a certain scientific harry potter

Page 105

And what he looks like now is clearly the former Voldemort himself!

Feeling that things were different, Harry struggled subconsciously, trying to get out of this illusory memory, but his consciousness could not control this body at all, and he could only let it behave as usual.

"I am here this time, asking for your permission to return to this castle to teach. You must also know that I have seen a lot and done a lot since I left here. I can teach your students many things that cannot be learned from other wizards. s things."

In the headmaster's office, Harry, who inexplicably fell into Voldemort's body, passively 'watched' him apply for teaching to Dumbledore.

And Dumbledore, who was originally smiling, became more and more calm.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I admit that you have indeed experienced more after leaving school."

After a long silence, Dumbledore finally said calmly: "What you did has also spread to the school, Tom... I will be very sorry if half of them are credible."

Harry, who was 'watching', knew what Dumbledore was regretting. In the past ten years, Voldemort's actions can only be described as 'the devil'.

However, Voldemort clearly disagrees with Dumbledore.

"Greatness breeds envy, envy breeds malice, and malice breeds lies. You must know that, Dumbledore."

"You call what you did 'great', don't you?" Dumbledore's response was still elegant, but the tit-for-tat meaning in his words became more and more obvious.

"Of course!" Voldemort looked extremely confident at this time, "I have done many experiments, and may have even pushed magic to an unprecedented level..."

"It's certain magic," Dumbledore corrected in a deep voice, "On other magic, you are still...with all due respect, pathetic ignorance."

As the two began to quarrel with each other, the conversation became more and more explosive. In the end, Dumbledore unceremoniously exposed Voldemort's ulterior motives.

"I don't want to give you the job, and I don't think you expect me to give it to you... You came here and applied for something."

"If this is your final decision, then there is nothing to talk about!"

After getting up, Voldemort took a deep look at Dumbledore, and at the same time, Harry could feel that the hand of this body moved towards the wand in his pocket for an instant!

However, the battle didn't happen in the end.

Voldemort left the headmaster's office. He wandered through the corridors like a ghost, and finally came all the way to the blank corridor on the eighth floor that Harry was very familiar with, and turned back and forth three times on the wall opposite the tapestry.

Through Voldemort's sight, Harry saw the opening of the Room of Requirement, and also saw 'himself' take out the crown he found earlier, disguise it as a dilapidated headband, and buckle it on top of a broken statue.

The treasure of the Eagle House that was once lost by Helena Ravenclaw returned to Hogwarts quietly like this, but in the following decades, no one in the school found out about it.

Having done this, Voldemort walked up to a huge mirror almost as high as the ceiling.

He raised his eyes to the mirror, and with the reflection of the mirror, Harry finally saw Voldemort's face clearly now.

His face seemed to have been burned, his facial features were blurred and twisted together, his eyes were filled with blood red, and he had completely lost even a trace of his student days.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts... Dumbledore, you don't want me to teach this class, do you? Then from now on, you can't find a teacher who can hold the post for more than a year!!"

Voldemort swore in front of the mirror, his lips were trembling, as if he was reciting some kind of spell silently, but Harry couldn't hear what he was saying.

After a while, the spell seemed to be over, but Voldemort in front of the mirror suddenly showed a ferocious smile!

Something is wrong!

At the same time, Harry finally found out what was wrong.

The mirror Voldemort was facing was obviously the Mirror of Erised, but Harry was now in his memory... In Hogwarts decades ago, this mirror could not have been in the Room of Requirement at all!

"Hmph, have you finally found out...Harry Potter!"

A hoarse sneer came out of his mouth, and Voldemort in the mirror seemed to have turned into a dark and twisted monster, rushing towards Harry!


Harry only had time to curse in his heart before he felt completely blindfolded by the darkness, followed by a burst of soul flying away from his body.

When he recovered his vision again, he found that he had returned to the previous pure white space.

And this time, he was no longer alone.

Voldemort, who was dressed in black, seemed out of place here, with a sinister and treacherous expression like a snake on his face all the time, looking at Harry as if he was sizing up the prey that was about to be devoured.

Under the influence of magic power, the corners of his robe automatically move without wind, and the lifelike appearance is more realistic than any previous illusion...

"not good!"


Suddenly reacting, Harry's pupils shrank, and he quickly dodged to the side and left the spot, and the moment he just fell down, a blazing fire suddenly burst out from where he was standing before!

The Voldemort in front of him is not an illusion, but an existence like himself, a soul with power!

"Very good reaction, Harry Potter, to be able to escape the blow just now."

Voldemort folded his hands in front of him, as if he wanted to show his elegance in front of Harry, but while he was speaking, a more powerful curse was shot at Harry again without warning!


The magic power slashed like a blade, Harry couldn't dodge completely this time, the charging spell tore one of his sleeves, and his whole arm was dripping with blood in an instant!

"Damn it!" Harry wiped the blood on his arm, turned and ran away.

It was really unfair to him to fight here.

Voldemort obviously has the strength of the heyday, and can even cast spells silently and without a wand; but Harry has no wand in his hand, and he can't even sense the power of silence and water elements.

In this kind of battle where neither side is assisted by external objects, Voldemort faced Harry, it was like an adult bullying a child in the kindergarten class!

"Running is useless, Harry Potter!" Voldemort soared into the sky like a cloud of black mist, and while chasing after Harry, he waved his hands violently, using various spells to attack Harry crazily Indiscriminate bombing.

"Slytherin bewitched you before, wanting you to gather all my souls scattered in all the horcruxes, and then take your body... But in my opinion, there is no need for that at all!"

Voldemort slammed a spell at Harry's feet, and the violent explosion threw Harry's body high into the air, and then fell to the ground in embarrassment.

With this fall, Harry suddenly felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

"I said, you can't escape." Voldemort came to Harry calmly, his face already filled with pride, "Ravenclaw's diadem is the third Horcrux I made, It is also the horcrux that has been with me for the longest time, and it contains the most powerful piece of my soul. As long as it is fused with the other two pieces of soul, there is no need to gather other horcruxes, and I can completely destroy it. kill your soul..."


However, just when Voldemort was proudly about to end the battle, Harry suddenly let out a very powerful roar from his mouth!

For a moment, the invisible sound was mixed with Harry's long-preserved magical power, like a heavy hammer hitting Voldemort's body hard, causing his brain to buzz, and his consciousness went blank for a moment!

And Harry, who was also affected by his own voice, barely propped up his body with strong will at this moment, and quickly escaped from Voldemort.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yidu doesn't press himself...Harry, who is running for his life at the moment, has finally verified the correctness of this sentence for himself.

In this battle that suddenly started because of the crown, Harry was restricted by most of his abilities. If he hadn't mastered the skill of injecting magic power into his voice, he might have been captured by Voldemort at this moment!

It's just that although the sound wave attack barely won him a chance to escape, the current situation is still extremely critical for Harry, and there is almost no possibility of turning around.

"What should I do..." Harry, who was running away, looked around, feeling extremely anxious.

Voldemort would recover soon. With Harry's current state, he would definitely be defeated, but the surrounding area was completely white, and he had no idea where the way out would be!

"Damn it! What the hell should I... um, what is this?"

Just as Harry was resting his hand on his forehead in distress, he suddenly felt his palm pressing against a hard object on his forehead.

"Isn't this the jewel in the crown?"

Subconsciously grabbing it with his hand, Harry actually grabbed a huge crystal clear blue-green gemstone from his forehead... It was obviously the same one on Ravenclaw's crown!

The moment the gem was in his hands, Harry suddenly felt that there seemed to be many flashes of thought in his mind.

This illusion is a special space connected to his own soul, so no matter what power Voldemort's soul fragments have, he is always the master here!

So if you want to find a way out, you must change the surrounding environment to a place you are usually familiar with!

Before he had time to investigate the reason in detail, Harry immediately mobilized all his thoughts to imagine, and gradually, he found that the surrounding environment had changed.

The original empty pure white was gradually replaced by simple and simple walls, anxious footsteps began to echo in the corridor, and the tapestry beside him flashed by...Harry has returned to the eighth floor of Hogwarts!

Next, as long as he can escape from the castle before Voldemort catches him, he will be able to completely escape from the illusion in front of him!

So, following the guidance of the gemstone, Harry began to rush downstairs.


"Principal Dumbledore... I beg you, find a way to save Harry!"

At the moment in the school hospital, Hermione was lying down in front of Harry's hospital bed with a worried expression on her face, her prayers even carried a strong cry.

After Harry put on the crown and fell into a coma, Hermione reluctantly sent him to the school hospital. During this period, she also tried to remove the crown from Harry's head, but the thing seemed to grow on his head. Just can't catch it.

And just after Madam Pomfrey settled Harry's ward, suddenly large and small wounds appeared on Harry's body, especially the strange blood oozing from his arm, which even directly stained the bed sheet under him red!

This scene not only frightened Hermione, but also shocked Dumbledore and several other professors who came to hear the news, but they also couldn't take off the crown normally.

Dumbledore even teamed up with Snape to invade Harry's brain, trying to find a way to wake him up, but they found to their dismay that they had no way of breaking through Harry's brain defense!

"Hermione, don't worry, the principal will definitely find a way to save Harry..." Professor Flitwick comforted Hermione softly, but his tone was more trembling than Hermione's.

Professor Flitwick is blaming himself now. Harry is obviously the student he admires the most, but every time something happens to him, he can only stand by and watch without doing anything!

"It seems that the problem still lies with the diadem." Snape had already drawn out his wand, "If it can't be removed from his head, it can only be destroyed."

"Please calm down, Severus." Dumbledore said in a deep voice to dissuade Snape, who had already started to act impulsively, "It is clear that somewhere unknown, Harry is engaged in a harsh battle. We need to Make sure that you can't bring him any extra drag because of your reckless actions."

Almost as soon as he saw Ravenclaw's crown, Dumbledore had already determined that it was a Horcrux, and Harry's current state of injury made it easy for him to restore the matter to a rough outline.

Although he didn't know what Harry was going through, he could tell that Harry must be fighting to 'destroy' this Horcrux.

His soul might be entangled with Voldemort now, and if Snape really released some powerful spell that could destroy the Horcrux, maybe even Harry's soul would be severely injured as well!



Snape was still about to refute, but Hermione by the bed suddenly let out an exclamation. Everyone looked down and saw Harry, who was in a coma, holding the jewel on the crown of his forehead with one hand. !


In an instant, a blue halo quietly escaped from Harry's fingers...

"Hmph, do you think you can escape from me when you return to Hogwarts? Stop dreaming!"

In the strange illusion, when Voldemort recovered from the tremor, he found that he had returned to the door of the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts.

But after thinking about it for a while, he quickly guessed what happened, so he immediately chased after the stairs, and soon caught up with Harry!

"Don't waste your energy, you can't escape at all!"

All the way down, Voldemort kept chasing after Harry, and in the process, the whole of Hogwarts seemed like an empty castle, and no one came out to help Harry.

However, he didn't seem to be able to directly restrain Harry's actions, so he just kept throwing spells forward, trying to kill Harry with powerful force.

Thanks to his lack of restrictions on Harry, Harry was able to run all the way from the eighth floor to the third floor, and he didn't know whether it was because he was in a panic or because he was lucky, but he ended up running outside the abandoned girls' washroom on the third floor!

"Why am I here again?"

In the process of fleeing for his life, Harry took the time to be speechless, and said that his relationship with the women's toilet could not be resolved?

"Harry Potter, you can't escape! There are many obstacles!!"

Voldemort, who rushed from behind, uttered a spell fiercely, and if there was a real barrier, he would directly block the two corridors beside Harry!

"It's over, Harry Potter..."

"Harry, come here!"

Just at the very moment, the bathroom door behind Harry suddenly opened, and a transparent female ghost was standing at the door, waving eagerly at Harry.

"Myrtle?" Harry, who subconsciously ran towards the toilet, was stunned for a moment. Why was only Myrtle able to appear when Hogwarts was empty?

"It's too late to explain, hurry and escape through the flush toilet!"

Myrtle took Harry and floated towards the innermost part of the toilet, while anxiously pointing to the cubicle where she usually lives!

"Even if this useless ghost helps you, you will never be able to escape!" Behind Harry, Voldemort has already chased after him with all his teeth and claws!

"Since it's a bathroom... there should be water!!"


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