A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 152: Letting the cat out of the bag

Once Lauren said that, everyone turned their heads to look at Helena who only produced a smile on her face.

"How come I didn't think of that?" Helena asked while Sylla and the rest grinned.

"We also don't know too" Sylla said while Helena nodded her head.

She then looked at Lauren and said "Nice one, Lauren"

"So, are you going to do that now?" Sylla unexpectedly asked.

"Nope! I can try to do that anytime." Helena answered.

She then continued "Let's do something more important, since the fence raising thing has been settled."

"Alright then." Sylla said with a slight nod of head.

Helena then said with a booming voice to everyone before her "Guys, let us bury the bodies and their parts."

Once she gave that instruction, the entire member of the Fey race and the races of the nine kingdoms who were now their Outer Court warriors, set to work immediately. Not long, they began to carry the corpses and their other body parts to have them buried within the kingdom.


After many hours of doing this, in which they had buried all the bodies, they returned to Helena's presence to await further instructions.

Helena nodded her head at the good job done by the people before her.

She then looked at Sylla who said that they should keep three minutes of silence for all the souls that had died.

Then after the silence was over, Sylla said "I want some of you to gather yourself into groups that will go out there to search for professionals that we will pay to help us erect back our magnificent buildings and build tall towers for us."

Immediately after Sylla said that, some of the Fey people formed into small groups that then left the kingdom to go search for professionals, while the races of the nine kingdoms who were now the Outer Court warriors for the Fey kingdom remained behind to listen to further instructions.

However, Helena didn't want them to do anything else. So, she only told them to go back to their kingdoms to reside in for the moment, since there were no structure in the Fey kingdom to house anyone of them. She also instructed that they should all re-gather when the buildings have been erected. Then she, Sylla, her friends and the rest of the Fey race left with one of the nine race to stay with them at their kingdom.

Then after many hours of walking, they finally arrived at that kingdom. And after choosing where to stay for the night, which was a large room that would easily accommodate she and her friends, and still be spacious enough to accommodate dozen more people, Helena and her friends began to discuss with themselves.

"So girls, here is my friend. Then for a proper introduction, her name is Sylla." Helena said with a smile in her face.

"Okay." Lydia and the rest said.

Then they took turns in introducing themselves to Sylla who smiled at them.

"Senior Helena, why don't you tell her about the cult group that we have?" Lauren unexpectedly asked.

"Sure." Helena said with a smile appearing in her face.

She then said to Sylla "Sylla, there is this cult group that I formed to gather heroes who would fight for the weak and oppressed. It's called the Heavenly Fiend Termination Cult. While the name for it was given to this girl you now know as Lauren"

"Oh, that's nice of you, Lauren. Great naming sense you have there" Sylla said, praising Lauren who began to smilingly bask in the praise that spouted from Sylla's mouth.

"So Helena, you actually left where your sister took you to too come back here and see me?" Sylla asked with astonishment in her eyes.

"Sure" Helena said.

She then continued "Actually, I wouldn't have been able to come here if I didn't suddenly get to know that we could go into the world to gather contribution points after fulfilling certain missions to acquire things in that place. So, since we were being sent into the world to complete a certain mission and acquire contribution points, I decided to use the opportunity to come see you. And I am glad that I really did so, if not, I would have forever lost you"

Sylla produced an affectionate smile on her face upon hearing what Helena said.

She then said "I am also glad too"

Helena nodded her head.

Sylla then asked with a curious tone in her voice "So your mission, what's it about? Hope you don't mind telling me what it is?"

"It's a golden two-star mission. The golden in it name suggest the level of difficulty of the mission, while the two star gives the level of spellcasters that can go for it." Helena said.

"Oh, okay" Sylla said.

She then asked as she looked at Helena "What level are you?"

"Earth-Level spellcaster" Helena answered.

"Hmm. Is that a powerful level?" Sylla asked while Lauren suddenly burst into laughter.

She then immediately said before Helena could reply "No, it's not. It's just a level above the weakest. And there are still many more stages above it with Cosmic-level spellcasting being the highest. Like, the most powerful stage in which one would be able to utilize all the Aetha energy in the magical universe to unleash an attack that can cause destruction on an interplanetary scale."

"Wow! That's great." Sylla said with awe and shock in her eyes.

She then looked at Helena and said with a smile in her face "I guess you still have lot of work to do then."

"Yea, I still have a..."

Helena couldn't finish her statement when Lauren suddenly interrupted by saying "Senior Helena doesn't really fit to be in the Earth-level spellcasting stage anymore. She is powerful enough to be regarded as a Sky-level spellcaster, that is without entering that her ultimately powerful form."

"How do you mean?" Sylla asked to understand what Lauren said.

"What I mean is that, senior Helena is now capable of producing magical attacks that is comparable to that of Sky-level spellcasters. So this means that she has graduated from being an Earth-level spellcaster into a Sky-level spellcaster." Lauren responded.

"Alright. I understand now." Sylla said.

Then looking at Helena, she asked "Where is that place that your sister took you to? Where is it located? Maybe I could sometimes to visit you."


Helena grinned.

"Don't bother coming, unless you wanna join. And I am sure that you wouldn't want to do that, since the two chiefs of the kingdom are not around to give instructions to their members on what to do to progress the kingdom. However, I can tell you what that place is. It's a place called the Great Sisterhood training camp. The instructors there teach people from every type of race how to tap into their bloodline abilities to unleash them, and teach hand-to-hand combat and also spellcasting that Lauren described to you some moments ago." She replied.

"Hmm. That's really nice. I wish I could go there to develop my abilities. But I can't leave my people by themselves." Sylla said.

Helena nodded her head and then said "Yea, you can't leave our people behind. But anyways, you have me. Then anytime that I am able comprehend a lot of things that we are being taught in there to the instructor-level, I will come over to teach you so you could tap into the Fey bloodline and draw more of your inherent potentials from it."

Sylla nodded her head.

She then said "By the way, you guys still haven't told me the mission that you selected? I know it's for your level, but hope it's not too dangerous or extremely difficult to achieve?"

Helena smiled.

"It may be dangerous or extremely difficult to achieve. However, I don't really give a damn about that because I am gonna complete it anyways. Then together with my smart and powerful colleagues, I believe that we can fulfill every damn highly lethal mission that would be thrown at us." She said.

She then continued "So, about the mission, it's one that requires that we burn down the shrines of five cannibalistic witches from two kingdoms which are the Hotstone kingdom and Redsand kingdom."

"What? Witches? Like the ones that killed those bounty hunters of my Fey race then?" Sylla asked with unbridled shock in her tone.

"Yea, something like that. However, don't be too worried. They are not as powerful as that witch that the bounty hunter of our Fey race faced then. These ones are at our level of spellcasting, as given in the name of the mission. So, we should be able to handle them." Helena said.

"Are you really sure about that, Helena? What if they are hiding some other abilities that the creator of the mission aren't really aware about? What if they are as powerful as that witch that abducted you and killed our people who tried to save you?" Sylla asked with excessive worry in her tone.

Helena then smiled.

She guessed that it was really time to let the cat out of the bag.

"Well, the witch that abducted me was a Summoner-level witch. As in, she could summon different types of Calaendrian Spirits into her bodies to gain tremendously vast Spiritual Powers. But these ones that we are going after to eliminate are only low-level spellcasters like us. They don't know how to do Spirit Summoning like that witch. But if they can actually do it and were only hiding their abilities from the people that created this mission, then I guess it would be really bloody and disastrous for us then. Hahaha! Just kidding, Sylla."

"Now, there is something that you must know which I have been hiding from you all these while. That witch that killed those Fey bounty hunters then, was actually terminated by me in the end"

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