A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 153: Are you sure you aren't immortal?

Once Helena said that, Sylla's eyes shone with shock.

"What? You were the one that killed that cannibal witch? And not some good, old witch as you said that time?" Sylla asked.

"Yes, Sylla. There was no old witch that killed her. I was the one that killed her" Helena said.

She then continued "I could have told you that time. But I didn't really trust anyone then. So, I kept the secret to myself."

"Wow!" Sylla exclaimed.

She then asked with intense curiosity in her tone "But how did you do it? You shouldn't have been able to use your powers then to destroy a witch who was at that level of power."

"Yea, you are right Sylla. I definitely won't be able to produce such degree of overwhelming mystical power at that age." Helena said. 

She then continued "Actually, it was the witch that brought doom upon herself. When she killed the bounty hunters from our race, she came to me to directly finish me off since she could perceive that I was kinda dangerous to her. You know, when we were at her place where she was cutting us apart and feeding on our organs that spilled out of those cuts, I uttered a Control-type spell out of annoyance which then caused every sharp objects in the room to produce a bright glow and blaze through the air at incredible speeds towards her which then deeply impaled her with a lot of force and carried her off the ground to pinned to a wall in the distance."

"So, when she was able to slay the bounty hunters, she came for me and sank her plaqued and decaying, surprisingly sharp teeth deep into my neck to suck my blood and entirely drain me of it so that she could kill me. When she eventually did so and threw lifeless my body aside, she went forward to quickly consume the blood of the other kids. However, before she could really do such, my blood which seemed to possess some form of awareness on it own, and had a strong mysterious connection to me, began to furiously burn within her on my command when I woke from the death-like state I was put into. Then it expanded out of her into a massive, raging flame that engulfed her whole figure and rapidly incinerated her to nothingness, and even many feet of the ground that she stood upon."

"So, that was how I was able to destroy her" Helena said summarily with a bright and proud smile in her face.

"Wow. So you even came back from the dead. Are you sure you aren't immortal? Perhaps if someone kills you, you will awaken, right?" Sylla asked with bewilderment in her tone.

Once she asked this question, Lydia and the rest turned their heads to look at Helena to hear the response that she would give to the question that Sylla asked her. However, they were greatly amazed that Helena could come back to life. Then they felt that she was perhaps immortal and indestructible, since she resurrected from the dead after having being killed by that witch that sucked out her entire blood. Although they thought this, they listened with great attentiveness to hear what she would say on that.

Seeing their really attentive, cute faces, Helena burst into laughter.

"We are serious here, Helena" Lydia unexpectedly said.

Helena then stopped laughing in the next moment and said "Alright. Sorry for my laughter outburst. But you cats should have seen your faces. Haha!"

She then immediately spoke after she ended her grinning in the next instant when she saw the threatening looks that had appeared in each of their pretty faces.

"Actually, I don't really know about that. I may be killed like any one of you if I ever got careless or carried away in an intensely deadly battle. I don't think I am immortal." Helena answered.

"Hmm. Well, from what you have said so far, Helena, pardon me if I say that I totally doubt that. I think the only way to really kill you is to reduce your body into ashes with some form of uncanny or otherworldly fire, or enwrap your entire body with a type of extreme constraining force that will cause you to burst or explode into thousands of pieces. That seems pretty much to be the only way and method to have you killed. Other than that, no other method or technique should be able to bring about your actual demise. And now, I am starting to even think that it's just one of the numerous characteristics about you, since the universe wouldn't want someone that it near-boundlessly endowed with a lot of tremendously amazing abilities to be killed just like that, if she ever got careless or something." Lydia said, refuting Helena's statement.


Helena grinned lightly.

She then said with a smile appearing in her face "You may be right, Lydia. But I am certain that you are totally wrong with what you just said. I am no immortal, indestructible or death-defying being. I am a simple and beautiful human that can grow old and die when it's time. When I have fulfilled my purpose in this damned darky world anyway. So, you guys shouldn't tell me I am immortal or some being that is invulnerable to death. I won't accept that. Even the thought of it alone is starting to terrify me." 

"So, you guys would grow old and die, while I would still be alive and be roaming the worlds alone. That's some insane degree of loneliness, girls. Haha! It better not be, or I would fully regret being the Chosen One, if that's the kind of life that I am supposed to live. Or don't you know that a life without any friend or relative is not really a life to live. It's a terrible life. A greatly horrendous one, which I wouldn't want to be a partaker of."

Sylla and the rest nodded their heads.

Then Sylla adroitly changed the topic since the atmosphere was getting permeated with sad feelings.

"So Helena, you are the Chosen One, like really? No wonder you seem fathomlessly powerful. But I am seriously offended, girl. Why didn't you tell me about this all these while? And by the way, I wanna ask. How many things do you still keep hidden from me? I want you to bring light to everything this moment." Sylla asked and ordered with a commanding tone in her voice.

"I am sorry, Sylla. Do forgive me" Helena said with a begging gaze in her eyes.

"Well, I am not angry. I am not just pleased by what you did." Sylla said.

"Alright. Thank you, babe. Then to your question, I don't have anything else that I am keeping from you. I think you should know everything about me now." Helena answered.

"Hmm. Okay. So apart from Lydia, Lucretia, Lauren and Deborah in your group, who else are the people in your cult group? Then how's your combat training at the camp going, have you really gone far with it? How skillful in fighting are you now? And have you gotten or made new enemies? Since most people being trained there would become really envious of you, and then start to intensely hate you once they see that the instructors there are paying you way too much attention than on them." Sylla asked.

"Yes, I have other people who have joined my cult group. There is this senior named Sandra. She is a member of my cult group and is someone that's astonishingly powerful. I can easily say that she's the strongest of all the seniors in that place where we are being trained. She has these numerous insane records which I wanna beat. But I have to be mentally and physically well-geared for them. If not, I could lose out on beating those records, and those records would definitely remain there for all eternity, since no one else there other than me might be able to really beat only one of her crazy, intimidating records." Helena said while Sylla shook her head with extreme awe im her eyes.

From the way that Helena respectfully and adoringly spoke about her senior, Sandra to her, it seemed like she was really powerful.

Helena then continued to give responses to the questions that she was asked "My combat skills are still kinda poor. However, I am copying off skills from others which I am adding to my vast, mental library of skills. Haha! I know that's cheating. But one must do what one can to achieve a certain result."

"Then to your question if I have made a certain enemy. Yes, I have. Her name's Jennifer. She actually tried casting an evil spell on me which I was able to deflect, but only because I got wind of what she wanted to do to me that I was able to readily deflect the ominous magical attack that she sent out at me. If not, I would have become a magical cripple by now. And that means I wouldn't be able to cast magical spells anymore. I would be permanently, magically incapacitated. But that's all thanks to Lydia here who told me about it. She saved me from a disastrous and terrible fate. I really owe her a great debt." Helena said.

"Wow! What an enemy? And has she been obliterated? Like, totally wiped off from this world?" Sylla asked concernedly.

"I don't know. Probably. My sister was on their tail. So, I don't know if she has slayed both she and her mother now." Helena answered.

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