Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 263

“Ronan. Let me finish this.”

Their eyes met. Ronan’s hand, which had been reaching out to grab Asel, stopped in midair.



Asel didn’t plead or cry as usual. Blood that had stopped was now flowing down from his small nostrils.

“You know it too, Ronan. Adren is a crucial stronghold… To fight against enemies wielding such terrifying power, we need the strength of the dragons. And if we can save thousands, tens of thousands of people, but don’t, I’ll live the rest of my life in regret.”

Ronan knew that soon, blood would flow from Asel’s mouth, ears, and eyes as well. His condition was extremely dire, even aside from the bleeding. His shallow breaths were barely perceptible, his pale face and convulsing body reminiscent of someone with a severe fever.

But Ronan couldn’t extend his hand further. He should have knocked him out and carried him over his shoulder, but he couldn’t.

Despite the bloodshot eyes, Asel’s gaze burned with resolute determination. It was a look that no one could or should stop. After a moment of silence, Asel continued.

“…Ronan. Do you remember the phrase you always used to say?”


“When someone asked why you did something… You always answered the same way. You said you did it because it had to be done… I always thought that was so cool…”

Asel smiled, blood trickling down his curved eyes. Ronan couldn’t respond.

“This is one of those moments, Ronan. This is the time for me to do what I must. Just as roles are defined in a play, it seems like everyone’s life has its own role to play.”


“These past three years have been the best days of my life. It felt like I was dreaming every day. If it weren’t for you, I would have been dragged around by Hans’s gang, using my magic for petty theft. Those miraculous times existed for today.”

Asel spoke without a stutter. As he took a deep breath, the glittering mana around him began to swirl and converge in earnest.

Asel’s body slowly began to float in the air. Smiling once more, he closed his eyes.

“So, I have no regrets.”

Ronan was about to say something. Asel’s focus intensified, and the stagnant mana began to churn.

The flickering magic circle and chains solidified, and the sound of rocks breaking loudly reverberated. Crack! Adren, which had been falling again, halted.

“That little brat…”

The trembling quickly subsided. Ronan bit his lower lip. For some reason, his vision blurred. Was it sweat? Or a single drop of rain falling on his face?

【What are you doing just standing there!】

Just then, Orse, who had been flying through the air, stopped in front of Ronan. Growling fiercely, he reached out to Asel. Swoosh! Ronan drew his sword and pointed it at Orse’s throat.

“Don’t touch him.”

【…Have you lost your mind?】

Orse’s face twisted in confusion. He couldn’t understand why this human was acting this way. Two curved horns sprouted from Orse’s head. The murderous intent emanating from Orse was suffocating.

【Move aside.】

“I won’t say it twice. Don’t lay a hand on my friend.”

But Ronan didn’t flinch. The blade aimed at Orse’s throat was steady enough to balance an egg on.

【You dare…!】

Orse gritted his teeth. Normally, he would have torn him apart immediately, but he couldn’t. The pressure emanating from Ronan now was comparable to the first emperor who had defeated him in the past.

If he rushed in recklessly, he might lose his head. He remembered how Ronan had sliced through Duaryu in one stroke. Sweat formed on Orse’s palm. Hearing their voices, Asel murmured softly.

“…Thank you.”

He was speaking to everyone. He was grateful to Ronan for respecting his wishes and to Orse for worrying about him. He could feel the power he had drawn earlier depleting. It was really time to go.

Goodbye, everyone.

Asel closed his eyes, mentally bidding farewell. Just as his consciousness was about to embark on a distant journey once more…

Boom! Suddenly, a crimson light, reminiscent of the apocalypse, erupted above.

“What the…?!”

【What is…!】

An intense heat, like that of a midday desert, poured down. Everyone except Asel looked up simultaneously. Ronan and Orse’s eyes widened. A sea of flames was swirling high in the sky.



Every single light giant was engulfed in the flames. Not even a death scream was left behind.

The intense flames were so overwhelming that they made it seem as if the sky had always been that color. The flames, defying the passage of time, continued to burn, erasing any trace of the giants. Amidst the blinding light and scorching heat, the giants were completely obliterated.


At that moment, Asel, who had been floating in the air, fell on his butt. The tremendous light and heat completely broke his concentration. The glittering mana scattered like mist.

“If this keeps up, Adren will…!”

Barely conscious, Asel shouted urgently. He was so startled that even the magic he had cast was completely dispelled. The gigantic magic circle and chains dissipated like scattering ashes.


But something was strange. Despite all the magic being dispelled, Adren wasn’t falling. Instead, it was calmly floating in the air like a boat on a tranquil lake.

“Damn it… What the hell is going on?”


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The survivors began to murmur in confusion. They couldn’t understand what had happened. Ronan, staring blankly at the sky, frowned.

“Wait a minute, why is that still coming down?”

The sea of flames that had burned the giants was descending upon them. The sound of fire consuming the atmosphere roared ominously. The scale was so vast it almost touched the horizon, making it impossible to avoid.

【Everyone, stay calm!】

【Where is His Majesty?!】

【Carry the citizens on your backs!】

Panic erupted everywhere. Some dragons, in desperation, fired their breaths at the sky, but nothing changed. The flames continued to descend, ready to devour everything.

There was no solution. Either cut through the flames insanely or dig into the ground to hide. Clutching his sword, Ronan hoisted Asel onto his shoulder.

“Damn it. Hold on tight.”


Asel groaned with his tongue sticking out. Just as they were about to act, a figure suddenly appeared as the space in front of them flipped.

A boy, seemingly around fourteen, wearing an ornate robe that didn’t match his age, appeared. His delicate features were vaguely familiar. Ronan and Asel gasped as they made eye contact with him.


“It’s been a while, everyone.”

The boy smiled. His smile, exuding both innocence and experience, was unmistakably familiar. Remembering the past, Ronan spoke.


“Sorry I’m late. Cleaning up took too long… You can rest easy now.”

The boy did not deny it. He was indeed Lorhorn, the archmage who had sealed the giant Nirvana and the master of the Tower of Twilight.

Though they often heard news of him, it was the first time they had met in person since the incident in Rodolan. Asel, still stunned, managed to speak.

“M-Master Archmage, how did you…?”

“There was a big problem beyond the sky. In many ways. Let’s deal with that first.”

Suddenly, Lorhorn raised his hand towards the sky. Massive mana swirled around him, distorting the space.

Layers upon layers of defensive barriers soon enveloped Adren. The semi-transparent shields melted and disintegrated, blocking the overwhelming flames.

Wherever the barriers were penetrated and flames leaked through, various ice spells were cast to counter them. Each spell was of at least the seventh circle, the highest level of magic. The heat that scorched the sky gradually subsided under the relentless barrage of ice magic.


Asel exclaimed with his mouth wide open. Even though he had seen it before, the title of archmage was clearly no exaggeration. Then, Lorhorn turned to Asel and smiled.

“I saw your efforts. Well done, Asel.”

“E-efforts? But I didn’t manage to finish it…”

“No. I’m sorry to Cratir, but I think you’re next in line after me. You’ll have to play a significant role in the series of events.”

“A s-significant role?”

Asel stammered again. Ronan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Honestly, he had been very worried that Asel, having contacted the giants, would lose himself.

Rumble… Suddenly, Adren began to shake again. But this time, it was not due to a fall, but from ascending.

Adren was rapidly rising as if lifted by a giant hand. The dawn sky approached over the ruined city. Ronan asked.

“Did you do this too?”

“No. Even I don’t have the strength to lift this.”

“Then who?”

“Someone you know well. It’s been a while since Adren welcomed a former king.”

Lorhorn chuckled like an old man. Hearing the word ‘former king,’ Ronan’s eyes widened. Why hadn’t he thought of it earlier? There was only one being capable of wielding such fire. Suddenly, a majestic female voice echoed above the people’s heads.

【I’m sorry

I’m late, children.】

【That voice…!】

Orse’s scales bristled. The faces of Naransonia and the other dragons lit up. Every dragon in Adren knew that voice. Swish! Suddenly, a massive shadow appeared in front of the rapidly rising Adren.

“We narrowly made it. Truly by a hair’s breadth.”

Lorhorn bowed respectfully. Ronan slowly raised his head. A gigantic red dragon, so large it filled his entire field of vision, was hovering, looking down at Adren.

Even the dragon king, who seemed huge before, looked like a child in comparison. Why had he thought their sizes were similar? Each flap of her wings made the barriers Lorhorn had set up tremble as if they would be torn apart.

The overwhelming form glowed a bright crimson in the dawn. Surrounding her were smaller, yet still massive, red dragons. Ronan, meeting her gaze, spoke.


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