After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 10 Farewell Ning Sisters!

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Chapter 10  Farewell Ning Sisters! by Harem-Fan


     My sister left me a note on my house keys that read...

     [Before school, come and get the car. I will start using my squad car to come and go to work, and you're an adult now and need to get around. Plus if my new lover has to pick me up from work to show off to Woo, you're ready. Love Mary.]

     "Aw, She is awesome. This helps with my legal car acquisition. Plus the car is pretty good. Welp need to take a taxi to the station then."

     After a steak and egg breakfast, I left and boarded a taxi. On the way there I placed an order of coffee for the detectives from the nearby Star-Dollars and got a large carrier to bring them in. Naturally for good humor assorted doughnuts were purchased.

     I put my backpack on and took the food and drinks after paying the driver, and entered the station again.

     So the standard shifts most Police work are 4 days a week with 12 hour days, then they get three days off. Every six month's their days change to make it fair. Until winter Mary has Friday-Sunday off, then she will lose those days for another six months.

     "Good morning Detectives, I brought all of you a treat!"

     On average there are about 12 detectives working and coming and going from crime scenes the normal beat-cops don't handle.

     All of the detectives rushed over to the goodies. And it seems Woo is here as well, but he is not looking at me kindly. Seems my sister told him she is off the market.

     I see Mary smiling and pulling her car keys from her bag on her desk. She comes over and makes sure Woo can see us.

     Mary put her left arm around my waist and inwardly I froze, but my Acting skill kicks in and I imagine I am her husband and not her brother. This helps to keep my face from displaying shock. She whispers.

     "Don't blow it Rick, just pretend you are your father and I am my mother. Then act like them, so don't look surprised, alright?"

     Actually this is acting advice to role-play another's reactions, and is part of Acting basic. But something shook me when she brought up my dad and her mother...

     The two of us standing together and her holding me, looks like our parents when we were babies. I never really noticed she has turned into her mother's looks when I was tiny.

     I look into her eyes and I see care for me and hoping I play along with her ruse. I smile and take the keys she is offering me. And Woo is watching for any falsehoods in our act.

     "Thanks Mary."

     Seeing my happy smile she also smiled, and then to the shock and horror of me and every Detective in the room, Mary kissed me! My first kiss! (A/N no he forgot, it's his second, with Mary on top of that!)

     She did not slip me the tongue or anything but our lips are overlapped and my Acting helps me here, and like she said, I remembered how my father kissed her mother and I imitated that.

     We only kissed for about 15 seconds, but in my mind it felt like ten minutes. Our kiss ended and while no one saw, Mary winked at me saying... Good Job!

     "Now go and finish school, get out, you're embarrassing me now, ha-ha!"

     I hardly remember Mary pushing me out of her office with a blush, but when I left, I heard whistling and teasing of Mary for our fake relationship, but even the Detectives that knew me did not think we were faking?

     So in a daze, I walked to my ten year old BMW. I sit in the driver's seat and collect my heart. I can't drive like this, so I turned on the radio hoping my mind will calm.

     "What was my sister thinking?! That was my first kiss... And it was stolen by my sister for god's sake! Now I feel like shit because I liked it, fuck!"

     I start the car and begin my drive to school. Mid drive I received a phone call, so I activated the hands-free mode to talk.

     "Nichole, what's up?"

     [Why do you sound like Darth Vader, Rick?]

     "I added a voice changing App in-case Scott or that maid got your phone and called me, so whats up?"

     [Wow Rick, you're like a super spy now, that's really cool, fufu. Anyway I have gotten your revenge plan put together and we can do it this weekend.]

     "Great, so what do you have for me?"

     [You're going to get revenge on the Ning sisters, Scott, and his maid for us.]

     "The maid I understand, but why am I getting revenge on you and Nadia? I did not want that?"

     [Don't be stupid Rick, you need to do as I say, so your heart can be at peace. My sister and I are fine with it, so man up if you're going to seek revenge then be willing to follow through and don't be a pussy.]

     "Fine, what's your plan oh impressive revenge master?"

     [You're going to taste the pure fiancees of Scott before he can.]

     SCREECH! In shock at what I heard, I slammed the brakes down, and pull to the side of the road in disbelief at her insane words. What the actual fuck?!

     [Rick?! I heard car tires, are you alright?]

     "No, I am not fucking alright?! You almost made me drive off the road!"

     [What you're driving now, perfect, then pick us up, we are at the Star-Dollars near the school, bye! Click... do do do...]

     "No, I think I am still sleeping, OUCH! No that fucking hurt! What is with my sister and the Ning sisters?!"

     After a minute of pinching myself a couple of times, I got back on the road in a mental mess.

     I don't remember how I got there but soon I was parked in the Star-Dollars, and two sexy black-haired women seeing me in my BMW, came running over with coffees in hand.

     Thunk Thunk! Nadia got in behind me, and  Nichole sat next to her behind the passenger seat. The two sisters seeing my look are smiling like imps.

     Nichole handed me a mint-coffee and then said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Good morning Mr Blackmailer! That's mint by the way, so I hope you like it?!"

     I take a sip of it then put it in the cup-holder, then look in the rear-view-mirror and say to them.

     "It's good, but why pick you up?"

     The car smells like mint and sexy girls, and I really like this unreal atmosphere, for a split second, I felt like a protagonist of an Urban Novel, and I am picking up sexy lovers without trying. A harem, huh? Then Nadia giggles and makes me feel shocked again!

     "My sister and I thought your Mint Coffee tasted good too, when we sipped it, he-he."

     "Yup, out of the three flavors we picked up, yours was the tasty one, fufu. Now drive Rick, let's not be late, unless you want to skip and take us now?"

     I look at my coffee and I do see a bit of lipstick on it now that I think of it. So I start the car and pull out of the parking-lot, while saying.

     "Nichole, I am not too sure about your revenge plan, I don't see how this will hurt Scott?"

     Nichole smiled charmingly in the mirror and asked me.

     "Let's say you beat up Scott, or frame him, or steal his things. Then he and his family find out it's you, they want revenge on you, then your sister, then your friend James. So you will feel good for a bit, till one of you is dead, right?"

     She is not joking and is giving me a serious look right now, and I believe she is probably right. 

     I want payback because I know Scott was behind it all. But If he never let me know it was him, what could I do? I nod yes to her in the mirror.

     "Then in a year when you see Scott with a smug-face standing with his two wives, and you know that you tasted his hot-wives before he married them, how would you feel inside? The fact he has no clue you took the most precious thing he desires, and has no idea it was the person he hates the most? And the best part, no one will come knocking on your door for revenge? Plus, when you see us, you can also have a sense of revenge on the two of us, just as a bonus. So how is it, Rick?"

     I kinda blush a bit, because what she is saying is kinda hot. But...

     "I don't want to hurt you girls, plus, um, I have not had sex before..."

     From behind me, Nadia giggles and ruffles the top of my head in a cute way. Then Nichole speaks for them both.

     "First, we sisters have not had sex with a man as well. Second, our first times will hurt no matter what, but I have a feeling, you will be gentler than Scott. Third, we are not doing this because we love you or anything. At most we think you're cute and a good guy. But we don't love any man, so you're basically at the top of the list for who we want our first times to go too."

     Then she goes into serious mode and tells me their rules.

     "When Nadia and I marry that twerp Scott, we will be loyal to him, so this fling is a one time thing. Also, we will only give you two hours to make us yours. This will happen only one time in our lives. You are not allowed to fall for us. This is a business agreement with friends. We will never talk about this after your two hours and only be online friends or talk on the phone once in a while. Do not think we will have a happy ending with Scott, but this was our role all along, and doing this lets us look at Scott and scorn him in our hearts. If he ever divorces us, we can throw this in his face, and your revenge will be complete, do you agree, Rick Lee?"

     "Please say yes, Ricky! I feel guilty now for bullying you, and I think you are a cute boy, well?"

     Hearing Nichole and then the adorable plea from Nadia, I am in a mental dilemma! I am nearing school and I feel I both love and hate this plan. But...

     "Fine, but don't make fun of me for being inexperienced. I have only seen videos online, so I won't be good."

     Nichole put on a winning smile and comforted me.

     "Perfect, you can learn with me and Nadia, so when you find a girl you like, you will seem like an experienced man. Okay let us off here, we cant be seen getting out of your car, right. And we will meet you on Saturday. Thanks Mr Blackmailer, nice doing business with you, Ufufu."

     Thunk Thunk! The two hot women got out of my car and I went to the school parking-lot with my head in the clouds...

     Back with the twins...

     "Aw, Nichole, did you see how he blushed like that, fufu. And wow he is still a virgin, oh wait, that's our fault, huh?!"

     "Only his last year, we did not mess with him the first three years, but yes, he sat pathetically on a bench in-front of a Quick-Mart on Prom Night, sigh. Well he was easy to convince and I am happy with his honesty. By the way sister, I changed my mind, I am going first."

     "Sure but, why?"

     "It's both of our first times, and for the rest of his life, I will be special as a fond memory. For a heartless woman like me to be seen kindly by one man, can let me have one less regret in life, now hurry Scott is waiting for us..."

     Back in the parking-lot....

     Thunk, Chirp Chirp! Closing the door and setting the alarm, I carry my bag and coffee. 

     I look at the cup and laugh at how troublesome my new criminal partners are. Yeah, I cant fall for them, not in this life. Lets go look at Scott's face and pretend I already Green Hatted him and see what the Ning's revenge feels like. It's not too late to pull out after-all...

     Half the school looked surprised. I came back to school today and looked happy, while the other half secretly wished for my misery.

     James and I met up and did our normal boys talk, then entered class and sat down ready for the day and more quizzes to get us ready for the big test next week.

     This test will be the one we use as part of our University Entrance Forms. This is Eurasia wide official test scores, and is the single-most important document to shape your future.

     And yes, I am going to hack it to lower Scott's grades, he won't fail, but he wont be number 3 in the school thats for fucking sure. I will place him at 11 just to knock him from the top 10 list. Dont fuck with a Hacker, your life will suck!

     While I was watching the door for Scott's retarded handsome face, Linda looked at a text on her phone in a daze.

     [Everything went well, and he left words for you... "Thank-you." That's all he said, and he does not know it was you, my job is done!]

     Linda put her phone away and looked at me with her emotionless-gaze, but I did not notice...

     Then Scott walked in followed by two girls I just left a bit ago. So I looked at his face pretending I had sex with the twins, and a satisfied smile decorated my face.

     When Scott saw my smile, a chill ran up his spine, like something is very wrong.

     But he just watched me finish my Star-Dollars drink, and class began.


Permanent Skills known...


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