a certain scientific harry potter

Page 91

"Damn it...Harry Potter, don't think that you have the chance to win!" Voldemort snarled at the basilisk viciously, "Get out of here immediately! Go and kill everyone in Hogwarts!!"


Seeing the frantic roar of the basilisk at the end of its crossbow, it even relied on a brute force to throw away the three magical animals that were besieging him, and then rushed out of the secret room in a rampage, almost in the blink of an eye. Run out of the range of the secret room!

Behind it, Nobetta spewed flames and roasted crazily, but the basilisk never stopped, as if it had a sense of taste!

"Zouwu, throw me over there! You stay and protect Hermione and Luna!"


Zou Wu, who just fell to the ground, suddenly jumped up, grabbed Harry and threw him at the basilisk!

"Shock reduction and stop speed!" When the basilisk just left the door of the secret room, Harry, who was thrown out, finally caught up and hugged the basilisk's tail forcefully after using the magic spell to slow down!

Although the Basilisk was hit by the Eye Sickness Curse jointly launched by itself and Hermione, and was blinded in one eye by the Sword of Gryffindor, the duration of the spell is limited after all. Climbing along the pipe back to Myrtle's bathroom, the whole of Hogwarts might be in danger.

So Harry could only follow by himself. Fortunately, the basilisk's eyes were inconvenient and he was seriously injured. Harry crawled towards its head through the gaps in its huge scales, and at the same time released various spells to attack it, using all its strength to attack it. To hinder the action of the basilisk.


The basilisk seemed to have completely lost its mind due to the continuous passing of life. It suddenly hissed, and it broke through the wall of the passage with its inflated body, and deviated to a completely unknown track to Harry!

And after spinning around and twisting and turning, the basilisk, who was completely lost, led Harry into a huge pipe full of stench and full of indescribable residues!


Harry realized where it was almost instantly, so he hastily cast a bubble head spell on himself.

And the basilisk had already led him into the sewage in front of him, and then brute force broke through the fence gate used to block the water, and rushed straight into a dark icy lake!

Because of the basilisk's panic, Harry really experienced the myrtle treatment.

He was led by the basilisk, and crashed directly into the Black Lake through the main sewer of Hogwarts!


After coming under the water, the basilisk, which was extremely sluggish, suddenly became extremely excited, as if it was returning to the light. I saw it twisting its body in the water like a dragon, and even almost pulled the basilisk that had crawled up to its neck. Harry was thrown to the bottom of the lake!

And Harry also saw at the same time that one of the basilisk's originally closed eyes was trembling, and the effect of the Eye Sickness Curse was about to disappear!

"Bright as day! Loud and loud!"

But since he was in the Black Lake, Harry naturally had his own helper. He quickly lit up his wand, and kept drawing distinct tracks in the already pitch-black lake.

At the same time, he even amplified his voice, opening his mouth to roar out a mermaid language that can communicate underwater!


A long neigh came from underwater, and the horse-shaped water monster Kyle, who saw the signal, rushed to help out first. The powerful horse head slammed into the side of the basilisk. While picking up Harry, he turned back to the basilisk's neck. Just a side kick!

"Harry? We're here to help!"

Mercus, the leader of the mermaid, also rushed to hear the sound. When she saw that Harry was fighting a giant snake, she hurried up with her clansmen to kill it with spears!

"It's going to die soon, attack from the side and rear! Don't look into its eyes, and don't be bitten by its fangs!" Harry, who had already transferred to the horse-shaped water monster's back, reminded the mermaid loudly, and at the same time eagerly addressed the mermaid leader. Stretching out his hand, "Mercus, lend me your spear!"

"Take it!"

Mercus handed his weapon to Harry without thinking. At the same time, the basilisk had already left the remaining mermaids far behind with its powerful impact.

However, this is already its last strength.

"Kyle, catch it from above!"


When the horse was charging with all its strength underwater, Harry cast two spells of Transfiguration and Expansion in succession, directly changing Mercus' original simple spear into a huge and sharp tapered lance!


At this time, the basilisk seemed to have sensed the approaching threat of death, but it could no longer escape!

The horse-shaped water monster quickly approached from directly above, and while keeping pace with it, it slammed into its body vertically!

"Holy Beast Spiral!!"

With the impact of the horse-shaped water monster and the power endowed by the unicorn, Harry aimed at the head of the basilisk, and slammed the sharp spear down!


The pitch-black lake was instantly stained red with blood, the basilisk's head was completely pierced by the lance from top to bottom, and the buoyant body fell heavily to the bottom of the lake under the huge impact, and finally even caused an earthquake-like shaking .

The Millennium Basilisk raised by Salazar Slytherin was finally nailed to death at the bottom of the Black Lake by Harry! !

Chapter 170 The Spirit of Salazar Needs to Be Activated Underwater

The dark red blood gradually soaked the lake water. Seeing the basilisk lying motionless at the bottom of the lake and even returning to its normal size, Harry finally relaxed his nerves completely.

The basilisk staring at someone to death is definitely more dangerous in Harry's opinion than Voldemort's spirit when he was young, so there is no need to worry now.

"Harry, are you all right? Uh... what's up with this monster?"

When Harry pulled out the sword of Gryffindor from the eye socket of the basilisk, the mermaid Mercus also rushed over. She still felt a little scared when she saw the corpse of the hideous giant snake in front of her.

"I don't have time to explain the detailed situation too much. I can only say that this basilisk is the cause of your people's previous illness!" Harry said to Mercus in a loud voice, "Now it died here , it is likely to cause further disease in the lake, so you'd better go ashore immediately..."


Before Harry finished speaking, the entire Black Lake suddenly began to tremble violently. The heavy corpse of the basilisk was thrown into the air at once, the mud at the bottom of the lake surged, and finally a strong light blue blast erupted strangely. water column!

"what is this!"

Mercus stepped forward to investigate curiously, but his body suddenly drifted away as if uncontrollably, as if being sucked away!


Harry turned around and didn't catch it, but when he took a closer look, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him!

The water column under the basilisk's body poured in continuously, but the entire Black Lake seemed to have turned into a huge whirlpool. All the creatures in the lake, as well as the waste and garbage deposited on the bottom of the lake over the years, were not spared and were all rushed The current of the water was dragged into the center of the vortex!

"Is it the suction coming from the secret room..."

Harry only had time to recognize that the suction seemed to come from the Chamber of Secrets, and then, together with the corpse of the basilisk, he was involuntarily pulled towards the center of the vortex.

There was another terrifying whirlwind, and in the filth and chaos, Harry didn't know how many times he hit the wall and how many times he was cut.

His Bubble Charm was completely broken, and he could only hold his breath as best he could, while holding the sword of Gryffindor tightly, drifting in the darkness.

Finally, when he felt his whole body was empty and he seemed to be thrown out of the tube again, the previous terrifying suction finally disappeared.

He guessed that he should have returned to the secret room, but when he opened his eyes subconsciously, he was immediately hurt by the stimulation of the muddy lake water.

And at this moment, he seemed to have discovered two blue-green glimmers of light high in front of him.

It seems that two gems are shining brightly, but it is more like a pair of eyes, watching everything in the water with strange eyes.


Suddenly, the two rays of light began to become stronger in an instant, completely sweeping the entire water area in an instant.

Harry felt his eyes no longer sting, replaced by a pleasant coolness.

He opened his eyes completely, but what he saw was an extremely fantastic scene.

The secret room is now completely filled with lake water, but the water is not dirty, but extremely clear; the giant snakes carved on the stone pillars of the secret room all have their eyes lit up, like night pearls that illuminate the underwater palace, making the original darkness The Chamber of Secrets looks a bit more bizarre and fantasy.

Mercus, Kyle and many other residents of the Black Lake are also here. They remain motionless and suspended in the water, as if they have lost consciousness.

Hermione and Luna were not there, only Harry's suitcase was floating in the water, and the two smart girls apparently hid in the box with Harry's magical animal companions when something strange happened.

As for Lockhart...he is floating in the water with Ginny's wand, no one will take care of him in such an emergency~

And in the innermost part of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry finally saw the true faces of the two 'glowing gems' just now - those were the two eyes on the Slytherin statue!

At this moment, the statue whose whole body is submerged in the lake looks more lifelike than before... No!

It is not lifelike at all, but has come alive!

Harry could clearly see that the statue's hair and clothes were gently swaying in the water, and the corner of its mouth had a curve that shouldn't have existed!

Could it be that this statue is actually the spirit left by Salazar Slytherin? !

Soon, Harry's guess was confirmed.

"It turned out that the mouth of the Black Lake was blocked by mud... No wonder the water in the secret room dried up."

The statue's lips moved slightly, whispering to itself in a Parseltongue.

"However, since the secret chamber has been filled with water again, let's condense and crystallize again."

Looking from a distance, Harry saw that the statue had raised its hands in front of him, and a strange vortex also began to slowly form between the statue's palms.

The surrounding lake water quickly gathered towards the vortex, and the gradually weakening buoyancy caused Mercus and others to fall to the ground one after another, but even after being hit like this, they still failed to wake up.

Harry also fell to the ground, and he found that the floor of the Chamber of Secrets was completely dry at the moment!

All the water was sucked into the palms of the Slytherin statue, and through the continuous aggregation and compression of the vortex, it finally turned into a bright aquamarine gem!

The gem was not in any standard geometric shape, but rather like a fist-like irregular crystal, it beat slightly according to a certain rhythm in the palm of the statue, just like a living heart.

Seeing such a scene, Harry instinctively felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The statue of Slytherin became a spirit. Harry didn't know what it meant, but he felt that at least for himself, this must not be a good thing.

But before he could figure out how to get the suitcase and escape immediately, he felt as if his body was hooked by a thread, and then he was pulled towards the statue like a fish that couldn't resist , and fell embarrassingly on the edge of Salazar Slytherin's paws.


Harry had to admit that the spirit of the book was right, a thousand-year-old monster like Slytherin, even one of its spirits, could deal with it so that he was powerless to fight back.

"Hmm...interesting young man, let me take a closer look." The statue looked down at Harry slightly, but his tone became more and more surprised. Derek's weapon, and it turned out to be raising a bunch of Helga's favorite reptiles... you're really a Parseltongue?"

"Are you reading my memory?!" Harry was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly lowered his head and closed his eyes to avoid the other party's Legilimency.

It's a pity that this is a waste of effort, because the surprise in the statue's eyes is getting stronger, and the originally cold face has suddenly become angry!

"You half-breed bastard who knows no good or evil, as a descendant of wizards and mudbloods, it is a great favor to allow you to study at Hogwarts; but instead of being grateful, you actually changed a dirty Muggle surname, This is simply inexcusable!"


"Hmph, what's not allowed?" Seeing that Harry wanted to struggle under his restraints, the expression of the statue couldn't help but a little more sarcasm.

"I said... don't insult my surname!!!"


Roaring sharply, Harry used all his strength in exchange for an instant break free, threw the Gryffindor sword in his hand, and plunged straight into the body of the statue of Salazar Slytherin!

(Ps To add, the Salazar Slytherin set by San Meow will not be an amiable character. This has something to do with the background of his life and his extreme admiration for pure blood.)

Chapter 170 Five Natural Elements Cannot Be Fused by Humans

"You... how dare you stand against the great Slytherin?"

The Spirit of Salazar seemed to be shocked by Harry's actions. It is unimaginable to anyone that a second-year wizard dared to resist one of the four founders of Hogwarts thousands of years ago. .

But...Harry is definitely the exception.

Regarding his persistence, Harry never compromised. Whether he was facing Aurord Lux ​​or Malfoy and other pure-blood families, he always fought head-on in this way.

So even Salazar Slytherin couldn't hold him back!

What's more, just by looking at the attitude of this statue, it is useless to compromise.

Salazar is the most extreme pure-blood. He doesn't even admit that Harry, whose parents are wizards, is a pure-blood; and he also seems to have mastered Legilimency, which is more powerful than Dumbledore. The sight invaded Harry's thoughts directly.

It can be said that from the moment Harry met the Spirit of Salazar, he has been placed on the opposite side by it!

Then what is there for Harry to hesitate, just do it~

Anyway, no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing more than a spirit-possessed statue that cannot be moved. At worst, it will explode...

"I know you are a silent person, so I won't give you a chance to escape."


A huge pressure suddenly struck, making Harry feel as if he was under a huge burden both physically and mentally. Not to mention erupting silently, he couldn't even tremble!

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