Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 72. Not-so-secret Admirer

Ameliah's shop never seemed busy but by the number of employees, constantly busying themselves with tailoring work, they didn't seem to be hurting for money either. 

They seemed to focus more on fashionable and expensive clothes over those wore by commoners. Appealing more to the knights, the lord's family and the masses of servants. The actual peasants who made up the large portion of the population didn't buy many clothes, using what they had until holes wore through. It wasn't that Ameliah wouldn't accommodate them, but they weren't her primary customer. 

The exclusivity of the high class fashion from the capital was something that appealed to many of the frontier population, even if it wasn't something affordable to them. Tammy being all the example needed, her choice of a high quality sundress being well beyond her means at the time. Given that it was still her nicest dress, I thought it was time to change that.

Relying on Ameliah's eye and expertise to screen the two girls for new clothes, having them try out various dresses that looked more like they were the kind intended for fancy ladies. Having no real reservations about money, I pampered my two women. 

Throwing in a few options for private enjoyment, having Tammy fitted for lingerie, given she would need custom work to match her modest figure. 

Noticing the shop women looking in envy at the two, and some particularly hard looks being sent Belle's way.

Belle was a beastkin slave who was being treated far better than they'd ever get. I couldn't imagine many of the women working here could afford the clothes they made. 

With the two girls being attended to, Ameliah approached me, placing her hands on my arm intimately.

"You take great care of your women..." She remarked. 

Raising an eyebrow at her actions. The tone of her voice fairly sensual. 

I'd heard about her reputation from Cal, but she had never come on to me like that before.

"Mmm, I try to." I replied curtly not giving her anything to go off of, testing just how interested she was in pursuing this. Now that I had some experience under my belt, I wasn't nearly as excited when women approached me like this. Reminded a bit of how I had met Tammy. 

I didn't really blame her at all for what she had done. I was actually rather pleased with how things had turned out... but even so, recent events had left me far more apprehensive with women, and I didn't want too many complicating factors when my life was already so stressed trying to manage three. Most of my stress coming from just one of them. 

Having experienced a girl like Tammy, I realized that I could afford to be selective with which women. And that the dynamic I had always been dealing with no longer applied. They wanted me now more than I wanted them.

Maybe Tammy was a bit ordinary, but she'd been a good girl. Maybe her intentions were never all that pure, but neither were mine at the time. Reflecting on how much she had benefitted from her timing. She was the first woman to ever approach me after coming into my power. Having wised up a bit, second-comers like Ameliah would never be so lucky... 

Appraising her looks honestly and without any shame at looking. Despite being in her thirties, her figure was great. Long blonde hair, a fit body, and an unmatchable bust. One of the largest pairs I've seen. Ameliah definitely wasn't hard to look at, but she'd need more than that. 

"You've been a big help to the store... I think I'd like to show my appreciation."

She was being pretty aggressive. If she was this assertive it left me wondering why she didn't have a husband by now. Were her standards too high? Though thinking about it, there weren't many bachelors wealthier than herself in the town. The number of rich young men was pretty much limited to Cal and I... and maybe Marcella's older brother too, but I had no idea about his personality was like. 

"What did you have in mind?" I asked her bluntly, enjoying her reaction as she tried to dance around the subject, somehow still not wanting to outright say it. Finally getting her to invite me to her house with clear implications. 

Something for me to consider, but I didn't really feel like getting myself into another relationship so soon after having one fall apart on me. Ameliah did assure me she had no ulterior motives, like aiming for a concubine spot as Tammy had done, but I had my doubts. 

Belle giving me a weary look, seeing how I was openly flirting with yet another woman, while Tammy looked impassive, not reacting in the slightest. I don't think she liked it very much, but it was hard for her to complain given how we had met. 

I ended up packing away a number of the purchased goods, storing the clothes in my inventory. Enjoying the amazed reactions of the employees who had never seen my 'magic' before. Learning after some discussion with an excited store woman that I was becoming something of a folk hero to the more humble townsfolk. By now practically everybody in town had heard about my marriage and extraordinary abilities. I may not have been a peasant, having grown up in a knight household was far better than most, but I was technically a commoner. And even now, until I was conferred a title, I remained a commoner. 

To the masses in Tromwell, mine was the ultimate success story. It invoked the desperate desire that one day their sons would awaken to a latent magical ability and become wealthy nobility overnight. 

For me, it was a bit embarrassing to be admired so openly for something I didn't really feel I should take full credit for. My powers were artificial, and only existed because of the system's existence. Even so, it was a nice change of pace to know that there were people who admired me rather than always being looked at with disdain. A small thing that brought a smile to my face. 

Heading out with my two girls hand in hand, walking through town back to our farm home.

Tammy just happy to receive something from me, while Belle was in a far more mischievous mood. Catching her sneaking glances at me from time to time. 

"Is something the matter Belle?"

"She likes you master, " Belle said while smiling wickedly while referring to Ameliah in the shop. 

"Was it that obvious?" I asked.

"Belle could smell it." She replied, wiggling her nose confidently. 

Ah, that explains it.

Even after all this time together, Belle still somehow managed to surprise me from time to time. 

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