a certain scientific harry potter

Page 64

With the cry of an eagle, Kettleburn and Hagrid on the shore were shocked at the same time!

What did they see?

A second-year student actually skillfully performed Animagus transformation in a duel? !

Even Fenghuang, who had been feigning sleep, opened his eyes instantly.

Harry actually didn't mind showing off his Animagus ability in front of the teacher. After all, strength was cultivated to be used. After all, Animagus was just an auxiliary ability, not the ultimate trump card, so there was no need to hide it. .

What's more, his Animagus is legal, having been registered with the Ministry of Magic with the help of Scamander.

To be an illegal Animagus who has the ability to transform without registering, to be honest, doesn't look cool at all to Harry.

Every time you transform, you have to be sneaky. Once things are leaked, you will be sent to Azkaban. What do you say about this picture~

At this moment, Harry, who was in mid-air with his wand in his mouth, had locked Mercus running underwater with his eagle eyes!

Folding its wings, Harry flew down like a shooting star, and the horse-shaped water monster in the lake also entangled Mercus, who was about to escape, with water plants. Struggling out of the water!

"Oops... Oops!" Above the water, facing Harry who was swooping in, Mercus closed his eyes nervously.

However, Harry didn't attack her. He just cut off the spear in the opponent's hand with his sharp eagle claws when he passed by, and then plunged into the water.

"This human being..." After falling back into the water, Mercus was speechless for a while, looking at the weapon in his hand that had been broken into two pieces.

All the mermaids had given up the fight when the horse-shaped water monster lifted the recovered Harry out of the water.

Under the command of Mercus, they surrounded Harry, put away their weapons, and bowed their heads solemnly to him!

"Harry Granger, you are a powerful wizard and a skilled knight. On behalf of the mermaid community, I formally surrender to you! Kyle, your battle partner, can freely walk in this water life in China!"

Hearing Mercus's words, the giant squid happily rolled and left the spot. It didn't like to fight, but now that the show is over, it can't wait to clock in and get off work.

The other mermaids waved their spears and cheered heartily around Harry.

It looked like he was making a pilgrimage to a knight who had just demonstrated his mighty force.

At this time, Harry, who was riding on the back of the horse-shaped water monster, really looked like a victorious lord knight, looking around at the territory he had conquered!

Chapter 110 The Water Quality in the Lake Needs to be Improved

"Ms. Mercus, please accept this."

Looking at the cheering mermaids around him, Harry thought for a while, then handed over the reins on the horse-shaped water monster's bridle to Mercus, with a kind smile on his face at the same time.

"We don't know each other today. After that, I will trouble you to take care of Kyle~"

In addition to courtesy first and then soldiers, it is also a strategy to give a sweet date with a stick. It is not enough to subdue this group of mermaids by force. If Kyle can live comfortably in the lake in the future, Harry must fight with the mermaids. Maintain a good relationship.

What's more, he also knew that Mercus and the others didn't use their full strength. After all, the mermaids didn't use the Loba bug, which was very difficult for Harry to deal with in the water.

It was a kind of aquatic insect with the length of a magic wand, and it carried terrible venom on its body. Once the mermaid spread the Loba venom in the lake regardless, Harry could only choose to run away even with Kyle's assistance.

"This horse-shaped water monster...don't you let it go?" Mercus took the rein in a daze, and Mercus seemed a little unbelievable.

Harry said that he was going to free-range pygmy, and she really thought it was completely free-range at first!

"No, because Kyle is used to wearing a bridle." Harry smiled and shook his head, "Besides, the mermaids are willing to allow it to live here. As its owner, of course, I must try my best to ensure that everyone in the lake It's safe~"

"Hearing you say that, I'm really ashamed. So... please accept this!" Mercus seemed to feel a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, she handed the bracelet she was wearing to Harry .

"Harry Granger, from today on, you are my friend, Mercus, and the entire mermaid clan!"

"I can't wait for this friendship~" Harry nodded with a smile, but took the bracelet disrespectfully.

The bracelet that Mercus sent was made of pebbles as a whole, and the only decoration was a pearl that barely passed the quality standard. Although the workmanship was exquisite, it was not a rare item.

However, Harry was well aware of the significance of this gift.

As long as it exists, as long as Mercus is the leader, the mermaid in the Black Lake will always be his friend!

"Oh, is it a message from Dumbledore, but it's unnecessary now~"

After returning to the shore together, Harry used the Cleansing Charm to get rid of the embarrassment on his body, and the phoenix who came to play tricks also handed Mercus a letter with the voice of the mermaid.

It was a letter of guarantee that Dumbledore recorded with some kind of magic, to the effect that Harry's kelpie was safe and Mercus didn't have to worry about it.

Harry knew that Old Deng was helping him out, but like Mercus said, they didn't need this letter now.

He was very grateful to Dumbledore for his willingness to help, but he was even more thankful that he didn't use this letter, because the feeling of solving the problem by his own efforts would really be very pleasant.

Still, Harry was curious about the letter itself.

The Ministry of Magic also had a similar official letter, and there was also a Howler letter. Harry really wanted to find an opportunity to study the principle of this kind of voice letter.

"By the way... Ms. Mercus, were you worried about the water quality of the Black Lake?" Before leaving, Harry finally had a chance to ask something he had been curious about.

Harry thought about the sad and unwilling voice of magic power on Mercus' body, and probably it could only have something to do with the water quality of the Black Lake.

"How do you know?" Mercus was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't hide it, and told the truth happily.

"We mermaids are very sensitive to the living environment. Changes in water quality and temperature can even affect our appearance and personality. The water quality of the Black Lake has been deteriorating over the years. We and our descendants naturally also..."

Mercus didn't say anything later, but Harry probably understood.

Although the Selki mermaids in the Black Lake were not very pretty, in Harry's view, they looked closer to humans than the Mero mermaids that lived in the low-temperature waters of Ireland recorded in the book.

Therefore, the reason why Mercus and the others are bold and unrestrained in appearance and rough in character is that apart from their own basic problems, they are more affected by the water quality of this black lake.

Back at the castle, Harry kept thinking about the deteriorating quality of the lake.

He didn't really want to help Mercus and these mermaids, but when he remembered that the sewers of Hogwarts were actually connected to the Black Lake, he felt a little unable to look directly at them.

After all, as a historic castle that has existed for thousands of years, it is really hard to say whether Hogwarts has a supporting septic tank or other domestic sewage treatment methods~

He will often come to take care of Kyle in the future. If the horse-shaped water monster wants to take him to play in the water for a while, do you think he will be afraid to respond?

And if the water quality of the Black Lake is allowed to continue to deteriorate, one day the environment here will also have an impact on Grindylow, the giant squid, and even the horse-shaped monster Kyle. Don’t let everyone mess with the mermaid in the sewer It seems that the problem is really big...

"There's a bug in your hair."

While walking on the campus with his head buried, Harry heard a sudden reminder. When he looked up, he found Luna with wide eyes.

Today, she wore a pair of radish-shaped pendants on her ears, and a necklace made of beer corks around her neck, making her look even more unusual.

But at least it looks better than the shark tooth necklaces of the mermaids.

"Oh, I didn't notice it before, thank you~" Following the position pointed by Luna, Harry grabbed a water beetle from his hair, which should have been missed when he cast the cleaning spell just now.

"But it's almost time for class now, why are you here?" Harry asked curiously.

The interval between classes in the morning is not too long. Generally speaking, students should rush to the next classroom immediately, and rarely wander around the campus.

"I was looking for the Bubble Snot Monster, but unfortunately it ran away."

"Bubbles...what the hell?" Harry's mouth twitched. He had never heard of the creature Luna was talking about before.

"It's the Bubble Snot Monster, I did see it just now, its traces flashed here!"

Luna's expression was very serious, but what she said made people feel quite naughty.

Looking at her determined look, if Harry hadn't known that there would never be any magical animals running around on the Hogwarts campus, he might have taken it seriously~

"That's it... Then since you can't find any trace of that monster for the time being, can you do me a favor first?" Harry patted the box next to his hand, "I want you to help me take Hermione's pet to her dormitory."

The Hogwarts school regulations clearly stipulate that girls can enter the boys' dormitory at will, but boys are strictly prohibited from entering the girls' dormitory, so Harry wants to ask Luna.

In this way, when Hermione finished her big class and went back to the dormitory to rest at noon, she would be able to see Crookshanks directly, which was quite a pleasant surprise.

Chapter 110: Wisdom Can Be Extended to Science

Walking around the campus with Luna, Harry suddenly realized that he didn't know what to talk to her about.

Like Hermione, she is the kind of girl who is smart enough to draw inferences, but what Hermione infers is mostly academic content, and Harry basically has no problem picking it up.

On the other hand, Luna, after two days of contact with Harry, it is now basically confirmed that this girl has a bottomless pit on her neck, and you have no idea what weird things she will come up with~

"Well... are you okay?"

Before entering the castle, Harry, who felt that someone was following him, suddenly turned around, and suddenly found the person who was 'stalking' him behind him.

Luna on the side also turned around calmly, apparently also aware of it.

The stalker was a thin, gray-haired boy, clutching a camera in his trembling hand, obviously the version of an ordinary person.

After being discovered by Harry, he looked rather cramped.

"You... hello, Harry, my name is... Colin Creevey," the young man blushed and greeted Harry awkwardly, "I am a freshman in Gryffindor, you... may I give Do you take a picture?"

After stumbling and saying these words, Colin held the camera timidly in front of his chest, with a rather expectant expression.

"Take a picture... for me?" Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Since when did you have fans?

"This way I can prove that I saw you!" Colin eagerly leaned towards Harry, "I know everything about you, many people have told me about you, how did you escape the murderous hands of the mysterious man , How did he disappear and so on!"

"Until I got the letter from Hogwarts, I didn't know that the strange things that happened to me were magic. My dad was a milkman, and he couldn't believe it, so I took a lot of pictures and sent them to him. If I could have your picture..."

"Uh, classmate Colin, please wait a moment." Harry helplessly stopped Colin's excitement, "If you just want to take a picture of me, I won't refuse. But please hurry up, My friends and I have things to do."

Harry could tell that Colin was a wizard from an ordinary family, so if it was just to take pictures, he didn't mind granting this small request.

But the kid was a little too excited, and Harry didn't want to delay Colin and Luna's upcoming lessons because of this photo.

Although in his opinion, Luna is probably the same as himself, and doesn't want to go to the second class at all~

"Oh, yes!" Colin nodded excitedly, but at the same time looked at Harry with a little begging, "Harry, do you think I can stand next to you? For example, ask your friend to help you press the shutter , and...can you sign it for me?"


Harry hesitated, taking pictures with Colin and signing autographs was not a problem, the problem was that he wasn't sure if Luna would use the camera.

"What's going on, I heard someone is asking for autographed photos?"

Suddenly, the handsome-looking Professor Lockhart strode over, opened his hands involuntarily, hooked Harry and Luna's shoulders at the same time, and pressed them side by side in front of him.

"Come on, Mr. Creevey, take a photo of three people, the name is Gilderoy Lockhart and Harry and his friends, after that we will sign for you~"

Lockhart greeted Colin with a smile, and made a decision on his own regardless of whether Harry and the others present agreed.

"Okay..." Colin mechanically raised the camera and pressed the shutter, leaving images of the three with different expressions.

Harry was speechless, Luna was expressionless, and Lockhart was beaming.

"A word of advice, Harry." After Colin left, Lockhart looked at Harry with a persuasive look, "I covered you in front of little Creevey, and I set off yours. After the classmates know about this, they won't think you are too arrogant."

"Professor, actually just now..."

"Also, it's very unwise for you to post your signature photos now, it will make you look too proud. Of course, one day in the future, you will need to carry a stack of photos everywhere like me, but definitely not now." Ha Leigh wanted to explain, but Lockhart ignored his reaction at all, "Finally, it's too early for you to say something, I know, girls at this age are very attractive, but..."

"Professor, I think it's time for you to go to class!" Harry raised his voice an octave, finally choking Lockhart.

Lockhart's attitude like a father admonishing his son just now made Harry very unhappy, but now he is dragging Luna's pretentious matter again, of course Harry can't keep silent anymore!

It can be said that Lockhart's mysterious operation directly ruined Harry's passers-by before he entered school.

"Oh, it's a good thing to have a temper, after all, you're still young~" Lockhart showed his eight white teeth to Harry indifferently, and walked away like a gentleman.

"I'm sorry for causing you to be troubled by nonsense." Harry turned his head and looked at Luna apologetically.

"It's okay." Luna glanced at the direction Lockhart left, and gave a meaningful comment lightly.

"The flashy vanity will end in tragedy~"

Her voice was ethereal, like the mermaid song Harry had just heard.

"Is it flashy..." Harry thought about Luna's evaluation.


Ravenclaw's public room is located on the high tower west of Hogwarts Castle. The entrance to the lounge is an inconspicuous door with no handle and no keyhole. There is only one that looks very old Eagle-shaped bronze door knocker.

Harry reached out and knocked on the door, and the eagle's beak opened immediately, but what came out was not a bird call, but a soft voice.

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Knockers posed such a question.

"You need to answer questions to enter the Ravenclaw common room, you should know that last night." Hearing the door knocker's question, Harry had a smirk inexplicably on his face, "Do you want to try to answer it? "

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