A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 42: Artemis of Bang-Mighdall

Walking down the street, a gorgeous red head with her massive mane of hair done up in a high top ponytail frowns slightly. Clad in a black sleeveless top that reveals her chiseled abs and a pair of black belts with a brown loincloth hanging off of them to protect her ‘modesty’, Artemis can’t help but feel an itch in between her shoulderblades, like she’s being watched. Of course, when she looks, there’s nobody there, just like usual… even still, she can’t quite shake the feeling that even now, she doesn’t belong.

Artemis, for all that she was an Amazon, was not technically from Themyscira. She was born in America, the daughter of two soldiers. However, she was not American either. Rather, she was of Bana-Mighdall, an Amazon Settlement formed over three thousand years ago when Antiope broke away from her sister Hippolyta and renounced the Gods of Olympus in order to seek vengeance on Herakles and the other men who’d tricked and defeated their people.

They called them the ‘lost tribe’ of Amazons, but for Artemis, Bana-Mighdall and her sisters were all she’d ever known for a long time. Settling in the deserts of Egypt, they’d forged themselves into mercenaries and warriors. Unlike their Themyscirian counterparts however, the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall did not have immortality. They did not have the strength of ten men, or the durability, stamina, and agility that Amazons of Themyscira were granted.

Once upon a time, this was no small issue for Artemis. Once upon a time, she had believed she would one day become Queen of the Amazons, that it was her right as the strongest, and that she would be the one to lead their people into a glorious age.

Things had taken place though which ultimately saw Artemis tossed off of her pedestal and forced to confront the truth of the world and her own folly.

For one, Bana-Mighdall was no more. There had been a time after the destruction of their home when the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall and Artemis herself had fallen under the control of the witch Circe, used as fodder by the demigoddess to try and destroy the Amazons of Themyscira. They hadn’t exactly been tricked into it though… they’d been eager for it, for the chance to conquer Themyscira and teach their wayward sisters a lesson.

That hadn’t gone to plan either, but in the end Queen Hippolyta, their founder’s sister, had shown them mercy and allowed them to stay on Themyscira, giving them the far side of the island as a gesture of good will and peace. For the first time in three thousand years, the Amazons were united under the aegis of the Goddesses who had created them once more.

… Even still, barriers remained. Artemis was stronger than ever now, and immortal on top of that, and so were the other Amazons of Bana-Mighdall that now lived on Themyscira under the protection of the Olympian Goddesses. However, the two groups of Amazons still mostly kept to themselves, and only a handful of those from Bana-Mighdall actually bothered visiting the side of the island populated by their sisters.

For many on Artemis’ side of things, it was mostly due to embarrassment. They’d lost, after all. They were the aggressors, and while both sides had believed themselves in the right, it was ultimately their sisters who had prevailed, only to turn around and offer them an olive branch that they had begrudgingly taken.

Artemis herself had to admit that she was still a little disgruntled over how everything had turned out… but it was what it was. And she had long since given up on her dream of becoming Queen of the Amazons. Not only was Queen Hippolyta a good leader in spite of all of the bad blood between both groups of Amazons, but her daughter, Princess Diana, had bested Artemis in combat multiple times, proving her superior over and over again.

She could not speak for the rest of the Bana-Mighdall Amazons, but for Artemis personally, Diana, aka Wonder Woman, was the true reason she’d stopped fighting the inevitable and allowed herself to be integrated with her Themyscirian Sisters. The other Amazon had proven herself again and again, and Artemis had to admit that she had come to admire Diana.

The Princess of Themyscira was a sterling example of not only what an Amazon should be, but also what women in general across the entirety of this world should aspire to. She was a shining beacon of power, of strength, of feminine might and cunning. She was-

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

Artemis pauses in the middle of the street, her eyes narrowing as her ears pick up… familiar noises. Unlike the Amazons of Themyscira, who hadn’t interacted with men for thousands of years, and who even now allowed only a scant handful of males to even set foot on their island, the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall did not have such luxuries. Artemis herself had grown up in Man’s World, had lived in it practically all her life.

As such, where many of her Themyscirian Sisters probably would not recognize the sounds of a woman giving a man… sloppy toppy, Artemis definitely did. Someone was currently deep throating a cock, and not even being that quiet about it either.

Slowly, her muscles rippling, Artemis turns towards the source of the enthusiastic fellatio… and finds herself staring at a Temple to Aphrodite, the open entrance mere feet away from her.

“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”

Blinking owlishly, Artemis looks left and right. There’s no one else around. She… probably shouldn’t bother investigating, but truth be told even after everything that’s happened, she’s never learned how to leave well enough alone. Frowning, the red head slowly creeps up on the Temple doorway and slips inside.

Moving stealthily, keeping her steps as silent as the grave, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall creeps along the antechamber of the Temple of Aphrodite. Sticking close to the walls, she eventually reaches a corner that she knows will open up out into the Temple’s main room. Slowly, she peeks around it, trying to find out what’s going on.

The first thing she sees is the back profile of a man alight in the glow of whatever’s happening in front of him. There’s nobody else… visible, that is. Hidden by his body, kneeling on the floor before him, must be a woman because the sounds of deep throating and heavy fellatio continue to reach Artemis’ ears.

The red head narrows her eyes further, until they are nothing but slits. Who is this man? Who dares to defile a Greek Temple like this? Artemis might be new to the worship of the Goddesses who gave the Amazons life, but she would be damned if she would allow such sacrilege to continue!

Stepping out into view, the red head draws her sword and points it at the man’s back.

“Defiler! Release her and face me! Face death for your trespass on this island and in this Temple to the Goddess Aphrodite!”

“Gagkh! Gagk-!”

The choking cuts off and silence falls as Artemis delivers her ultimatum. For a brief moment, everything is still. And then the man pulls away from the woman he was assaulting and turns his entire body to face her and Artemis learns several things in short order.

Number One, the man who she’d accused of trespassing on Themyscira and sentenced to death… probably wasn’t actually trespassing. She recognizes him now that he’s facing her, having heard about the exploits of this… Harry Potter. It was something of a crazy story after all. Anything that required Wonder Woman to team up with Circe was going to be pretty wild.

Harry Potter was an ally of the Amazons though, last Artemis heard. So much so that he’d been welcomed on Themyscira as the Princess’ guest, an honor that very few men before him could lay claim to. Artemis had never met him until now, but she at least had heard enough about him to recognize him on sight by this point.

Number Two, Harry Potter was hung like a horse. Again, as an Amazon of Bana-Mighdall who was born and raised in Man’s World, Artemis was not some eternal virgin who had never had a man’s cock like some of her Themyscirian Sisters were. She’d been with men before, most of them largely worthless, and only a couple actually capable of using their cock to bring her pleasure.

But none compared in the slightest to the size of Harry Potter’s throbbing phallus. Even accounting for the fact that he was completely erect right now, his member glistening with spit, drool, and saliva, he was still bigger than anything that Artemis had ever seen in her entire life.

… And Number Three is the woman that she’s accused him of assaulting. There, kneeling in front of Aphrodite’s Altar with her back to it, is Wonder Woman herself. The Princess of Themyscira is currently trussed up in her own Golden Lasso of Truth and not much else, her signature attire nowhere to be seen as her nipples stand on end and her body shivers in bondage.

More spit, drool, and saliva dribble down off of her chin and onto her breasts as she kneels there, staring at Artemis with wide eyes. It’s obvious she didn’t expect to be caught, least of all by the red head of all people, and it’s equally obvious she doesn’t know what to do now.

Harry Potter, meanwhile, looks at Artemis and then at her sword before raising an eyebrow wordlessly. Feeling strangely self-conscious despite being the most dressed of all three of them, Artemis blushes and scowls.

“What… what is going on here?!”

Silence falls for a moment before Harry turns to Diana and grabs her by her beautiful raven locks, yanking her head back by her hair.

“Well? Tell her the truth.”

Diana, blushing profusely, gasps as the golden lasso binding her glows brightly and forces her to do as she’s told.

“I… I asked Harry to t-tie me up and have his way with me. I beseeched him to come with me to this Temple, so that I might make a sacrifice of my submission and his dominance to the Goddess Aphrodite. He has done nothing wrong and trespassed nowhere. I wanted this… I still want it, even with you watching. I want him to fuck me in front of you, to show you how weak I truly am before a real man!”

Diana finally manages to clamp her mouth shut after that last part, though it’s obvious she definitely didn’t want to say those last couple of sentences. Her blush is damn near incandescent now, but Artemis is sure hers isn’t much better after all of… that.

She was an idiot. Why would sex between a man and a woman be ‘defiling’ a Temple of Aphrodite? Why would she call it ‘sacrilegious’? Fuck, Aphrodite was a total freak… she’d probably consider it a worthy sacrifice even if a man DID rape an Amazon in her Temple, forcing himself on her and fucking her over the Goddess of Desire’s altar.

At the same time… she’s seeing a side of Wonder Woman she’s never seen before. The Princess of Themyscira had always seemed so indomitable. And yet here she is, tied up in her own lasso, submitting to a younger man. Artemis doesn’t know what to think.

“You’re welcome to join us, if you want.”

Artemis blinks at Harry’s sudden offer. His emerald eyes are staring at her rather intensely, and she straightens up subconsciously, narrowing her own eyes back at him.

“Tch. Just because you’ve brought Diana low does not mean I will submit to you without a fight, male. If you wish to have me, you must earn me.”

Far from being frightened by the thought of facing her in combat, Harry just smiles, tilting his head to the side as he eyes her up and down.

“I’m not opposed to that.”

Again, despite being the most dressed of the three of them, Artemis feels almost naked under his gaze. A shiver runs down the red head’s spine… but she refuses to back down. Even still, something tells her that starting a full-fledged fight in here won’t go well for any of them. Aphrodite might appreciate lewd acts taking place in her Temple, before her altar, but she definitely wouldn’t appreciate them wrecking the place.

“… We shall refrain from proper combat, given our current location. Instead… we will arm wrestle for dominance. Winner… winner takes all.”

Both Harry and Diana’s eyes light up in understanding at that. The Princess bites her lower lip at the thought that Artemis might WANT to take her, while Harry just grins and shrugs.

“Fine by me.”

Yes, she would join them either way, this Artemis had decided. But if she won… n-no, WHEN she won, she would be the one in charge!

With a bound Wonder Woman watching on in nonplussed silence, Harry and Artemis both get down to business. There’s no tables or solid surfaces in the Temple save for the altar, and instead of going there, they both lay down on their stomachs, using the main walkway of the temple for their contest of strength.

Artemis’ muscles bulge as she clenches her hand into a fist for a moment, staring Harry Potter right in the eye. In turn, he looks right back at her, completely unconcerned as he offers up his own hand for her to take. Glaring him down, the red head grabs hold of his hand, squeezing it for all she’s worth… though it’s obvious that it doesn’t have the effect she’s hoping for.

Hm. She’s been blessed by the Goddesses now, so she’s about as strong and tough as a Themyscirian Amazon at this point. And yet, from what she’d heard, Harry Potter had some power of his own, didn’t he? Certainly enough that he’d brought Diana low, making the Princess of the Amazons into his bitch.

Artemis wasn’t about to let that happen to her, however. She would defeat him, and then she would enjoy both his cock and Wonder Woman’s body. Filled with anticipation, Artemis grins toothily at Harry, baring her teeth aggressively.

“On your count.”

Emerald eyes glowing with power, Harry just nods.

“Sure. On one then. Three… two… one!”

Before ‘one’ even finishes leaving Harry’s mouth, Artemis is already leveraging her immense strength against his arm, the Bang-Mighdall Amazon doing her level best to slam his hand down onto the floor and pin it immediately. Sure, one might say that’s unsporting of her, but it wasn’t ‘after one’, it was ‘on one’, and Artemis was a warrior who took every advantage she could possibly get.

In all fairness, Harry doesn’t succumb to such a thing either. The black-haired man grunts but easily counters her strength with his own, and for a long moment they’re evenly matched as she strains against him, her muscles bulging from her forearm all the way up to her bicep. Even her shoulders flex back behind her as Artemis gnashes her teeth, growling.


That, as it turns out, is the wrong thing to say. Harry’s smile drops and his green eyes turn into glittering slits.


Artemis’ eyes, meanwhile, widen as he suddenly reveals a hidden reservoir of strength. He doesn’t pin her in a single humiliating moment, thankfully, but… slowly and inexorably, he begins to push her arm back and back and back some more. Gasping, Artemis tries to recover, her heart racing in her chest, her arm shaking under the sudden onslaught of his might. Until finally…


The back of her hand slaps into the floor of Aphrodite’s Temple as Harry pins her arm, winning the contest. For a long moment, Artemis can’t believe it. She’s… lost? And yet… she’s also not as surprised as she should be. After all, she’d never defeated Diana either, and somehow Harry had the Princess of Themyscira on her knees, bound in her own golden rope.

Some part of Artemis had convinced herself that he’d managed to dominate Wonder Woman through treachery and trickery though. She’d fooled herself into believing she had a chance of beating him and usurping his position of dominance.

Harry lets go of her hand and rises to his feet and looking up at him… Artemis sees his cock rising from where it had temporarily gone soft while he was laying flush to the floor. Her mouth opens but no words come out as his massive member rises and rises… and she rises with it.

Not all the way to her feet, but rather to her knees so that she’s eye level with that magnificent schlong. This cock, this bitch breaker of a dick… was the one to dominate Diana and make her into a horny, needy slut who would even go so far as to desire Artemis watch her be fucked by Harry. And now… now it was going to dominate Artemis as well.

Harry’s hand suddenly closes in the golden cuff that keeps Artemis’ thick red locks up in the high top ponytail. He yanks her head back with that hand while his other hand takes hold of his cock and slides it over her features, smearing precum from Diana’s prior ministrations all over her face.


His voice is dark and deep, and laden with dominance and power. Shivering and shuddering in anticipation, Artemis does as she’s told. Her black top comes off easily enough, freeing her massive bust from its confines. Her belts and loincloth also come off quite simply, even with her on her knees, leaving her completely naked save for her wrist wraps and sandals.

“Good girl.”

Fuck, why did that have such an effect on her? Artemis whimpers uncharacteristically, even as Harry brings the bulbous, red head of his manhood to her lips and begins to press.


She’s no virgin like some of her Themyscirian Sisters, but the pose Artemis of Bang-Mighdall takes as she opens wide for Harry is a pose she’s never taken before. Back arched, knees spread, hands pressed flat to the temple floor and arms framing her massive bust, she spreads her lips over his cockhead and lolls out her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

In response, Harry uses his hold on her ponytail to thrust forward the moment she’s submitted to him, his massive cock forcibly stretching her lips even wider, and indeed pushing her jaw to its breaking point as he barrels down the back of her throat.


If she weren’t blessed by the Goddesses of the Amazons, her jaw would probably have dislocated from the power of his thrust, but then he likely knows just how durable she and her Amazon sisters are from fucking Diana. Regardless, the hunky, well-hung man wastes no time in making use of her throat just like he was doing with Wonder Woman before she arrived.

“Gagkh! Glughk! Hulghk!”

Artemis can do nothing but take it. She lost, after all. Shame, embarrassment, and humiliation fill every pore of her being as she’s degraded right there in front of the Princess of the Amazons, used and abused by the man who’s defeated and conquered them both. And yet, alongside those negative emotions is arousal as well. Along with desire and lust. Her heart pounds, her nipples harden, and her cunt glistens down between her thighs.

It takes all of Artemis’ self-control not to give in and begin touching herself right then and there as Harry rails her throat. But… she refuses. She won’t give him the satisfaction, she tells herself. She won’t give in that easily… right?

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

“Fuck me… you Amazons have the tightest throats. First Diana, and now you… uh actually I never got your name.”

Rather than stop long enough to let her tell him herself, Harry keeps fucking Artemis’ throat while looking over the top of her head, back to where Diana is no doubt watching this whole scene unfold.

“A-Artemis… she is Artemis of Bana-Mighdall.”


“… So not the Goddess then.”


“No. Master please… I can service you better than she can. Return to me… you can always conquer her later.”


“I don’t think so. I think you’re getting off on watching this, aren’t you Diana? I think you’re getting off on being left to watch and wait in a puddle of your own juices while I defile one of your sister warriors. Am I wrong?”

“… N-No… you are not wrong…”

Artemis listens to this entire exchange even as her throat continues to get railed like there’s no tomorrow. She can hardly believe some of the things she’s hearing. Fortunately, Harry is not swayed by Diana’s offer. At the same time…

“I’m getting close, Artemis. Swallow every drop.”

His words leave no room for argument as Artemis manages to look up into his eyes and sees no mercy there. With a grunt, he pushes her face all the way into his crotch, his massive cock sliding down her tight throat before he begins to cum. She’s not ready for it, but even if she was, she has little experience submitting and debasing herself in this way.

His seed comes back up mere moments later as Artemis chokes and gags mightily. It explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, and Harry himself grunts and pulls back after a moment, unleashing the rest of his thick, viscous load of cum all over her face and tits.

Artemis gurgles, blowing a cum bubble as he coats her with his male ejaculate. She shudders as the sticky, warm substance dribbles down her front. She’s never been so humiliated… or turned on in her life.

Before she can reconcile the juxtaposition of those two feelings with one another, Harry yanks her up by her ponytail, bringing the red-haired Amazon to her feet. She gasps as he spins her around and slaps her ass, causing her to squeak in a rather undignified manner.


Before she can take him to task however, Artemis freezes in place… as she finds herself face to face with Diana. The Princess of Themyscira is still knelt at the foot of Aphrodite’s Altar, still bound in her own golden lasso. As Harry had said, there’s a pool of Diana’s juices between the kneeling woman’s legs, and it’s obvious that the great and powerful Wonder Woman has gotten off immensely to Artemis’ degradation so far… as well as her own cucking.

Before Artemis can even really process this, Harry grabs hold of her by the wrists and yanks her arms back behind her. Her back arches and her breasts bounce as she gasps from the sudden sensation of his massive phallus hot dogging her ass cheeks.


“Do you wish to stop, Artemis? Or shall we continue? We can end this at any time and I’ll go back to fucking Diana… but I assumed you wanted more…”

Blushing profusely, the red head looks back over her shoulder at the handsome hunk of a man whose currently manhandling her and glowers half-heartedly.

“T-Tch… you beat me fair and square, so my body is yours. B-But don’t think I’ll enjoy it!”

Harry arches a brow and for a moment Artemis fears he’s going to give her an ultimatum, perhaps demanding that she beg for it before he’ll actually penetrate her. Thankfully, that doesn’t come to pass. After a beat he chuckles and slides his cock down from between her ass cheeks, bringing it up between her thighs. And then, without further ado, he thrusts into her from behind, his massive member stretching out her cunt lips without hesitation as he fills and fills her.

Artemis faces forward again, not wanting him to see the expression on her face as he penetrates her. Every inch of his throbbing thick mast that pushes deeper into her causes her eyes to widen more and more. The gasps, moans, and whimpers that she can’t quite keep from escaping her mouth are one thing, but she doesn’t want him to see her cum-covered face already etched with ecstasy on top of that, not after she just said she wouldn’t enjoy it.

That, of course, was a total lie. She’s already enjoying all of this, much to her embarrassment. She’s enjoying being manhandled by a male stronger than her. She enjoyed having her throat used as he fucked her face upon his majestic member. And she’s enjoying having her cunt stretched very, very wide by that same big fat cock now.

“F-Fuck… fucking h-hell…”

Groaning and moaning gutturally, Artemis of Bang-Mighdall tries her best to maintain her composure as Harry’s cockhead kisses the entrance of her womb and he pauses for a moment. Her knees threaten to knock together though from how badly they’re already shaking.

The moment stretches on for a bit too long however, and Artemis turns her head to take him to task.

“What are you-eep!”

However, that was the trap all along, she realizes far too late. Harry was waiting for her to reveal she wanted him to start moving. The moment words leave her lips, he begins to thrust away, cutting her off and causing her to squeal in a humiliating manner. The beautiful red-haired Amazon moans throatily as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the Temple of Aphrodite, her body quaking with every powerful impact he delivers to it.


Deeper than any man had ever been inside of her. Thicker than any lover or toy she’d ever taken. His cock spears her sopping wet cunt over and over again and Artemis’ body betrays her, her tight, muscled pussy all but giving up in the face of the relentless onslaught. She can hardly believe how good it feels, even as she starts to perspire immensely, sweat clinging to every inch of her naked flesh.

“Oh Goddess… oh GODDESS!!!”

Eyes half-rolling back in her skull, Artemis cums and she cums hard. Her climax is explosive and prolonged, but Harry doesn’t seem to care. In fact, he doesn’t even stop, not for a second. He keeps fucking her through her orgasm, and then through the next and the next and the next.

She can’t stop cumming once she starts, and Harry just plows her through them all, no doubt enjoying the way her pussy walls feel as they flex and tighten around his dick rapidly and without pause. Artemis bites her lower lip and tries to hold back some of her reaction, attempting to contain her moans and wanton cries of ecstasy for a little bit as his cum on her face and her swinging milk jugs flicks and sprays everywhere, even going so far as to splatter on Diana while the Themyscirian Princess watches.

She manages to maintain her silence for a grand handful of seconds… before Harry suddenly repositions his hold on her arms. Transitioning her wrists to just one of his big beefy hands and squeezing her arms together tightly behind her back, he’s able to bring his other hand up and grab her ponytail again, yanking her head backwards and forcing her spine to arch further than ever before.

Most importantly of all, this gives him a bird’s eye view of her ecstasy-filled, cum-soaked features as she cums her brains out around his cock over and over again. Seeing him staring down at her intensely and imperiously, knowing he can see the humiliating pleasure etched across her face... it's enough for Artemis to truly lose it.

Her eyes fully roll back in her skull and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as the Amazon shrieks and squeals at the top of her lungs. Harry responds by fucking her even harder, and Artemis eats it up, cumming until it feels like her thoughts are dribbling out of her ears and the only thing that even matter anymore is his big fat cock. She can hardly believe how good it feels to be dominated… but then again, this was the man who conquered Wonder Woman.

If Diana didn’t have a chance against him… how could Artemis have ever hoped to win?

With one last grunt, Harry proceeds to splatter her insides with his seed. No warning, no hesitation, no mercy. He cums inside of her and fills her to the brim under the watchful gaze of Princess Diana and the Goddess Aphrodite, who Artemis just knows is enjoying the show.

As soon as he’s done cumming inside of her womb, Harry lets go of her and Artemis doesn’t even have a chance to catch herself. She collapses to the ground in front of Diana and the Altar, her face touching the floor and her ass high in the air.

Before she can even think about pushing herself up, however, Harry’s foot comes down on the side of her head, pinning her in place. His other foot comes down between her legs, and his hands grasp at her ass cheeks, squeezing them aggressively as his semen seeps from her freshly abused, stretched pussy lips.

“We’re not done yet, bitch.”

No… no, they apparently weren’t. Artemis whimpers, not even trying to contain her voice anymore. She’s no stranger to anal sex either to be fair, but she’s also… well, again, she’s never had a cock as big as Harry’s before.

She knows that’s not going to stop him, and truth be told, she’s not so weak and helpless that she would ask for mercy anyways. And so the Bang-Mighdall Amazon stays quiet as Harry spreads her ass cheeks apart and spits at her rosebud. She holds her voice in as much as possible as he plants his cockhead against her puckered anus… and begins to push downwards.

From above, his member comes down like a Sword of Damocles from on high, spearing into her barely ready asshole without mercy. His cock is at least incredibly well lubricated from their combined sexual fluids and all the previous activities, but her ass is very much NOT lubricated in turn.

A squealing screech erupts from Artemis’ lips as pain mixed with pleasure fires through her bent over, prostrating form, originating from her abused asshole. Inch after inch of Harry’s cock disappears into her toned, athletic ass just like it did her pussy, but the difference is night and day.

And yet, even this feels good after a fashion. She likes it just as much as she hates it. Arousal and lust and desire war with humiliation, shame, and embarrassment… and it’s the former that win out in the end, even as Harry begins butt fucking her. Face down, ass up… Artemis has NEVER been taken like this before. Much like the submissive kneeling pose she’d taken for choking on his cock, this too is a new experience for her.

No man has ever gotten to treat her in this way, and yet… Harry Potter is no ordinary man. Eyes fluttering and threatening to once more roll back in her head, they instead go crossed as Artemis’ squealing and shrieking eventually turns to lustful wanton moaning. The more he fucks her ass, the more she enjoys it, much to her eternal shame.

Until finally, she experiences her first analgasm at the end of his throbbing mast. In that moment, any pride Artemis might have been clinging to is shattered. In this moment, she is her reduced to her most base form. Was this what Diana had felt? Was this what Wonder Woman had eventually been reduced to by Harry Potter’s magnificent cock?

In the end, did it really matter? Diana was Diana and Artemis was Artemis. Sure, the Princess was watching them, adding to both the humiliation and pleasure, but more importantly was Harry’s dick pistoning in and out of Artemis’ ass. Jackhammering down into her bowels from above, he doesn’t stop fucking her for even a second, not showing any more mercy now than before.

She loses track of time during the experience. Face and tits pinned to the temple floor, ass high in the air but being constantly abused, freshly fucked pussy disgorging thick cum… Artemis of Bang-Mighdall is drowned in an ocean of pleasure, growing more and more insensate by the moment, until finally… he finishes in her ass.

It’s shameful… but that’s the moment Artemis passes out. That’s the moment she falls unconscious with Harry’s cock still buried in her backdoor.


It takes Harry a moment after he’s done cumming to realize that the new Amazon has completely passed out beneath him. Blinking down at her for a second, he ultimately shakes his head and pulls out of her ass. Leaving her face down, ass up on the floor of the temple, Harry walks back over to Diana… who immediately begins sucking his cock clean of the mess covering it without any orders from him.

He watches her for a moment before grabbing her by the hair and pulling her back.

“Diana… I know you said your mother, the Queen, was okay with me being on Themyscira. And I know you said Aphrodite would be thrilled to have us… enjoy each other in her temple.”

Looking up at him, Diana bites her lower lip, no doubt sensing where he’s going with this. Harry sighs as he glances back at Artemis’ twitching form.

“… But is this really going to be okay? I kind of just went with the flow there, because I could tell she wanted to join in but didn’t know how to ask. Still, are you sure your mother won’t get upset if I start fucking random Amazons all willy nilly?”

The Princess’ hesitation is telling, even as she ultimately shakes her head.

“It will be fine, so long as we keep things… private.”

The golden lasso she’s bound in glows brightly, showing that it’s forcing her to tell the truth. Harry looks around for a moment at the Temple of Aphrodite they’ve been fucking in. Sure, nobody but Artemis has disturbed them so far, but this… this was far from private.

“Aphrodite watches over us, Harry. Nobody who would take true offense to our actions could stumble upon us. Artemis was only able to interrupt BECAUSE she wanted to join in, deep down inside.”

Ah. That was… well, that was interesting.

“Like I said, so long as we don’t flaunt it or get too ridiculous, it’ll be fine. We might all be women here on Themyscira, but we are far from prudes.”

Well alright then. With those worries set at ease, Harry pulls Diana back down onto his dick, and she dutifully returns to sucking him off. As he enjoys her mouth, he throws one last glance at Artemis, enjoying the absolute ruin he’s made of the gorgeous red headed Amazon.

They just wouldn’t flaunt it. They’d keep things private. And everything would be fine.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories!

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