A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 136: Battle (I)

"Helena, is anything going on within you? Why are your hair and cloak fluttering strongly in the soft breeze that is blowing around us?" Lydia asked to understand what phenomenon was suddenly taking place around Helena.

Immediately Helena was asked that question, her body calmed, causing the strong fluttering of her hair and cloak to abruptly cease. However, the battling intent erupting from her eyes which actually caused the air before her very eyes to shred apart like it was fabric being cut apart by hundreds of rapiers to give numerous, dark thin lines, which were actually areas that were totally devoid of light, air and other forms of matter, still continued unbridledly.

Helena then said to her friends "They are already here"

Immediately Helena said that, Lydia's eyes and that of the others narrowed. Then their eyes too began to erupt battle intent. But it didn't cause any phenomenon before each of them like the one discharging from Helena did.

Helena then said further with a determined and resolute gaze in her eyes "Instead of waiting for them to bring the fight to us, let us take the fight to them"

"Yea" The girls agreed with a nod of their heads.

But just before they could do anything, a corporeal pillar of intense blue light which spanned hundreds of feet in width, suddenly fell from the sky towards them at a great speed.

"Girls, they have started attacking us. Brace yourselves" Helena hurriedly said.

She then said further "And don't worry about that pillar, I can handle it."

Immediately after she said so, her raven-dark hair turned golden. Then her eyes began to glow with a brilliant purple light. Also, waves of a profound, indescribable power began to emanate from her body in amounts that caused the water around them to ripple interminably.

Then with a thought, a golden dome of light that was hundreds of feet thick, suddenly appeared above them and enclosed the boat that they were on.


Like a massive bomb exploded, a terrifying ear-aching sound rang out when the solid pillar of light struck the golden brilliance dome that Helena quickly produced.

And immediately the pillar heavily impacted the solid dome, a wave of overbearing, tyrannical power surfaced and swept across the lagoon, causing large amount of water to explode out of the lagoon like a huge geyser, while many boat floating on the lagoon got destroyed when the immensely powerful and totally destructive wave swept past them.

Helena's friends who were just seeing the other side of Helena's inherent vast power, albeit a bit of her true inborn capability, couldn't help but be thoroughly amazed.

"Damn! She's so godly powerful" Lauren said with full adoration in her eyes, with her reverence for Helena in her heart increasing the more by leaps and bounds. Same with the others as they had now seen a bit of Helena's colossal power.

"That's why she's the Chosen One. We are definitely not in the same league as her. Haha!" Lydia said with awe and respect in her eyes and then delightedly grinned.


Helena who had great rage set into her heart because of the destruction of people's source of livelihood, then looked into the distance at the people that had come for her.

Although she was really far from them, her vision totally zoomed in on them that she could see their faces clearly. It was like she was standing only an inch before them.

She was greatly amazed by this.

'Wow! Telescopic Vision. Haha' She said and broke a smile across her face.

However, the amazement that had surfaced in her heart didn't last long as it was abruptly replaced by burning fury from the things of people that got destroyed.

She then pointed at them to cast a spell.

Now, she wanted to retaliate and possibly kill off the people that had come for her and her friends, that in the process, destroyed the properties of many innocent people.

Just as she was about to unleash an Earth-level spell and power it with the great divinely power that was continually bestowed upon her by the astronomically powerful Hrithika form that she had directly entered for the battle between her and a group of higher-level, evil spellcasters, a thought suddenly struck her that since she was in this peculiar form which produced it own unique and mysterious energy for incomparable otherworldly magic, then why not use it to power the higher-level spells that she had learnt, like the Heaven-level spells and the incomplete Mage-level magical spells that she studied in the past.

Once she thought in this direction, her sharp and resolute eyes glowed.

Although she didn't know how long she would be able to last in this unmatchedly powerful form, she however must do what she must to kill those people that wanted her and her friends dead.

Then still maintaining the extremely thick golden dome which had materialized from an Earth-level spell that she casted, she looked at the vast land before the lagoon and began to utter a long line of incomprehensible words.

Once she was done, her body suddenly lit up like it were a small sun, with the yellow-brown radiance that emanated from her small and slender body, dying everything that it covered in yellow and brown color.

Then she gazed at the earth that these set of people stood upon and ruthlessly said "Explode!"

Then all of a sudden after uttering that, the earth that these people stood upon didn't even tremble or anything as such, but a massive explosion that could be likened to that which would be produced from thousands of really large carts of dynamites parked in one place and detonating at once, suddenly occurred.


The tyrannical ripping forces unleashed from the mighty explosion impacted this group of people and sent a few of them flying into the distance with lots of grievous wounds appearing all over their bodies, and with either their hands, legs or parts of their faces viciously torn off. While many others were reduced into thousands of shreds of flesh or mists of blood in an instant.

Despite the extreme devastating power of the island-splintering explosion that suddenly occurred, people that were around the set of bad people couldn't be hurt in any way. And this was because numerous, nigh-indestructible invisible layers of arcane power had suddenly materialized around them to help them block off the tyrannous shredding forces that would be produced from the earth-shaking explosion.

Helena smiled from the insane level of destruction that she delivered upon them.

'The Marauding Lonely Earth Berserker Goddess transformation spell is truly wonderful. Haha!' Helena said inwardly and grinned.

But she couldn't end her delighted grin when a skull-sundering headache suddenly afflicted her, instantly causing her to lose her vision as it turned blurry, and her balance as she began to stagger backwards where she was quickly caught by her friends with worry appearing in their battle-ready eyes. Also at this same instant, Helena's Hrithika form had ceased and then disappeared, revealing her normal body.

"Helena, are you okay?" Lydia asked with great concern in her tone when she saw blood streaming down one of Helena's nostrils.

"I don't feel too great. But I will definitely be fine. Let's me end these bastards first." Helena said.

"I think you have destroyed all of them. None of them are left." Lydia mentioned.

"No. There is a pretty powerful one up there in the sky and looking down on us as we speak with evil intents in his eyes. Let me annihilate him and I will rest." Helena said with great fatigue in her tone.

"But would you able to do so? Judging from your appearance and from the way that you spoke which gave hints of great fatigue, you don't seem like someone in a position to battle overpowered enemies at the moment." Lucretia said worriedly.

Then she spoke before Helena could talk "Helena, can't we can't fight him for your sake? You just look too tired to be able to do anything. Let's fight him for you."

"No, you can't figh..."

Helena tried to talk, but she couldn't complete her speech when she was forced to sleep by Lydia who abruptly used a powerful Deep Sleep-Relaxation spell on her.

Then they gently laid her body on the boat.

Once they did so, they looked up at the sky to see the magical warrior that Helena spoke about.

Then they saw someone who was only looking at Helena with a deep pondering gaze in his eyes. It was like the rest of them were nothing in his eyes.

Although this felt true to Lydia and the rest who knew that they can never stand beside Helena in terms of power, they however felt really bad when someone as the man up there in the sky didn't even give them a slight acknowledging gaze.

"Let's go get that bastard." Lydia suddenly said.

"Do you really think that we can take on him? He might slay all of us in an instant" Deborah said.

"No. Together, as a team, I believe that we can take on him" Lucretia answered.

"Alright. Then let's get to work." Lydia said.

She then produced her blue blade and threw it with all the strength that she could muster at the magical warrior who only smirked because of her action.

But surprisingly, the blade continued onward towards the man who was expecting it to lose it momentum and fall back to the ground, which in this case, was the lagoon. Also, as the blade continued to shoot towards the magical warrior floating in the air, the speed of the blade began to increase in leaps that it then unexpectedly turned into a thin streak of bright light that shot towards the amazed magical warrior.

Once this happened, the magical warrior quickly generated a powerful shield which materialized from a Mage-level protective magical spell that he abruptly casted.

However, the blade being a weapon that endlessly phased in and out of solidness, effortlessly passed through the immense shield that the Mage-level spellcaster generated from his Shield like it were unreal, and then went on to actually impale the man at the chest and burst out with a lot of force from his back, seriously injuring him.

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