a certain scientific harry potter

Page 52

In the auditorium of Hogwarts, the little witch of the Eagle Academy, who is a top student, was chanting vigorously at the moment, and at the same time poked Harry's waist with her fingers like white onions.

"How dare you reject Principal Dumbledore's extra points on your own initiative when I was unconscious?!" Hermione grumbled dissatisfiedly, "I've done the calculations before, and I'm only one point away! How could you Let Principal Dumbledore add one point to each of us..."

"Okay, okay, it's good that we can come back alive, so don't worry about it so much~" Harry smiled and comforted, "Besides, I think they are worth it."

"Hmph~" Hearing Harry's words, Hermione snorted softly and gave him a beautiful roll of eyes.

For the annual year-end banquet, the entire auditorium was decorated with splendor, and on the wall behind the guest seat, there was a huge banner with a vivid badger painted on it.

The pattern is that of Badger Yard, and the colors are Hufflepuff's.

This was the reason for Hermione's depression. She had already inquired about the year-end conventions from the seniors, and which college decoration to use at the year-end banquet directly represented the ownership of the college cup.

"Another year has passed! Now, let's make a brief summary of this wonderful year." On the main seat, Dumbledore's resonant voice instantly spread throughout the auditorium, making everyone focus on on him.

"Next, I will announce the specific scores of each college this year. The first is No.4, Gryffindor, with 270 points."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium. Although the people in the Lion Court were depressed, they could only accept this result.

They already have the Weasley Brothers, who are big points deductors, and this year's Quidditch performance is quite bad. In addition, there is no point-grabbing master like Hermione in the original book. is normal.

"No.3 is Slytherin, with a total score of 330."

Although the Snake Academy has always had high scores thanks to the blessing of the Si religion, but the previous group fight was too widespread, and hundreds of points were directly deducted.

Coupled with Malfoy's subsequent series of jumping up and down, although Lao Deng will not deduct his points because of Dobby and the like, he will definitely hook him back in other places.

"No.2 is Ravenclaw, with a total score of 351 points."

Hmm, Hermione has actually tried her best, after all, she really can't lift the weight of Harry by herself.

Especially during the time when the dragon eggs were hatched before, because Harry always slept in class, Ravenclaw's house points were deducted like tap water~

"So, the final No.1 is Hufflepuff, with 352 points!!"

After Dumbledore's voice fell behind, the entire auditorium was silent for a while, and then uncontrollable screams and applause suddenly broke out from the long table in the Badger Yard!

Among them, there were even a large number of senior students hugging each other and crying bitterly!

And Professor Sprout, the dean of the Badger Academy, was applauding vigorously at the moment, even his palms were about to slap red.

Hufflepuff has not touched the house cup for more than ten years, and many students before, even from enrollment to graduation, have never had the experience of winning the house cup.

As a result, they picked up one for nothing this year!

It feels like a dream...

And many Ravenclaw students are sighing like Hermione before.

It's only one point away~

"Please be quiet, everyone!" Dumbledore raised his voice, but the timbre became much muddied, "Please suppress your excitement first, and adjust your mood to be more solemn. Because next, I hope that you can share with me Together, let us pay tribute to the deceased Professor Quirinus Quirrell..."

Dumbledore paused, and then continued to whisper in a hoarse voice: "This great wizard, he once fought against the enemy heroically with Mr. and Miss Granger in the Chamber of Secrets! The safety of students and the campus has left us forever..."

"I think you should remember with me, Professor Quirrell's integrity and wisdom as a Ravenclaw, and the great brilliance he showed when his life was gone!"

After these words, the entire auditorium fell into a mournful silence again, and Dumbledore didn't say any more, just waved his hand and changed the decoration of the auditorium.

The original decoration of Hufflepuff was replaced with the appearance of the Eagle Court, but the color was not the azure blue symbolizing the sky, but a sad and silent gray.

On the banner of the guest seat, the goshawk fell into the forest, it still holds its head high, but it can no longer fly...

After the minutes of silence ended, Harry looked quietly at Dumbledore, finding a palpable look of regret in his face.

He abided by the agreement Harry made with him later, canceled the ridiculous and embarrassing extra points, and turned to reminiscing about Professor Quirrell.

Presumably, he should also be infinitely emotional at this moment.

Professor Flitwick, who has always been full of emotions, did not hide his sadness at all, and his cry was mournful like a mourning bird that had just lost its cub.

Hermione's eye circles were also red. Seeing this, Harry hurriedly held her hand comfortingly.

She was also a participant in the Battle of the Chamber of Secrets, and she felt the same way at this moment. While she was sad, she also threw away her previous thoughts of giving herself and Harry extra points.

That's right, they shouldn't be awarded points!

As for the reason, Dumbledore was about to explain it to everyone.

"I know that some of you will have some complaints about this, but I still want to say... no one will get extra points for this incident!" Dumbledore glanced at the students in the Eagle Academy who looked upset, and said: He said in a serious and even stern tone, "The Academy Cup is an honor, not a commodity that needs to be looted by all means! In my opinion, any form of calculation and questioning at this moment is for Professor Quirrell who sacrificed himself. , is an unforgivable blasphemy!!"

As soon as these words came out, many Eagle Academy students bowed their heads in shame.

That's what they had in mind. Quirrell was a professor from the Eagle Academy, and the Granger siblings were also participants in the battle to defend the secret room, so they deserved extra points.

What's more, it doesn't need to be many, as long as each person has one point, they can surpass Badger Yard who picked up the Academy Cup for nothing!

But Dumbledore used practical actions to educate these students severely, and told them bluntly: You are not worthy! !

This is actually what Harry meant. The Academy Cup, just like the flying red flags of the Tianchao School in the previous life, was supposed to be an honor to flaunt excellence and inspire overall cohesion.

However, the students of Hogwarts have reached a somewhat pathological level in their competition for the House Cup. They are too preoccupied, and sometimes even use some inferior means to achieve their goals.

Like Slytherin Quidditch...

So in this case, Harry felt that the Badger Yard was really worth it!

"At the end of this ceremony, I want to tell you this truth." When presenting the award to Hufflepuff, Dumbledore said, "What the Academy Cup really rewards is not only the so-called excellent performance, but also the more important There are also good qualities such as unity and loyalty, so I think Hufflepuff deserves this award."

"Because hardworking and down-to-earth people are always worthy of awards!!"

Chapter 95 It is impossible for a top student to have a vacation (the final chapter of this volume)

After the Hufflepuff party for the House Cup ended, Hogwarts was once again home to Ravenclaw.

Or...it was Hermione's home field alone.

The little witch got an unprecedented top score of all 'O's in the final exam, and she has properly confirmed her personality as a top student and the first place in the year in the Fourth Academy.

As for Harry...he was being pinched by Hermione without a doubt.

Many of the exams at Hogwarts are practical. Given how well the professors know Harry, it is really impossible for him to show his clumsiness.

But for subjects such as History of Magic and Astronomy that require theoretical examinations, no one can stop Harry's ambition to pass Long Live.

Hmm, if a school bully girl wants to arouse Harry's 'interest' and compete with her in terms of grades, I'm afraid she needs to sort out her bargaining chips~

After that, it was probably about packing up and preparing for some trivial matters before leaving school. The notice that magic is not allowed during the holiday has also been issued, but this prohibition is of no use to the two of Ha He.

Because during the next two months of vacation, he and Hermione will release all kinds of magic crazily.

Harry had received a letter from Scamander, and after the showdown with Dumbledore, there was no need to conceal the correspondence between Scamander and Harry.

'Come here to hang up with me. '

The simple style of the old telegram, as well as a burst of strokes, can not help but make Harry full of expectations for the next holiday~

After packing their luggage and saying goodbye to the professors, Harry and Hermione took a boat across the Black Lake.

Accompanying them all the way to the train was the reluctant Hagrid.

"You two have a good journey... By the way, this is for you!" Before leaving, Hagrid handed a beautifully crafted photo album to Harry's hand as if offering a treasure, "I have been preparing this thing for a long time, It’s a photo with many old classmates of your parents, I hope you like it.”

"Hagrid, I really don't know how to thank you..."

After receiving the photo album, Harry was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He could only hug the tall half-blood giant in front of him tightly, expressing his gratitude in this way.

The photo album is full of pictures exclusive to wizards, in various sizes, and the protagonists are Harry's biological parents, the Potters.

They smiled and waved, as if they were happy to see their sons when they grew up.

Harry didn't know how long Hagrid, who was always bad at spelling, had to wrestle with those letters to collect so many photos for himself, but he knew that Hagrid must have put his most sincere thought into it.

"Hey, thank you, this is what I should do, otherwise where would you find the picture of James and Lily~" Hearing Harry thank you, Hagrid even blushed slightly on his honest face.

"I will also send you photos, Norbert's photos, every week!" Harry promised, "Don't worry, I will take good care of it with Mr. Scamander!"

"Haha! That's really great, so I can always know about little Norbert's situation!" Hagrid laughed heartily when he heard this.

To be honest, although it is a partnership to raise dragons, Norbert is indeed gradually becoming Harry's exclusive pet, and only when Harry is present will he show some kindness towards Hermione and Hagrid.

However, Hagrid didn't mind this.

It's true that Hagrid liked Norbert, but he also understood that he really didn't have the conditions to raise a Norwegian Ridgeback.

Even if Harry helped him figure out the methods, food and venue, he would not be able to tame Norbert successfully.

Now this is good, Norbert is with Harry, Hagrid can often see it, and this time it will be taken by Harry to Scamander - the one Hagrid admires the most besides Dumbledore He is really happy for Noble.

"That's it, see you next school year~"

The melodious sound of the siren spread throughout the platform, and after Hagrid and Hagrid said goodbye, they embarked on the return train together.

From the uninhabited wilderness to the more tidy village, Hogwarts was gradually left behind, and those adventures in the wizarding world were also temporarily sealed.


Finally, the train arrived in London again and stopped at platform nine and three quarters of King's Cross Station.

The students were not allowed to rush in from the time they got off the bus to the time they walked out of the platform. Otherwise, a large group of people would come out of the wall at the same time, which would definitely scare the ordinary passengers on the platform.

Therefore, Ron and Neville, who got out of the car together, had more time to chat with the Granger siblings.

"No way, you guys still want to study? I originally wanted to invite you to my house to play, but now it seems that it's useless~"

When Ron learned that Harry and Hermione were going to take advantage of the summer vacation to study some 'correspondence courses', his face was full of regret.

"Student masters are indeed a group of terrifying creatures, Neville, what about you?"

In the end, Ron resolutely chose to change his target after feeling "the Granger siblings' hobbies are really strange".

"I can't either..." Neville shook his head, stumbling and refused, "Unless I go to school, Grandma won't let me go out alone."

"Oh my God... what kind of bloody mold am I suffering from!" Ron looked up to the sky and sighed helplessly when he walked out of the platform.

It is said that like attracts like and people are divided into groups, why is there no normal friend around me?

"Ah! There he is, look!!"

After the group walked out of the platform, they heard the excited scream of the little girl.

It was a very delicate-looking red-haired loli, who was raising her finger excitedly...

"Mom, I saw it, it's Harry Potter!"

Ron: ...

At this moment, the boy felt as if he had been abandoned by the world.

"Don't yell, Ginny, it's rude to point fingers, and Harry should be called Granger now."

A middle-aged woman persuaded the overly excited little girl. Harry had heard of her. She was the mistress of the Weasley family, Molly Weasley.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Weasley." The other party was an elder, and Harry naturally took the initiative to salute, "And thank you for letting us use Charlie and Bill's textbooks."

"Hello~" Hermione also nodded politely, but her attention was always attracted by Ron's over-excited sister.

After sizing him up a few times carefully, Hermione subconsciously moved closer to Harry, covering half of Harry's body with her shoulder.

"Son, you're too polite. I should be the one to thank you. If Mr. Scamander hadn't asked someone to buy those two sets of old books, Ron and Ginny, who will be entering next school year, wouldn't be able to use the new ones. of."

Mrs. Weasley smiled kindly: "Speaking of which, the textbooks used by the boys in my family are like being licked by dogs. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to get them out~"


After a map shot, Ron, the Weasley twins and Percy all ORZ...

"Okay, don't waste your time, go home quickly, don't make your parents wait~"

After a few simple greetings, Mrs. Weasley bid farewell to the two of them.

But after the two left, Mrs. Weasley recalled the news her husband had told her, and a hint of amazement gradually appeared on her face.

Some time ago, the one who lived in seclusion in Dorset used his connections to send more than a dozen accountability letters to the Ministry of Magic, requesting a thorough investigation of the ex-Death Eater families including Malfoy...

And what's even more incredible is that there are letters from Millikin and France!

Harry Granger…

How much energy is hidden behind this child?

(ps This volume is over, and next is the next volume preview.

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