A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 43: Antiope, General of the Amazons

Antiope would be the first to admit at this point that her history had become… convoluted. She’d been born Hippolyta’s sister, thousands of years ago. Then, she’d been the first to leave Themyscira behind, founding the Bana-Mighdall in the process. However, she’d been betrayed and murdered in her sleep by one of her own sisters.

All these years later, Antiope had been brought back and found herself upon Themyscira once more, enjoying the blessings of the gods and standing as Themyscira’s General. Even now, it felt rather strange. Especially since those descended from her Bana-Mighdall Amazons also existed on Themyscira now, living separate from the rest of the Amazons on the far side of the island.

One might think, given Antiope’s past, that she would feel a kinship to those Amazons… and she did, but not to as much of a degree as some might assume. At the end of the day, the Bana-Mighdall Amazons that lived apart from the rest of Themyscira were not her sisters, but their distant descendants. Hundreds upon hundreds of years had passed, and generations upon generations of mortal Amazons had come and gone.

Meanwhile, those who had lived on Themyscira this entire time WERE Antiope’s sisters, the same ones she’d known all the way back at the beginning. Even the first, Hippolyta, still lived and ruled as Queen of Themyscira. And while they’d had their differences in the past that had led to Antiope’s departure in the first place… those differences were set aside, the Amazons united once more.

So yes, here she stood as General of Themyscira once again, a convoluted path with so many twists and turns it made one’s head hurt ultimately bringing her back to the position. And as General of Themyscira, it was Antiope’s duty to make sure their island stayed safe and secure. More than that though, it was also her duty to try and expand the power of the Amazons whenever and wherever possible.

After all, their enemies were not gone, not by a long shot. They existed even now, those who would love to see the Amazons brought low. Bana-Mighdall might have been lost, but Themyscira… Antiope would not let Themyscira fall. She would do everything in her power to see it safeguarded and stronger than it had ever been before.

That’s why she’s waiting at the island’s teleporters for their latest guests’ arrival. The teleporters were definitely a more… modern contrivance, but Antiope could not deny their convenience, especially with how much traffic Themyscira was getting these days. On the one hand, part of her hated the fact that their island was open to so many outsiders. On the other hand, it represented an opportunity that she refused to pass up.

As General, Antiope was well aware of who was already visiting their island. Many had spoken out against allowing this… Harry Potter to visit their island. Even if their Princess vouched for him, the fact that he’d made common cause with their hated enemy Circe made many of Hippolyta’s advisors leery of the young man.

Antiope didn’t feel the same way, but to be fair, she kept abreast of the events in Man’s World much better than most of Hippolyta’s advisors, and even better than the Queen herself. As such, she knew things that they didn’t… and that was why she had ultimately come down on the side of advising Hippolyta to allow Harry access to Themyscira.

Not because she trusted the man himself or anything, though the fact that he’d sworn himself to the service of a woman was a mark in his favor. No, rather… it was because Harry’s presence on Themyscira was an opportunity, given who he would draw to his side in no time at all.

The teleporters suddenly light up, signaling an incoming transport from the Justice League Watchtower orbiting the planet. Speak of the devil, heh.

Antiope watches on, legs slightly spread and arms clasped behind her back, as two individuals appear on the teleportation pads, stepping off with the practiced ease of women who have done this multiple times before. Both are blonde, both are beautiful, though one is certainly better endowed than the other.

Still, Antiope gives them each a nod.

“Supergirl. Galatea. Greetings. I am Antiope, General of the Amazons and Protector of Themyscira. Welcome to our island.”

Supergirl, or rather Kara, smiles brightly at that and gives a respectful head bow.

“Thank you for having us, General. I-!”

But before she could say whatever she was going to say, Galatea cuts in with a growl.

“Where’s Harry?”

Antiope frowns. She’d expected the interest of course. She’d done her research, after all. Unlike her sisters, she knew about Harry Potter’s relationship with Galatea and Kara alike. She knew that the Argoan Clone had driven Supergirl mad with lust until finally they’d come together. And she knew that Harry had his hooks deep into the two women. However… she also knew not all was lost.

“Harry Potter is currently indisposed, but not to worry, I’ll be taking you to him before the end of the day.”

Galatea looks ready to proclaim that’s not good enough, but Kara places a hand on her clone’s arm, and that seems to calm the bustier blonde down. Antiope watches the exchange with keen eyes, noting down their dynamic… as well as their disposition to Harry Potter. While Kara wasn’t nearly as confrontational about it as her clone, there was no denying that she hadn’t actually taken Galatea to task for her rude words.

That meant both young women were equally eager to see their male lover again, Kara was just better at hiding it. Unfortunately, but not unsalvageable.

“Until then, why don’t I take you both on a tour of Themyscira, hm? I know you’ve been here before, Supergirl, but never to truly relax or see the sights, am I right?”

Kara blinks before slowly nodding.

“Ah… yeah, it’s usually been because you guys needed help with a fight or something, that’s true…”

Galatea still doesn’t look convinced, but Antiope simply rolls right over both of them by turning and snapping her fingers.

“Follow me then. Let me show you the delights that Themyscira has to offer.”

What follows can only be described as a Charm Offensive. Antiope wouldn’t normally be one to go all out like this, but not only does she not trust anyone else to do this right, but she’s also got her eye on the prize. Kara and Galatea are Argoans, from Argo, the sister planet of Krypton. They might as well be Kryptonians for all intents and purposes though, and that was what most considered them to be.

Kryptonian, Argoan… it was basically the same thing. And that meant Supergirl and Galatea were two of the most powerful beings on the planet. If Antiope could add that power to Themyscira, if she could convince the two heroines to join the Amazons, then it would be quite the coup, and that was why she’d advised Hippolyta to allow Harry to come to Themyscira, because she knew it would lure these two in.

She shows them everything short of giving up military secrets. She treats them to lunch, walks them through Themyscira’s beautiful streets, and introduces them to several of her fellow Amazons. They talk about Themyscira and the Amazons and the beauty if the island for hours.

Unfortunately, the longer it goes on, the more antsy both Kara and Galatea seem to get. No matter what Antiope says, no matter what she does or shows them, they don’t seem to be able to take their minds off of Harry Potter. It’s a little frustrating, because one would think after seeing the majesty and glory of Themyscira, a single man wouldn’t be able to keep such a hold on the minds of such strong and powerful women… especially when he wasn’t even present.

But in the end, despite Antiope’s best efforts, Galatea finally cuts in once more with a loud growl.

“I don’t care if Harry is indisposed. He’s probably just fucking that Princess of yours silly some more. Where is he? I want to go to him, now.”

Turning to face the clone with a sigh, Antiope notes that Kara, while quiet, is backing Galatea up with a nod, her eyes filled with concern and wanton desire. These poor, poor girls…

“I can show you to him next, if that is your wish. But first, I wished to discuss an offer with the both of you.”

Galatea and Kara exchange a glance of confusion at that, before looking back at her. Planting her hands on her hips, squaring her shoulders, Antiope looks down at the two girls.

“I wish for you both to consider joining the ranks of the Amazons. You have both suffered much in your lives. Hardships and struggles that you have met with strength and willpower. You would make for excellent Amazons. You would also gain a vast family of sisters to love and support you, and a new home to defend with all your might.”

It was a pretty good pitch, in Antiope’s humble opinion. Maybe a little blunt, but she wasn’t one for obfuscation. Even this tour had gone against her warrior sensibilities, but she’d tried to keep her distaste for the needed subterfuge under wraps all the same.

The blonde aliens look at one another as Antiope’s words wash over them, but the interest and excitement she’s hoping to see in their eyes never manifests. Instead, when they turn back to her, they have matching frowns on their identical faces, crossing their arms over their not-so-identical chests in unison.

“Was this whole tour just a ploy to try and recruit us?”

“I hope not. Diana is a friend and ally, but we’re not Amazons and we have no intention of becoming Amazons.”

“You guys hate men too much. While it’s true that most men are scum, Harry is an exception.”

“That’s right. We would never give Harry up, so if you’re expecting us to stay here forever and never have sex with him again, you have another thing coming.”

Antiope looks back and forth between the two younger women, finding them to be utterly precocious… but not in a good way. With a huff, the General narrows her eyes at the both of them.

“Your lover has been allowed on the island, has he not? What makes you think that we would expect you to never see him again even if you did sign on?”

Galatea scoffs.

“Maybe the fact that you’ve kept us from him for hours.”

… She had a point. Tch, it was becoming increasingly obvious to Antiope that Kara and Galatea’s lust for Harry’s cock was going to prove to be quite the impediment to recruiting them. It had also become increasingly obvious that her current strategy was a failure. Keeping them from Harry and trying to wow and awe them with the sights of Themyscira and all of the luxuries that the island had to offer… hadn’t worked.

Subterfuge was never something Antiope was good with anyways. She preferred a more straightforward approach. So maybe that meant it was time to play to HER strengths for once.

“You wish to see your lover? Very well, we shall see your lover then.”

Even as the two Argoans’ faces light up with excitement, Antiope flags down the nearest Amazon.

“General, what can I do for you?”

“Sister, go find the male guest Harry Potter and tell him that his presence is expected in the colosseum by order of General Antiope.”

The Amazon’s eyes widen but she nods sharply and moves to do as she’s been told. Meanwhile, Kara and Galatea have both frozen in place at Antiope’s words, and are now giving her narrowed, suspicious looks. Antiope just smiles back at them grimly. They wanted to lust after a man? Then she would show them the strength of the man they claimed to love.


There’s already a small group of Amazons gathered by the time Harry makes his way to the colosseum. He, Diana, and Artemis had moved their… activities out of Aphrodite’s Temple days ago of course, but they’d never really stopped except for meals, washing up, and sleep.

Now though, an Amazon had come by and told him that he was expected in their fighting colosseum by the General of the Amazons herself. Neither Diana nor Artemis had been in a state to protest this, and Harry hadn’t felt like waking the Princess up to ask her what was going on.

Instead, he’d just shrugged and gone alone, arriving at the colosseum by himself only to find several Amazons already waiting outside, gazing at him with bloodthirsty expressions like they thought he was going to his execution or something.

Inside of the colosseum, Harry is treated to a most welcome sight, and a very happy reunion.



Both Kara and Galatea launch themselves at him the moment they lay eyes on him, with Harry catching them with his newfound strength as a Paladin of the Secret Sea. He lets out a soft laugh as he holds them close and kisses the top of their heads one after the other.

“Tea. Kara. It’s good to see you guys again, I’m glad you were able to come.”

They hug him fiercely, as though afraid that he’ll disappear if they let him go. Eventually, they begin to pull back, looking up at him… but before either can speak, another voice rings out from the center of the colosseum.

“Harry Potter. I am Antiope, General of the Amazons. I challenge you to a spar, to test your mettle.”

Both Kara and Tea tense up against him at the Amazon woman’s words. Harry, meanwhile, looks over their heads in Antiope’s direction, taking her in. She’s… an impressive woman, to be sure. Clad in Amazon armor, that of course shows off most of her legs, shoulders and arms, and upper chest, she has flowing blonde locks and an intense expression on her face.

She’s also covered in scars, more than Harry has seen on any other Amazon at this point. But then, to be fair… for her to be a General, that meant she was a pretty big deal. Clearly, she’d seen some shit.

“Harry… you don’t have to fight her.”

“Frankly, you should blow her off so we can go somewhere else and get reacquainted.”

Harry hums, feeling the challenge that Antiope is laying on him to the depths of his very soul. Rejecting her challenge outright would not necessarily be a violation of his Paladin’s Oath, but it would go against his own ideals, and he can feel that that would harm him in some metaphysical way.

More than that though, while the colosseum is mostly empty, there are a few Amazons in the stands already, clearly having somehow caught wind of this just like the ones outside. While the more bloodthirsty who were expecting an execution or a duel to the death look disappointed, most of the Amazons look eager to see their General fight.

If he refused, it might start a riot. But also, if he refused, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to live with himself.

“Sorry girls… but I kind of want to fight her.”

Tea and Kara both huff in unison, rather cutely mirroring one another without even meaning to as they pout up at him at the same time. Still, after seeing the conviction in his eyes, they slowly nod and pull away.

“Alright Harry…”

“Don’t hold back. Give her hell.”

Eyeing Antiope up and down, Harry shrugs and gives Tea a lopsided grin.

“I’ll do my best.”

Because… even if he was confident, he wasn’t going to assume anything. Moving to the center of the ring, standing across from the General of the Amazons, Harry looks around for a moment and then down at his hands.

“Weapons or…?”

But Antiope is already shaking her head, arms crossed over her chest.

“Hand-to-hand only. No weapons, no dishonorable moves. Merely physical strength and skill matched against physical strength and skill.”

Unwinding those arms, she drops into a stance, one foot sliding back as her hands curl into fists and she gives him a smirk.

“… Are you ready, Harry Potter?”

Swallowing, Harry takes a moment to shake himself loose. He doesn’t have the time to actually stretch, but he knows better than to go into a fight all tense. Finally, he nods.

“I’m ready-!”

He barely even gets the second word out before Antiope is on him. The General shoots forward, using momentum from pushing off the ground with her back foot to close the distance between them in less than a second. Harry’s eyes widen, though his enhancements and blessings as a Paladin of the Secret Sea allow him to track her blindingly fast motion.

However, just because he sees her coming doesn’t mean he’s ready for her. His arms come up in a block as her fist comes barreling towards his face. He’s confident he would have absorbed the blow… if it had landed. But as it turns out, that’s just a feint, and one that he’s fallen for hook, line, and sinker.

By the time he realizes the impact isn’t coming and looks past his raised arms, Antiope is gone from his field of view. Mostly because she’s dropped down to the ground to sweep his legs out from under him with a perfectly executed swipe that sends him crashing to the ground with a grunt.

To Harry’s credit, even as scattered cheers and catcalls and jeering erupts from the sparsely populated stands, he doesn’t stay down for long. Antiope doesn’t follow the attack up either though, so when he hops up, it’s to find she’s already a couple feet away, watching him with poorly concealed amusement.

Realizing he’s got no chance if he stays on the defensive, Harry is the one to initiate conflict this time. He lunges forward, his own hands balled into fists as he tries to hit the beautiful blonde Amazonian General.

She blocks, dodges, and deflects every single one of his attacks though. Whether it’s a punch or a kick, Antiope seems to anticipate everything he’s doing before he does it, her skill shining through and only seeming greater when compared to his lack thereof.

Harry… wasn’t a brawler. He was a wizard, for fuck’s sake. And while he liked to think using magic might allow him to equalize things between him and Antiope, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that the General wasn’t largely holding back as well.

This was a good lesson for him, for all that it was proving to be a somewhat humiliating experience. At the end of the day, for all his enhancements and blessings as a Paladin of the Secret Sea, Antiope had centuries of experience on him. He wasn’t nearly skilled enough to take her down, especially in a restricted spar like this one.

Finally, after being laid out on his back quite a few times, the Amazonian General plants her sandaled foot on his chest and keeps him from rising again. Looking down at him curiously, she huffs.

“You have a lot of fight in you, Harry Potter. Your drive and willpower are commendable… for a man.”

Harry grunts, even as Antiope applies a bit more pressure. He catches sight of Tea and Kara looking ready to leap to his defense out of the corner of his eye but makes eye contact with the two of them and shakes his head, shutting them down.

He thought he might have an idea of what this was now. This woman, this General… she didn’t like him. She especially didn’t like that he was on her island. So obviously, she was looking for a way to remove him without getting in trouble with Diana’s mother. And what better way to see him kicked out then by claiming he dishonored himself in a spar?

If Galatea or Supergirl interfere in this spar, then it’ll give Antiope all the leeway she needs to kick the three of them out of Themyscira. So Harry shuts them both down, and while neither looks happy about it, they back down all the same.


At the curious noise from Antiope, Harry turns his gaze back to the blonde Amazon, who looks from him to the alien women with some consternation on her face.

“You certainly have them wrapped around your finger, don’t you? I wonder how you did it. You’re certainly strong, but in terms of martial skill… you’re woefully inexperienced. And from what I’ve been told, you only recently came into this strength of yours. So how exactly did you manage to fool two powerful women into lusting after and loving you?”

Scowling up at her, Harry narrows his eyes… and then speaks without really thinking about it.

“I could show you, if you like.”

A crass offer, an insult to someone like her… or so Harry would assume. He’s expecting her to get all huffy, to either beat on him some more or walk away now that her plan has failed. What Harry is NOT expecting is for Antiope’s eyes to light up, and an interest to spawn in her gaze.

“Well now… perhaps I should take you up on that offer.”

Before Harry can rescind it, though he’s not sure if he even would given the chance, Antiope removes her foot from his chest… and then drops atop him, straddling him right there in the middle of the arena. A hush falls over the colosseum as they all realize what’s happening, even as Antiope begins removing her already-skimpy armor, exposing her naked, scar-covered body.

Seriously? They were doing this here? Harry was beginning to think that all of the Amazons were sexually repressed freaks. Especially since… well, no one was trying to put a stop to it. No one was even leaving in disgust. To be fair, they had all heard Harry’s offer. He hadn’t exactly been quiet with his taunting words.

So not even Tea or Kara step in, though they certainly look like they want to. Especially when Antiope reaches down and frees Harry’s cock from its confines, taking his length in both hands and stroking it up and down to get him to full mast.

“Hm. Not a bad specimen, I suppose.”

Harry frowns at the backhanded compliment and can’t help but snipe back just a little bit.

“Oh? And you would know all about that, would you? Seen a lot of males in your time on this island, is that right?”

The Amazonian General blinks down at him… and then barks out a laugh.

“Fool boy. But then I suppose it’s a bit much to expect you to know our history.”

Planting one hand on the ground next to his head, the blonde Amazon leans over him, still stroking his cock to full mast with the other.

“Listen well, male. I am Antiope, sister of Hippolyta. I left Themyscira over three thousand years ago when the gods expected us to turn the other cheek after Herakles and his trespasses against my people. I and the Amazons who followed me formed the Bana-Mighdall, a sect of Amazon Warriors who lived and fought in Man’s World for millennia. I lived, I fought, I even gave birth to a son… and then I died.”

Harry blinks at that, even as Antiope adopts a positively savage grin.

“And then they brought me back, because they could not do without me. They returned me to life because they could not fight without their General leading them. So yes, boy. I know what a male’s genitals look like. I’ve enjoyed as many as I’ve gelded at this point in my life.”

Well… damn. Egg on his face. Also, she was way more badass than he’d originally thought. In the end, Harry does the only thing he can do. He nods his head and accepts he was wrong.

“I stand corrected.”

That, more than anything else, seems to take the General by surprise. She goes completely still for a long moment, staring at him blankly before letting out another laugh, this time in a huff.

“A man who acknowledges his mistakes? Will wonders never cease…”

Harry huffs but figures he can’t exactly bite back on that one. Instead, he grabs Antiope by the hips and lifts her up, catching the Amazon Warrior by surprise. She yelps and catches herself as he proceeds to put her on his cock, the folds of her pussy lips spreading open over the tip of his dick.

However, because she still has a hand on his member, she’s able to stop herself from sinking any lower, giving him a glare and a growl.

“Mind your place, Harry Potter. I am in charge here.”

He might have had something to say to that, but the next thing Antiope does is sink down on his cock, so he can’t really complain. A low groan leaves Harry’s throat, even as Antiope lets out an involuntary gasp, shivering as she descends his length. From how tight and wet she already is, and how his cock stretches her insides, Harry suspects that he’s more than just a ‘not so bad specimen’ as she’d previously called him.

“Just how many limp dicked men have you had to put up with in your life, General?”

Antiope flicks her gaze down at him at that, seeming uncertain of whether to consider that an insult to herself or not. In the end, she comes down on the side of ‘not’ and cracks a wry grin.

“Too many. Far too many.”

Harry hums and nods… before swiveling his hips, gyrating his crotch in a way that causes Antiope to gasp and shudder, even as he thrusts up into her from below. He’s not actually trying to provoke some big reaction from her when he does this, mind you. All Harry is doing is showing her that he’s ready to ride, so to speak.

However, instead Antiope lets out a truly wanton moan, and damn near collapses on top of him. She catches herself of course, her hand at the side of his head still anchoring her, while her other hand goes to his chiseled chest. Even still, as her hips begin to rise and fall upon his cock, Harry has something of an epiphany.

This beautiful, incredibly skilled warrior woman… isn’t as experienced in the carnal sense as she might want him to think. Hell, she’s probably not as experienced in the bedroom as SHE thinks. Rather, based on what she’d told him of her history, Antiope had been born three thousand years ago. She’d lived a mortal life, and sure she’d had some lovers and apparently even become a mother at one point… but it was still sex from three thousand years ago. They weren’t exactly inventing rocket surgery back then.

Then, she dies… and three thousand years later, she’s brought back here, in Themyscira. Which meant one crucial thing… the General hadn’t actually experienced sex with a man in the modern sense. She’d never been with a man from the twenty first century. And most importantly of all, she’d certainly never been with Harry Potter.

“You wanted to know why Kara and Tea are so obsessed with my dick, right General?”

Antiope looks down at him curiously, even as she continues to ride him. Before she can answer, Harry grins cockily.

“Let me show you.”

Then… he introduces the Amazonian General to the concept of a ‘power bottom’. Antiope’s eyes widen as Harry begins fucking her from below with all his might, really putting his hips into it. She gasps, and then moans, and then squeals of all things as she has to hold onto him for dear life to keep from being bucked off of his cock.

At the same time, Harry isn’t just jack-knifing up into Antiope’s pussy all willy-nilly. He circles his hips, he changes his angle of attack with every thrust, and he even goes so far as to slide his hands down to her ass, massaging and kneading her sizable, toned posterior with his enhanced strength.


Falling forward onto his chest and moaning up a storm as her booty cheeks are clapped, Antiope’s eyes cross and she shudders.

“You… you… mmph!”

Harry cuts her off by kissing her and kissing her hard, one of his hands coming up to grab at her wild, untamed blonde locks and pull her in. The two of them makeout for a time as he fucks her from below, and though the General is on top of him, her muscular, toned, scarred body on full display… he’s taken control and is proving more than capable of dominating the woman from his back.

She was definitely more skilled as a warrior than he was. Hell, maybe he’d ask her to give him some fighting lessons after this so he could improve. But in terms of the bedroom, Harry very obviously had more experience than the gorgeous blonde… and now that she’d taken the battlefield to HIS favored terrain, Harry was going to prove it to her and show her everything that she’d missed out on.

Alas, eventually Antiope begins to come to her senses. She probably realizes how she must look to the handful of Amazons currently watching this from the colosseum stands. Ripping herself out of his grasp, breaking their lip lock, the flushed and red-faced General stares down at him, her puffy lips parted in a pant as she narrows her eyes.

“… You are dangerous, Harry Potter. Very dangerous.”

At the same time, she grinds down on his cock even now… until suddenly, she stops. Harry blinks, honestly surprised when Antiope suddenly pulls off of his cock and rises to her feet. He lifts himself up onto his elbows, staring at her curiously… even as the General looks to the side.

“You two have waited long enough, I should think.”

Harry’s eyes widen as he finds himself dealing with two fast-as-missiles Argoans a moment later. Neither Tea nor Kara are about to turn down such an offer, even though they as much as he must realize that Antiope is using their need for him as a chance to regroup. Well, that was fine… because in the end, she’d just made a terrible mistake. She thought Kara and Tea would keep him occupied while she planned out her line of attack… but in reality, all she’d done was give him reinforcements. And since she’d been the one to invite them onto the battlefield, she couldn’t even complain about what was almost certain to happen next…


Harry Potter was no ordinary man. As she pulls back, allowing Galatea and Kara to rush in on him, Antiope silently acknowledges that fact in the back of her head. Her pussy still dripping with arousal, the General of the Amazons nevertheless stands tall with her head held high and her arms crossed over her chest.

She has no choice. They’ve drawn an audience now… an extensive one, Antiope is just beginning to realize. An audience that all saw her get a little manhandled by the man she had just beaten in a duel. Tch, her martial victory over Harry had been in danger of being marred and tainted by his carnal victory. So Antiope had been forced to perform a tactical retreat.

But the onlookers couldn’t be allowed to realize that. That was why she’d framed it as her being magnanimous in letting the two blonde aliens have a go instead. Together, they were sure to exhaust Harry, tuckering him out. And then Antiope would go in and win the day, taking the rest of his energy for herself.

It was the perfect plan. A bit underhanded? Perhaps, but she didn’t care. Ultimately, she was willing to do anything to win. And maybe, once all was said and done and Kara and Galatea saw that Antiope had put their man in his place after he’d fucked them both silly, they would understand the value of joining the Amazons after all.

… Yeah, not even Antiope was really banking on that happening anymore. Recruiting these two alien sluts probably wasn’t possible, not with how enamored they were with Harry Potter. In the end, this was more about maintaining her reputation in front of her subordinates, as well as making sure they remained disciplined and in control, even in the face of such debauchery and depravity with… a man.

That’s why, even as Galatea impales herself on Harry’s cock and Kara sits on his face, Antiope only keeps half an eye on the threesome. Instead, while the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the air and they really start to go at it hard, Antiope is busy panning her gaze across the arena.

She makes eye contact with each and every Amazon currently watching this debacle take place. She makes sure that every single one of them understands that she’s in charge here. Everything that’s happening so far is because of Antiope, because she wills it to happen. Yes, even the way Galatea and Kara are currently wrestling their tongues together while they ride Harry’s cock and mouth respectively.

And also the way Harry is slamming his hips up into Galatea’s, meeting her descending pussy over and over again, while at the same time grasping Kara’s pert posterior with both hands so he can more savagely eat her out.

Yep. This is all according to Antiope’s plans. All according to her design. Indeed, even as the ground shakes beneath them, even as their fornication causes a localized earthquake emanating out from the center of the stadium, Antiope still doesn’t move to stop them. This… is perfectly in line with her expectations.

She is a little surprised to see that Harry Potter is so durable. Yes, he’s definitely strong, if inexperienced. She uncovered that through their sparring. However, for him to be able to take everything that the two alien women can give him and keep going… well, it’s impressive to say the least, especially from what Antiope knows about the power of beings like Kara and Galatea.

There’s a reason she wants them to join the Amazons, after all. Gaining such power for Themyscira and her people would be such a coup. Alas, as they throw their heads back and cry out loudly and lewdly, their screams and squeals so loud that it sends shockwaves through the air (fortunately up into the sky where it can do no harm), Antiope knows she’s not going to be able to pry them away from Harry.

Hm, maybe there was a situation in which she could keep all three of them though. A man being allowed to stay with the Amazons full time was out of the question, probably. But Harry already had enough sway among them, or specifically with their Princess, that he was able to visit Themyscira, a land where no men had been allowed for millennia… until recently.

As one of the few men allowed to visit the Island of the Amazons, maybe he could be afforded a couple more rights… for the purposes of convincing Galatea and Kara to stay and add their might to Themyscira, of course.

Antiope bites her lower lip, as Galatea suddenly cries out in an all new way and from the look of things, is being filled with Harry’s cum. The General of the Amazons watches on as Kara shudders almost at the exact same time, before squirting all over Harry’s face.

Then, the threesome switches up their positions. Kara winds up on her back, Harry winds up between her legs… and Galatea sits on her original self’s face.

It’s obvious from the way Supergirl clings to her clone’s thighs that she doesn’t mind this one bit. In fact, judging by the O-face Galatea is soon making, Kara is diving deep into her clone’s pussy to scoop out Harry’s seed with her tongue.

At the same time, Harry drives his cock, still rock hard and fully erect, into Kara down below. Antiope watches as the size of his member bulges Supergirl’s taut abdomen a bit, making it quite clear how deep inside of her he’s going with every thrust. His cock pierces her core, and she shudders and spasms, wrapping her legs around his waist and locking her ankles behind his lower back.

And to top it all off, as though that’s not enough for him, Harry reaches out and pulls Galatea forward, groping her tits and pinching her nipples as he tugs her into a deep, tongue-filled, domineering kiss.

The localized earthquake lessens a bit now that Harry is in control of the pace. He’s still fucking Kara hard enough to shake the earth beneath the three of them, but now that there’s no incredibly powerful alien woman bouncing up and down on a big fat cock as hard as she can, the quaking has subsided… mostly.

Which is good, because frankly, Antiope hadn’t been sure how much longer the colosseum could have held up to the shaking. It was made out of exceptional materials and more importantly enchanted to hell and back, but she still hadn’t wanted to test it.

That said… the quaking had the unfortunate side effect of bringing even more Amazons to the stands surrounding the fighting pit. Looking around, Antiope sees plenty of new faces, all staring at the debauchery in wonder and amazement. Likely, only their General’s presence, standing there naked and unconcerned, keeps them from intervening in what the three guests are up to.

Good, her soldiers are maintaining discipline, and their respect to her as their superior. Of course, it was probably best if she eventually made a move before someone decided to contact the Queen. Hippolyta was basically the only one who could countermand Antiope at this point, and that would ruin everything.

Sweeping her gaze across the Amazons in the stands one more time with a simple and silent command of ‘do not interfere’ in her eyes, Antiope finally stalks forward, moving with a certain predatory grace as she approaches the threesome taking place in the center of the arena.

“Well now. You three certainly seem like you’re having fun. But don’t you think-mmph!”

Antiope’s eyes widen as Galatea suddenly snaps out a hand, grabbing her by the wrist and yanking her forward with truly incredibly strength. Unbalanced, the General of the Amazons ends up tipping over right into Galatea’s waiting grasp, her hand now curling through Antiope’s hair as the clone silences her with a deep kiss.

Knowing how she must look in this moment to her subordinates, Antiope only has one choice as her arms pinwheel briefly. She has to lean into it. That’s why she collapses to her knees and then reaches up and grabs Galatea by her face, kissing her right back. She needs to keep up appearances, to make it clear that she’s definitely still in charge here.

The two blondes make out for what feels like an eternity, before Galatea suddenly cries out into Antiope’s lips and they pull apart. The clone’s eyes go crossed and it becomes obvious why a moment later as she hears Supergirl’s muffled cries under Galatea’s fat passed, and sees Harry grunting as he delivers a hot, thick load directly into Kara’s womb.

He’d cum inside of the blonde heroine, which had in turn caused Supergirl to cry out into Galatea’s quim, which in turn caused Galatea to tip over the edge as well.

Antiope can only watch from the sidelines in her own kneeling position as Harry finishes filling Kara up and then pulls out of her. Almost immediately, Galatea drops forward, grabbing the original by her thighs and sticking her face between Kara’s legs to begin eating her pussy out right then and there.

While the two blonde aliens share one another’s loads, Antiope is distracted by the sight just long enough for Harry to rise to his feet… and present his messy cock inches from her face. Her eyes widen in shock when she sees that he’s still rock hard, even after all of this. Her plan for Kara and Galatea to wear him out seems to have been something of a failure.

… But he certainly can’t keep going forever, right? Antiope is nothing if not adaptable, and no plan survives contact with the enemy. In this case, if he’s still so ready for more, than the General of the Amazons needs to exhaust him further before they get back to the main event.

With that in mind, the naked, kneeling blonde reaches out and grabs Harry by his legs, even as she leans forward and takes his messy cock in her mouth with an enthusiastic gusto. Looking up into those green eyes of his, she begins to suck him off with speed and vigor, bobbing up and down on his cock nonstop as she stares at him.

“Glughk! Gagkh! Hulghk!”

Of course, his size is such that she chokes a bit taking him down her throat. But Antiope doesn’t let that stop her. Gagging and gurgling up and down his cock, she swirls her tongue this way and that, making sure to clean every last inch in the process. His cum tingles on her tongue and going down her throat. There’s something special about it, something that has her craving more.

She goes deeper before she knows it, not even considering the outside factors as much anymore. She’s still intent on dominating him of course, on outlasting and exhausting him… but also, she wants more of this taste, she wants more of his seed.

Antiope forgets about the audience they have, instead focusing solely on her and Harry’s pleasure. She brings one hand up to fondle his churning ball sack, while the other descends down between her thighs to play with her own slippery, wet folds. All the while, she’s going all the way down to the base of his cock with every bob of her head.

Harry, for his part, smiles as he looks down at her. His hands, which could have been on her head if he wanted to make a play for challenging her supremacy, are actually clasped behind his back. It’s almost like he wants her to take control, Antiope thinks to herself. He’s been waiting for a real woman to come along, hasn’t he?

Yes, that’s it. Galatea and Supergirl might be strong, but they’re still young. They’re just girls, while Antiope… Antiope has been around for a long time. She has experience that they clearly lack… right?

Finally, she feels it. A tightening in his balls, a pulsing in his cock. Greed fills every pore of Antiope’s being, and the General of the Amazons descends to the base of Harry’s cock and flexes her throat along every last inch of his dick to finally make him cum.

This proves to be something of a mistake. While she’s able to swallow the first part of Harry’s load, there’s a lot more cum than she’s expecting. It’s like the man never stops. More than that though, having the real deal deposited right down her gullet… it causes her senses to alight.

Antiope’s eyes roll back in her skull and she spasms as she climaxes right there on the floor of the colosseum. Her hips buck and her pussy juices splatter across the ground. At the same time, she’s pushed back off of Harry’s cock by the sheer force of his ejaculation. The rest of his load winds up on her face, drooling down out of her open mouth, making a mess of her as she kneels there before him, panting heavily in shock.

By this point, she’s completely forgotten about the audience they’d garnered. And it’s actually grown bigger too, not that Antiope notices. However, unfortunately for her, those who were already here have made a point of letting the others know that the General has this well in hand. No matter what happens, no matter how things look, they’re convinced that all is going according to General Antiope’s plan.

It isn’t of course. It hasn’t been for a while, she’s just not willing to admit it. And it certainly isn’t going according to her plan when she suddenly finds herself pushed onto her back and her legs lifted up into the air by her ankles.

As her body is folded in on itself however, with her weight resting on her neck and shoulders and her pussy very much exposed to Harry Potter’s big fat cock, Antiope doesn’t put up much resistance. She’s still trying to get over how good his cum is… and failing miserably in doing so. Indeed, the General of the Amazons only manages to say one word as Harry positions himself.

“… Moooore…”

Flashing her a grin at that, the man over her places the tip of his bulbous cock against her slit.

“More, General? That, I can do.”


As Harry drives down into Antiope’s cunt, filling the blonde General with his cock from above and basically piledriving her into the floor of the fighting pit, her squeals resound throughout the colosseum. He’s left wondering why none of the onlookers are intervening right now… but he’s not going to question it. Not when he can take advantage of it instead.

Slamming into Antiope from above with all his might, he knows he’s making the stadium shake a little bit again. But if they weren’t going to stop him earlier with Tea and Kara, he’s not sure why they would stop him now.


Well, maybe because he’s disgracing their General in such a way. And yet, still none of them step in. Not a single one of the Amazons who have filled the colosseum stands makes a move to halt his current actions. Harry doesn’t dare make eye contact with any of them, to be honest. He doesn’t consider himself a coward or anything like that but looking them all in the eye seems like a step too far. Like he would be challenging them all to do something… and frankly, he doesn’t want this to end.

So instead he stares down at Antiope’s cum-covered face and the rather stupid expression she’s making. Maybe they’re so far away that no one can see how her eyes are crossed and her tongue is sticking straight out of her mouth, but Harry doubts it. Even as he plows her into the stadium floor, driving her into the ground with his jackhammer like movements, there’s definitely a section of the stands who can see her upside down face and the dumb expression on it right now.

Harry doesn’t let that stop him though. He doesn’t let anything hold him back. Antiope had gone ahead and tried to make a fool of him, tried to humiliate him in front of his girls. And sure, maybe she was his better when it came to combat. She definitely had a leg up on him in training and experience.

But here was something that Harry knew he excelled at. Here was something where he had just as much training and probably too much experience to be honest. So yeah, he was going to teach Antiope a bit of a lesson.

He didn’t intend to go too far though. After all, she was clearly enjoying herself immensely, cumming her brains out around his cock. He’d fuck her to completion and that would be it. They would be done.

That was Harry’s original plan… until he suddenly feels a familiar set of tits press against his back, and incredibly powerful arms wrap around his midsection. Tea lets out a shuddering breath as she rests her cheek against his upper back and nuzzles against him. It’s obvious she missed him a lot.

Harry smiles fondly, straightening up a little bit. He still piledrives Antiope into the ground, but now he’s distracted by Tea. However, just before he can say something to her, the Argoan Clone speaks first.

“She wants to take us from you, you know.”

… What?

Harry almost freezes in shock, but manages to keep moving, mechanically plowing Antiope even now as Galatea explains.

“She confronted Kara and I on the platform when we first arrived. She kept us from you while giving us a tour of Themyscira, because she wanted to try and recruit us into the Amazons. The only reason she fought you in the first place was to try and prove that you’re weak, and that we’re better off without you in our lives.”

That was… a lot. He’d figured Antiope had a problem with him because he was a man being allowed among the Amazons, but he hadn’t known the General had ulterior motives like that. And yet, for a brief moment Harry feels a smidgen of doubt. He hates that he does, but Galatea has a past of manipulating events and lying to make things happen that she wants to happen. Could she be lying to him now?

Only, suddenly Kara is at his side as well, a hand on his arm as the superheroine looks down at Antiope’s fucked silly expression.

“… Tea is telling the truth, Harry. So… give her hell for us, okay?”

Well shit. If even Kara was backing Tea up… then Harry believed it. And that? That kind of pissed him off. No, it more than pissed him off, it infuriated him.

With a heavy growl, Harry abruptly picks up the pace. He fucks Antiope even harder, pounding into her pussy and thus her into the stadium floor so fast and so hard that it causes the earthquakes from before to come back in full. The colosseum shakes for a bit, but Harry was already near the edge anyways. After a couple more minutes, he grunts and tips over, creampieing the ahegaoing General of the Amazons right in front of dozens, if not hundreds of her subordinates.

But he’s not done there. With a snarl, the possessive Paladin of the Secret Sea yanks his cock out of Antiope, and then yanks the General up off of the ground by her hair. The sudden tugging of her scalp seems to bring her back to herself a bit, but not so back to herself that she can stop him from bending her over and yanking her arms behind her back right in front of their audience.

“Wha- what are you d-doing? Un… unhand me…”

She doesn’t raise her voice loud enough to be heard by those watching, fortunately. Which means Harry is able to press his cockhead against her backdoor without interruption, pressing against her anus in a way that makes her squeak uncharacteristically.

“W-Wait… that’s…!”

Thrusting forward, Harry slams his well-lubricated member deep inside of General Antiope’s asshole, claiming her last hole for himself right there in front of her Amazon subordinates. She shrieks like a banshee, her entire body shuddering as he forcibly stretches her backdoor along his throbbing length.

Not even missing a beat, Harry begins fucking Antiope nonstop, plowing her ass like it owes him money. And in a way, Antiope does owe him something he figures, especially for trying to take his girls from him. No, worse than that… if they’d just decided to become Amazons of their own accord, Harry wouldn’t have cared. He was already fucking Diana, and now Artemis too for good measure.

No, it was the fact that the General thought she had to humiliate and demean him to make it happen. She wanted to make him look weak in front of Tea and Kara, to make his lovers break things off with him after realizing that he was a man and therefore worthless.

Fuck. That.

With a snarl, Harry ups the pace and Antiope squeals all the louder in response. And finally, throwing true caution to the wind, Harry starts making eye contact with the Amazons in the stands.



He looks them in the eye one after the other, all while driving his entire cock into Antiope’s ass over and over again. As their General’s huge breasts bounce and jiggle with every thrust, Harry all but dares them to intervene. To add insult to injury, he even slowly turns himself and Antiope in a circle while he butt fucks her, steadily shifting them both around the arena so he can look upon more of the watching Amazons and show them all the fucked silly expression and cum-covered face of their so-called General.

This antagonization might just be a step too far, however. Harry can see in clenched jaws and curled fists that he’s definitely playing with fire now. The more he anally plunders their General, the angrier those watching get. Some are red in the face out of embarrassment or humiliation, and a few are even biting their lips from arousal.

But most are clearly mere moments away from trying to pull him and Antiope apart. Many are very much ready to commit violence against him, all because he’d beaten their General at their own game.

Kara and Tea tense up on either side of him, ready to defend him if it comes to it. For a moment, Harry wonders if he’s going to literally butt fuck the Amazons’ General from behind while her forces are systematically taken apart by the two angry blonde aliens at his sides. He doesn’t doubt for a moment that Tea and Kara can handle this sorry lot between themselves.

However, before that can happen…

“S-Sho good… soooo good~ Nnnngh! D-Don’t stop! H-Harder! F-Fuck my ASSSSSSS!!!”

General Antiope’s words ring out through the colosseum, the woman sounding like she’s making her silliest expression yet as she expresses how much she’s enjoying being butt fucked to a crowd of her soldiers and subordinates. In an instant, Antiope’s lewd words defuse the growing tension as even the angriest hardliners watching in the stands are completely caught off guard by their General’s humiliating begging.

Harry, meanwhile, barely misses a beat before he picks up the pace and gives Antiope what she wants. He fucks her harder and harder, grunting as he pulls her arms back behind her while driving his entire cock into her bowels again and again.

The stadium, which had been filling with murmurs that were escalating to a dull roar as the onlooking Amazons tried to figure out if they should intervene or not, is now deathly silent save for the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, cock squelching in and out of anus, and Antiope begging for more.

“Yes, YES, YES!!!”

Until finally, as she experiences analgasm after analgasm, the rapid clenching and tightening of her backdoor tips Harry over the edge. With a grunt, he proceeds to creampie Antiope’s asshole just like he did her cunt, filling her bowels with his seed much as he filled her womb.

Only once he’s completely done and his balls emptied once more does Harry let go of Antiope’s arms, watching as the General of the Amazons falls forward off of his cock with nothing holding her up anymore. She drops to the floor of the fighting pit, face down and twitching, completely out of her mind with pleasure and mewling like a wanton whore.

Tea and Kara, meanwhile, eagerly drop to their knees in front of him and begin working together to clean and suck his cock and balls. Smiling, Harry rests his hands atop their heads and then gazes around at the rest of the women watching.

He’s not sure what happens next to be honest. They might have to fight their way out. Or at the very least, they might be banned from Themyscira.

… But no matter what comes of this, Harry can’t bring himself to regret a single thing.


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