After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 15 The Bodyguard!

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Chapter 15  The Bodyguard! by Harem-Fan


     Mary and I were unaware of the vultures flying above us as we finished our meal. Throwing our trash away the two of us arm in arm, left with our shopping bags full.

     Watching me drive, Mary commented.

     "Back last year when I taught you to drive, you were worse than me, now I feel like an amateur. Your timing for shifting and breaking is impressive. I bet you could really make a squad car fly, right?"

     "It's partly all of those race car games I played at the arcade, movies, plus videos that I learned about racing. Your teaching was the best however, even if the transmission hates you."

     "Manuals are difficult alright? The squad car is automatic and I do well with it. That's why I gave you the manual car. I can't help it."

     Soon we arrived back at our apartment and put away the bags. Mary had got out of her uncomfortable shoes and put on shorts and a tank-top then came to me . I also am wearing shorts and a tee-shirt.

     With excited-eyes, Mary held my waist and began to kiss me with her glasses off. Just as our kissing was getting hot, we heard it.

     Ring Ring Ring! Her phone that hardly ever rings, started to go off and the cute look of having her moment stopped made me smile.

     "Are you fucking kidding me? Rick, I have to get that so just wait, okay?"

     The agitated Mary answers her phone then her face changes based on what she is hearing.

     "Yes Sargent, let me throw on my uniform and I will be right over there, bye!"

     Mary put her phone down and looked at me with pitiful-eyes and I smiled and say.

     "Come on, let me help you get ready, I will grab your gear, put your clothing on, hurry."

     As Mary unhappily started tossing her clothing off she told me.

     "Every detective from every precinct is being called in, on or off duties. Seems a major turf war between the Black Snakes and the Crouching Tigers broke out and a couple hundred are dead or wounded. The docks are a mess and the beat-cops are overwhelmed. Sorry I can't stay with you, and just after we confessed."

     I tie her belt around her waist making sure her gear is right, then I tell her.

     "Just focus on work, and don't worry about me because I am very happy right now. So go and do your job and I will take care of you later. Call me if you need food or anything and I will bring it to you, now go."

     She gave me one final passionate kiss before heading to her Police car. To make her happy, I walked her out.

    While I waved her off, she turned on her sirens and headed West. Now I am alone, and I have things I need to finish up.

     "I have heard of Cock-Block but not Cop-Block! I guess three times in one day is out."

     Pulling open my laptop, I search for my orders and application acceptances I put in, cough , hacked.

     I told you before that the only real way to get a concealed carry permit is to be licensed in different fields, and the one I chose was Bodyguard. This job is very generic, and I can make my own contracts or even independently like a private investigator.

     The store I am going to pick up my official documents and gun-order is a place called FF-Firearms. They are not only the best dealer in Star City but they handle all of the Government Documents for CC-Permits.

     As for my gun order, I cant use my fathers pistol for my everyday use because it is meant for dirty-work. So on top of my Permits I will pick up, I have two HK P-30 9mm handguns waiting for me.

     These bad-boys are some of the best guns for concealment, overall quality, and performance. And unlike my dads 9mm, the magazine default for these babies are 15 bullets. I can also use my Gun-Fu skill with the HK P30's!

     Along with the papers and guns, a large box of ammunition needed to be purchased, plus a variety of add-ons and holsters for different clothing (shoulder, lower-back, and hips).

     I used the last bit of my gift-card money to buy a concealable-bulletproof-vest for my torso, when I know the shit can hit the fan. Best spent 500$ if you ask me.

     Wonder how Scott would feel if he knew he is financing my lifesaving and killing potential, on top of breaking in his wives? Fuck I cant stop smiling, Nichole was right!

     "Oh? Looks like my documents and order are ready for pickup? Well I don't have anything going on now that Mary is gone, so let's head back out."

     I put on my black-outfit I wore on the fight day, grab my keys and Identification then lock up.

     The sun is starting to go down but it's still light out when I arrive at the FF-Firearms dealer.

     It is a large two story building like a department-store. This place has high-tech firing ranges, and I think I will do some shooting while I am here so I don't go into a fight cold.

     A sales woman seeing me come in confidently and in my attire, greets me warmly. She is good, and could tell the long-coat was a special product and instantly assessed my purchase-power.

     "Hello, welcome to FF-Firearms, how can I assist you?"

     "My name is Rick Lee, and I am here to pick up my Bodyguard documents, guns, vest, and ammunition I ordered."

     The woman with Blonde-hair seemed to have some recognition of my name? She said in a more respectful tone.

     "Please come with me to our VIP waiting room Mr Lee. Although your paperwork is indeed ready, it still takes around an hour to process the final part in person. Please follow me."

     Yes, they have to do the fingerprints, photo, then put it together for the Government and give me the completed identification-card plus booklet. Kinda like a passport.

     "Mr Lee, sit in this armchair and help yourself to the vending machines there. Everything is complimentary. Let me get the person in charge of paperwork then I will get your other purchases during this time. Any other requests sir?"

     "Yes, I would like to use your firing range after this if it is still open."

     "Ufufu, Sir, we are open 24 hours a day, so come anytime in the future for practice, I will attend you if I am here, please excuse me."

     Watching the hot as fuck sales-lady leave I feel funny. Why is she treating me like a Young Master? Did the System leave me a secret charm skill or something? Oh Alf is on, let's watch that old show!

     In the office the sales lady entered, she called someone on the phone and waited.

     [What is it Gwen?]

     "Number two is waiting for his Bodyguard-license to be completed and his purchases of handguns, ammo, and a vest. He is also going to use the shooting-range. What are your orders?"

     [What, he has a Bodyguard license approved?! Fuck, just give him the VIP-treatment and delay him, I will be there soon. Click... do do do...]

     Then the woman set to do her tasks of getting the order together.

     During my time watching classic TV shows, the staff took photos and fingerprints, and asked for additional information. While the sales woman known as Gwen, sized my vest and holsters for me. She then brought me to a room to inspect my firearms to make sure everything was right.

     Naturally the HK products are topnotch and no issues were found as I took them apart and reassembled them. The barrels were already clean and ready to be fired. Now I only need my documents and I could test them.

     When I was done, I went back to the waiting room and who I met there surprised me. Sitting in the chair I had sat was Tina Feng!

     "Fellow student Lee. I am surprised to bump into you here of all places?"

     "Well it is a small world, so it's common to bump into me."

     "Have I offended you somehow Rick? You seem grumpy to meet me."

     Well to be fair this woman has no idea I am a hacker and knows this is a Feng business (FF-Firearms=Feng Family Firearms), or her private dinners with Woo and her father, so she would be confused for sure. But knowing the Fire Birds are an arm of the Feng family does not take a genius to figure out she has something to do with it, right?

     "Grumpy? No, just whenever I meet you bad things always seem to happen to me. But it's not your fault right, just my bad luck."

     "That is not fair to throw out the baby with the bathwater. I might be around, but surely I personally have not harmed you."

     "So those five guys I wrecked did not text you from their phones? I saw your text on their screens from you watching from the roof?"

     She also forgets the school has security cameras up there for suicides and criminals. Hackers are scary. No, I did not see her text on their screens, but looked later when I got their names. How did I get their names? When Hana told me she took care of them, I hacked their files and got their information. Past me, you rock for giving me Master Level Computer skill!

     "Rick Lee, I like you more and more. Please, how can we repair our misunderstandings? I genuinely want to be friends."

     "No need, I am not upset with you for any of that. Plus our paths won't really cross after graduation anyway. I will be going to Star University and become a businessman."

     "Really? Then we will see a lot of each other in SU. I am also going there naturally."

     Gwen at this time comes out with my finished paperwork and hands it to me saying.

     "Your Bodyguard and CC-Permit are all done, give it one final look to see if there are any typos."

     I notice everything is correct and legal, and inwardly I am so fucking excited to be able to carry guns now. My safety has risen. I nod to her and put my documents away. Then she offers.

     "Now to the Range, Mr Lee?"

     "Yes Miss Gwen lets."

     My HK P-30's are put into my shoulder holsters in my long-coat and I follow behind her. I ask the third wheel following us.

     "Miss Feng, may I help you?"

     She puts on a sweet smile and cutely blinks.

     "You're a bodyguard now, and I need a bodyguard sometimes. If you're good I want to hire you."

     What drugs is this woman on, did I not just out her for being behind my fight? She has skin as thick as Tony!

     Soon I was brought to a lane and given ear-covers and many different kinds of target sheets to use. I then take off my coat and get my two new guns ready for testing.

     I hang the standard target out for shooting to a range of 50 feet, now I can do 75 feet no problem and keep my groupings close, but to me 50 is the sweet spot for long range. Both women are not sure why I am doing that far off shooting. (remember 50 feet is like 5 stories of a building.)

     Tina sees me use a gun in each hand and thinks I am just going to show off like that.

     Dual-Wielding guns is not a realistic combat style for professionals. The System did say I was this world's first Gun-Fu master after-all, so only the movies really will do it.

     Both guns in my hand feel like I have done this for years due to my skill. I take aim with my right gun aiming for the heart and my left aiming for the head...

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang...

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang...

     Both of my guns spew out the bullets in a rhythm of death and soon 15 shots from each gun are emptied, and all 30 bullets are within one inch of their targets. The sheets are pulled back and the buckshot looking mark in the center of the forehead and the heart look a bit eerie.

     Now I know you gun enthusiasts are like, 'one inch bro you suck!' But I have never truly fired a gun in my life till now, so I can only get better!

     When I look at the blonde and redhead, I see wide open mouths and eyes as their disbelieving imagination is great.

     After changing my magazines and making sure my guns are good to put in the holsters I do. Then I say to the sales-lady.

     "Thanks, it had been a few years since I shot a gun, so I am good, thanks for your help goodbye."

     As I had already started to leave, my right arm was firmly grasped, and Tina said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Rick, I want to hire you! 2000$ a day plus expenses?!"

     I have no interest in keeping Red alive and it sounds like a hassle. I pulled my arm out of her hold with my Grandmaster skill, like a slippery-eel. She was surprised she could not hold me, and she blurted.


     I wave bye to her but that did sound alright, but no....

     "4000$ a day plus expenses?!"

     My feet stop and I think of the rules for being a Bodyguard. If you don't do at least 20 days a year of work, your CC-license will expire. The money is enough to even save Scott's life. So I smile and turn around and say.

     "This can't beat my great morning or afternoon, but I think I can work for you on occasion Miss Feng, let's make a contract!"

     Tina Feng felt she got shafted, but my gun-skills and martial arts are no joke. Plus this is the only thing she could think of to mend our relationship. If I ended up hating her, the game was pointless, right??

     I did not know her thoughts or care, but my rate is what an experienced Body guard can earn, and with no record of work, I normally can only protect small time clients, but a young lady of the Feng is big on a resume.

     So for another hour we haggle, in terms of when she can call for me and if things get ugly, like she can't knowingly bring me into a hideout of murderers and other things. Overall it is good stuff for me.

     The expenses include hotel rooms, food, clothing, and many more things so I really am earning more than 4k a day, yay!

     Finally, I head home and get ready for bed alone....



Permanent Skills known...


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