A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 150: Going back to the Fey kingdom

"She hurried off to the Vampire and Werewolf kingdom with some Fey guards to go request for their help. She felt that if I go, I might not be able to totally convince them to come. So, she decided to go herself to ask them to supply her with a significant number of their warriors if they couldn't come themselves to help us in our earlier intense battle with these races." Sylla answered.

"Oh. Okay. I hope she is fine?" Helena said with concern in her tone.

She then asked "How long would it take her to go from the Fey kingdom to the Vampire and Werewolf kingdom?"

"Well, since she used our fastest flying ship, a small ten-passenger ship that can cross many miles in an instant, it should take them a little more than an hour to arrive at the distant kingdoms of the Werewolves and the Vampires. Perhaps she is involved in a serious talk with them that she hasn't been able to return. My only hope right now is that their ship hasn't been intercepted by bad guys on the way to the Vampire and Werewolf kingdom or back from there." Sylla said with intense worry appearing in her eyes.

Helena nodded her head.

She then said with a smile in her face "She will definitely be fine. Don't worry too much about her. She would arrive at the Fey kingdom soon."

Sylla nodded her head with a smile in her face.

Helena then said further with a smile appearing in her face "Now, it's time to do my own convincing. I just hope she would agree."

Helena then activated the wings attached to her back.


In the next instant, a pair of large mechanical wings rapidly expanded out of her back and produced a snap sound as they became rigid from their collapsible state.

She then used it to fly into the air towards Vinna who began to produce excited sounds as she saw Helena flying towards her.

When Helena appeared before her, in which she was like a floating particle of dust before a levitating, towering mountain, she said with a smile hung on her lips "Vinna, I want you help me transport my friend and a large number of their warriors back to their kingdom. Can you do that for me?"

Vinna growled in defiance while Helena smiled knowingly.

She had predicted within herself that Vinna was definitely going to refuse anyone other than her going up to stay on back.

Helena then moved closer to her to affectionately rub her head.

She then said "Come on, Vinna. Although I know that you will hate it for anyone other than me to climb up your back to stay on it, these are however my friends and their warriors. Many of their ships have been damaged, so you are out last resort to move them all from here back to their kingdom. You have to help me transport them, Vinna. And this is for just this time, I won't ever request from you in the future that you should allow some people climb up your back to move them to another region. I promise!"

It was only now that Vinna agreed, since she didn't growl, which Helena then took for a yes.

She then kissed Vinna's massive head and descended back to the ground to appear before Sylla who was waiting with an intensely curious expression in her face to know if Helena's pet, Vinna, accepted to allow ninety percent of them here to climb up her back so they could be moved back to their kingdom.

Once Helena landed beside Sylla, the massive, collapsible wings at her back folded and retracted back into the mechanism that ejected them out.

Sylla who couldn't hold back her burning curiosity asked "So did she agree? Did your pet agree that we can all come up her back?"

As soon as Sylla asked this question, Lydia and the rest looked at Helena to listen to the answer that she would give.

Once this question was asked, Helena showed a naughty smile on her lips. She then said in the next moment with a serious expression appearing in in her face "Nope! Vinna bluntly refused. She disrespectfully said to me in my face that you all should fuck off far away from her."

Sylla, Lydia and the rest looked at Helena with suspicious eyes. They felt that she should be joking.

"Are you serious about this, Helena?" Lydia asked as she stared at Helena with an indescribable gaze in her eyes.

Helena shook her head.

"Do you see smiling, Lydia? Of course I am damn serious about this." Helena answered with that serious expression still in her face.

Sylla then shook her head and said with a serious tone in her voice "Hmm. I guess you have overpampered your pet way too much. You need to greatly discipline it to not use such obscene words directly in your face. To be honest, and take no offense, your pet is damn rude!"


Helena then suddenly broke into a raucous laughter that caused Sylla, Lydia and the rest to have a definite feeling that Helena had successfully played a mischievous one on them.

Lydia then shook her head with a slight smirk expression appearing on her lips when she recalled how Helena used them to catch fun and feelings of delight when they were still in that flying Fey ship by saying that she had used her vast, monster-summoning powers to bring the colossal beast they were seeing from another realm called the Great Godbeast Realm.

"I knew she was joking. You this damned, silly girl" Sylla said looking at Helena while Helena only smiled.

She then said "Well, it always feel good to see the funny expressions in your faces whenever I mention something shocking."

"Don't try that with me next time, babe. Or I am going to kill you." Sylla said playfully while Helena straightened up herself and nodded seriously.

Seeing the serious expression in Helena's face, Sylla only shook her head and then asked with a smile appearing in her face "When did you become a joker?"

"Since this moment" Helena answered smilingly.

She then said "Alright, play time is over. So to the question that you first asked me, my pet has agreed to lift all of us to our kingdom"

Sylla and the rest nodded their heads. Sylla then asked with a slightly puzzled expression in her face "Alright. So, how do we get there? Too her back? You know, she is too towering in figure. No matter how high I jump, I don't think I would be able to reach it back. And I can't fly. Same with my men. So, how do we get there?"

"Well, I guess we would have to let her land someplace else. Then we would have to walk down there and try to leap onto her back. Or have the ones that can fly, carry us on their back or give us a lift by pulling us by the arm and then drop us on the back of my pet. How's that? Does it sound cool?" Helena asked.

"Yea. That's nice!" Sylla said while Helena nodded her head.

Helena then said with a loud booming voice to Vinna "Vinna, find a larger place to land. These people can't fly and absolutely can't jump onto your back from the ground."

Vinna chirped in response to what Helena said and then began to use it massive, far-seeing eyes to scan the region many miles away for a suitable place to land.

"Have you seen a place to land in yet?" Helena asked Vinna a few moments later with her magically-enhanced booming voice.

Vinna then produced a melodious sound note as a response to what Helena asked her.

She then suddenly shot in the East direction at an insane speed to land somewhere that was far away from where Helena and the rest stood. To be precise, where she chose to land was a forested place that was a few kilometers away from where Helena and the rest were currently present at.

Although that place was a really massive forest that if a mountain was dropped there, it could easily fit into that place, Vinna had no choice than to select there to land. So that meant that her towering, mountainous body was going to destroy the massive, large-canopied trees that dotted everywhere in this area.

Seeing that Vinna had suddenly swooped down from the air to the ground, Helena turned her head to look at Sylla and her cult members and said cot seems she has found a place to land. Let's go there."

Sylla and the rest nodded their heads.

Helena then said to the people of the nine races whose bodies still gave out auras of sadness "You guys can go into the remaining flying ships that we have available. And don't worry about flying the ships, some members of the Fey race who can pilot the ships will go in with you to transport you guys to our kingdom."

"Then remember, don't try anything funny. Those mystical symbols of Oath burning without heat in your bodies, will suddenly engulf you in extremely hot flames and instantly burn your bodies and souls to ashes if you try as much to think of something shady or sinister against any of the Fey members that will pilot the ships for you. I believe I am clear with what I just said. And I believe a warning is enough."

She then turned her head to look at everyone from the Fey race and said with a cool, amiable tone in her voice "Alright everyone, let's march down to where my pet landed."

Everyone heard what she said and nodded their heads. Then they began to reverently follow behind her, Sylla and her colleagues to where her pet landed.

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