a certain scientific harry potter

Page 65

"I think...the answer is a cycle without a beginning." Luna said seriously after thinking for a while.


Hearing the door knocker's judgment, Luna turned to look at Harry with a puzzled look on her face.

She was very sure that her answer was correct, but why did the door knocker give such a response?

Not right or wrong, but...incomplete?

"Well... I was asked last year about the phoenix and fire and the chicken and the egg." Harry explained with a smile. "After I chatted with the knocker once, it replaced the answer."

"Replace... what is that?" Luna said that she was a little confused.

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg, both answers are correct." Harry said to the door knocker, "because from a biological and genetic point of view, if the chicken is regarded as a modern multicellular Animals, then the cage spine fossils that define the evolution of animals from unicellular to multicellular, have appeared 6.1 million years ago. That is to say, the unique developmental mechanism of our multicellular animal embryos originated in the first generation of multicellular animals. Before the animal is hatched, it begins to mature in the egg, so of course the egg came first."

"However, if we switch the topic to the level of entity theory, if we refer to the content of the entity theory of 'potential and reality', the egg is potential and the chicken is reality. Only when the chicken exists can people conclude that the egg is an egg, that is, the potential can only be realized through reality. Understood, so in this case the chicken came first."


There was a slight knock, and the door knocker didn't respond, but the door opened directly.

"Just now... what is that?" Luna stared blankly at Harry, her big eyes full of puzzlement.

"The ones just now are sciences extended from wisdom."

(ps The cage spine ball fossil was discovered by scientists from China, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland; potential and reality are one of the contents of Aristotle’s theory of entities, but regarding the chicken and egg issue, Mr. Ya actually overturned himself ~

In addition, the reason why this question is detailed is not that the protagonist is purely showing off his knowledge, but that the book will do some detailed analysis of the characteristics of Eagle Academy in the future, so here is a little introduction.

The English original meaning of Ravenclaw is 'Raven's Claw', which is a metaphor for the thirst for knowledge; while Rowena Ravenclaw's standard for students is cleverness, which is simply wisdom.

But Rowena has a bit of a biased expectation, because knowledge is a result, and wisdom is a kind of ability, and the wisdom she values ​​may not necessarily create useful knowledge.

Corresponding knowledge and wisdom to characters, in fact knowledge is Hermione, and wisdom is of course Luna.

As a pure Ravenclaw, Luna's wisdom is unquestionable, but many times she uses this wisdom to find horned snorers, things that don't create knowledge.

Hermione in the original book was sorted into the Lion House, which means that the sorting hat thinks her courage is more outstanding than wisdom, and Hermione is indeed not as psychic as Luna's smart, but she can really master the knowledge.Hagrid once commented that the spells in this world that Hermione cannot master have not been invented yet~

As for the protagonist of this book, you can tell from the title of the book, he is adhering to science.

Knowledge and wisdom belong to science, this is the relationship between the three of them, hehehe~)

Chapter 110 The Origin of the Ring Is a Thunderbolt

Ravenclaw's common room is definitely the most gorgeous room in the entire Hogwarts castle.

The color of the interior is mainly royal blue, followed by a rich bronze color, showing luxury and mystery everywhere.

The dome of the ceiling is a shining vast star map, and the dark blue carpet is also dotted with stars. The tables, chairs, and bookshelves in the room are arranged in a random order. Marble statue of Inar Ravenclaw.

"I heard from the prefect yesterday that although the materials in the Ravenclaw library are not as rich as those in the school library, the knowledge they contain is comparable to it?" Luna pointed out as she walked through the bookshelves in the common room. asked the surrounding bookshelves.

She really wanted to talk more with Harry, because she had never heard of many things he said before, so she couldn't help but feel very curious besides being surprised.

"Ravenclaw doesn't have a library," Harry said flatly, "These bookshelves and materials themselves should not be treated as library books."

Ravenclaw's common room is notorious, not only because of the difficulty of answering the question of entering the room, but also because of the bookshelves that surround the common room.

Because there are a lot of books and notes stored on the bookshelves, it is nicknamed by the students of the other three colleges, saying that the students of the Eagle College guard a library by themselves.

But from Harry's point of view, the students of the other three colleges praised Eagle College and built a library for it. It's fine for Eagle College students to be grateful, but it's best not to take it seriously.

It would be a little immodest to go out and boast that there is a library inside the college.

"Compared to those old books, what is more precious here are the study notes left by generations of students of the Eagle Academy." Harry pointed to the humble notebooks on the bookshelf, his tone seemed a little emotional, "But, There are very few students adding new things to it now."

There is a slightly ridiculous fact that even if Ravenclaw guards such a treasure-like 'library', there seems to be no particularly outstanding existence among the students in school today...

Except Hermione~

In recent years, the reason why Eagle Academy students no longer add notes to the bookshelf is actually very simple...Because for similar problems, Eagle Academy students who are good at flipping books, or to be precise, are good at digging out details, can always learn from the past. A better solution can be found in the data.

Therefore, it is very likely that such a situation will occur. The learning materials that one person has worked so hard to organize and share will not only get praise and approval, but ignorance or even ridicule from the same hospital.

Catch one of the tiny omissions, and after a rant, dismiss it as worthless.

And this kind of situation often occurs between the same grade, and between the upper grade and the lower grade, because the Ravenclaw eagles usually dare not question the seniors who are older than themselves.

So over time, naturally, few people added things to the bookshelves, and even if they added things, they would be anonymous, carefully stuffed in the corner, so as not to be discovered by peers or seniors.

And these bookshelves were gradually deified by the students of Ravenclaw, blowing it into what they called the long-lasting precious wealth-the Ravenclaw library.

There is a sentence written under the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw - extraordinary ingenuity is the greatest wealth of human beings, but if knowledge and wisdom are regarded as constants for comparison, not variables for sharing...

Then they are not riches, but sorrows!

"Here, that's the cat, Crookshanks." Coming to the fork in the dormitory, Harry called Hermione's beloved cat out of the suitcase, "You just need to help bring it into the dormitory, Crookshanks." Shan can find Hermione's bed himself."

I don't know if it was because of the Mirror of Erised, or for some other reason, but Harry always had an inexplicable trust in Luna.

Things like suitcases, which could be known to teachers but absolutely kept secret from students, Harry felt that there was no need to hide from Luna.

"It's in the suitcase?" Luna's eyes lit up when she saw Harry playing with a live cat in front of her.

"Well, besides Crookshanks, there are some others, I can invite you to take a look when I get a chance." When handing Crookshanks to Luna, Harry promised with a smile.

"Okay...huh?" However, just after Luna took Crookshanks, she grabbed Harry's wrist.

Luna, who has amazing eyesight, clearly found the ring on Harry's hand in Crookshanks' long ginger hair!

"Luna?" Harry frowned, but he didn't withdraw his hand immediately.

"This ring is my mother's relic."

"What did you say?!"

Luna spoke the news that made Harry feel thunderous in the most understated tone!

The interspatial ring that Scamander handed over to him turned out to be a relic of Luna's mother. This matter is too ridiculous! !

"I'm not mistaken, that's it." When Harry was shocked, Luna had already taken off the ring, "L&H...me and you?"


Harry didn't know how to explain it now, and Luna's extremely calm performance made him feel even more creepy.

Now he even began to wonder if the girl in front of him knew something that he didn't know!

"Give it back to you, and besides... I don't think you need to pay too much attention to this matter."

Who knows, when Harry was full of suffering, Luna returned the ring to him again!

"Luna, you are..."

"The ring is my mother's relic, it's true; but it's yours now, so it can't be faked." Luna tilted her head, taking it for granted, "Harry, there may be something between us There is some kind of special connection, but this connection does not need to be explored too much now, because it will appear in the dark, just like the horned snork."

"Corner...what?" Hearing that another unfounded monster popped out of Luna's mouth, Harry's mind suddenly became even more confused.

However, he understood the current situation. I don't know if this girl Luna is talking about it or she has a big heart. In short, she doesn't want to get to the bottom of the matter of the interspatial ring.

"Crookshanks, please take it in. I have something else to do, so I need to leave first."

Harry apologized to Luna, picked up his suitcase and hurried out of the Ravenclaw common room.

Luna didn't have to ask him why he had the ring, but he still wanted to figure out what was going on between them.

And now, the only thing Harry can use is the Mirror of Erised.


"what is this…"

On the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, in the Room of Requirement, Harry is staring at the image in the Mirror of Erised, sweating profusely!

There was indeed a follow-up image in the mirror, but this image shocked Harry extremely, even filled him with fear!

The familiar operating table, the girl lying peacefully on it, and myself picking up the scalpel and returning to my old job...

His hands trembled as if they were twisted, the blade meandered across the skin that was no longer fresh, and the palms penetrated into...

The final picture was fixed on himself in the mirror and the bloody ring on his hand!

"Mirror of Erised, why... why did you let me see this? What happened to me, and why did Luna become like that?!"

After the heart-piercing questioning, Harry curled his body into a ball, letting inexplicable sadness sweep his body...

But the ring on his hand always exudes a comforting coolness, gently soothing his emotions.

It felt like Luna was holding his hand lightly just now.

Chapter 120 Lockhart's courses are very good for earning points

"You don't look very well. Is it because yesterday's incident was more difficult to deal with?"

The next morning, Hermione had just seen Harry when she noticed the tiredness on his face.

"Well... the mermaids are not very talkative, so they had a fight, and I was a little tired." Harry said casually, and at the same time handed the bracelet that Mercus gave him to Hermione, "Here, you are wearing this Well, the mermaid leader gave it to me, but it doesn't fit me well~"

"I knew that you would never stay in school honestly!"

Hermione gave Harry an angry and helpless look, but at the same time quickly put the bracelet on her wrist.

"However, this bracelet is quite beautiful~"

This is a gift from my stinky brother, of course I have to keep it carefully~

"As long as you like it."

Seeing that Hermione's attention was attracted by the bracelet, Harry also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he really didn't want to talk about him to Hermione, because the other party really cared about him. Even though he adjusted the whole afternoon and night yesterday, Hermione still could tell at a glance that he was in a different mood.

It's just that what he experienced yesterday was too mysterious to explain. Even if he told Hermione the truth, it was just the two of them worrying together in the end.

But by midnight last night, Harry had actually figured it out.

Luna is right, the connection between them will definitely come to light in the future, if the image in the magic mirror really happened at a certain time, then all Harry has to do is to do his best to make it never happen again !

"Let's go, today is Professor Lockhart's first class, I can't wait~"

After finishing breakfast hastily, Hermione took Harry and trotted all the way to the black defense classroom. At the same time, she couldn't put it down holding the book "Sailing with Vampires" signed by Lockhart.

"Professor Lockhart... tangled~"

Casually flipping through Lockhart's personal travel notes, Harry thought of Luna's previous evaluation of this person, and his mind became involuntarily confused again.

"Hello everyone, I think everyone here should already know me!"

The class bell rang, and Lockhart, who had groomed himself meticulously, appeared on the podium on time, showing a charming smile to the whole class.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class..."

Such an opening statement made Harry a little speechless. This Professor Lockhart really liked to brag about his great achievements too much.

His self-introduction and the autograph given to Hermione are not bad at all~

"Of course, I don't want everyone to indulge in my smile, because I didn't drive away the Wanlun female ghost by smiling."

This is undoubtedly a bad joke, but the audience seems to be good, at least Hermione has a knowing chuckle on her face.

"I saw that everyone bought my complete set of books, that's great, then let's do a small quiz today. Don't worry, everyone, I just want to check to see how you read~"

Lockhart picked up the stack of rolls on the desk and began handing them out in class himself.

That's right, distribution.

This action also made Harry a little strange, because the behavior of handing out the papers by hand was very inconsistent with Lockhart's personality that liked to show off.

In Harry's mind, casting the spell directly to make the paper float in front of the students was what he should do.

"Give you three 10 minutes, start now!"

And when he announced the start of the test, Harry looked down at the paper, his expression froze again.

Come on, what the hell kind of question is he asking?

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