a certain scientific harry potter

Page 104

After a little association, Harry quickly thought of this layer.

Hermione used to be a loyal fan of Lockhart, and knew all about his deeds, and naturally knew that Lockhart had a special shampoo that had never been put on the market.

As for hair care products, Xueba girls have always been very concerned about them.


Well, with this hesitating look, the matter has been settled.

"Hermione, you've been worrying too much about gains and losses recently~" Harry sighed softly, shaking his head slightly, with a distressed tone.

"I, no..." Hermione wanted to veto subconsciously, but when she saw the seriousness in Harry's eyes, she was speechless again.

"Pretend to be a lady in front of me, put on light makeup, and secretly use shampoo with dangerous ingredients to further improve the quality of your hair. How dare you say that you are not worrying about gains and losses?"

Harry held Hermione's hand tightly, as if he wanted to convey his feelings to her: "I don't know who you heard these messy love strategies from, but what I want to say is that we are On the basis of my family, I have developed a further relationship. I don’t need you to make changes that are not suitable for me for me. In front of me, you just need to be yourself generously~”

"I... I did this because of you!" Hermione, who was still a little nervous just now, suddenly changed into a savage look, and pushed Harry on the forehead, "If it weren't for your stinky brother What a waste of time, how can I take care of my own hair?"

"Hmm, it's all my fault~" Harry hurriedly put on a smiling face when he saw this, "Where did you put Lockhart's shampoo, I'll study it and use it to wash your hair, okay? "

"Hmph, that's about the same. I put that thing here, you can find it with me~" With a light snort happily, Hermione got up and rushed to a pile of sundries, and began to look for the treasure she hid.

Seeing this scene, Harry behind him couldn't help showing a slight smile.

That's right, such a harmless arrogant and unreasonably disturbing arrogance is Hermione's original appearance.

Harry does not object to Hermione making changes, but it must be done on the premise that she is happy and voluntary, and it must not be wronged for stupid reasons such as 'to be a qualified girlfriend'...

'come on…'

"Huh?" While chasing Hermione to get the shampoo, Harry thought he heard something suddenly.

'I'm right here... come find me! '

After careful identification, Harry realized that he had heard correctly.

In this room of responsiveness, something really calls itself!

Chapter 190 IX The Seduction in the Deep of the Soul Is Irresistible

Although there have been many lessons learned before, it is definitely not a good thing to hear a voice suddenly like this, but Harry still couldn't help looking for it.

He seemed to be driven by some vague idea, and felt that he had to find the source of that voice!

So when Hermione rushed back excitedly with the bird and snake egg yolk shampoo, she found that Harry had gone deep into the garbage dump at the far end of the room, looking at a pile of broken bottles, jars, books and papers. Searching over and over again.

"Strange...it should be right here~"

Harry frowned and kicked away the broken broom in front of him. The sound was clearly close at hand, but he couldn't find it, which made him feel quite annoyed.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?"

Hermione outside the garbage dump looked at Harry worriedly, not knowing what he was looking for, let alone why he suddenly became like this.

"Ha! Found it!"

However, when Harry heard Hermione's call, when he turned his head, something suddenly attracted his attention.

Not far from Hermione, there is a broken cabinet that is almost submerged in all kinds of garbage. There is a bust of stone statue on the cabinet, which looks worthless from shape to texture.

On the head of the stone statue is a crown of primitive style, the crown is full of rust, and even many places have been worn and faded...

But it was this thing that attracted Harry so much that he couldn't look away at all, and even Hermione who was beside him subconsciously ignored it!

"You're looking for this thing?" Hermione poked her hand towards the tiara curiously, "What the hell is this..."

"Don't move!!" Who knew, Harry suddenly stopped her.

I saw him dashing back, blocking Hermione's sight with his body, and holding the tiara in his hands.

At this moment, from Hermione's perspective, she even felt that Harry's profile looked a little greedy.

"That's right...it's this thing!" Harry tossed the tiara over and over in his hands, and murmured to himself that made Hermione extremely worried, "Finally found it, great!"

It was obviously just a dilapidated iron ring, but it was held in Harry's arms lovingly. Hermione was now completely convinced that Harry in front of him was abnormal!

"Harry, put that thing down!"

She reminded Harry anxiously, and even anxiously wanted to step forward to snatch it, but Harry took a step back vigilantly, holding the tiara with both hands to put it on his own head!

"Hermione, you don't understand, I have to protect this thing..."

Saying something that Hermione couldn't understand, Harry finally put on the tiara, and then with a satisfied smile, he passed out stiffly in front of Hermione!

"Harry?!" Hermione was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Harry, but no matter how much she called, Harry never showed any sign of waking up.

And the crown that was originally worn on Harry's head had quietly changed at this moment.

It is no longer the worthless scrap iron before, but has regained its original luster. I don't know if it is made of sterling silver or platinum. The main body of the crown looks like an eagle with wings spread. The vivid eagle head.

Those rusty spots on the crown have now turned into jeweled jade stones, and in the center of the crown, there is a bright and huge blue gemstone inlaid!

"This is, Ravenclaw's... diadem?"

Seeing such a familiar shape, the Xueba girl immediately recognized what it was!

This thing is exactly the same as the tiara on the Rowena and Ravenclaw statues in the common room of Eagle Yard, and on the hem of the crown, Hermione also saw Ravenclaw's most famous motto!

'Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings. '

"It's just...why is the diadem in the Room of Requirement? And why is Harry obsessed with it?"

Hermione couldn't figure out these questions now, so she could only use the Shrinking Charm to take the two cats who had finished, and then reluctantly joined Harry, and led him stumblingly to the school hospital.

At the same time, Harry's consciousness had also plunged into the depths of his soul, and was once again surrounded by boundless pure white.

There, he saw that person again, whom he didn't want to see at all...

In 1943, Tom, the heir of Slytherin, was still a tall and handsome boy. After several years of research, he finally opened the secret room built by Salazar Slytherin.

He began to happily manipulate the monsters in the secret room to make troubles, trying to wipe out all ordinary-born wizards in the entire school.

But only one Myrtle died, and the weak headmaster, Armando Dippet, was so frightened that he wanted to close the school. Tom had no choice but to stop his attack and put the blame on Hagrid .

But this trip to the secret room also brought him the most important harvest. With the help provided by Slytherin and some pointers in the restricted area, Tom successfully made the diary his first Horcrux. Take the first step towards what you think is the path to immortality.

The sacrifice of Myrtle was obviously regarded as a sacrifice for making Horcruxes.

Time began to pass, and the summer vacation came quietly. Following some clues, Tom came to a village named Little Hangleton, where he found his own uncle, Morfin Gaunt.

The Gaunt family is the only direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin in England today. Tom thought that the recognition of his relatives would allow him to regain his ancient and noble identity, but he didn't expect that Morfin Gaunt didn't treat him at all. There is no affection at all.

So, after learning that his biological father was just an ordinary person, and that he was born with a love potion, Tom was completely angry.

He found the home of his biological father, killed his father, grandfather and grandmother with his own hands, and then modified the memory of his uncle Morfin Gunter, so that the other party was caught in Azkaban instead of him...

But after this crazy and bloody confession ended, Tom took the family ring preserved by Morfin, and returned to Hogwarts as if nothing had happened like a victor...

Watching all this from the sidelines, whether it was Morfin Gaunt's paranoia or Voldemort's viciousness, Harry felt his heart was blocked.

Harry knew that this memory was Voldemort's past, because there were many scenes in which he had known before, but they were not as clear as they are now.

What made Harry even more vigilant was that this memory was actively tempting him to learn more about Voldemort!

In Harry's ear, there seems to be a voice that has been bewitching him, telling him that... Voldemort's doing all this is justifiable, and he should open his heart to accept and approve what Voldemort did. for.

Harry knew very well that this should have come from the influence of Salazar Slytherin, that old madman's last conspiracy in the Chamber of Secrets, hoping that Voldemort could take everything from him!

However, for this voice that was constantly echoing in the depths of his soul, the current Harry had absolutely no way to stop it.

And at this moment, the picture in front of him began to change again...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the scene changed again, Harry saw the Hogwarts campus again.

Tom Riddle put on the Gaunt family's ancestral black gemstone gold ring, and there was already a group of followers who were also teenagers around him.

He has gathered a small circle of supporters and has begun to use the name 'Voldemort' on a small scale.

'A noble wizard can't be associated with a lowly Muggle, so he abandoned his name; and you'd better not continue to be obsessed with it, you should quickly give up your dirty surname like him! '

"shut up!!"

The bewitching voice was still persistent, and Harry cursed angrily in his heart, but his eyes couldn't help looking at Voldemort, who seemed to be separated from him by a layer of fog.

One night after the lights were turned off, Voldemort approached his Potions tutor, and with just the right compliments and superb language skills, he obtained important information about the Horcrux from the other party.

The Potions Professor was a little dazed by Voldemort's rainbow fart, and finally told him everything he knew...except for the most crucial spell that could be used to disintegrate and seal souls.

'Look, how superb his conversation skills are, he actually knew the spell at that time and had already made a horcrux, so what he really wanted to find out from that stupid professor was the possibility of continuing to make horcruxes . '

Although disgusted, Harry had to admit that the young Voldemort did have many things that ordinary people could not do.

At least in some things, Voldemort has an extraordinary firmness... such as immortality.

Perfect and eternal existence is the pursuit of Voldemort throughout his life, so when he saw the spirit of Salazar in the Chamber of Secrets, he would try to get the spell used to make Horcruxes from the other party.

Using the crime of killing Myrtle to create the first Horcrux, Voldemort immediately started killing new ones without stopping.

Harry reckoned that Voldemort had already made up his mind to make more Horcruxes when he killed in Little Hangleton!

Subconsciously making a comparison with Voldemort, Harry couldn't help feeling that Dumbledore had really overrated himself before.

If compared at the same age, Harry today is not as good as the young Voldemort.

Because Voldemort has one more thing than Harry, that is, he has an ideal to strive for all his life!

Ideals generate beliefs, whether good or evil or not, can bring people a powerful force for action.

However, it is a pity that Harry currently has no ideals.

Whether it is now or in the original book, defeating Voldemort is only a task that Harry must complete. Apart from this task, Harry is interested in many things, but there is nothing that can attract him to put in all his efforts.

The only thing he knows for sure now is that he doesn't want to do anything.

Not wanting to be shackled, not wanted to be anyone's pawn, Harry had never been too strong in saying no.

But when it comes to ideals, the first thing Harry thinks of is actually not something, but someone...

"You can regard the redemption of him as your ideal first~" However, just when Harry had already thought about something, the annoying voice appeared in his ear again, "You actually want to divide the soul into seven parts, don't you? Don't you think this guy is stupid?So... go and redeem him and bring his soul back together! '

"Get out!!" Harry unceremoniously raised his middle finger in his heart for the chattering and bewitching voice in his ear.

What a joke, how could I redeem Voldemort's soul? !

Blocking the annoying voice again, when Harry looked back, he found that Voldemort had already graduated.

Before leaving Hogwarts, Voldemort used words to confuse Ravenclaw's ghost, Ms. Gray, and learned from her the whereabouts of the lost Ravenclaw crown.

Ms. Gray's true identity is Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena Ravenclaw's own daughter, who stole her mother's crown and fled away.

After Voldemort's application to stay in school to teach black defense courses was rejected, he immediately set off to the place guided by Ms. Gray - a virgin forest in Albania.

There, Voldemort found Ravenclaw's lost diadem and, after murdering a native, made it into his third Horcrux.

After that, Voldemort's memory began to speed up, and the scene in front of Harry began to fly by continuously.

Voldemort went to work at Borgin-Bock in Knockturn Alley, and there, relying on smooth talk and brutal murder, he once again acquired two treasures that could be used to make Horcruxes.

In the following years, he traveled around the wizarding world, mixing with some of the most evil and weird guys in the wizarding world; his dark magic power continued to increase, and his face became more and more distorted and ugly.

Finally, ten years after he was rejected by Armando Dippet, Voldemort returned to Hogwarts to apply again for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship.

Only at this time, the headmaster of Hogwarts has become Dumbledore who has been extremely wary of him...


The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and when Harry realized it again, he found himself sitting in the principal's office decades ago as if he was actually there!

There were pale blue snowflakes in the sky outside the window, and Dumbledore on the opposite side of the desk looked younger than now, with a wine glass in his hand, and a happy and expectant smile on his face.

Just looking closely, Harry felt a hint of vigilance in Dumbledore's gaze.

He hurriedly lowered his head, only to find that he was wearing a pitch-black robe at the moment, and the hands exposed from the cuffs were also gaunt and pale at the moment, not at all what a 13-year-old child should be.

"I'm back," Harry said suddenly, involuntarily, "maybe a little later than Professor Dippet expected, but I'm back anyway, in order to re-apply to him when he said I was too young to be suitable. position held."

The sudden change startled Harry, he didn't want to speak at all just now, but his mouth seemed to make a sound uncontrollably!

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