine experiences humiliating and embarrassing analgasm after analgasm at the end of his big fat cock, Harry doesn't let up for even a second until his balls are completely emptied into her ass.

Only then does he pull out of her. Only then does he take hold of her hair back from Circe. The Greek Demigoddess' eyes light up in curiosity and excitement as Harry whips Morgaine around, forcing her up off of the ground and back onto her knees even as he rises to his feet. His messy cock, covered in their combined fluids, slaps down onto her pale face, making her flinch and her cute nose wrinkle in disgust and aggravation.

"You won't-mmph!"

"Yeah, I don't care. If you haven't figured out by now that no one cares what you have to say anymore, I don't know what you tell you, Morgaine."

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Tilting his head to the side, Harry smiles as he proceeds to face fuck Morgaine on his cock. Actually…

"You know what… you don't really deserve to go by that name anymore, do you? Morgaine le Fey… doesn't truly exist at this point, does she?"

"Mmph! Nnngh!"

Morgaine's fervent disagreement and denials aside, Harry looks at Circe and then Vivienne, as if challenging either of them to disagree with him. Circe just grins, clearly willing to see where he's going with this. Vivienne, meanwhile, considers his words properly for a long moment before sighing and shaking her head.

"Perhaps you're right… while she will forever be my sister… all I truly see now is my Champion's servant. Do as you will with her, Harry."

Nodding, Harry looks down into Morgaine's watery, teary green eyes as he continues to skull fuck her to his heart's content.

"You're not Morgaine anymore. Morgaine was a bitch, but she was powerful. You, you are helpless. A weak and pathetic maiden completely at the mercy of her master. From now on… you'll be Morgana."

Morgana. It just feels right. He can't say where it comes from, only that it feels appropriate. In this form, she will be Morgana from now on. And best of all… her own magic agrees with him. He can feel it singing and can tell she feels it too.

There, in that moment, Harry sees the first cracks appear in the renamed sorceress' psyche. As he fucks her face to completion, he can tell she's finally starting to break. It won't be today, it won't be fast, but one day soon she will shatter… and Harry will be there to pick up the pieces and put her back together again.

For now, he simply pulls out of her throat and mouth at the last second and proceeds to cum all over her face and tits, much to her further mortification, shame, and embarrassment. Unable to do anything but let him do so, Morgana lowers her eyes in humiliation, no longer able to look him in the face anymore.

Smirking from the side, Circe reaches over and scoops a dollop of his cum onto a finger. For a second Harry wonders if she's going to put it in her mouth… but of course not. Instead, the Greek Demigoddess forces her finger into Morgana's mouth, forcing the other woman to lick it clean over the course of several long, humiliating seconds.

Then, standing up and stepping away, Circe lets out a contented sigh and nods to Vivienne.

"You were right, O' Lady of the Lake. This is much better than a simple execution. I must admit, I was wrong… and while I'll come around some more to exact more revenge from this pathetic bitch, I will leave her fate in your and the Champion's hands."

Vivienne bows her head in acknowledgment and gratitude, while Harry clears his throat.

"… You should probably pull back your forces too and stop treating Europe like a war zone. Now that Morgaine is off the board, the Justice League will be able to focus their sights entirely on you if you don't back down, Circe."

Her eyes flash for a moment as she stares at him… but then she smirks and shrugs, causing her ample chest to bounce with the motion.

"Well now, you've certainly gotten cockier. Still… I suppose you're right. It would be so irritating to deal with all those do-gooders now when I'm finally in such a good mood. Very well, consider it done. Bye now."

And with that, Circe vanishes. And Harry is left with a new pet sorceress on her knees before him.

This definitely wasn't how he foresaw things ending when he first discovered he was slowly dying. But all in all, he couldn't really bring himself to complain…


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