Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 73. Gathering Storm

Despite the lack of any responsibilities I felt more stressed than ever before. 

With both Marcella and Gawn on trial I was undergoing a constant stream of questioning and secret negotiations from Jagen. His often pointed questions making me almost feel like I was the one on trial.

The politics of the situation giving me a growing headache. Politics and deal-making were something I had no talent or desire for, but with my new position and the situation I found myself in it seemed like it was inescapable. Had it not been for the obligation I felt to my friend, I would have considered leaving it all for a better deal. 

A week passing under the constant stress while I drowned myself in elixirs like they were liquor. A small silver lining with Cal making use of the various monster parts and precious herbs I had brought him. After so many days of consumption of regular and poison elixirs alike, I had managed to bring up my intelligence, wisdom, and charisma enough that the change was registered in the system. 

Looking at my three gained points in wistfully. It felt nice to improve myself without total reliance on the system, but the frustration I had with the Marcets was eating at me. 

Keaton Pel
Level 8
STR 15
DEX 17
CON 45
INT 11
WIS 10
CHA 14

Cal's father learned about how my poor leadership decisions led to the deaths of his men. The other knight that Gawn saved was now acting as his lifeline, making his side of the story weigh more heavily. The two of them exaggerating my actions, making it sound like I had intentionally killed those men. Turning my simple oversight into an act of malice. 

The two used my 'eccentricities' to argue that I was mad. That Gawn's baiting of the treant and subsequent failures to rescue me were simply inventions of my own warped mind. That I punished the men for my imaginary slight by forcing them to stay well beyond the safe activity period in the forest. Exaggerating the tendencies I showed because of the system to make me out to be some crazed lunatic. 

Jagen might not have been entirely convinced, but a good deal of the troops were. Somehow or another word had gotten out, and my receptions had become colder as of late. I was no longer an interesting eccentric to them, but rather a madman who would kill his soldiers over imaginary slights. 

I almost had to applaud him for how well he played it... if only it weren't so sickening as the receiving end. 

Cal realizing how bad my predicament was, still clung to hope as he delivered shipment after shipment of elixir to me, mostly the cheaper stuff, given he was making it on such short notice. This was his one chance to get what he truly wanted, and he could see it slipping away in front of his very eyes.

I would try to make this work for him, but there was little I could do at this point. I didn't have any magic words I could promise Jagen to have him execute his best knight, seal away his mage daughter, and give his youngest to his own son. The bargain was becoming steeper by the day for him. And while a space mage might be an incredible pawn to play in the capital, if he thought I was more trouble than it was worth, then what could I do?

Sighing as I took another slime core out to cultivate on. Feeling the warm rush of experience as I drained the core of its life energy.

I still had my talents. I still had my women. Looking at Tammy and Belle, reading to themselves on the bed. Having bought them a few things to amuse themselves. 

Belle turned out to be like a walking encyclopedia, having near perfect memory. Seeing her able to recite verses by heart after reading it once, I started to doubt my own initial appraisal of her talents. She wasn't just in the mid twenties for wisdom. Very much wanting to speak with someone more familiar with beastkin, but being so far from the western front there weren't many people familiar with the subject.

Meanwhile Tammy had revealed something of her own talents. Maybe not as striking as Belle's talent, but she had proven to be something of a natural when it came to politics. Providing sound advice for how I should navigate the tricky situation I had found myself in.

Gawn had the letter. He had the motive. He was the one to approach me. All the knights who died that day came of their own initiative, they were volunteers. I never once forced them to follow me into that forest. Most importantly, I was unaware of the feelings between Gawn and Marcella. Something that Jagen had failed to mention to me, so he bore some responsibility for the dangerous situation I encountered. A useful bargaining chip. With all of the circumstances it was unthinkable that I was the one who was plotting against Gawn instead of the reverse being true.

I think Jagen was clever enough to have realized these factors, but Tammy thought he was planning to take an even more advantageous position for his family. Something that again soured me on politics. I was supposed to be his son-in-law. 

Shaking my head to myself. These noble families were too vicious for power. 

But today, there was another source of anxiety that was bothering me, and that was the guild master. Apparently he had made his way to the city from the capital. Having finally made the week's journey.

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