A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 137: Battle (II)

As soon as the blade tore out from the back of the magical warrior with a huge amount of force like it actually wanted to burst his body open, the blade turned around once again in the sky and then shot back towards the magical warrior to penetrate him again. And as it did so, it became a thin streak of dazzling light again, with the aim of explosively piercing through the body of the warrior.




The magical warrior screeched in pain again once the blade burst out of his chest from his back with a force that could possibly crack diamond. 

He then abruptly shot away at full speed from where the blade had seemingly dominated, to another area in the sky.

However, the blade which seemed to be relentless in completely destroying the magical warrior, actually chase after him like it was a sentient object. It was like it had it own consciousness that seemed to possess a high intelligence, since it began to pursue the man on it own.

But, it was Lydia controlling the blade from below. And she was using up a lot of mental energy to do so, causing her eyes to turn red as she intensely focused on the man to destroy him with her blade, while her ears had blood trickling out of them.

"Girls, you can go right ahead to intercept that bastard. I will prevent him from doing anything to you from here with my sharp blade trailing his evil ass." Lydia said with her now red eyes not shutting for once, causing tears to form in them.

Lauren and Deborah nodded.

Then their massive lustrous wings abruptly expanded out of their shoulder regions, with them immediately shooting into the sky towards the Mage-level magical warrior.

Immediately the girls appeared before him, they began to flap their wings very fast. And as they did so, with every flap, exceedingly strong winds that possessed the dreadful power to instantly weather through the entirety of a tall mountain, surfaced and raged towards the man with a furious howl that made the man feel that the wind itself had become extremely wrathful. 

Then both Lauren and Deborah became greatly shocked by the level of power that they just put out, same with Lydia and Lucretia who were on the boat and were watching them from below.

Despite being hundreds of feet above the lagoon that their boat floated on, the immensely strong winds that their wings generated with every flap, actually caused the lagoon to become greatly turbulent. Water waves that were dozens of feet tall surfaced and swept out in the backwards direction, tyrannically pushing the boat that they were on and every other boats into the far distance on the lagoon, with many of them damaging irreparably in the next moment as they exploded into hundreds of wooden fragments that floated on the lagoon. 

The boat that Lydia, Lucretia and Helena were on couldn't be destroyed because Lucretia quickly got to work by casting a spell that caused their boat to quickly move forward on it own to evade the violent waves raging towards it, and permeated it with a power that made the boat to resist the residual damaging power of the highly destructive, seeming tidal waves to a great degree.

"Lauren, have you awakened a higher bloodline ability of any of our two non-human races?" Deborah suddenly asked Lauren who was beside her. 

"No sis. I haven't." Lauren replied. 

She then said further with bewilderment in her tone "I wonder how we were able to produce such calamitous wind power" 

Deborah nodded her head. 

"There will definitely be a reason for that." She said, answering Lauren's statement. 

Then still having looks of intense perplexity written all over their faces because of the tremendously destructive power of air that they put out, Deborah then guessed that it was probably because they flapped their wings synergistically that they could put out that great power.

Then moment that she thought this, she quickly looked inwardly to see if she could find out anything that would give her a clue, no matter how tiny on why that level of astonishing power was produced by them. 

Immediately she did so, she felt something internally. And it was so subtle that she could almost miss it. Besides, she wouldn't have discovered it if she didn't focus inwardly to comprehend why she and her sister could unexpectedly unleash such degree of power.

At the moment, she felt a connection to her sister. Then when she tried to observe this connection which was so subtle, she could perceive that hidden deep within this strange connection to her sister, was a key that would help unlock the vast gateway to the hidden, fierce and overbearing power of the Dark Seraphim Warrior Angel race that they were half-from.

"Wow!" Deborah suddenly said out loud with palpable ecstasy in her tone.

Lauren heard her sister and then turned her head to look at her with a questioning gaze in her eyes.

"Sis, what's it?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing, really. But I just discovered somethi..."

Deborah was about to mention her shocking discovery to her sister, Lauren, when the subtle connection that she felt to her sister, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Noooi!!... Come on." Deborah lightly screamed unhappily.

Seeing her sister's sudden morose face, Lauren then flew towards her and asked "Is anything the problem? Why the intensely sad look on your face?"

"I just discovered something groundbreaking about our abilities. But it has vanished now, with no clue of how to to retrieve it. I am really sad." Deborah said. 

She then continued "With it, and with the diligent, intense study of it, we might be able to possibly unlock more of our higher-level abilities. But now, the key to open that doorway of the heaven-shaking capabilities of our race has vanished. I however wonder why it even appeared in the first place."

"It's okay, sis. Key or no key, we would still unlock our powerful bloodline abilities. Let's be confident in ourselves." Lauren said while Deborah nodded.

At the moment, the uncanny destructive wind that they both generated, struck the male magical warrior that they went to contend with and knocked him flying into the far distance across the sky. And since it was a type of wind that possessed the power to disintegrate through a large rock, the bones of the magical warrior had shattered apart into pieces, with some of them jutting out of his skin, while his organs had ripped into countless shreds that they had become mush.

However, it wasn't that easy to take a Mage-level spellcaster down just like that.

After sometime, the magical warrior who was hundreds of meters away from them, had his eyes tremble briefly before snapping open with a type of anger to burn the world, and incinerate everything in it into a crisp, appearing in his coldly glinting and fiercely gazing, murderous eyes.


He then shouted in rage from where he was with visible waves of hair-raising power that pushed the clouds in the sky away to become a cloudless sky, emanating from his body unendingly and unquantifiably.

He then pointed at Lauren and Deborah from where he was.

Immediately he did so, two massive, corporeal claws of light that seemed to conceal a part of the vast, endless horizon, and dyed the earth and the lagoon below it in their color, suddenly appeared and shot towards the both of them with an inconceivable speed.

Once he released those huge alarming attacks, he then focused on Lydia who was on that boat and pointed at her too.

Instantly, a colossal blade that felt like it could cleave the massive lagoon into two, appeared and shot towards her.

Sensing the fearsome power of the attack that the magical warrior had instantly unleashed at her, Lydia quickly recalled her blade to her hand, which immediately teleported away from wherever it floated in the sky back to her hand.

She then abruptly hurled the blade in her hand to the land before the lagoon and touched the body of the boat with her palm.

Then the boat, along with Helena who was unconscious, Lucretia and the boat owner who had great fear set into their heart, and Lydia who was totally exhausted and then developed a blurred vision with blood now oozing out of her nose, mouth and ear, disappeared away from where they were at the lagoon, and reappeared on land, at the immediate spot that her blade which she hurled with all the strength that she could muster had reached.

A second after the boat rematerialized on land, Lydia couldn't take it anymore as she suddenly fainted. Her pale face alone gave strong hints of total exhaustion.

Immediately the large boat and it occupants vanished off the lagoon to resurface on land, the gigantic blade that the magical warrior produced from a magical spell that he casted, shot into the lagoon at an insane speed and actually cleaved it apart, then abruptly causing large, towering waves of water to appear and shoot off with a lot of tyrannical force in the opposite directions.

However, his enormously-sized magical attack couldn't do anything to Helena and the rest as the boat that they were on, had rapidly vanished off the lagoon to appear on land, successfully evading the terrifying attack in the process.

At the moment, both Deborah and Lauren were in a dilemma because of the immenseness of the magical attack that was sent out at them.

Then without thinking too much on what to do, both of them instantly split off and flew away in different directions with the intention of evading the colossal, resplendent claws howling towards them like they were furious dragons.

Teanna who had been watching the battle since it started, and didn't want to immediately jump in to assist them because of what the Camp Overseer, Roselyn said, which was that she shouldn't interrupt or interfere with whatever they were doing, prepared to reveal herself to assist them. Especially Eden's daughters who had flown off in opposite directions to evade the terrifying attacks shooting towards them with a seemingly unstoppable momentum.

Although she was a Sky-level spellcaster and might not be able to do much against the Mage-level spellcaster attacking the girls, she however couldn't seat back and watch them with folded arms. 

Then with a resolute gaze appearing in Teanna's eyes, she quickly adorned her protective magical artifacts and grasped her magical weapons which were dual magical kitanas to go attack the magical warrior and try to save the girls who were in extreme danger.

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