A Gorgeous White

Chapter 84: Kiss And Kiss

A familiar brightness filled Moulin's vision. His fingers flexed while being held by Hadrian's hand in a locking grip. The scent of flowers and the fresh breeze of the morning cooled his mind soothingly. The windows were opened wide, welcoming the wind.

Snow felt the cool breeze and his mood instantly brightened. He jumped down from Moulin's head with a skillful hop and began to explore the strange room. His little paws creating tapping sounds as he scurried around.

Feeling the floorboards beneath his boots, Moulin instantly knew that they were inside Hadrian's old study. His silver eyes eyed the wolf figurines in the glass cabinets with amusement. Until his gaze fell on a particular object placed alone inside a single shelf of the cabinet. A red soft-looking cushion settled beneath it. It glistened under the glare of the daylight. Moulin's face suddenly flushed red in realization.

Lifting a trembling finger, Moulin suppressed the emotions in his eyes as he pointed at the little ice sculpted wolf he created long ago. He blinked rapidly as he spoke, "H-how is that here?"

Hadrian looked at the direction of his finger and he chuckled deeply. His hand holding Moulin tightened as he dipped in Moulin's ear, "Why shouldn't it be there? It's the very first gift made by my little lover. It deserves an important place in my collection."

Moulin slightly leaned back to look at the man with a confused expression. "Important? It looks ugly!"

"It is not." Hadrian shook his head with a smile as he placated Moulin. "You need to learn to appreciate your work like how I adore it." He then let out a soft laugh. "Where did all that pride go?"

Moulin cocked an eyebrow. "Pride? Well then. I want that to be placed high on a pedestal adorned with gold and jewels." He snorted as he turned his head away. You want my pride? I'll shove it on in your face.

Honestly, seeing the ugly wolf made him so embarrassed he wanted to hide. Well, he did try his best to make it. However, it looked like a disfigured rock than a sculpture.

"I'll see to it then." Hadrian complied with a grin. Don't mention a pedestal he could even buy a mountain for it.

Moulin shot him a look of disbelief. You'll actually do it?!

Seeing that Moulin didn't want want to talk anymore, the Archnoble pulled his lover towards him. His eyes deepened. Pools of gold burning with longing and desire. He bent his head, gradually closing the distance between the youth and him. His voice was low and smokey as he spoke, "Did you not miss for me?"

Moulin had the urge to cover his ears as the Lord's breath caressed his ear, turning it into a hateful red. Despite that, he remained calm. Their noses touched as Moulin lifted his chin and clashed his eyes with Hadrian's deep and violent ones. Releasing a breath, Moulin spoke. "I don't know. Do I miss you? Perhaps, I did miss your face but forgot your being."

The man chuckles. "That tongue of yours needs knotting. I should just bed you and be done with it."

Moulin scoffed as he sneakily reached out his hand and unexpectedly grabbed the firm behind of the man in front of him. Hadrian stopped. Moulin then squeezed as he teased. "How enticing. I can feel your strength..." He slowly traced a lazy finger up the man's back as he continued.


Moulin grinned as his finger drew circles on the man's side. His small mouth dangerously breathing closer "...and might"

From the abrupt action, a smile stretched across Hadrian's face as he reached behind him and grasped the fragile hand belonging to the young man in front of him. With a distracting brief kiss on the youth's lips, Hadrian pulled Moulin's hand to press against the bulge on his front. The corner of his lips turned up as he darkly pressed his forehead on Moulin's. He breathed. To suppress and release at the same time.

A grin, so suspicious, so dangerous. His eyes glowed slightly. Feeling the tightness below his waist.

Moulin gasped internally as his eyes widened. Beneath his palm, he could feel the searing heat and the unmistakably outsized girth beneath the trousers that made his small hand curve. Moulin was no innocent virgin. Although, in this life he unfortunately was. Moulin could tell this man was an absolute unit! It wasn't even erect! Moulin swallowed unconsciously as he imagined the voluptuous nudity of the man before him. He stammered as he jerked his hand back. "T-this-"

Swiftly slipping a hand around Moulin's waist, Hadrian pulled him closer to him. Moulin's breath ceased as his chest push onto Hadrian with a thump. Their bodies pressed intimately together.

A kiss on that pale neck. The pulse of life against his lips, Hadrian grinned. A sense of control possessed his being. A kiss on the jaw. Slow and sensual. He climbed and trailed up to the youth's smooth jaw. Skin sliding beneath his lips. Teeth occasionally nipping the soft skin. The temptation to gnaw and bite was great.

Moulin tilted his head to the side. His eyes were dazed and unblinking. Unfocused. He could feel the unhurried slide of the man's mouth on his cheek. Sometimes the heated slip of the lord's tongue burning his skin. A splash of heat engulfed the youth in neverending submission.

Moulin's silver eyes narrowed. Before he would lose himself from drowning, he opened his mouth and spoke. "You've restrained yourself..."

At those words, the Lord froze. He pulled away slowly and borough a hand to tilt Moulin's head to meet his eyes. "You do not like it?"

A corner of Moulin's lip lifted and he spoke. "I like it..." He kissed Hadrian's chin as he continued, "...to suppress your egregious insatiable lustihood for me is quite interesting and amusing." Moulin chuckled as he pulls away from the Archnoble's hold. "Although I am aware of the beast that lurks inside your pants. I don't want to be thrown onto the bed just yet. Sate your lusts by yourself, somewhere else for the meantime, My Lord. I don't want an explosive man, drove insane by hidden desire, to burst into my quarters and rut like an animal."

"You think so low of me." Hadrian cocked an eyebrow. He sighed as he gazed into Moulin's eyes. He continued, "Merely for presence can drive me insane. Must you always torture me with your teasing fingers and seducing lips?" His eyes narrowed accordingly. "If you don't want me to give in to my urges. To devour you whole. Then... Don't provoke me." He said the last words like a threat. A warning.

However, Moulin only smiled as he shrugged innocently. Like a faultless fool. "I can't help it. You make me feel so forceful and proud. So all of it isn't only my fault, now is it?" He chuckled merrily. "Nevertheless, I adore your control and restraint, Milord. It is admirable."

"You sound as if you're mocking me," Hadrian smirked as he shook his head.

"I'm not. But believe what you want to believe." Moulin shrugged as he looked away. He looked around to check on Snow who was busy staring brainlessly at Moulin's ice sculpture inside the glass display.

Hadrian only lifted his head as he sternly assessed Moulin from head to toe secretly for his pleasure.

"So..." Moulin began. "What did you want to talk about?" He spoke as he walked towards Snow to put the little brat away from the cabinets where the fragile figurines were placed.

Hadrian gave a relaxing smile as he leaned on the edge of the table. The slight fall of his smile was noticeable to Moulin.

"The task assigned to you seemed to be too much for a recruit. If you say the word, I can change it."

Moulin frowned instantly. His eyes grew cold. "You think I can't do it? Do you think It's too hard for me?"

Hadrian furrowed his brows. "You know why am saying this..."


Moulin calmly looked at him.

Moments later, he glanced up and then gazed at the man in front of him. "I am not too thrilled about the idea of traveling during this dreadful time. And I am pushing myself forward... for the betterment of Aurona. As much as I don't care for a lot of people in this kingdom, there are a few good people here. I 'will' do thIs task."

"Do you know why you want to do this?" Hadrian asked, seeming to find Moulin's words too shallow.

"There's an elven imperial mage in the Kingdom of Meian. He and an Auronian mage study the mana devourer, Kron," Moulin replied.

"And you believe they might be able to... create a cure?" Hadrian raised his brows as he crossed his arms. "You have impatient expectations but I believe in your insight."

"Should I really be thankful for that?"

"You should." Hadrian smiled.

"Tsk." Moulin huffed as he turned away to once again find Snow clawing on the glass display of the ice sculpture. Moulin quickly picked up Snow with the scruff placed the disobedient brat in his arms.

"Estuvian sent his regards." Hadrian continued. His eyes secretly tracing every curve and angle on Moulin's body.

Moulin stopped petting Snow. He turned and quickly spoke, "Did he find anything?"

"Are you curious?" Hadrian asked, eyes gleaming with amusement.

Moulin frowned, "Don't play with me. Speak."

Surrendering to that gaze, Hadrian calmly complied. His eyes softened as he spoke, "The imperial mage in Meian is known as an oracle. A pured Maeruthan with outstanding wisdom and power. Estan says the elf is his friend and he might be able to help you with the answers you seek." He explained. "Your mission might be quite significant after all. We'll pay the elf a visit soon."

"I see..." Moulin rubbed his chin with a finger. An Elven oracle.

Elven oracles speak to nature spirits and deities. However, that was a long time ago. In this day and age, Those oracles died out. They could not live with the rising world of new make-believe gods and deities. False gods have swept most of the lands in Corhan and their worshipper's influence and actions were inhumane. Lost in faith from the betrayal of their own race, oracles lived shortly to descend to the heavens and worship their true gods.

To be able to talk to an oracle, an Elf at that! Moulin could keep the excitement in his heart.

Suddenly he stopped when he processed the great of the Lord's words. Moulin abruptly lifted his head to face the lax-looking Lord. "Did you say WE?"

Hadrian feigned a surprised look and tilted his head. "Oh, I did. It seems I will be keeping you company."

Moulin narrowed his eyes. "Need I remind you of your duties as the Guild's Lord, Lord Hadrian. You can't be dismissing your obligations for a mere sentinel. An Aphrodite, Your guild member, belonging to a family from the opposing court?"

"My responsibilities also concerns the safety of my people. I do not care about how the hateful 'noble' society would mock me for accompanying my lover. They already know how to make their life painless if they don't dare to interfere with my personal affairs." The man smiled yet his eyes were dark. A storm gradually gathering within.

"How threatening..." Moulin turned to stroke Snow's fur. "Will... this oracle be able to help me?"

Hadrian parted from the table to walk towards Moulin. With his hands only Moulin's shoulder, he spoke reassuringly, "Perhaps, he can. You are not hopeless, Moulin..."

Moulin nodded as he leaned back with a sigh. "The plague in Meian... The spread of the Kron... Even the purest mana in the holy temples could still be tainted and corrupted." Moulin anxiously whispered. "Happening at the same time... It's almost suspicious... Unnatural..."

Hadrian narrowed his eyes. Unnatural...

Indeed, it was. It all occurred so abruptly that it would surely make even one person suspicious. Certainly, there was something behind the strange and tragic happenings that have arisen in all parts of Aurona. Most likely, the occurrence has reached even to the distant lands of Corhan.

Truly, there was a cause. An origin. It was too unnatural.

The pair continued to banter and converse. Mostly, Moulin was always yanking Snow away from the fragile glass displays that the brat strangely wanted to break the breakable little figures.

"Why do you keep all these little wolf figurines?" Moulin finally asked. Curiosity eventually consumed him.

"Those..." Hadrian trailed off as his eyes swept across the room filled with displays and bookshelves. His eyes dimmed slightly yet there was a genuine smile on his face. For a moment, Moulin wanted to dig deep into Hadrian's mind and carve out every memory and secret.

The Lord returned his attention to Moulin, "Those are little toys I keep back when I was a child. No more than four years old, I believe."

"Four..." Moulin stared at the little wolf figurines. Each figure was not as big as his palm. Some were fierce-looking while others were adorable. Just by looking at them, Moulin could tell they were made entirely of ceramic and glass.

Collecting such fragile things. It was hard to imagine a four-year-old child taking care of the figurine collection without even breaking a single one. However, Moulin knew Lord Hercullio was the epitome of a god-like man. Perhaps, it was possible. Moulin didn't even remember his childhood years and he was sure he didn't want to remember any of it.

Moulin looked at the man in front of him. He stared at those magnetic pair of eyes. Like golden drops of the shining sun. Hypnotic and alluring.

He reached out. His fingers caressing the Lord's jaw.

"What are you doing?" Hadrian asked. His voice had a dark depth as he spoke.

Moulin parted his lips. "Provoking you..." He then pressed his lips on Hadrian's in a deep searing kiss.

As the pair of lovers made out above him, Snow whined dejectedly.




Moulin flinched as he hastily pulled away. With an irritated groan, Hadrian scornfully glared at the intruder who has entered the room.

The intruder had widened unblinking cerulean eyes as he stared at the two inside the Lord's study. Before his boots, a stack of documents that have fallen from his hands has scattered on the ground.

.. .

Snow's head popped out from between Moulin and Hadrian's chest. His beady eyes stared at Rowan, "Ao?"

Rowan suddenly grinned as he stared at the pair in front of him. They didn't even bother to separate themselves from each other.

Amusement danced in Rowan's eyes.

"It seems I have interrupted something... intimate"


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