After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 11 An Apple A Day!

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Chapter 11  An Apple A Day! by Harem-Fan


     The rest of my school-day went by in a blur, and I had lunch out with James, at a nearby skewer shop we both like.

     During lunch, I received a text from my sister that reads. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     [Steve Woo is sulking now, good job Rick, your idea was the best. Oh and let's celebrate tonight, make Deluxe Cheeseburgers for dinner, please! Love you Mary!]

     After Mr Chi saw my follow up quizzes with trick questions he threw in just for me, he was satisfied and told me.

     "Lee, I have already typed up your letter, and I'm just waiting for next week's tests. But I have already called some old friends at Star University and told them about you. Just score well and don't worry about the school entrance, you're in there after the test."

     After thanking my now new favorite teacher, I left school to run errands.

     The first thing I need to do is make a small Doctors Bag for emergencies. If not for combat, just being able to save a life is good. Normal first aid kits are just band-aids and antiseptics, not gonna do shit for you if you're shot.

     So my goal is to fill a fanny-pack sized leather-bag with all the essentials for things like closing (stitches), cleaning, and removing objects like bullets kinda field kit.

     Also there is a grosser store next to the medical shop, so I can feed my gluttonous sister. I will just pretend today did not happen and not even bring it up. Plus it's just like acting in a play, the actors don't fall in love with one another, just do their roles and move on to the next play.


     The shop is near the hospital, so I am familiar with this area, for the wrong reasons.

     Parking my BMW, I make my way in and grab a cart to get what I need, and having to remember to get the small bottles, to save space.

     I looked online and found an excellent field bag that is just like a fanny-pack but not bulky so I can sling it on the small of my back and wear my long-coat if I ever go on the streets. It has a special shock absorbing case for those that head out into the wild or do survival work.

     Another purchase is a larger unit with more supply for my trunk and one for home. The small kit is for emergencies only, and the other two will save lives, not just mine I am sure.

     While I am at it, I throw into my cart plenty of over the counter pain relievers and salts for bathing. Also I buy some of those nice Ice-Packs and one use Heating Chemical Packs to throw on my sore muscles.

     Bang! I rounded the corner in the store and my shopping-cart collided with another shoppers cart, oops!

     When I looked to see who I bumped into, my eyebrows raised and I said.

     "Ah! Dr Hana Chang, sorry for running into you like this, let me get out of your way."

     Hana was just reminded about me from her work yesterday. She helped to patch up a group of six thugs who came in with fractures, and chemical side effects from over exposure to high-grade pepper-spray.

     When she heard the man responsible for all of that mess was the young man that only turned 18 in her ER the last weekend, she did not believe it.

     Then one of the thugs played the video for her, so she could see how they were beaten ruthlessly. Naturally she did not tell them she knew me.

     She was amused by the insanity of that fight, but then when she saw what was in my cart her surprise was immense.

     "Mr Lee, are you planning on going to a war-zone? What you have in there is for professionals like me, not Highschool Students?"

     Acting skill kicks in and I warmly smile and bullshit.

     "No No No, this is for my Theater Club, we are doing a play about a Doctor falling in love with his patient, and it is a fairy tale kinda show, ha-ha. What would I know about this stuff? I just looked online for recommendations."

     She does not believe me one bit. Acting basic is not a superpower and it won't mind-control smart fellow Doctors with a real degree. My gear was picked with certain goals, and she saw through me.

     "Well it is none of my business, but a high-school play won't spend the money you are going to pay for that. I am guessing just a bit over 1000$ if my professional opinion matters. Oh but the bath salts are probably for your fun birthday, ha-ha."

     "Cough, Well it was awesome bumping into you Dr Hana Chang, but I have props to buy, see ya!"

     As I was beating my feet, she said to me with mirth in her voice.

     "Maybe when you're done beating gangsters up, you can patch them up, so I don't have to work so hard?!"

     "Hah-aha, Bye!"

     Yes, I pushed my cart fast to leave the isle she was on, and decided I had enough and went to the checkout!

     She was spot on and I paid what she guessed, well she has a brain after-all. 


     I then put everything in my trunk and drove over to the new grocery store. Grabbing a cart, it's time to get supplies.

     "Gotta get the bacon for breakfast and to add it to the cheeseburgers, yummy. Past me, good job on picking the Cooking skill!"

     A short while later and I had enough food for me and Mary for almost two weeks. So it is time to check out!

     Bang! I rounded the corner in the store and my shopping-cart collided with another shoppers cart, fuck again?!

     When I looked to see who I bumped into, my eyebrows twitched and I said.

     "Ah! Dr Chang, sorry for running into you like this, let me get out of your way, again."

     She looked stupidly at me trying to calculate the odds of our bump-ins. But when I looked into her cart I laughed.

     "Ha-ha! You're an amazing Doctor and really smart plus good looking, but seeing this, I think you lack cooking skills, right?"

     Hana for the first time was blushing in shame because I nailed it. She said to me with some unhappiness.

     "Look, I had to work hard to get to where I am, and cooking complicated food is just in-officiant, plus I am eating healthy here."

     She has half her cart with Lean Cuisine frozen-food, and half with different kinds of healthy cereal. Nothing that takes any effort to make, sure it's technically healthy but damn.

     "You should also grab some fresh fruits, like an apple, he-he, no sorry I am going, don't be mad, bye, ha-ha!"

     I only had to hit the ice-cream section for Mary's cookies and cream, now I can leave. But hey my bad luck cant not fuck with me, right?


     As I get in the shortest line, I see the funny Doctor almost ready to get rung-up, but it seems someone is trying to pick her up for looking sexy.

     A tall young twenty-something man with brown-hair and eyes, wearing bluejeans and a university Sports jacket with an 'SU' on the back, and a Captain's Mark, indicating Star University, is the one hitting on Doctor Chang.

     Normally I wouldn't have even taken notice of this guy, or recognized him as the punk I finished off yesterday, but the bandaged-nose really is amazing!

     To pick up a hot woman looking like that? Okay I give you respect bro!

     Hana, who had a pleasant smile was inwardly annoyed at this guy's tenacity of 'cant take the hint or a solid no', saw me get in line behind them and was surprised. What a small world.

     I was just chilling and minding my own business looking at my phone when I heard the two retards.

     "Hana, I promise, the concert will be fun, and I am sure one night won't be an issue. I am a complete gentleman and wont do anything to you, so say yes."

     Honestly if his face was not demolished, I would think he was being sincere and forthright. Honestly his pickup-line is solid in my book. No I don't hate this guy or his dad for the Police stuff, they are just defending what they think is right for their own wants.

     "Mr Deng, in truth, I was already asked out by a young man on Sunday. And he wants to have a meal with me. We could not exchange numbers before, but we reunited today and I am taking him up on his offer, right Rick?"

     Record Scratch SFX! What the fuck woman? One, I was joking before, and two you have no intent on going out with an 18 year old patient. So don't use me as a body shield damn it!

     So, I throw her to the wolves, and tell the surprised Tony Deng and the sly backstabber.

     "No, we had a misunderstanding, she wants to hang-out as friends, and I only wanted to sleep with her, so my invitation for dinner was a code for romance not hanging-out, so if the concert tickets are good, then go by all means, ha-ha! Carry on you love birds!"

     My Acting skill was channeling a first life actor I remembered, a character named Joey from a show called Friends, and I just played the honest pervert! I just wanted to finish with, 'How you doin~?!'

     Tony and Hana were both speechless, and both dumb and smart alike could not instantly react to my charming smile.

     Tony with only one thought in his simple mind recovers faster, then asks the still thinking Hana.

     "See, he even admitted to only wanting to sleep with you. I, on the other-hand, am a true gentleman, so what do you say, Hana?"

     Hana moving faster than I expected, took my smartphone from my hand and took her phone to add contacts with a smile, while Tony and I looked at each-other stupidly?

     Hana with a charming smile directed at me, handed me my phone back and told both of us.

     "I never said we could not have romance, Rick. Plus, I like younger, honest men. The fact you told me what you want without hiding it is refreshing. Sorry Mr Deng, but I will have dinner and romance with Rick, sorry."

     The clerk lady watching the show, as she finished with Hana's purchase, just smiled at the two boys.

     As Hana was pushing her cart to leave, she said to me who was being rung-up.

     "Sunday night, you can pick me up for dinner, you pick the place. Wear something a mature woman won't be ashamed of, bye Rick~!"

     Watching her leave, I ask Tony.

     "You don't think she is serious, right? No, I don't believe her, she is tricky."

     Tony sighs at my unreal luck and says to me before leaving.

     "Number two, I admit defeat. You beat me in fighting and in pick-up skills. See you around."

     And Tony left like that, but this time I didn't get mad at the number two name, Ah! Fuck, I forgot to ask him what it meant, fuck me.


     With everything bought, I head to my car and load it up, but from behind me I hear a car stop and I see.

     A red Mercedes-Benz c-class coupe, with the driver window lowering showing a sexy blonde lady's face. Hana smiled and told me.

     "One thing to know about me, Mr Lee, I don't back out on my words. See you dressed nicely on Sunday night, and I like Pasta, let's eat at a nice restaurant. Goodbye, Rick."

     SCREEEEECH! Her window went up and she peeled off like a teenager? I am left stupid at the kind of day I am having, now is all of my years of being bullied coming back in spades in one fucking day with absurd luck?

     "My sister stole my first kiss in the morning, the twins both indirectly kissed me and wanted me for a one-nighter, and now this crazy Doctor wants a date? I need a beer!"

     After I start the engine and head home to cook, I say to no one.

     "Can I call out sick to a Doctor?"


Permanent Skills known...


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