A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 154: Arrival of the professionals

"What? Even her mother was involved in that attempt at destroying you?" Sylla asked with shock in her tone.

"Yes. She was even the one that gave her daughter that evil magical spell to master and use on me." Helena answered.

"I hope your sister caught them, or she could pose a great danger to you in future." Sylla said.

"Same here. But I doubt that they have been caught. This is because they used some form of extremely powerful evasive treasure to escape the training camp even as it was placed on magical lockdown. However, I hope they have been caught. Or they would pose a tremendous problem to me in future just as you have rightly said." Helena said.

"Hmm. But anyways, you are too powerful to be destroyed by them. They shall gather against you, but in the end, they shall all be destroyed by you, no matter the numbers that they would come in against you." Sylla said with a smile while Helena laughed.

Then they began to discuss other things into the night until they unknowingly slept off with only Helena who was still awake then stood to her feet to pick blankets that she then spread over each of them to cover their bodies from the intense cold of the night. 

After she did so, she also laid down to rest and have a nice sleep. 


Next morning...

"Morning, beauties" Helena who was the first to wake, said out loud with a smile in her face.

Once her voice rang out, Sylla and the rest had their eyes snap open. Then they lazily stretched where they laid down to rest the previous night before standing to their feet with smiles in their faces.

"Morning, Helena" They started to greet back one after the other. 

Helena smilingly nodded her head at their greetings and asked "Hope you girls had a sound sleep? Or the intensely cold night prevented you guys from having a good, cosy sleep?" 

"I guess I did. I don't know about the others" Lucretia immediately answered.

"Come on, Lucretia. We all did. Can't you speak for all of us?" Lydia questioned with an affable smile in her face, while Lucretia shook her head apologetically.

"So, what are we going to set out to do today?" Deborah unexpectedly asked.

She then questioned further "Should we go back to the Fey kingdom and start making plans on how to heal the damaged topography of the land, and restore the beauty of the kingdom?"

"That's a good question you have raised, Deborah." Lucretia said.

She then looked at Helena and asked "So, what do you say about the question that Deborah asked?"

"Yea. Let's go there. I was just about to mention that when she beat me to it. Very silly girl" Helena said as she looked at Deborah who only made a funny tongue-out expression at her.

Then before finally setting out of the large room that they were given by one of the races of the nine kingdoms that they had converted into their kingdom protectors, they first had their beauty showers, before leaving there with sparkling bodies and bright smiles in their beautiful faces.

As they left, the members of the races that dwelled in this small kingdom also followed behind them back to the Fey kingdom, since their presence would be definitely needed there.

When they got there, Helena said "I guess that those professionals might arrive later in the day."

"Yea. They would surely come in later. So, what do we do at the meantime?" Lydia asked with curiosity in her tone.

"Well, there is nothing that we can really do other than wait for them to arrive." Helena said.

She then spoke further "I hope they would come in soon."

But just as she finished speaking, a lot of people started walking in. Then if one looked at their appearances, one would easily comprehend in the next instant that these people were the professionals that Helena and the rest were waiting for to come reshape the land and demolish the previous irreparably damaged structures and build new ones back in place of them. 

Then leading these professionals were a number of the people from the Fey race.

When they arrived before Helena, they respectfully bowed before her and said "Good morning chief, we have arrived with the professionals that you asked us to bring to come the fix the kingdom."

"Okay. Thank you for a job done well" Helena said.

She then went forward to appear before the professionals who were simply lost on how to greet her, since she was the ruler of the Fey race, but yet didn't look like them.

Helena understood this from the deeply puzzled expressions in their faces. So she decided to introduce herself as the deputy chief to them so that the shock swelling in their hearts would come down. 

However, before she could really speak to introduce herself to them, some Fey warriors who became angry at how the professionals that they brought in were staring in a vexing, dumbfounded manner at their ruler, said with wrath in their tone. 

"How dare you disrespect out deputy chief? Can't you greet?" 

Then very quickly, the professionals went into a full bow and remained like that for sometime. Then when they straightened themselves back, which was only on hearing Helena's softly spoken speech that they should come out of their bowing positions, they said with total reverence in their tone "We are tremendously sorry for not properly greeting you as soon as you appeared in front of us, deputy chief. We were only carried away that someone as young as you could be the deputy chief of the popular Fey race." 

Helena smiled and nodded her head. 

She then said "I wasn't at all offended. So, there was really no need to apologize." 

She then continued "Now that you all are here, let me tell you what I want you experts to help us do" 

"Okay, deputy chief" One of the professionals said

Helena then started, pointing at some intensely blackened buildings that had numerous cracks on their surfaces.

"You see those buildings, I want you to help me demolish them and build new ones in their place. However, this time, I want the buildings to be bigger in size than the one you are currently seeing. Also, they should be made much taller, then the rooms much more spacious to accommodate more people." 

After she said this, she asked "Can that be done?"

"Surely. However, it would only cost your kingdom a lot of money to get it get done, since we would have to purchase large amounts of many building materials and transport them down here. But I believe that the Fey kingdom would certainly have no problem in being able to pay for it, and for our services." One of the professionals came out to say.

"Alright. That's good." Helena said with a nod of her head.

She then continued "About the sum of money that would be paid for your services rendered, we would absolutely discuss about that later, since I am not done with mentioning all that I want you experts to do for my kingdom. There are still a whole lot of structures that you professionals are going to help us build. So, please don't be in a hurry to ask after your how much we would be pay you. However, just keep in mind that we would recompense you experts handsomely" 

Helena said that while the expert that spoke nodded his head with a smile in his face.

Helena then continued "As you can see, our palace has also been destroyed, with many parts of it burnt down to the ground. So, you guys will demolish the entire thing and build a new one in place of it. And this one too must be more massive in size, and must have many rooms."

"Then I want you guys to help us build extremely tall towers at the North, South, East and West directions in this kingdom."

The expert spoken to nodded his head and said "That can also be done, deputy chief."

"Alright. Then one last thing, I want you guys to create a large training ground with many demarcations, and then a much more larger underground training area. Can the underground one be done? Or it would be really difficult to create?" Helena said and then asked.

"The underground one is difficult to be done. But it can be created." The expert said.

"Good!" Helena said.

She then asked "So, from all that I have said, how much would it cost my kingdom to have those structures in place?"

It was at this moment that Sylla came forward with a smile in her face.

Helena saw her and then rolled her eyes at her.

It seemed to her that Sylla had suddenly come out because she felt that she might not be able to handle the price negotiation part.

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