a certain scientific harry potter

Page 90

"Hmph, that's such a boring story." Tom said annoyedly, "my diary, since last summer, little Ginny has been narrating all kinds of childish inner thoughts... She was teased by her brothers, and she couldn't help it." Don't wear old robes to get old textbooks, and she thinks, the famous savior Harry Granger...Damn, why did you change to such a dirty surname! Anyway, you know listening to her babble every day, worrying about you Will never like her, how boring this kind of thing is..."

"Crazy pure-blood lunatic, can you pick some key points?" Seeing the other party insulting his surname, Harry retorted unceremoniously, "But you are right in the last sentence, I will never Maybe I like her! After all, I... er, forget it, I can't tell you about it~"

'Hey, what are you after all, you should hurry up and say it! '

At this very moment, in Harry's suitcase with a slit in it, the schoolmaster girl was pinching her arms with a full face.


And the magical girl next to her is also very tangled, because her arm really hurts from being pinched, and she can't scream...

"In short, it was you who first controlled Ginny Weasley with the diary, manipulated her to open the Chamber of Secrets and sent the basilisk to attack Colin Creevey; as a result, Ginny was caught by me the next day, so I had to use The diary was thrown away, and was picked up by Gilderoy Lockhart; but what Ginny didn't expect was that even if she lost the diary, she couldn't escape the control, and in the end, Lockhart was also controlled by you. The accomplice...is the whole process of the case like this?"

After Harry detailed all the crime process in one breath, his expression quietly relaxed.

"Very correct!" Tom nodded approvingly, but his eyes gradually darkened, "But what surprised me is that you really don't care about this girl's life and death, and would rather spend time analyzing the whole story than immediately rescue her." She! Do you know that she will die soon..."

"She can't die, because I fed her Phoenix tears when I first came here!"

While speaking, Harry smiled and raised his arms, allowing Tom to clearly see the wand and letter paper hidden under the sleeve of the large robe: "And the reason why I want to listen to your nonsense is to use the phonogram Write down your confession and use it as evidence to exonerate Ginny!"

"You!" Tom's face froze when he heard this.

"So...Young Voldemort, you're trying to use Ginny's life to force me into anxiety, it's not going to work at all~"

"What did you say?!" At this moment, Tom was shocked.

Not only has Harry been tricking him, but he has also seen through his identity!

(ps This may be selfish, but I want Sijiao to be a good person from beginning to end, not to be a double agent, o(TヘTo)~)

Chapter 170 The second rooster cannot be used as a trump card

In other words, wasn't Harry trying to trick Tom, or Voldemort just now?

In this trip to the Chamber of Secrets, what Harry has to do is not only to defeat Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, but also to find evidence against the pure-blood family headed by Lucius Malfoy. .

If the case is only solved, those pure-blood families will still cling to Lao Deng and the professors' dereliction of duty, so Harry must show the help of the school teachers in solving the case in front of the real culprit, so that those The guy with ulterior motives was speechless.

In the end, it was the same reasoning for Ginny to record the evidence. On the way, Hermione told Harry that the basilisk had petrified the Cult in the corridor, and before that, it had stared at the school director Greenglass to death. It was quite a mess. big strip.

Under such circumstances, Lucius would inevitably bite back like a mad dog, not to mention that Lucius had given Ginny the diary in the first place!

Therefore, it is impossible to exonerate Ginny based on Harry's one-sided statement. He must prepare more convincing evidence.

That's why he thought of using the Phoenix tears given by Lao Deng to temporarily help Ginny recover.

As a professional forensic doctor, how could Harry use sniffing, which is obviously a misleading method from TV dramas, to confirm whether he is breathing... What's more, if the entire palm is covered, even a good person may be smothered to death.

He's just feeding Ginny that way~

As for the last one, Tom Riddle is Voldemort, which is really hard to guess, but luckily Harry drank Felicia before coming.

Harry chatted with Old Deng when he first started school, when he learned that Voldemort was a Parseltongue, and almost all Parseltongues were descendants of Slytherin.

And Tom who opened the Chamber of Secrets is the heir of Slytherin, and he also has a Parseltongue.

When Harry saw Tom just now, Felicia seemed to have turned into a hand and pushed it on the scar on his forehead, so Harry quickly thought that Tom Riddle was at school 50 years ago Voldemort!

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to find out without me telling you!" Tom... no, it should be Voldemort, his face was suddenly filled with endless disgust and resentment, "In my veins, there is Salazar S. Of Leitlin's own blood, I certainly won't use that dirty Muggle surname again..."

"Stop, stop, I don't want to hear what follows." Harry stopped Voldemort's complaints aloud, and at the same time his left hand hooked his fingers vaguely at the box behind him, "I'm not interested in your bitter history at all, In short, if you don’t let the basilisk come out again, I will open Momoran to grab the diary~”

"You...Harry Potter, you will definitely regret your choice!"

There is no fear at all, the rhythm of the conversation is controlled at every turn, and the most important thing is the complete contempt for himself... When the young Voldemort met Harry, he felt that he was directly angry for several decades.

He turned angrily, and made a series of hisses at the tall stone statue at the end of Lost. The mouth of the stone statue grew bigger and bigger, and finally gradually formed a pitch-black hollow.

'Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four. ' The meaning of this Parseltongue was easily understood by Harry.

Speaking of which, Salazar Slytherin is really narcissistic enough, not only built such a tall statue for himself, but also set the mechanism to open the password so ashamed to speak.

But when he thought about what he saw in the school history, Hogwarts turned out to be the castle of the Slytherin family, and Harry was relieved.

After all... anyone with a real estate certificate is awesome~


The Slytherin basilisk slowly crawled out of the statue, leaving a meandering trail of blood and body fluids on the ground. Judging from the wounds on its body, although it successfully petrified the Si Cult, the Si Cult obviously also gained Quite abundant.

"You asked for it...Kill him!" Seeing that Harry had closed his eyes in 'fear', Voldemort roared happily, commanding the basilisk to kill Harry quickly.

"This is the moment I've been waiting for!" Hearing the approaching Sen Ran Snake's snort, Harry threw out his robes in front of him, "Guys, it's time to show up!"


After roaring in unison, three huge monsters with closed eyes rushed at the basilisk that was close at hand, and the whole scene became a mess!

"This...is actually a fire dragon, a bird snake, and an unknown creature?"

The joint appearance of Zou and our partners made Voldemort stand in disbelief. The memory of his assimilated possessed Quirrell did not have this scene, so he had no idea that Harry was also assisted by magical animals, and Not just one!

What was even more unacceptable to him was that when facing himself who returned last year, this kid who was only in the first grade at the time was still hiding his clumsiness? !

Returning with a body, but being unable to beat a freshman who retained his strength, this incident is definitely the second shame and humiliation of Voldemort since Waterloo back then.

"Woo!" But just as Voldemort fell into shock, Harry had already heard Zou Wu's reminder.

It and Norbeta have stepped on the body of the basilisk together, and the bird and snake have also wrapped around the basilisk's neck at this moment!

"Great job! Basilisk, come try this!!"

With a wave of Harry's wand, the suitcase behind him was instantly opened completely, and the nine-square grid chicken coop flew out quickly under the influence of the floating spell, directly smashing into the basilisk!

Oh cluck cluck! !


The four excited roosters crowed together, and the power of the noise suddenly doubled, and the basilisk also let out a frightened and dispirited hiss at the same time.

Or to say that the mutual growth and mutual restraint between species is really mysterious, the thousand-year-old monster raised by Slytherin is actually afraid of a group of roosters that are not enough for it to fit between its teeth, this is really a typical thing.

"Damn cock, die to me!"

Seeing this, Voldemort hastily pulled out Ginny's wand and released the spell to kill the rooster, but he didn't know that this was in Harry's arms!

According to the situation described by Hermione, the basilisk will indeed be afraid after hearing the crowing of the rooster, but it still retains the ability to escape. This shows that the rooster can only be used to disrupt the situation, and cannot be the final card!

But for Voldemort, once Harry showed the cock, he had no choice but to drive it away himself.

Because on the one hand, he couldn't let the rooster continue to weaken the Basilisk's combat effectiveness, and on the other hand, Harry's magical animal companions all had extremely high resistance to spells, and they were much harder to kill than the rooster!

But in this way, Harry's spell can't be counteracted by him!

"Hermione, use the Eye Sickness Curse together!"


Opening his eyes for the first time in the battle, Harry and the girl who suddenly appeared from the suitcase raised their wands at the same time, and shot two intertwined dazzling lights at the big head of the basilisk together!

"Hiss!!" The basilisk let out an extremely miserable scream, and its eyelids were involuntarily closed together.

The superposition of cores of the same source increases the power of the spell by ten times. Even if the basilisk's magic resistance value has already exploded, it will definitely break the defense!

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

"Wadi Vasi!!"

It was another cooperating spellcasting, taking advantage of the basilisk's closed eyes, Harry quickly threw out the Gryffindor sword in the interspatial ring, and with the help of Hermione's proper levitation spell, he shot it out suddenly! !

"Not good... quickly grow bigger!"

puff! !

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Voldemort immediately cast an expansion spell on the basilisk, and with the help of its body becoming bigger, the basilisk avoided the ending of being directly pierced through the brain by the sword...

But when the blood burst, the long sword still pierced one eye of the basilisk!

(ps Small Science 1: If you want to confirm whether you are breathing, sniffing is not scientific, because when the breathing is too weak, your fingers can’t feel it at all, and the TV show is misleading;

Small science 2: According to the statistics of the American Society of Cardiology: During the cardiopulmonary resuscitation process, even medical staff will make a considerable proportion of misjudgments when judging the carotid artery (mainly misjudging the pulse of their finger arteries as the pulse of the carotid artery of the patient, so that will delay or even lose the chance of rescue).Therefore, the method of touching the carotid artery has a high rate of misjudgment, which is also misleading.

In the AHA 2015 cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines, it is no longer required for non-professionals to touch the carotid artery, but to judge whether there is breathing by scanning the patient's chest for 5-10 seconds. If there is no response + no breathing (or only a near-death sigh breathing), start CPR;

For professional medical personnel, it is required to start chest compressions immediately if they cannot judge whether there is a carotid pulse within 10 seconds.

There is also a method for judging breathing before cardiopulmonary resuscitation. There is a formula: first listen, second look, and third feel.

What you listen to is the breathing sounds at the mouth and nose, what you see is the breathing ups and downs in your chest and abdomen, and what you feel is the feeling of exhaled air hitting your face. If all three of these are in place, you can be considered as having spontaneous breathing.

Sanmiao thinks that this kind of common sense should be absolutely useful but absolutely unnecessary, please accept it, the above~)

Chapter 170 The Basilisk Was Killed by the Lord of the Black Lake

Looking at the basilisk writhing in pain, Voldemort's young face was already gloomy, twisted and angry to the extreme.

Ever since the two met each other, Harry's strange moves have been emerging one after another, and he really felt a little overwhelmed.

Especially in the series of attacks just now, he never expected that Harry would almost kill the basilisk left by Salazar Slytherin in just one encounter!

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough to enlarge the basilisk's body, the flying sword just now would definitely smash the basilisk's brain!

However, in the Chamber of Secrets, Voldemort was not the only one who was surprised.

Luna, who was wearing an invisibility cloak to complete a certain task, was also a little surprised, but the object of her surprise was Hermione.

For some reason, Luna felt that she saw a reflection of herself in Hermione.

Obviously, the two people's looks are very different, and their personalities are also completely different, but when she saw the tacit cooperation between Hermione and Harry, she felt inexplicably familiar.

It was as if I had stood by his side and fought with him like that...

Well, maybe it was affected by that mirror, so don't worry about it for now.

After familiarly ignoring the inexplicable thoughts in her mind, Luna continued to spread the invisibility cloak on the ground while Voldemort was not paying attention.

And at this time, Voldemort, holding his wand in his forehand, looked angrily at the basilisk, which couldn't open its eyes, being besieged by three magical animals~

Although relying on its inflated size and fearsome fangs, the basilisk can still barely resist the attack of the three Norbetas, but everyone present knew that it would not last long.

"Hey! Voldemort, don't you think there is someone missing here?" Suddenly, Harry called out loudly.

"There are so few people... how is it possible?" Voldemort glanced subconsciously, but then turned pale with shock, "Ginny Weasley, when did you rescue her?!"

This is impossible!

The pure-blooded girl who was lying on the ground just now, how could she...

"Disarm!" Taking advantage of the gap between Voldemort's clone, Harry swung his wand quickly, and disarmed Ginny's wand directly when the opponent was real.

"You? Damn..."

"I'm lying to you~" Harry looked provocatively at Voldemort who was burning with anger, "Ginny is actually still where she is, but she is really gone now."

As soon as Harry finished speaking, a silhouette of a human figure suddenly rose from where Ginny was lying, and then Luna pushed Ginny wrapped in the Invisibility Cloak into the suitcase, and then stood side by side with Hermione holding her wand.

"Harry Potter..."

"Be careful with your hands before you get angry." Harry's smile became more playful, "Your diary will be gone too~"


Voldemort felt that his palm was empty for a moment, and looked at it suddenly, only to find that his diary had been snatched away by a bat-like creature!

"There is still a Winged Demon?!" Seeing the diary being thrown to Harry's feet, Voldemort was so angry that he almost wanted to roar!

With the series of events just now, I was clearly being played for a fool!

The second round of endless strange tricks, with the help of an invisibility cloak and some distracting tricks, Harry and Luna cooperated perfectly, not only disarmed Voldemort, rescued Ginny, but also snatched the most critical journal!

"No matter how special you are, you are just a spirit that relies on the diary to exist, so as long as I destroy this diary, I can completely wipe you out, right?"

Said it was sabotage, but Harry's original intention was to keep this diary as much as possible, because this thing is definitely the key physical evidence that can be used to accuse Lucius Malfoy!

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