After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 14 Spoil my Sister!

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Chapter 14  Spoil my Sister! by Harem-Fan


     Thinking of Mary about how I have been seeing her differently, I felt the urge to look in on her. Ring Ring Ring...

     [Rick, what's up? Are you alright?]

     "Yeah, I got done hanging out with my school friends and I was heading home. I just knew it's your day off and wanted to know if you wanted to do anything together?"

     [Really?! I meant, I was only doing laundry in the apartment's laundry-mat, so did you have anything in mind?]

     "Well I am wearing a new suit, so I thought if you wore a nice dress we could just do something together, a movie, a meal, or anything really. I just have not given you the attention you deserve."

     [The indoor mall! I need to buy some new sleepwear, and some of my coworkers said they will be at the mall this weekend, soooo we can keep pretending to be a couple there. Is that okay, Rick?]

     "Anything you want Mary just name it. I will even kiss you again if you want!"

     [.............. Give me an hour, and thanks. Click... do do do...]

     "Fuck, why do all the women keep hanging up on me?!"

     So I stop for gas and fill the tires. I look up the mall we are going to on my smartphone and see if there are any specials or events.

     Nothing stood out, so I went home knowing Mary it will take a while to get ready.

     After dealing with traffic, I finally arrived home and to no surprise, I heard Mary humming in the shower, late as usual.

     So to keep from being bored I take her Police sidearm and get the cleaning kit. Placing the white-cloth on the dining-room table I swiftly take it apart and begin to clean and oil it.

     While I did this, Mary came out and was stunned watching my hands work. She stood over my shoulder seeing me make no mistakes and twice as fast as her best speed. She put her hands on my shoulders and seriously asked me.

     "Is this like the cooking? Or have you been doing this in secret all along?"

     My hands stop and I hear concern from her voice and say to her mostly honestly.

     "It is like cooking. I am also able to shoot at a Special Forces level of skill. Sorry."

     Mary hugged my neck tightly and said nothing. This hug tells me she doesn't mind, but she might feel guilty or something so I tell her.

     "Mary, you're my number one in this world, so don't be sad. This is a blessing in disguise. I can protect you too, like father did for mother. Please smile for me, I don't want you to be unhappy."

     Her hug did not loosen on me but held firm.

     "You're my number one as well, Rick and I love you."

     "Aw, You're just saying that because I am cleaning your gun for you!"

     Hearing my words, Mary bit my ear, fuck lady, are you a dog? She laughed at my aggrieved face and went to finish getting ready.

     I finished her gun and holstered it, and took care of her extra magazines while I was at it.

     Then Mary came out looking beautiful...

     "How do I look?"

     Mary is wearing a red-dress with spaghetti-straps and its length goes to just above her knees and is loose around the legs for easy walking. She wore platform sandals to try and equal my height, cute.

     "Too good for the mall, that's for sure. I am going to have to fight off a bunch of Woo's!"

     Mary points to my outfit and tells me.

     "Who told you to dress-up like that, if I don't match you, what would others think?"

     Here is your purse, your gun, and badge are inside.

     "You sound like my husband now, I have you trained well, fufu."

     "Let's go big headed narcissist."

     After she smacked me in the head we got into the car to travel to the high end mall...

     "Really? Detective Woo has a 2nd wife and no 1st wife? Wow, he did fail to mention this to everyone."

     While I drive, I have been telling everything about what I fished up from Woo.

     "Yes, his 2nd wife is currently living in Crimson State up north and is moving here in the summer, so he was probably going to make you wife number 3 so he won't be lonely."

     Mary was looking at me quietly thinking about something and finally she said.

     "Rick... I want to be your wife, for real..."

     My heart is suffering from it beating rapidly, and I pull the car over gently on the side of the road.

     Mary only waited and watched me, her fist clenched waiting for whatever response I made. Wow she just threw me a curve out of the blue.

     I take a deep breath and calm myself using Grandmaster methods to control my emotions, then I talk.

     "As long as you're not joking with me, I would like to hear why you want to marry me. I am not making any decision till I hear what you want and why."

     Mary not getting rejected and seeing me take this calmly and maturely tells me her feelings.

     "First, I love you as a man. Second, it started after our parents passed. I was in depression, and so were you. But you have forgotten what you said to me back then, but I have not. Third, I will never marry another man. Fourth, I never want you out of my life, ever."

     I think of everything she just said and ponder it while she waits for me to talk.

     "Is that the real reason for me to move into the bedroom?"


     "The reason for the kiss at the station?"


     "Are you willing to throw away our brother-sister bond? And what if I disappoint you?"

     "Stupid, I love you because of our bond."

     "It started out as a joke, but tomorrow, I have a date with Dr Hana Chang. I don't know how this complicates us?"

     Mary did not respond but she is contemplating things in her head. Her eyes go from disappointment, to joy, to confusion and back again but I don't disturb her.

     "Do you love her?"

     "No, um, she kinda made the date on her own because I was messing around asking her out. I had no idea she would take me up on it. And I don't have the heart to be a dick to the woman that saved me. Even though she is a pain in my ass."

     Mary, hearing my honesty, just smiled at my pain. She closed her eyes again thinking of Dr Hana Chang. The two women actually knew each-other because of their jobs crossing.

     "Rick, forget the Doctor for now, let's just talk about us. Would you marry me?"

     "Mary, I might be sleeping? But, I have recently been thinking of you too. Before my accident, I thought my answer would be no, but, I love you too much. You're the one person in this world I can't live without. But... It might be weird at first, right?"

     "Stupid! It is a yes or no answer, now spill it!"

     Mary, now sporting her normal smile and not looking nervous, had poked my forehead when she said that.

     "Then Mary Lee, become my wife and be by my side forever?"

     "Ufufu, Let me think about it..."

     Okay, if this was an anime, I would have black-lines on my forehead right now. Seeing me look like this, she said.

     "Just drive to the mall stupid, yes is the only answer your ever going to get, so let's go Captain Grumpy."

     She was being so proud and smug she did not react fast enough to me unbuckling and capturing her lips in a kiss.

     At first she was stunned, then we kissed more deeply. And soon both of us with little kissing experience traded tongues showing one another how our hearts are feeling.

     When we broke the kiss I could almost imagine her glasses being fogged, to match her red-blush.

     While smiling I started the car and drove us to our planned destination, the indoor mall...

     Sure I could ask about what happened after my parents died, but that can wait. Also I could ask about the good Doctor, but she too can take a back seat. The only person that matters to me right now is Mary.

     Surprisingly Mary did not say anything all the way to the mall, but I could tell she was happy. My guess is that she does not want to scare me off. Huh? I guess the only difference between our non-blood brother and sister and husband and wife is sex, right?

     When I parked, I decided to tease Mary.

     "Oh no, Mary we have a big problem when we get married!"

     Mary looked afraid for a moment and asked.

     "What problem? There should be no problem, I looked online?!"

     Hearing she already looked, stunned me but my Acting skill kicks in and I am smooth.

     "Do you take my last name, or keep yours, or should I take yours?"

     "You fucking dick! You scared me half to death, you know that couch can still be used, right?! Ass hole, let's go!"

     With smiles on our faces, we head into the mall and I hold her waist in my left arm. Mary looks very happy I am not acting distant.

     Mary, a brave woman, jumps right into the deep end and pulls me into the changing room to model her undergarments for me to choose, and I am blushing for sure. All of my bravado in the car is purely Acting.

     And sure I lost my V-card twice today, but, this is my mature sister who wants to marry me. I have seen her naked in the past, but now I am having bodily reactions to how sexy she is. Not to mention, she really pulls off the glasses look.

     While she is putting things back on the hanger she asks me honestly.

     "When you look at me, do you find me sexy, or just attractive? I am worried maybe you still see me with indifference?"

     "No, I truly just want to ravage you right here and now, but I know about time and place. I will only do things you're comfortable with, Mary."

     While I was sitting on the bench in the changing room she leaned in and kissed me. Then after a few minutes she asked me.

     "What do we do about children?"


     "Depends on what?"

     "If you want them and how many. My job is to keep trying every night and hope for the best. But ultimately it's your choice. I love the idea. Life is too short and precious to plan everything, we learned that the hard way, right?"

     Mary shed a couple of tears and caressed my face then told me her dream.

     "Then I want two children, and I want to start tonight..."

     "I will do anything you want Mary, just say the word."

     "Then let's eat in the food-court and go home. My heart wants to explode, Rick."

     Acting skill keeps making me look cool, due to the fact, I am sweating inside... Is this not three women's first times in one day? No dildos don't count in my book. Man I am so glad for past me for picking Acting basic!

     Mary with a smile that makes her look like we fucked in the changing-room, is holding my arm like a newlywed. We are definitely getting attention from onlookers for being overly dressed like novoriche.

     We buy some meat-filled noodle-bowls from the famous Noodle-House fast-food chain, and sit in a secluded quiet part of the food court.

     Using chopsticks, Mary puts some steak in my mouth, and enjoys more intimate behavior that she daydreamed of before. Then she brought up a couple of our earlier topics.

     "Rick, I want you to make me a 2nd wife, no don't look at me like-that. I don't care about any inheritance nonsense. I am only looking out for our futures. Let's say you married a woman with status. If her family found out she could not be 1st, what kind of marriage would you have? So don't fight me on this one, okay?"

     Thinking of the maid and the Ning's and I kinda get it, and I nod to agree with her.

     "Good, because anyone that can get Mr Chi's letter will draw the attention of important people,and this includes the 4 Great Families. So don't give away that 1st spot out freely, even if that Doctor is interested."

     "Crap, I don't know how to deal with her, Mary?!"

     "About her, Go out with her and don't feel guilty. She is a good woman, a bit strange in the head, but she is nice. Remember the first thing you tell her is about our relationship. If she bails fuck her. Just be honest with her, got it Rick?"

     I smile and slam my hand in my palm!

     "You're a genius Mary! That will chase her off I am sure, Okay I will definitely do that."

     Mary smiles and flicks my forehead, while making tsk sounds.

     "Tsk, tsk, tsk! You're so naive Rick. You think too little of yourself. A mature Doctor is looking for you, do you think she will give up on you over me? Plus having a Doctor in the family is a great thing!"

     "Cough, Actually I am about as good as her in medicine, but I don't have a diploma and credentials. Did you not notice the surgical supplies in the apartment?"

     Mary, not as shocked as I thought, asks me with some common sense.

     "My point stands if you can't perform surgery on yourself, right?"


     After that Mary and I flirted and kissed a bit, unaware of the onlookers on higher levels of the mall looking down upon our pink world.

     Steve Woo pointed down at the pink couple and said.

    "See, I told you he and his sister are an item! You did not believe me. That means if he is married, he can't be number two right?"

     Tina Feng, looking annoyed while leaning over the rail, asks a woman at her side. who looks like a secretary with a red-scrunchy on her left wrist

     "I thought you told me Rick Lee was unmarried?"

     The secretary calmly looks at her handheld-device and states. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "He was unmarried before and currently according to the official records, Mr Woo is not informed. The two Lee's down there are unofficial, and even if they marry, it does not change the rules set by Head Feng. Mr Woo would have lost his number one spot by marrying the woman from the north in that case."

     Tina hearing her assistant's info-slap Woo, just made her smile and say.

     "Well Steve, I won't be mad to waste my trip here because in fact I did not know Rick was in any relationship, but trying to get my pick thrown out is just petty. If you interfere with his business early, your life will be forfeit, so stop pushing Mary Lee, or Father will end you."

     "Then let me end him now. Then I can go after his sister, right?"

     "Oh, did you forget the rules already? Sure go ahead and we will kill you now. You cannot challenge number one until only one number is left, then you two can fight. Four more numbers have to be defeated before your challenge so wait or die."

     "Damn, when he gave me the number one spot I thought it was good. Had I known, I would have asked for the lowest and just challenged everyone, sigh."

     "Well I guess you should have not fluffed your proud peacock feathers in-front of father, telling him you're the best, idiot."

     "Well little proud Phoenix, enjoy your free life for a while, because when I win, your going to be in a cage and this peacock will pluck your feathers then you can regret it. I will take the Fire Birds to new heights, plus being in the police force gives me an advantage, ha-ha."

     Tina smiles creepily at Woo, and as she looked down one last time, she and her group departed, her last words to Steve Woo being cryptic.

     "Father loves Peacocks, but I prefer Dragons, goodbye Woo."


Permanent Skills known...


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