After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 16 Reliving The Forgotten Past!

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Chapter 16  Reliving The Forgotten Past! by Harem-Fan


     A fun fact about me. I don't dream in color. The sky is always black, even if I know it's daytime. My dreams are like Hueco Mundo from Bleach in nature.

     For this reason, I never have nightmares. I always know I am dreaming and I can enjoy them, except the falling dreams, those do frighten me a bit. Naked dreams? Once again, I have no shame when I know I am sleeping.

     But my dream right now is freaking me out, because it's like I am watching an old movie in 3-D and I can't touch or affect anything. This would not be bad if it was not for the fact, I don't remember what day it is that I am sleeping, or what I did before sleeping. I am being forced to watch the 14 year old me.

     A happy family of 4 at the morning breakfast table eating a homemade meal perfectly cooked by Lucy Lee my mother. My father next to her reading about Mary's School classes from Star University that she just got into. Mary was reading one of her textbooks while mindlessly scarfing her food. And I was sulking from the start of school sucking, thanks to a certain bully from middle school being in my class.

     My father's name is also Rick, so original to give me his freaking name. This is the reason Scott loved picking on me. In my home, my dad was Big Rick, and I was Little Rick, fuck thats horrible, right? So guess how my middle school name Little Dick Rick really got started, sigh.

     To be fair my dad did it by accident. When my real mother died giving birth, it broke his heart, and all alone with a newborn, lack-of-sleep and grief is all he had. So he signed his name to everything, life insurance, bills, condolence letters, and more. So when my birth certificate was there, he just signed Rick Lee, and that's why we have the same name.

     "Son, why are you so gloomy? Is it that Scott brat again? I can help you if you want."

     "No dad, it's just it got twice as bad because I talked to his girlfriend by accident so he is pissed at me."

     Mary teased.

     "Trying to pick up the daughter of the Lang family, did not think you had the balls for that."

     "Mary, what did I tell you about your mouth? A lady should be a bit more proper in front of others."

     "Mom, I am 18 now and I hear you swear all the time when you think others are not around."

     My father avoids talking to the women and tells me.

     "I am sure that young lady Linda from the Lang family was only being like that so Scott would not see you talking to her, I don't think she is doing it on purpose."

     "Well he still found out so her being a bitch about it is just twice as bad."

     "Rick never call a lady that again, that is disrespecting all women just because your real problem is Scott. You're still young, so you don't understand the big picture yet. But you're my son, and I think you will learn how to see past the surface of others. You have the Blood of Warriors in you son, don't forget our family line."

     I roll my eyes at my father.

     "What Blood of Warriors dad? No one has ever heard of Lee?! Hell it's not in any history book or online. I think Grandpa scammed you with fairy tails so you would grow up to be a kind hero. Not that you are not, just don't blame it on the blood in our veins. That's what those nobles are full of, their blood is this and that, oh we are so awesome! No thanks, I don't need to be a hero, one Rick Lee is enough."

     My father shakes his head in sadness and tries one more time.

     "One day son, you will find things you love. And when you love, you will get stronger to protect what you love. Life is not fair and kicks us when we are down, but life has so many wonderful things mixed in with the bad. Trust me, when you find love, you will understand, now finish your food Rick."

     I forgot this day... I was crushed... All of this has been forgotten and my heart hurts again seeing it, why?

     Now I am standing in the living-room that very evening watching the live news with my sister...

     [The hostage standoff in the bank has been ongoing for over 8 hours now, and 7 hostages have been killed already, one every hour like they declared.]

     Sitting in-front of the bank's window are seven dead bled out bodies (in truth there is a 10 second delay so they can mosaic the gore.), and still alive are five other hostages... My father, my mother, some girl in bloody clothing, a 20-something woman next to her, and the last one is a fat bank manager. They all have their hands on their heads and look exhausted.

     My attention is only on my mother and father. My dad with a smile is talking to the others to calm them. I can't ever forget this next moment, because it's the last thing I remembered for a couple of weeks.

     [The criminals are now going to kill another as the 9th hour has passed!]

     The 14 year old me is chanting softly...

     "Not mother and father! Not mother and father! Ahhhh!"

     The criminals pointed the gun to the girl's head, and my mother jumped in the way and was instantly killed! Mary with tears fell to the floor crying after that, and it only got worse...

     My father, enraged, yelled something to the woman at the girl's side, who then covered the girl.

     Then my father rushed the criminals. To the man that killed my mother, with his left hand grabbed the gun, and with his right, removed the man's throat in one clean swipe. My father, not slowing down, did not shoot the nearest men, but aimed at the leader and with one bullet, gave him a new hole in his forehead.

     A bullet grazed my fathers left shoulder but he ignored it. The Bank manager got unlucky and he caught a stray bullet and he too joined my mother and the others.

     My father, with only calm on his face and no anger, leaped to the next man, while dropping the furthest criminal with a shot to his heart.

     My Grandmaster skill told me something that I never knew about my father... He was at the Grandmaster level! Why was my father with so much talent only a mere police officer?!

     Father only used one attack to kill each criminal, one bullet, one crossfire he timed to have them shoot themselves. It's like he could predict 9 out of 10 attacks trajectory and capitalize on it. No he was not immortal, and was shot for a total of five times by the time he killed the last gunman. He killed 16 armed men, alone...

     But the bullet he took to his inner-thigh hit a major artery and the blood-loss would be fatal, no matter what. My father would have lived if he did not take that bullet on purpose. That bullet was heading for the two younger women huddled and frightened. He did not dodge because doing so meant one of them would die.

     I don't understand? Why trade his life for a stranger when we need him? Did he choose strangers over his children?

     My fathers lips smile and he pat the heads of the two women and soon, he fell and never moved again, fuck.

     My sister and I sat on the couch hours later, and no more tears fell. We just stare at the TV with some animal show playing like that bank heist gone wrong never happened.

     Like I said, I have no memories of this unfolding in front of me.

     The phone keeps ringing but we both ignore it and let it ring, because we have no one. We didn't want to hear sorry for your loss, and we did not move till the following morning.

     I with dead-eyes went to the kitchen and poured cereal and ate in a daze. Seems routine and hunger moved me automatically. My sister did not move and fell asleep.

     Out of habit, I readied for school and left.

     Then the scene shifted and when the whole class saw me walk in the very next day without a word like this was another day, others tried to talk to me. Some said my father was badass, others just said sorry, and some could care less.

     This scene turned into time-lapse as the images blurred. Somehow I could tell a week passed.

     The class was welcoming or congratulating Linda for something, but she too looked sick or something.

     Later she approached my seat, lost and said.

     "Sorry for everything."

     I didn't even notice her and looked at the front of the class like she did not exist. Scott saw me dismiss her, then started his beatings of me that day.

     No fighting back, blocking, or begging to stop. I took it all like I wanted death. Soon even Scott had enough knowing he would kill me if he continued.

     Now the scene skipped to me coming home and the bills and mail are just piled up at the door. Some light was back in my eyes realizing my home was broken.

     I went to the kitchen but it was empty. I and Mary ate all that we could, and it hit me, my parents were gone, but I still don't remember my actions here.

     Grabbing the pile of bills and stacking it neatly throwing away the junk mail on the side. I then looked upstairs to my sister's room and made my way up.

     Making it to Mary's room I entered like a robot and pulled the blanket off of her. She did not look at me and I said.

     "Get up Mary. I don't have anyone else but you now. We have no food. We have bills here. Get up now."

     Mary looked at me like I looked at Linda. I held up the bills and smacked her with it.

     "I can't do this. I needed you Mary. If you don't move, I will leave you forever. I can't do anything now. I can only promise to take care of you later. They will take me away if you don't do mothers job."

     She had finally looked at me and saw my beaten body, like the first time since our parents left and surprise filled her eyes.

     "Father told me to protect what I love. Sister I love you, but if you don't become mother, we won't make it. When I am older I promise, I will love you like father loved mother. I will make you happy, just move."

     My broken body grabbed her stunned face and I kissed her like father kissed mother, but soon from lack of eating, or the beating, I slumped to the floor.

     As my dream faded, I saw Mary standing over me with red-lips from my blood and life was back in her eyes.

     And that's where my lost memories ended. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     My eyes open a bit and it is dark. My eyes are tear-filled from my first terrible dream, but someone else is crying and laying on me.

     I put my arms around Mary and realized she must have come home from that job.

     "Mary, are you alright, what happened? Don't cry."

     While patting her back and stroking her short hair, she had stopped crying to look into my face without her glasses. Seems she took a shower and had her pajama-top on when she came to me.

     "I could not wake you from your nightmare. You never had a nightmare before and you were crying for me. Are you alright now, Rick?"

     She wiped my face of the crying I did in my sleep and kissed my lips.

     "I remembered things from after mom and dad, how I kissed you and got blood on you, sorry."

     This time Mary deeply kissed me and squeezed me very tightly. Soon she stopped with a smile.

     "I was so sad that you did not remember waking me out of my depression. My little brother was even beaten and at the end, made me move. You and I are only alive today because of that moment. I was never more proud of you. And that was my first kiss, Ufufu."

     "Did you never date because of my words?"

     "I think so. But now I am sure I was waiting for you to grow up or remember. Huh? What's this? Are you getting aroused right now?"

     "That's normal in the mornings, and you're mostly naked on me."

     She reached under the covers and grabbed my rock-hard erection, then put it inside her, as she smiled and said.

     "First it's only 11 pm, and I am totally-naked but at the top. And feeling you inside me is incredible. Don't move and let me do this."

     Soon Mary does a very slow grind on me without much in and out, just kinda letting it do miniature pistons. She undoes the buttons on her top and throws it off.

     Hearing her breath start to deepen, I firmly feel her hips and legs while I suck on one of her lovely nipples.

     During this grinding on the base of my dick, she probably did with her toy, I occasionally change breasts to give her different stimulation.

     My hands have roamed all over her back and waist, trying to memorize her soft but still firm body. She feels so different from the twins. A mature woman's body is very sexy.

     Thump Thump Thump! Due to feeling her climax nearing and I need just a bit more, I roll her to her back catching her off guard. I now give her slow and deep thrusts to get me close to my finish hopefully with her.

     "Rick, it feels good just like that! Dont stop~!"

     Thump Thump Thump! After she said that I closed her mouth with mine and played with her tongue.

     Slowing and deepening my push into her womb, I felt her constrict on my dick, so I filled her womb with my seed. She moans in my mouth feeling the new sensation her toy never gave her. I stay deep due to knowing if I pull out it will make a big mess on the bed.

     "How was it Mary, better than the toy?"

     Mary in embarrassment covered my mouth with both hands and shamefully said.

     "Goddammit Rick! I threw that away when we got home from the mall. You could have pretended to not see it and just ignored it."

     Freeing my mouth and cheerfully I say.

     "Ah, I was going to give it a high-five for making our first time painless for you, oh well I will burn some incense for it."

     "Is it too late to return you for a better you?"

     I kiss her and seriously tell her.

     "Sadly for you, I am now the father of our child, so be the best mother you can for us."

     She is serious now and hugged me.

     "Right at this very moment Rick, you have kept your word to me that day four years ago, but you're only halfway done. Still have to give me one more after this one. But we will keep trying every day, Ufufu. Now let's hit the shower and sleep, I am exhausted."

     So the two of us showered and well one more insemination took place there just to make sure I topped her off.

     I managed to have first time sex with three women that day after all.

     Too bad this idiot me was unaware that more than three children were made this day, won't find out for a while.

     The twins are not only sneaky but overproduce eggs, sigh.



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