A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 149: Swearing an Oath

Once Helena gave that command, the people from the nine races quickly went down on their knees with fear in their eyes, as they didn't know what Helena might do them if they dared to disobey her.

Seeing that they have knelt before her with dread in their eyes, Helena felt somewhat fulfilled.

So, if she eventually rises to a stage where she should be stronger than her popular older sister without using her Hrithika bloodline power, she would be able to compel bad people to kneel before her, and that they would do with unbridled terror in their eyes.

Once she thought of this, her eyes twinkled while she gave a broad smile.

Then recollecting her fantasizing mind a moment later, she said to the people kneeling on the ground before she and Sylla.

"Now, that you have accepted me as your new Ruler, I have some things to say to you all."

She then continued "For a first, you all shall partake in an Oath swearing that you will never tell any soul, even the dead and apparitions about what happened here today. Anyone that tries to, will rapidly dry up and be immediately burned to a crisp by an uncanny consuming fire."

"Am I clear?!" She asked with a loud tone in her voice.

"Clear as a crystal lake, Ruler"

They all answered at once.

"Hmm" Helena uttered with an approving nod of her head.

And since she was still in her Hrithika form, which could actually last up to this moment since she wasn't drawing an overly great amount of power from it, decided to cast a Mage-level Oath spell.

Then she started to utter the words for a particular spell that had branded to her memory.

This spell was one of the many thousand magical spells that she took her time to study in that room that contained more than hundreds of thousands of spellbooks which had drafted in them, incomplete magical spells.

Once she finished uttering the indecipherable words that for that spell, a mysterious type of power suddenly gushed out from her body and actually condensed into a large, dark black book that floated in front of her at her chest level.

Then this massive, dark black book which had thick, branching red veins that resembled that of humans all over it surfaces, and also purple-colored inscriptions of anciently, cryptic words and grey-colored engravings of mystifying, occult-like diagrams, suddenly spread open with the pages in it starting to flip one after the other, like an unseen entity; a ghost, was opening the pages of the floating book to the next. And as this happened, it unexpectedly became engulfed in an inferno-sized, dark black fire that had deeper hues of red and purple in it.

Immediately the incomplete, Mage-level magical spell worked by causing that strange book to materialize before her, and which Helena wasn't really surprised about since her Hrithika form enabled her to tap into the boundless power of the unlimited comprehension of the profoundness of everything in the world that was locked away within her, she said to the hundreds of people from the each of the nine nines races kneeling before her in fear.

"Now, say after me." She said while they all nodded their heads.

"I swear this day, that I will become a completely loyal and honest warrior to the Fey race. I will put my life on the line to protect the people of the Fey race from harm and destruction. Everything that I will do, is to immensely contribute to the growth and development of the Fey race. If any day I think of doing anything counterproductive, I shall experience severe aches and intense burning sensations all over entire body that will kill me if I don't ask for forgiveness from the rulers of the Fey race. Then any day that I think of doing evil, no matter how small, to anybody from the Fey race, including the Oath Giver, may the uncanny, instant judgement soul-ravaging flame burning around the mystical, Life Reaper Book of Oaths, engulf my entire body and burn me to nothingness. And, this binding Oath that I have taken, shall extend to my entire family and continue for thousands of generations to come!"

As Helena said this, the people from each of the nine races repeated after her with high degrees of unconcealed sadness and sorrow in their tone. So, this was what they had been reduced to? As meatshields for the Fey race if a war between their kingdom and another kingdom started.

However, they all knew that they deserved this. If it wasn't extreme greed for the Fey race seemingly inexhaustible gold resources and extremely enticing women and girls, they wouldn't have been turned into their meatshields by this girl who they had left out when they were heavily planning to invade the Fey kingdom and conquer them overwhelmingly.

After they finished saying that, which they all said after Helena, the pages of the book suddenly stopped flipping. Then the massive book closed and unexpectedly turned into thousands of floating symbols that each had raging, dark black flames which had deeper shades of red and purple in them, beginning to burn furiously around them.

Once these burning symbols appeared, they shot like rays of light towards the people from the nine races. Then they penetrated into their bodies and remained burning within their bodies.

Although the symbols were burning frenziedly within their bodies, they however didn't produce even the slightest heat that would cause any degree of discomfort to the people of the nine races.

However, as they remained burning within them, they were waiting for the Oath swearers to do the opposite of what they swore to, before transforming into massive, overbearing destructive flames that would instantly engulf their bodies and actually vaporize them, completely erasing away their existences from the world.

Once this happened, Helena broke a smile across her face.

'It's done!' She said happily inwardly.

At this point in time, she had reverted back to her normal self. That Mage-level power that discharged from her body had put a great mental strain on her mind. However, she enduringly did what she did; making the people of the nine races kneeling before her to say those oaths after her, before transforming back to her normal self.

She really had a surprising endurance limit and high threshold for pain.

She then looked at Sylla who was beside her and said with a bright, lovable smile in her face "These people have been turned into loyal warriors of your race. However, if they try to betray your race or engage in anything that will jeopardize whatever your race plans to do, they will be quickly consumed by unquenchable magical flames that will suddenly erupt from within them. So, you don't need to worry about them betraying your race or doing something that would put it in danger. Leave the worries to the burning symbols that have now deeply etched themselves to their hearts."

Helena said and grinned while Sylla's eyes shone with understanding.

"Thank you, Helena. I don't know how I am going to ever repay you for all these." Sylla said as she lovingly stared into Helena's bright eyes.

Helena's face then slightly flushed; her fair cheeks developed small hues of bright pink. She then said with a smile appearing in her face too "Anytime, Sylla."

Sylla nodded her head with that smile still in her face. She then said to Helena with a curious gaze in he eyes "Now, how do we transport our people out of here back to our kingdom? Also, we have to find a way to move these people too. We can't leave them behind to move on their own. They are now our men, so we have to take care of them too. Not treat them as trash."

Helena nodded her head in agreement to what Sylla said.

She then said "You are right, Sylla. That's what I am also thinking about."

Then a few moments later, Helena said "I guess that there's nothing we can do except use my colossal pet to transport most of everyone back to our kingdom."

She then said further "Okay, this is what we will do. Some of us will use the remaining flying ships to fly with the people from the nine races back to our kingdom. While the rest of us will ride on my massive pets to return to our kingdom"

When she finished saying that, she asked Sylla who was by her side "How does that sound? Cool enough?"

"Yea. It's cool." Sylla answered.

"Okay. The only thing left now is to speak to Vinna. I doubt she would allow any other person to climb her back except me. Talk more of a large multitude of people not known to her. She would definitely be furious at me and everyone else" Helena said and produced a wry smile on her face.


Sylla grinned lightly.

"It's your beast. It would definitely answer you in the end." She said with a smile in her face.

Helena nodded her head with a smile hung on her lips.

She then said "Yea, it certainly would. Then as a point of correction, Sylla. Vinna is not a beast. She is my pet."

"Oh, alright. Correction well taken, Your Royal Highness" Sylla said playfully while Helena shook her head at her.

Helena then suddenly said when she recalled something "By the way, where is your mom, Sylla? I was so carried away about bringing back to life that I completely forgot about her. Where is she?"

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