Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 264


Ronan spoke. His eyes met Navarodze’s as she lowered her gaze. Her voice, soft and majestic, echoed again.

【It’s good to see you, child.】

“Likewise. Very much so.”

Ronan laughed in disbelief. She said she was late, but her timing was impeccable. Just a little later, and they might have lost Asel. Navarodze looked around and continued.

【Where did that monster go? Did it leave to cause more destruction?】

“Oh. I killed it.”


“Literally. I cut it with my sword and severed its head.”

Ronan made a slicing gesture across his neck. Navarodze’s face hardened. Whoosh! For a moment, her body was engulfed in flames, then it dispersed like smoke.

The sky, hidden by her massive form, spread out before them. Navarodze, having polymorphed into a human, stood up. Still the captivating dragon matron, she wore a different battle uniform than the one seen in Phileon. She stepped closer to Ronan and spoke.

“Tell me everything in detail.”

“Whoa… Calm down.”

Ronan instinctively stepped back. The aura of flames approaching with her felt more threatening than any beast. He was sure he’d get burned if he touched it. Cornered, he started speaking.

“So… where do I begin?”

Since the situation had been resolved, he thought it safe to explain in detail. The earth, pinned like a nail in the sky, showed no signs of falling again.

I should probably start with why we came to Adren, he thought. Just as Ronan began to gather his thoughts, a thunderous voice interrupted.



Suddenly, a booming voice echoed from the side. A burst of murderous intent exploded outward like needles piercing the skin.

“Oh, damn.”

Ronan cursed under his breath. The familiar black mana he’d seen countless times on this journey was spilling over Orse’s shoulders.

He’d almost forgotten why Orse came to Adren. Now, Orse was brandishing a spiral spear. He twirled it in his hands, pointing it at Navarodze, and shouted.

【You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment! I will kill you here and destroy Valon!】

“You are… that dark dragon. You’re younger than I expected.”

Despite Orse’s fierce declaration, Navarodze’s face showed no tension. Her kin, circling above, bristled.

【Mother! It’s dangerous!】

“Stay calm, children.”

Her children cried out urgently, but Navarodze remained unfazed. She kept her hands behind her back, doing nothing. Suddenly, Orse vanished from sight. Swish! He appeared right in front of her, thrusting his spear.


The momentum was incredible. Orse’s spiral spear, imbued with his mana and murderous intent, looked like a bolt of lightning. Thunk! The spear lodged in Navarodze’s chest. She smiled.

【What the…!】

“Your greeting is rather rough, child.”

Orse’s eyes bulged. The spear had pierced her chest but hadn’t gone through. Despite being an instrument of death for countless lives, Orse’s spear couldn’t even tear Navarodze’s clothing; it merely ‘entered’ deeply.

“My god.”


Ronan and Asel covered their mouths in awe. Their amazement was twofold: how could her skin be so tough, and how could a spear enter so deeply without piercing?

As they had these unseemly thoughts, Navarodze looked down and tapped the spear. She snorted with interest.

“Hmph… This is quite usable. Did you make it from your bones?”

【This can’t be! What trickery is this?!】

“I’ll make an exception for your rudeness and appoint you to the vanguard. Now, take a rest.”

【You… damn…】

Orse tried to speak. Navarodze shook her upper body, using her waist. Thwack! An invisible force struck Orse.


He had no time to react. Orse was flung back as if hit by a giant rhinoceros. His body crashed into the debris of the Sky Tower. Bang! Dust exploded into the air with a loud noise.


“He didn’t pass out. He’s living up to his name.”

When the dust settled, Orse’s figure emerged. Embedded deeply in the rubble, he looked like a strange fossil. His trembling head soon drooped.


Asel gasped, clutching Ronan’s sleeve. It was a humiliating defeat. Just like Ronan had joked before, he really did fall after being hit in the chest.


Ronan clicked his tongue in disdain. Orse, now unconscious, couldn’t respond.

Ronan knew the difference in their abilities was vast. He also knew Orse was exhausted from many battles.

But he hadn’t expected him to go down in one hit. Navarodze dusted off her chest and turned back to Ronan.

“Now, let’s continue our conversation.”


Ronan nodded. He then explained in detail the circumstances and events that led them to Adren, including Duaryu’s death.

“Excuse me, but I’ll go see if there’s anything left to salvage here. I’ll see you later.”

“Go ahead.”

Lorhorn excused himself and flew toward the city. During the conversation, other dragons began to spread out across Adren, rescuing the injured and extinguishing fires. Only Asel and the buried Orse remained, listening to the discussion.

“…So, it was related to those fanatics. I had ordered Ajidhahaka to eradicate them, but he allied with them instead.”

“He did try hard at the end, realizing his mistakes.”

Ronan finished his lengthy story. By now, the sun had fully risen, casting a beautiful sunrise over Adren.

The sea sparkled on the horizon, reflecting the sunlight. Navarodze, pondering their conversation, spoke with a serious expression.

“I must hold him accountable. Where is Ajidhahaka?”

“Hmm? Come to think of it…”

Ronan raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t seen the Dragon King for a while. Asel, quietly breathing, pointed somewhere with his finger.

“Th-there. I feel his presence there.”

“Oh, thanks. And you’re stuttering again, Asel. You were quite cool earlier.”

Ronan chuckled. He’d never forget the sight of Asel stopping Adren’s fall by harnessing the power of the stars.

It felt like just yesterday they were raiding goblin villages together. Asel, taking Ronan’s joke seriously, stammered.

“S-sorry… I really should fix it…”

“It’s fine. It’s amusing in its own way.”

Ronan patted Asel’s back. Before, he had forced him to correct it to avoid being underestimated, but now it didn’t matter. Who would look down on a mage capable of stopping a falling island with his bare hands?

Ronan and Navarodze followed Asel’s lead. It didn’t take long. The three of them stopped in the middle of the forest where they had fought Duaryu. Ronan frowned upon seeing Ajidhahaka.


【Ah… you’ve come.】

Ajidhahaka’s left head spoke weakly. He lay his massive body on the ground like a shipwreck. Surrounding him were Shulipen, Naransonia, and other dragons, all looking mournful.

“You were here too?”



Read From


Shulipen nodded at Ronan’s question. Like the others, his expression was grim. It wasn’t hard for Ronan to realize they had gathered to witness Ajidhahaka’s final moments. Ajidhahaka continued without turning his head.

【I should commend your achievements, but… as you can see, my condition is not good. If you search the ruins of the Sky Tower, you will find the treasures I’ve amassed. Take them as you please.】

His voice was like a plow scraping through a drought-stricken field. The female persona in the right head lay limp, eyes closed as if already dead. Blood still flowed from the gaping wound in his side and the severed leg. Ronan, biting his lip, sighed.

“Alright. I’ll take them. But there’s someone here to see you.”

【Someone… to see me?】

Ajidhahaka struggled to lift his head. Navarodze stood there silently. When their eyes finally met, Ajidhahaka froze like a statue. After a moment of silence, Navarodze spoke.

“It’s been a long time, Ajidhahaka.”

【…Indeed it has.】

“Don’t you have something to say to me?”

【I have many things… very many…】

Thud! Ajidhahaka, staggering, collapsed again, his chin hitting the ground in front of Navarodze. He spoke regretfully.

【Forgive my rudeness… Mother of Flames.】

“It’s alright. I know most of what happened. It was quite a conspiracy.”

【…I won’t deny it. Jealousy blinded my eyes, and envy clogged my ears. The magnificent dragon city ended up like this because of me.】

“Yes. Admitting it is a good start. Do you know why I came?”

【A failed revolutionary is nothing but a traitor. I accept my fate.】

Ajidhahaka admitted his faults without resistance. Navarodze gently raised her hand. Seeing this, his attendants froze. Though her gesture was light, its meaning was not.

【Your Majesty!】

Everyone there knew what she

could do with a mere wave of her hand. It wouldn’t take much for her to incinerate an incapacitated dragon. Ajidhahaka, still breathing heavily, spoke.

【Do not intervene, Naransonia… This is my responsibility.】


Naransonia, about to rush forward, halted. Blood trickled from her clenched fist. The other subordinates couldn’t step forward either, clearly distressed. Navarodze glanced at them and raised an eyebrow.

“You have good subordinates.”

【I never deserved them.】

Ajidhahaka smiled faintly. Navarodze’s hand rested on his forehead. Naransonia and the other attendants silently screamed. With his eyes closed, Ajidhahaka pleaded.

【Mother of Flames… my followers… they are innocent. Please end this with my death alone.】

“Sorry, but that’s difficult.”

【No way… is there no other option?】


Navarodze nodded coldly. Despair washed over Ajidhahaka’s face. It seemed she intended to hold his followers accountable as well.

Her hand on his forehead began to glow. The primordial flame would soon turn his body to ashes. As Ajidhahaka tried to speak, Navarodze suddenly smiled.

“You have two heads, don’t you?”

The light from Navarodze’s hand intensified. But it wasn’t a flame to incinerate. Ajidhahaka’s eyes flew open.


His body was enveloped in a warm light. His cold blood grew hot again. The wounds on his side and severed leg began to heal rapidly.

“Th-the wounds are…!”

The surrounding dragons expressed their astonishment. Ronan and his party watched his recovery in awe. After some time, the previously limp right head slowly lifted.

【Mother of Flames… Why are you-】

【Why are you saving me?】

【I have committed an unforgivable sin…】

Once again, male and female voices echoed together. The dull scales now shone with a brilliant gold, more vibrant than when they first met him. Navarodze nodded.

“Death is not the only way to take responsibility. Besides, I still have tasks for you. Think of it as atonement, and it won’t be so unfair.”


【What are they?】

Ajidhahaka tilted his head in confusion. Navarodze raised her hand, pointing to the sky.

“You’ve read my letter. There is a fortress in the high heavens called Drimour. Most of Adren’s dragons, including you, will have to go there. It’s the only way to manage in my absence.”


Ronan’s eyes widened at Navarodze’s words. The idea of Navarodze leaving Drimour was unthinkable. She turned to Ronan and nodded solemnly.

“Yes. We’re launching a full-scale offensive.”

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