A Gorgeous White

Chapter 83: The Very First Mission

"Have you heard?"

"About what?"

"There was another incident in Azuran. This time the Kron had breached the Phiora Headquarters. A woman collapse during their Sentinel Assembly."

"The guild messenger told us about the Kron breaking into the Temple of Thaeria."

Troubled mumbles noised around the fountain in the manorial garden. A few passing female sentinels in their cleaning uniforms whispered to each other. They stood with lowered heads with a broom in one hand. Dried leaves flew with the wind unnoticeably as they continued to converse. A few men had joined as well, eager to. gain some of the information.

In less than three days, The fear of the Kron had become a plague within the guild manorial as news after news came to every person's ears. The Kron was spreading like an unhurried flood. Slowly, it rose to heavily take away lives in villages and towns. During the last few days, With the lead of honorary sentinels, a large number of sentinels have been dispatched to aid other guilds to resolve the difficulties involving Kron in other cities but without a cure, they could only offer little help.

"It is best to stay within the manor. However, I don't know when this comfort would last. I heard the Lord will be sending another group of sentinels to Meian. Perhaps, it would be the recruits?" The women wondered.

"They are quite strong. Surely, one of them would be chosen to join the mission to Meian..." Guests another person.


The group of whispers flinched once another person emerged from the tall hedges beside them. They stilled when they realized who the person was. Here was only one person to possess such hair color in the Leonile manorial.

Brushing off the leaves on his shoulders, Moulin glanced at the group of people in front of the fountain. He smiled faintly and nodded to them before leaving. His innocent and polite smile entranced the group of men and women. They watched the beautiful youth as he walked away towards the outdoor hallways.

"Is that the Aphrodite recruit?"

"Don't be fooled by his looks! That Aphrodite defeated every single challenger in the training ground. His power and strength are almost limitless!"

"A genius!"


Moulin smirked. Although he was already a couple of meters away from them, he could clearly hear their whispers. As much as he enjoyed the awes and admirable compliments, he could not ignore the information about the Kron. Thinking about its relentless spread rose Moulin's concern about traveling back home.

He was worried. He wanted to go home and see for himself the condition of his mother. He could not help but become worried, completely disregarding his father's comfort in his letters. He could only pray for a hopeful future.

He recalled the words of the woman about the mission to Meian. Was it true? He wasn't even the least excited about the news. If it would involve the Kron, there was a chance that one would become infected with the Kron. Moulin frowned. Nevertheless, if he would be chosen he would not withdraw.


Moulin softened his eyes as he stopped his steps. A tiny creature form drew near as it scurried towards him with its little paws. Moulin chuckled at Snow's arduous effort to reach him.

A few days had passed since Hadrian and Moulin's night together. That night was simply unforgettable. Before the sun had fully risen, Moulin and Hadrian reluctantly separated and as the Hercullian Lord had said, Hadrian had become really busy nowadays. Once again, not a shadow of the man was seen. Surprisingly, when Moulin came back to his room that day, Snow astonishingly behaved. Moulin had expected to come back to a destroyed room and a Mystic beast going rampant within the Leonile manor. Moulin stood unblinkingly at the clean room and a lively Snow happily waiting for his master's return.

He was too proud and shocked that he didn't notice the disappearance of his three particular seniors for the whole day.

"Snow..." Moulin smiled as he crouched to pick up the little brat. Snow giddily climbed onto Moulin's shoulder. Moulin briefly furrowed his brows as he could finally feel the heaviness of the Snow's body. "You've really grown heavy. Tell me, you haven't caused any trouble today, right?"


"Yes!" Moulin's smile twitched. "If you lie, I'll let you starve tonight..."

Snow whimpered, feeling wronged. He lowered his head, sullenly. Moulin chuckled, ceasing his teases as he patted Snow's head.

With Snow on his shoulder, Moulin headed towards the honorary sentinel's meeting hall. Tessley had instructed him, Jagra, and Ghana to proceed to the meeting hall once they have completed their morning routine in the training grounds. Moulin guessed it had something to do with their very first mission. He wasn't too eager to know about the idea.

He arrived a minute later, laxly entering the doors of the meeting hall. Jagra and Ghana lifted their heads and greeting Moulin with their usual friendly comments partially involving the little beast on Moulin's shoulder. The meeting hall was a vast circular room with six tall half-moon windows with accurate distance in between. A large u-shape table was situated at the center with about a hundred chairs neatly arranged around the table. Before the curved part of the table, a large ornate throne was positioned. It was the guild lord's chair, Moulin guessed.

Moulin caught Tessley's figure standing beside a serious-looking Fhorg sitting on the seat beside the throne. He eyed the documents on the table before him as though he was doubting his decision. He had a lopsided frown on his face as soon as he heard Moulin's enter the hall.

"I apologize for my tardiness."

"This is a first, Moulin. " Tessley nodded. "But now that you are all here please take a seat. We will start." She gestured for the three people to chairs in front of them.

Once they were seated, Fhorg cleared his throat. He sighed, looking helpless as he faced the three.

Jagra looked slightly worried and more confused. He wondered what was in Fhorg's mind. He glanced at his two friends who in turn glanced at him with understanding. They too were confused.

"This meeting will be about your first mission as a sentinel. I congratulate all three of you for your outstanding performance." He picked up the documents on the table and stopped for a moment before glancing at the three of them. "I know you three are aware of the spreading of the Kron around the cities. Most of the guilds have already the taken majority of the tasks in the kingdom. Although we Leoniles are shorthanded, we have great strength and power to finish every task assigned to us. Under the trust of the Imperial Family, we are ordered to expand our reach and aid the people outside of our country..."

Moulin creased his forehead, knowing well where this was going.

"Thus, we have allocated our guild's sentinels outside of Aurona and that goes for the three of you." Fhorg declared without a hint of hesitation on his face. "I know it is your very first task. I guessed you might have expected to be given a simple and easy task. However, we-"

"We have no objections, Sir." Ghana interrupted. Her expression was serious yet her eyes beamed with urgency and excitement.

Jagra nodded with a serious expression. He glanced at Moulin who nodded as well.

"..." Fhorg raised his brows. He cleared his throat as he glanced at Tessley beside him. She shrugged. Fhorg then sighed as he faces the three again, "Well then, I hope you won't be going back on your word."

Tessley picked up the documents and distributed them to the three recruits, waiting in anticipation. Moulin received his document. It was tucked in a simple leather envelope. It was heavy and as thick as his pinky finger. His silver eyes narrowed as he opened the envelope. He skimmed the papers quietly as Fhorg began to discuss.

"Ghana, you will be under Troid's command during your tasks in Skilis country. Be on your best behavior once you confront the tribe's people. As I have observed from your personality, you tend to become quite uncontrollable in close combat. Troid will be able to handle you." Fhorg glared at her making Ghana flinch. During Ghana's physical combat training, Fhorg hopelessly had to send every challenger to the healers at the end match every time. His head ached every time he scolded the woman. Hopefully, Troid would be able to take care of her.

He turned his attention to the other two recruits "Moulin and Jagra, you two will be accompanying Rowan to Meian Country. Recently, there have been strange occurrences appearing around some of the cities in Meian. Your job is to resolve the situation. Rowan will be leading this mission. Make no mistake. The outcome of this mission will either benefit Aurona or start a war. There is a royal elven mage in Meian, who has made an in-depth study of Kron. We have an imperial Auronian mage who will be collaborating with him." He narrowed his eyes expressing the graveness of the mission. "You will be collaborating with the people of Dragor guild. Do not bring shame to our guild. Show me how capable you have become."

"Yes, Sir." Jagra and Moulin simultaneously spoke with a nod.

"Good..." Fhorg nodded and leaned back, satisfied. He turned his head to whisper something to Tessley. She nodded to him with a smile before heading towards the door. Moulin was curious but he didn't care less about what was spoken to her.

Fhorg placed his hands on the table and exhaled, "Now, let us discuss other matters." Fhorg then relayed information about the Kron for them to be aware of the dangers they would be exposed to during the trip. He began to explain the significance of the missions the three were about to take part in and the people they would be meeting. Tessley came back a few moments later. She stood and watched her juniors expressions. Ghana looked wholly excited about the trip, unlike Jagra who trembled a bit once he heard the word 'danger'. Tessley squinted her eyes as she folded her arms when her gaze locked on the youth with silver eyes.

Strangely, Moulin was completely expressionless. Tessley could not read his expression which made her concerned.

Sometime later, her attention was shifted to the playful fox climbing on the impassive Moulin's head and playing with his master's white hair. The picture looked quite cute. Tessley coughed. Indeed, both looked exceptionally adorable.

The meeting lasted for three long hours. Moulin listened to every single word spoken out from Fhorg's mouth. His mind began to wander off as he glanced at the documents in his hands.

The country of Meian was the land of all mystical beings. Dominated by the creatures who first dwelled on the land, the Elves. Creatures who previously loathed humans and maeruthans. Both were the very first to call upon war on Corhan. However, after the Cataclysmic War, both joined hands and the rulers vowed never to harm the other's country. It was a feeble oath but it was never broken. Of course, Aurona would lend a few arms to Meian. Moulin snorted.

His eyes blinked as he scanned the papers while listening to Fhorg who haven't stopped discussing. Moulin frowned as he momentarily looked go from the papers.

A plague?

Strange. Within such a pure and spiritual country, it was so easily tainted by a mere plague. Moulin had read that there hasn't been a single plague within Meian for thousands of years. Meian kingdom is blessed with abundant mana and spiritual power, vigorously thriving even within the tiny leaves of a shrub that grows on the rich soil of the land. How can a plague effortlessly appear?...

What if it wasn't just a mere plague?

"Any further questions?"

The rustling of paper snapped Moulin from his thoughts. He shifted his attention to Fhorg who was glancing at Moulin curiously. Moulin and the others shook their heads, indicating that they understood clearly.

Fhorg abruptly dismissed the three while Tessley and he stayed in the sentinel meeting hall.

"Finally, we will finally be recognized as real sentinels!" Ghana beamed as she sauntered ahead Moulin and Jagra. Her face was full of happiness and pride.

Jagra furrowed his brows with a faltering smile, "Since when we weren't sentinels?" A second later she shuddered when he thought about the infinite possibilities of being infected by the Kron.

"Tsk. Every single day all we did was train, train harder, clean, more cleaning, and doing incredibly simple tasks. I am tired of it all. We need more fire in our life! We aren't immortal after all." Ghana grinned at Jagra who only shook his head helplessly.

Moulin stared at the two as they endlessly exchanged words. He raised his hand to his head and stroked Snow's soft silver-white fur. Snow looked down, tilting his head as he gazed into the eyes entirely identical to his. Softening his eyes, Moulin opened his mouth and whispered, "We'll be going on a trip, Snow. It will be some time until we come back..."

As the three walked, Moulin joined Ghana and Jagra's conversation. Mostly, the two only listened to Ghana's one-hour long narration of training for many years. Intrigued, Jagra and Moulin listened carefully. Moulin was about to pass the empty hallways by his right when something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, while Moulin had tarried behind Jagra and Ghana for a few seconds. A hand suddenly grabbed his hand and roughly pulled him into the right hallway.

Ghana and Jagra were completely oblivious of the unexpected happenings of their dear friend Moulin. The action was swift and silent. Skilled and quick as a king's assassin.


Moulin felt his back pressed on the cold wall of the hallway as his body was pinned by a man much larger and taller than him. Snow abruptly lowered his gaze with a growl.

He lifted his silver eyes filled with mirth as he let out a breath. A smile curling his lips as his eyes stared at the face of the person holding him to the wall. He remained calm as the sun-like eyes of the man pinned him motionless.

Hadrian let out a smile as he slightly tilted his head. He spoke hurriedly, "Can't you at least act surprised"

"Why do I have to?" Moulin raised an eyebrow. He glanced at their intertwined hands and slowly lifted them. His pale fingers gently pressed through the valleys of the Lord's knuckles. "When did you return?"

Hadrian grinned. His eyes forming crescents. "A little while ago." He glanced at the little beast who flinched.

Snow huffed and shifted his position to face the wall with his back faced Hadrian. Snow growled softly at Moulin and Hadrian's interaction. He bared his teeth secretly while his paws began to tangle Moulin's hair.

Hadrian gave a bored look at the little beast before he returned his attention to his little lover who was secretly observing him. Ah, those eyes really bring out the demons inside anyone who dares to stare at them. The Lord could not suppress the darkness in his eyes as he bent his head slightly.

This man doesn't even hesitate to pick a fight with an animal, Moulin thought as he mentally rolled his eyes.

"You are aware of my mission..." Moulin spoke as his expression became impassive. His words were definite.

Hadrian smiled faintly. "I do." He bent his head to plant a brief kiss on Moulin's knuckles. His golden eyes, staring intently at Moulin. "That is why I'm here to steal you away for a moment. Let's talk, shall we?"

Moulin stared at him for a couple of seconds before sighing. Well, he'll just hear him out. It's not like it would change anything about his task. He wasn't unwilling to complete the task anyway.


With that, Hadrian merrily pulled Moulin closer and they disappeared within the dim hallways.

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