A Gorgeous White

Chapter 85: He Saw Two Lovers Sharing A Deep kiss

The man with mahogany hair and electric cerulean eyes stood with an amused smile stretched across his face. It was strange. To witness the man, the powerful Lord whom he thought would have no weakness, no one to become too intimate with, look so protective and wary because of some young man. For all the years Rowan has served under him, this was the first time that he witnessed such a scene.

Rowan slightly lowered his eyebrows as he assessed Moulin from head to toe. He too knew that the youth was unique and his insights were remarkable even at first meet. He was already informed of the person that had caught the Lord's eye because of Varick's endless blabbering mouth. He didn't believe it at first. It sounded absurd and unbelievable. It was impossible for someone to fill the Lord's heart. Yet, here he was now. Witnessing the unearthing of the impossible.

Seeing the tension rising around him, Rowan immediately moved to excuse himself. He apologized as he turned around. However, just as he was about to grab the door handle, a sudden chill plunged the room. It sent down a dangerous perilous sensation down one's spine.

It was ominously alarming.

Rowan's fingers jerked back when its fingertips made contact with the currently frozen door handle. The ice crackled coldly as it layered the metal. A sheet of frigid frost trailed from the door handle, down to the ends of the door, layering beneath his boots. Rowan traced the ice to the direction of the pair of lovers behind him.

Rowan could feel the numbing cold of his fingertips as he rubbed them together. It was painful. His brows furrowed as he looked at the young man possessing narrowed silver eyes filled with threat and distrust. Rowan glanced at his master who was glaring with irritation. Rowan suddenly felt like he was trapped by two murderous beasts, thirsty for his blood.

"Young master Moulin..." Rowan called. His tone turned surprisingly polite and soothing.

"Senior Rowan..." Moulin lifted his chin, staring down at the man before the door. "What did you see?"

Instantly guessing what the young Maeruthan meant, Rowan smiled. "I saw two secret lovers sharing a deep passionate kiss."

This only made Moulin tug a corner of his lips up. His eyes slightly glowed. A terrible sign, Hadrian was aware. The room grew colder. A layer of frost spreads beneath where Rowan stands. A faint flutter of snowflakes fell on the sentinel's messy mahogany hair. Rowan felt a foreboding as the cold seeped into his clothes, dangerously blanketing his skin.

"Forgive me, I was rude..." Rowan slightly lowered his head. There was a hint of sincerity as well as amusement in his voice.

Moulin was not satisfied with it.

This time Hadrian spoke. His eyes wanted to cut the man in front of him open. "I should just send you to be eaten by savages. I know very well you could sense us behind the door before your entry. Are you trying to be killed?"

"He can what?" Moulin could not believe his ears. His eyes became even colder as he glared at Rowan. He could already sense our presence through the door and he still went inside? Did he want to die? "Are you even afraid of death? By my hand, I can make it easier for you." A frosty mist hovered around Moulin's unoccupied fingers before he lets go of Snow who jumped out of his embrace to escape his master's incoming wrath.

"Those days are long gone, madame. I truly am sorry." Rowan smile. A non-threatening air surrounded his relaxed being as he stood.

"Call me that again and I'll cut off your tongue." Moulin hissed. His voice laced with poison. With a lazy look, he then stepped away from Lord Hadrian. With a wave of his hand, the frost thawed and warmth once again returned to the room.

"Rowan..." Hadrian spoke while he watched Moulin separating himself from him. As if he spoke from the depths of his chest, his voice sounded guttural and threatening. He felt the emptiness in his hands. It was cold. His eyes grew dark as he glanced at his subordinate.

"Yes, My Lord." Rowan's confidence vanished instantly when he felt the unusual air exuded by his Lord. He glanced at the oblivious Moulin's back. Seeing that Lord Hadrian seems to become unusually anxious and angry when the youth turned his back, Rowan finally realized the grave genuine affection Lord Hadrian has for the young man with silver eyes. Although Rowan had the ability to know one's thoughts, his power could not be used on a handful of unique people. Particularly, people at the same level as his master.

Lord Hercullio was a man crafted by gods. Graced by endless power. However, cursed to destroy himself.

And his partner...

Rowan assessed Moulin's figure. He watched the youth picked up his energetic beast from the floor. Admittedly, The young man's slender body was alluring and his looks were quite bewitching. The Lord of the Hercullio family was not one to be swayed by looks and figures. Is it because Moulin had saved Lord Hadrian once? No, the reason was too shallow.

Just when Rowan was about to probe into the youth's mind, a cold voice compelled him.

"If you dare to even fiddle with his thoughts, I will rip you into two." The lord's expression was impassive yet his voice was heavy with intimidation and oppression.

Without even having the Lord's gaze fixed upon him, Rowan shivered. He paled. Disbelief carving his face as he bowed his head. "I would not dare, Your Excellency."

So it was his affection was indeed true, Rowan thought. To fall for a child of a grand noble family belonging to the right imperial court. If this was exposed, it would wreak havoc in the noble circle. Perhaps, even the imperial family might intervene. Was this the right choice?

"Hadrian" Moulin called as he turned to face his silent lover. Honestly, Moulin could feel the stares behind him. It was uncomfortable.

At the sound of his name, Hadrian softened his eyes. He watched as Moulin sauntered towards him with soft quiet steps.

"Take me back. I have other things to do than let myself be burned by your stares." Moulin said as his gaze shifted between the two men in the room. His eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced at Rowan. His wariness of the man didn't lessen a bit. Moulin felt uncomfortable.

A hand grasped Moulin's shoulder, pulling him to a firm warm chest. Moulin furrowed his brows as he looked up to meet the deep golden eyes of the Hercullian lord. Hadrian squeezed his shoulder and muttered nonchalantly. "You've grown some muscle..."


Moulin forced a smile with a twitching eye. "I was never skinny twig, you blind oaf."

Hadrian gave out an amused smile as he squeezed Moulin's shoulder. "I'll take you back."

Who else would be able to take me back? Moulin thought as he raised an eyebrow. Honestly, this man was getting more and more irritating. Moulin sighed in his heart when he realized he was too indulgent to this man. But then, if he dared to push away Hadrian too much, Moulin knew he would only bring death upon his little 'virgin' body.

Rowan nodded to Moulin with a smile, "I will see you again, Moulin."

"Of course, Sir." Moulin nodded in return.


Moulin squinted his eyes at Snow who was strangely staring intently at Rowan. There was an unusual glint in Snow's eyes as he looked at the senior sentinel making Moulin slightly cautious of the man.

There was a faint smile on Moulin's face but his eyes held a hint of suspicion. At that moment, Rowan really wanted to enter into the aphrodite's mind and unearth the thoughts hidden from him.

However, before he could do as he pleases and disregards his master's warning, Hadrian took Moulin in his arms and their figures disappeared with a flash. As their figures vanished from his sight, Rowan had his arm outstretched. The silence of the study enveloped him like a blanket without comfort. The blue in his irises slightly darkened as he stared at his open palm.

To take a lover belonging to the opposing court... Rowan's eyes darkened. Do they know what chaos they would bring in the future? Could they be so brave to fall for each other despite the risk of causing an uproar in the noble circle? Lord Hadrian doesn't seem to be bothered about the odds. The two were genuinely in love... Or is it not?

While he was thinking deeply in fear of the outcome of the pair's choices, Hadrian and Moulin had arrived inside the hidden place within the central garden of the Leonile manorial.

"Why did you bring us in such an open place?" Moulin furrowed his brows as he looked around. The fresh smell of flowers and grass entered his nose, soothing his heart. Under the shade tree, the filtered sunlight beaming through green leaves cast shapes on their figures, bathing the pair in light and shadow.


There was no response. Moulin looked at the Lord who didn't even pass him a single glance as they stood in silence. As Moulin tried to decipher the deep look in Hadrian's eyes, he could not help but once again admire the man's handsome stern countenance. Truly, he was impressively attractive from any angle. This made Moulin slightly angry and jealous.

"What is wrong? Why aren't you sparing me a look, Hadrian?" Moulin asked as he let the bratty fox down who was annoyingly struggling in his master's arms. Moulin waited for Hadrian's response as he watched Snow scurrying and rolling happily on the grass.

"You..." Hadrian started when he finally looked at Moulin. There was an unknown expression on his face making Moulin confused. Hadrian moved his arm, took Moulin's hand in his, and slowly laced their fingers together. "Are you not regretting anything? If there is ever a doubt in your heart that you aren't telling me, you will suffer if you don't confide in me. No matter what, I will not let go of this hand. So... tell me..."

Moulin smiled faintly. How attractively observant. "You are not wrong. I do have some doubts in my hearts..."

For a moment, something flashed in the lord's eyes. Moulin suddenly felt a painful tightness in the hand held by the lord.

Hurriedly, Moulin continued before the sky would suddenly darken, "However, it would not make me regret anything. My family is awfully... protective."

Hadrian nodded in agreement as he recalled the dark looks Moulin's brother's give him whenever Hadrian was within their sight. It was quite amusing.

"They might not be too thrilled of the idea that I have taken a lover belonging to a family from the opposing court. Perhaps, if they know they would even resort to-"

"Handing your hand in marriage to another." Hadrian interrupted. His tone was laced with acid as his eyes darkened dangerously. There was a murderous glint in his eyes but he didn't lose his composure. His hand holding Moulin remained tight yet gentle. "The things I would do... " He suddenly chuckled as he gazed into Moulin's silver eyes. "...you wouldn't like it."

"Don't speak as if it wouldn't happen to you too!" Moulin glared. "I've already had enough of people talking about your debauchery and tales about your engagements. Even if it wasn't true, I will kill you if you try. I will leave your corpse to be ripped into shreds by dogs. Don't think I wouldn't try!" He gnashed his teeth. Eyes glowering dangerously as he gave a wicked stare at the man beside him.

Hadrian slightly furrowed his brows at Moulin. Wasn't the situation the opposite? This Lord had to suppress every desire to lock up Moulin whenever one even dared to praise the young man. To confine him in a place where no one would ever know about, where no one would set their eyes on him. Moulin wasn't aware of his about the leering gazes thrown at him whenever he walks around unguardedly. How numerous people had vulgarly traced his slender body. Wantonly visualizing him in their filthy minds. Hadrian wanted nothing more than to secretly skin them and crush their skulls without his lover knowing.

The urge was painfully excruciating. To be able to withstand it for this long was already his limit. Hadrian narrowed his eyes as he recalled Rowan's determined gaze roaming all over Moulin. He wasn't blind to not notice it. It pricked him. If Moulin hadn't urged him to go, Hadrian would've ceased his subordinate's breath within his locking grasp.

"I would not dare." Hadrian smiled as he brought a hand to push away the strands on Moulin's forehead.

Moulin leaned on his touch shortly before he pulled away. "I have to go. I am not as unoccupied as the Guild Lord who does nothing but seizes people away in the hallways." Moulin tugged a corner of his lips before stepping back.

"I will come to see you."

Moulin gave him a look, "Tomorrow would be fine. Don't bother me today. I have to prepare for our travel."

Hadrian looked at him for a few seconds before sighing, "Alright"

With a satisfied expression, Moulin smiled. He whistled at Snow, beckoning the fox to him. He glanced at Hadrian, "Until tomorrow..."

Moulin turned and walked away towards the tall hedges of the garden. Snow huffed as he growled at Hadrian before happily following his master. Eyes deepening, the Archnoble watched as his lover walked away from him.

Moulin rubbed his chin with a finger as he thought about visiting Emlen a few days before the leaves. He hesitantly decided to tell Emlen about his mission. Although he knew the consequences, it wasn't like Emlen would be greatly opposed to it.


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