Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 265

“Yes. We’re launching a full-scale offensive.”

“A full-scale offensive?”

Ronan and Ajidhahaka both expressed their doubts at Navarodze’s sudden declaration. Her voice was calm but firm as she continued.

“Listening to you just now made it clear. That giant, Duaryu, is a being from beyond the sky, similar to the monsters we fight off in Drimour. However, unlike the other creatures, it seems they cannot come on their own without being summoned.”

“That seems to be the case,” Ronan agreed. He had always known, but this incident had confirmed it. The giants couldn’t come unless Nebula Klazie sent a signal.

“So we need to uproot them completely this time. If multiple giants like that descend, we won’t be able to handle it. As soon as I leave Adren, I will convene a meeting under my name.”

“That sounds great,” Ronan whistled. It was a strategy to eliminate the summoners before they could do any more harm.

It was similar to what Ronan had been doing all along, but Navarodze’s direct involvement in the extermination was significant. If things had gone wrong and Ajidhahaka had died or completely turned, it would have been impossible.

“But we must finish as quickly as possible. My absence will be critical to Drimour’s defenses.”

“I agree. By the way, I have something to show you.”

Ronan suddenly snapped his fingers. He had almost forgotten. He turned to Asel and asked.

“Asel, can you use it now? The Blessing of the Stars.”

“I-it’s a bit difficult right now. If I could see a star to channel its power, I might be able to try…”

Asel admitted, feeling apologetic. With the morning sun up, there were no stars to be seen.

“So it’s possible, huh? You damn genius.”

Ronan chuckled. He had asked on a whim, but it seemed Asel could indeed use it without the magic circle. What a filthy genius.

It seemed that having a view of celestial bodies was a condition for utilizing the shimmering mana. So it could only be used on clear nights. As Ronan pondered, an idea struck him.

“Hey, how about using my power for it?”


Ronan switched his core. The rhythm of his pulse changed as his heart began to emit shimmering mana. Asel’s eyes widened in shock.

“T-this is…!”

“How about it? Think it’ll work?”

Ronan asked. It was a good idea, even upon reflection. Asel looked him over and nodded quickly.

“Yes, I think it’ll work. So…”

Suddenly, Asel placed his hand on Ronan’s chest. The shimmering mana from Ronan’s heart began to be absorbed by Asel.

It felt like something was being sucked out of him, like a giant mosquito draining his blood. Ronan, watching Asel’s unhesitant hand movements, smirked.

“You should try this on Maruyan sometime. Use the excuse of extracting bad mana.”

“I-I would never do that! Now, stay still… almost done…!”

Asel’s face turned beet red. Finally, he absorbed the required amount of mana and removed his hand. Ronan could feel about 20% of his internal mana had been drained.

“Here we go!”

Asel, chanting incantations, waved his hand in the air. Whoosh! A flat, high barrier appeared between Navarodze and them. The semi-transparent shield glimmered with its characteristic eerie colors.

“My goodness.”

For the first time, Navarodze’s calm face showed astonishment. The magic shield used by Nebula Klazie, the very thing that made them such a formidable threat, flickered before her eyes. Ronan spoke.

“Try attacking it. Something light.”

“Attack it? Here?”

“Yes. I want to show you something.”

Ronan nodded with a smile. Asel’s face stiffened with foreboding. Navarodze raised her hand.



Before Asel could say anything, a red light gathered on Navarodze’s fingertip and shot out. Whoosh! The thin beam turned into a conflagration that could incinerate dozens of farmhouses, striking the shield directly.



Read From


Everything turned red. Asel screamed shrilly. The wave of fire collided with the shield and split to either side, roaring wildly. When the flames finally subsided, the Blessing of the Stars remained unscathed.

“It really is that shield. Amazing, magician.”


Navarodze admired. Asel, legs trembling like a newborn fawn, sobbed as he wiped his reddened eyes.

“T-thank you…”

“This is where it gets important. Watch closely.”

Ronan suddenly approached Shulipen. Understanding his intent, Shulipen silently drew his sword. Ronan pressed his forearm against the blade and lightly pulled. Blood from a shallow cut stained the blade.

“Show her.”

“Of course.”

Navarodze frowned, puzzled about what they were demonstrating. Shulipen approached the Blessing of the Stars and slashed. With a swift stroke, the shield shattered like thin ice.


Navarodze’s eyes widened. Ronan made a V sign with his fingers.

“It’s the greatest discovery.”

“This is… incredible. I was pondering a strategy to break through that shield…”

She was genuinely surprised. She approached slowly, her eyes filled with admiration as she looked at them.

“Impressive. Truly impressive. This discovery will save the world.”


“Oh, Dragon of Flames…!”

Asel, completely enveloped by her embrace, flailed his limbs. Even the usually composed Shulipen couldn’t hide his astonishment.

‘This is the best.’

Only Ronan, eyes closed, savored her hug. The body temperature of a Red Dragon was much higher than a human’s, warming his chilled body. The fatigue from the previous night seemed to melt away.

‘Forgive me, Adeshan. This couldn’t be helped.’

He apologized mentally to his lover, who was surely worried sick in Phileon. Regardless, this discovery would change many things. Just then, Ajidhahaka, who had been quietly listening, interjected.

【I shall prepare to leave now.】

【Thank you for your mercy, Mother of Flames.】

“Yes. You will find that washing off the blood of those vile beings leaves little room for idle thoughts. Farewell.”

Navarodze waved with a smile. Ajidhahaka, bowing his two heads, turned to leave. Just before he departed, he paused and asked.

【Why did you-】

【Save me?】

“Do you still have regrets? Didn’t I say it was because I needed your and your followers’ strength?”

【I apologize for the repeated question. But the Navarodze I know doesn’t cover up evil deeds out of compassion.】

【I want to know the real reason.】

Ajidhahaka spoke. The dual voices carried a torment about their existence. He still couldn’t grasp why he hadn’t been turned to ashes. Navarodze, still holding the three of them, turned her head slightly and spoke.

“There’s really nothing special about it. It’s because you didn’t abandon your duty.”


“Yes. No matter what, Ajidhahaka, you were the king of Adren. You didn’t forget that and fulfilled your duty as a king till the end. The duty of not abandoning your people.”

【That was… a given.】

“That attitude also contributed to saving your life. Common sense is a value that is hard to preserve. Do you understand now?”

Ajidhahaka fell silent. The sound of the wind grew louder. After a moment of silence, he bowed.

【Yes. Thank you for your answer.】

“Even after finishing your task in Drimour, you will continue to be the king of Adren. Leave when you are ready. Please fulfill the prophecy I made to you in your youth.”

【I can’t believe you remember that.】

Ajidhahaka murmured in admiration. He referred to the prophecy he and Alibrige had heard: that he would become either a great king or a wicked dark dragon.

【I won’t disgrace your honor.】

Ajidhahaka, having replied, turned to Ronan and his group. The left head spoke.

【Remember what I said. Take as much as you want.】

【Saviors of Adren.】

“I’ll scrape off even the gold dust, so don’t worry.”

Ronan laughed and waved. Ajidhahaka, leaving behind two smiles, turned away.

Naransonia and the other subordinates followed him. Their limping steps looked pitiful. Asel spoke with concern.

“Will he be okay…?”

“Of course. He’s not just any king; he’s the king of dragons.”

Ronan nodded without hesitation. Despite his numerous mistakes, Ajidhahaka was indeed a capable ruler. Uniting the proud dragons under one banner proved his competence.

“He’ll bend but not break.”

Orse, unconscious, did not join them. Judging by Navarodze’s words, it seemed likely that Orse would be at the forefront of the Nebula Klazie extermination team.

Ronan thought it was a suitable placement. He was a spear among the world’s strongest, surely among the top five. Navarodze, having finished her long embrace, patted their heads and asked.

“I need to take care of some things with my children. Can you manage without an escort?”

“Yes. We have a ship borrowed from Ithargand. We’ll use that to return.”

“Oh, I see that Itha helped you. Very well.”

Navarodze smiled. Her warm smile showed no hint of the dragon that scorched the sky.

After parting ways with Navarodze, Ronan and his party stood in place, lost in thought. The lingering feelings from their short yet long journey and the looming days of conflict weighed on their minds.

‘The tides have completely turned.’

The transparent dawn was beautiful. Ronan clenched his fist, organizing his thoughts. It was hard to believe all this happened in a single day.

The day in Adren had accomplished as much as the past three years. Originally, they had come to retrieve the blood of the cult leader, Abel, but that seemed less urgent now.

They thwarted Nebula Klazie’s conspiracy. They killed one of their highest forces, the archbishop, and the winged giant.

The scheming dragon king had been redeemed. Asel had awakened as a true killing machine, and the Mother of Flames had declared war on Nebula Klazie.

But the most valuable gain was the knowledge that blood could break the Blessing of the Stars.

If anyone asked, Ronan could proudly say the deaths and destruction caused by Duaryu were not in vain. Their sacrifices were invaluable.

Ronan spoke.

“It was a long night. Don’t you think?”


Asel nodded faintly. Ronan, twisting his lips, turned his gaze. The ruined city and the completely destroyed Sky Tower. The corpses of the fallen gathered in one place.

The crater left by Duaryu’s bombardment looked like a fallen star. The wind blowing from the distant sky carried the scent of ash and dust. Watching the scene quietly, Ronan spoke.

“You’ve worked hard.”

The day in the dragon city ended. Soon, they shook off their reverie and began to collect Ajidhahaka’s treasures scattered around. As promised, they didn’t take everything, leaving enough for Adren’s reconstruction.

Fortunately, Ithargand’s sloop was docked safely inside Adren’s drainage channel. After preparing and saying their farewells, they returned to the capital.

Due to Navarodze’s assistance, they reached Phileon’s grounds in just two days.



The sky was clear. Ajidhahaka and his followers were about to take off for Drimour. Suddenly, a familiar voice called from behind.

“Your steps seem rather uneasy.”

【You are…!】

Ajidhahaka’s eyes widened as he turned. An elderly man he recognized stood with his hands behind his back. Looking between Ajidhahaka and Naransonia, he spoke.

“Would you be in need of a prosthetic leg? I can make wings too.”

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