a certain scientific harry potter

Page 51

And don't forget, Hermione is the real daughter of the Grangers. No matter how close Harry is to the Grangers, he was only an adopted son at the time!

The more Harry and Hermione clashed, the more Hermione would be rebellious, and he would gradually lose the support of the Grangers...

So, in that scene, besides making an emergency plan of 'go to school together and wait for the opportunity to drop out', does he have any better way to immediately change Hermione's mind and prevent her from going to Hogwarts? ? !

Go find Scamander... Heh, Harry didn't move out of Scamander as a backer, but wasn't Hermione just as stubborn back then?

And what happened later also proved that even if Hermione knew who the person standing behind Harry was, she still preconceivedly recognized Dumbledore and Hogwarts, and did not accept Scamander, who dropped out of school halfway...

"So, Mr. Principal, can you tell me who that messenger was?" Harry asked in a cold tone.

"Harry, he has already graduated from Hogwarts, and he was only sending information according to my request. I don't want you to continue to pursue..."

"Oh, I didn't even think about checking it." Harry snorted slightly mockingly, "I just want you to admit that this matter was also initiated by you~"

"That's right..." Dumbledore let out a long and helpless sigh, his complexion visibly darkened.

It has been countless decades, and I have said so many things at once...

And in the end, he was at a loss for words by a child's words, and he was speechless.

At this moment, Dumbledore really had a strong desire to use Legilimency on Harry.

But when he saw a sliver of silence wrapped around Harry's fingertips, he gasped and stifled his thoughts.

Only this thing... really doesn't work.

His former student, Newt Scamander, did not know why he had a particularly friendly relationship with Harry. When he found out about their relationship, he even generously wrote back a letter to himself.

The content of the letter is very simple, only one line.

'Please don't use Legilimency on Harry, because he will definitely find out. '

Dumbledore had no doubts about the veracity of this statement.

Because even if Scamander didn't say anything, he could intuitively perceive that Harry's spiritual power far surpassed that of ordinary people!

Any form of brain exploration would probably be known to him immediately.

Of course, with Dumbledore's power, he could do this by force.

But he has confirmed again today that the consequence of doing so is that Harry and him are dead, and there is no room for change! !

"Back to the issue of the blood protection curse, Mr. Principal, I have just demonstrated that your blood protection curse is theoretically only useful after Voldemort's official return. Because only then I am really in danger, those who hide Only those Death Eaters who have risen up or turned their backs on the dark side may return to his command!"

"And the reason why you set the Bloodline Protection Curse to expire after I become an adult is because you tacitly assume that I will definitely come into contact with the wizarding world and must enter Hogwarts! So, what your Bloodline Protection Curse really wants to protect...mainly It was me who was at Hogwarts, not me before the age of 11! Do you admit all of the above?"

Even after seeing Dumbledore's gradually lonely look, Harry still didn't stop.

To put it bluntly, even if Lao Deng acted like a very distressed little old man, Harry still had to say something that should be said.

What's more, isn't Harry's past suffering worthy of distress?

In order to save the world, using an orphan whose parents both died, is this really a great act?

As long as there is a close elder in Harry, they will definitely not agree to his plan and let Harry become a pawn at his mercy!

"Yes, what you said is correct..." Dumbledore's voice was extremely hoarse, and he no longer knew what else he could explain.

It wasn't until this moment that he had to convince himself of a fact...Harry, a child less than 12 years old, actually had a real insight into his previous thoughts.

He is really too shrewd, shrewd enough to make people frightened, people can't help but think of another child who is young and well known.


"I know you are doing it for my own good, but you have never asked me whether I would like to come to Hogwarts to study, and... what I really dislike about this school!"

The Bloodline Protection Curse has not been effective in the past 11 years, and Dumbledore just admitted that the only possibility for it to be effective is the return of Voldemort!

But if Harry had never entered Hogwarts and had never formally entered the wizarding world, then even if Voldemort returned, he would most likely only face Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic first!

He may fail again like this time, and then flee in a hurry; of course, he may make a comeback, exuding great magic power to seek revenge on himself...

But when will that be, in two years, three years, or longer?

Well, even if we took a step back, Voldemort didn't confront the wizarding world, nor did he provoke Dumbledore, but came directly to Harry to seek revenge... But when did Harry admit that he didn't go to Hogwarts to study, Just no power to protect yourself? !

It is true that when Harry first lived in the Dursleys' house, he was quite unwilling to have anything to do with magic, because at that time he thought that as long as he ran away incognito, Voldemort would definitely not find him.

Including going abroad, or even escaping back to the Great Heavenly Dynasty, he has thought about all these... But even if he wants to go abroad, he must at least find a new adoptive family first, right?

Could it be that he, a child who has just turned ten years old, wants to go directly to Prince Charles and tell Prince Charles that he is uncomfortable in England, please send me out of Europe?

There must be a limit to joking~

As a result, before all these things were settled, Harry was attacked by Dawlish, and this also allowed him to see clearly the faces of the upper-level wizards in the magic world.

Since then, besides Voldemort, Harry wanted to stay away from the wizarding world and Dumbledore!

One of the two parties wanted his life, while the other wanted to use him, but in Harry's opinion, it was all right!

Because being used is tantamount to driving him to face Voldemort on his own initiative!

One's own destiny is pinched in the hands of others. Whether it is dangerous or not is decided by others, and then you have to bear the risk of others' miscalculation...

Just like things are today.

It is also because of this that Harry is so resistant to Hogwarts and the wizarding world... But resistance does not mean that he has no plans!

During the year he was adopted by the Granger family, Harry never broke off his relationship with Scamander. Later, he wanted to introduce Hermione to him, and he was also trying to control the silence like a time bomb...

It's true that Harry didn't want to join the wizarding world at all, but he never thought of being completely insulated from magic!

And even if he doesn't join the magic world, even if he doesn't go to Hogwarts to study, at least he has the channel of Scamander to get in touch with magic!

With Scamander's guidance, his strength might improve even faster!

In fact, before Snape showed kindness to him, Harry's power to 'run wild' in Hogwarts all came from Scamander!

Scamander gave him the space ring, and left him with a reasonable way to suppress and control Moran. He taught Harry the best casting spell, raising cats, identifying various magical animals, and even raising dragons. All that Scamander had taught him.

According to Harry's original idea, he could have completely controlled Moran with the help of Scamander while enjoying the life of an ordinary person, and then he could go or stay according to his own ideas, all depending on freedom!

Hmm, he has even started giving Granger's popular science hot pot, and it looks like dumplings, glutinous rice balls and other traditional Chinese delicacies...

But because of Dumbledore's big plan, because of his preconceived encouragement to Hermione, because he insisted on not letting himself drop out of school...Harry could only enter Hogwarts, and then was forced to stay in Hogwarts, and Driven by Dumbledore, go face to face with the returning Voldemort!

Then came today...Dumbledore and Hermione narrowly escaped death due to a small omission by Dumbledore! !

But now, even if Harry wanted to get away, it was impossible.

Dumbledore set up a double-sided game. On the one hand, he wanted Harry to face Voldemort, but at the same time... he was also tempting Voldemort to take the initiative to trouble Harry for a certain purpose of his own!

Harry admitted that Dumbledore's actions may not be wrong, and he may indeed have difficulties.

Because limiting the conflict to the two individuals, the devil and the savior, is the most effective method, which can reduce the scope of the spread and reduce the battle damage at the same time.

But has he considered his own feelings?

Has he really thought about whether he is willing to accept his way of "for your own good"?

And most importantly, the love left by his mother was to protect himself, but why did he change it into a blood protection spell on his own initiative?

Changed to a hole card that he could use against Voldemort when he was in Hogwarts? !

And then it is still advocating in a high-sounding manner, saying that this is to make myself feel family affection, so that I can get better protection? ! !

As a result, Dumbledore, who hides and tucks everywhere, can be understood by others, but he will receive a lot of blank stares and accusations for his hard work!

Why... Could it be because of his age that he is great?

It was the first time for everyone to be a human being, so why did Harry deserve to swallow his anger, or even be sacrificed as a pawn? !


Of course, speaking calmly, Harry didn't regret choosing to stay at Hogwarts.

Because this is the wish he made for Hermione, it must be fulfilled no matter what!

But he absolutely couldn't tolerate it, Dumbledore continued to treat himself with the attitude of a bear parent like before! !

His name was Harry Evans P. Granger, his late parents were the Potters and now the Grangers, not him Albus Dumbledore!

"Forget it...Mr. Principal, I think many things can be said here. As for the future, you have your own ideas, but I also have my own choice!"

After venting completely, Harry's mood eased again. He looked up at Dumbledore, and the coldness in his eyes gradually melted away.

"Also... this thing should belong to you, it should be returned to its original owner now."

Harry handed over the wool sock he had used to pretend to be the Sorcerer's Stone, and as for the phoenix tail feather... that thing was his trophy!

"This... oh, it's really great, I'm worrying." Dumbledore, who had been stunned for a while, finally smiled when he saw this, and took the socks handed out by Harry, "Every Christmas , I would love to receive socks, because they are never enough~”

Dumbledore began to feel relieved, and Harry's act of handing over the woolen socks seemed to him a sign of reconciliation.

What's more... this pair of wool socks really means a lot to him...


However, Dumbledore never expected that Harry could turn his face faster than a book!

To be honest, Harry felt that Lao Deng's paternalism really needed to be rectified.

How can it be possible to give some sunshine and take advantage of the trend, and see the show of favor and borrow the donkey to go down the slope?

You made me and Hermione like this, you don't want to take the initiative to apologize and beg for forgiveness, and you can blame me for forcing you?


"Harry...for everything that happened in the past, and what just happened...I, really... am so sorry!!"

Finally, after a long silence and changing complexion, Dumbledore bowed his head solemnly to Harry!


(ps Refer to the original book, assuming that Harry didn't go to school, he wouldn't meet Quirrell in Diagon Alley, and Quirrell who wanted to take the Philosopher's Stone would be directly killed by old Deng Yin.

And Voldemort returned for the second time in the Goblet of Fire because the escaped Pettigrew had nowhere to go and could only go to Albania, but if Harry was not in Hogwarts, Harry would not be a shit-stirring stick at the end of the Prisoner and chose not to. Kill Pettigrew, in this way, with the violent temper of Lupine and Sirius Gasnape, Pettigrew will definitely be torn alive on the spot!

And if Pettigrew dies in the Prisoner, judging from the original book, no one will rescue Voldemort in the short term, it can only continue to stay in Albania; if Voldemort does not return, Barty Jr., who was controlled by his father, will not be rescued. There will be no use of Harry's wand to release the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup and blame Winky, and naturally there will be no Death Eaters parade.

So by that logic, even if Harry didn't go to school, at least he'd be safe until the Order of the Phoenix.Because Voldemort didn't return, the Death Eaters wouldn't activate, and no one would bother him.

Applying this logic to this book, if the protagonist does not go to school, he can emigrate with his family after talking about the Granger family; at the same time, he can learn from Scamander, and wait for the Order of the Phoenix to come out of the mountain, relying on magic spells, silence and A group of fantastic animals beat Voldemort.

And Scamander doesn't have Lao Deng's bad taste of blowing up every year, and Harry will not encounter danger as he grows up!

This is why, the protagonist is more dangerous in Hogwarts than in the world of ordinary people, above~)

Chapter 94 Honest People Are Worthy of Rewards

Albus Dumbledore, he is the greatest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts and is also recognized as the greatest wizard of our time.

He is strong, kind, wise, and worthy of respect...

But that doesn't mean he can't be blamed.

He also has no right to decide the fate of others, to decide whether others should be sacrificed for righteousness!

The above are the attitudes that Harry showed to Dumbledore in the way of "fighting with life" in the chamber of secrets of the decisive battle.

Of course, the meaning of that conversation actually stopped there.

Although Dumbledore finally bowed his head and admitted his mistake, he did not say clearly what the relationship between Harry and Voldemort was.

And Harry didn't ask any more about it.

If Dumbledore really wanted to ask Harry to spray himself lightly on this kind of reason that was the easiest to explain his own difficulties, he would have said it long ago.

To put it bluntly, the contradiction between Harry and Dumbledore, the layer of incomprehension between the bear parent and the bear child has been uncovered, and the rest is only the real conflict of values!

Dumbledore is used to thinking about problems from the perspective of righteousness, while Harry always adheres to the core concept of being people-oriented.

Therefore, although they may all sacrifice for others, Dumbledore will choose to sacrifice others at the same time, but Harry firmly believes that all men are created equal and should control their own destiny!

Of course, even if this kind of concept dispute will spark again, that is already a story.

In this year's Hogwarts, the only thing Harry has to participate in is the year-end banquet.


"It's all your fault!"

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