After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 30 Imperial Dragon, The Immortal Yellow Emperor!

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Chapter 30  Imperial Dragon, The Immortal Yellow Emperor! by Harem-Fan


     As I was to awaken in the arms of my two beautiful lovers, I had no idea my actions the previous night would be a signal to the rest of the world.

     I was ignorant to the fact, I never questioned why the System existed and only accepted that it stranded me in my world. Who knew that the system was a big cosmic joke to screw with mortals.

     Yeah, if you ever find you are some reincarnate, transmigrator, or some transferred chump don't just shrug your shoulders and roll with it. The Universe did not get bored enough to just move you around for entertainment you retard! You are special in some way to the world, sigh, I am that same retard. But I won't find out for many years what my reason for living is.


     Elsewhere in the central government where the four states meet...

     A stern man in a military General's uniform is sitting in a decorated office behind his desk looking over confidential reports about threats to Eurasia.

     Despite him being in his 50's he looks no older than 40 and is well built, as if age has not affected him much. Even younger women would find his demeanor attractive. This is an aura of power that he exudes without effort.

     There is no doubt that this man looks very similar to both Rick Lee's. In fact the nameplate on his desk reads... [SDF Commander Lee]

     Knock Knock! Soon a woman walks in after knocking who is in her early 30's with a military name tag reading her name as one of the Lee's as well. She is like the other Lee marked with black-hair and blue-eyes common to the true bloodline Lee.

     "What has you in such a rush, you lose your manners and barge in without my say so? Normally you are patient May Lee?"

     "Father, look at this footage. We had to use multiple security footage from many angles to get the full view and the equipment on the helicopter was fully functioning until its destruction. After I compiled all of it, I erased all footage inside of Star City even remotely close to the site."

     May Lee had put a laptop down in front of General Lee as a video started to play including the elevator and rooftop fights from the Hilton International.

     When He saw it all he closed his eyes and then asked.

     "Am I to understand he hacked into the Hotel system and had been controlling the whole site remotely to battle foes? How does his skill compare to yours?"

     May blushed a bit like she got a bad grade in school and she admitted.

     "He at worst is equal to me, but when I tried to enter his devices, um, my systems crashed, so he is definitely one of the better programmers in Eurasia."

     "Did you have the marksman analyze his skill level in firearms?"

     "Yes General, he is easily at our Elite Special Forces level in shooting. Look at file number 20 it was retrieved from the FF Firearms shooting range."

     Click Click! After some taps of the laptop the General was surprised.

     "Click on file 12 to see his unarmed fighting."

     And then the fight with Tony was shown and the reaction from General Lee made him sit up in surprise.

     "He is rusty but that is indeed the Ancient Yellow Emperor's full form of fighting! His body just can't currently contain it. I know because my son did not know this form yet, he left before learning it."

     "Then who taught it to nephew Lee?"

     General Lee closed the laptop and said to May.

     "Naturally he taught himself. Who could teach the Yellow Emperor?"

     Then the woman looked happy and asked.

     "Then can I go see my nephew again and bring him home?"

     The older man shook his head and said.

     "He is not in our Lee clan. Plus the four families already know of him so it's best to let them do what they are there to do."

     The woman now looks dissatisfied with her father and scolds him.

     "Is your skin so thin that you are offended by a ten year old child telling you how he feels about your father son squabble? No wonder my brother left for that tiger woman."

     "Enough May. He is gone and no words will repair things. Let Rick grow on his own. We have been stagnant here for so long that it's no wonder we have forgotten our roots, but Rick is spreading his wings so let him be."

     "I want to see him again!"

     "Sigh, Not as his aunt, make up some other identity if you want to meet him. Don't interfere in his life. And keep tabs on him. Cover up what you can so the China Empire does not get wind of him."

      "Then I will make another identity and transfer to the local government in Star City and work remotely from there. He is joining Star University for business and he scored perfect marks in school entrance exams, no surprise, right?"

     "How can high-school challenge the Yellow Emperor?!"

     "Um, Rick has also done some complicated things as well."


     "See file number 13."

     So General Lee opens the laptop again and watches file 13 and the look on his face was priceless as he just asks in shame.

     "Are those not the new Tang twins? And no... never-mind, I don't care anymore. What kind of nonsense is going through that brats head, sigh."

     "Giggle, I don't know if the Tang's are lucky or unlucky to have nephew in their midst?"

     "I just remembered, the Long girl is going to teach at the University business. Don't let her hurt Rick over the past. Rick might be an emotional runt, but he should not pay for his fathers mistake. So kindly warn that woman."

     May Lee stood and with a protective face said.

     "My brother died already so they better know their place! I will make sure that woman knows her older sister and my brother's matter has nothing to do with Rick."

     The General hands the laptop back to May and ignores the woman and goes back to work.

     May is in a better mood than when she came, and then left.

     "The Yellow Dragon comes back and chooses the one family member not in our family anymore, how ironic is the universe?"


Back in Heaven, Hana's bed!

     My eyes open and I hear the two women talking over me and then feeling me stir Mary asks me.

     "Bro-, damn that is hard to stop saying, fufu, how are you husband?"

     I hug and kiss them both with a smile and say.

     "Best sleep in years actually."

     "Great! Now go make scrambled-eggs and toast, ha-ha."

     Hana gets up and tells Mary.

     "Nope we have to workout a bit first, then eat, then shower. Don't worry I have exercises for possible pregnant women as well. Don't want to lose your figure after having a child, right?"

     Mary stands up looking motivated and says.

     "You're right! Getting that second kid will be a pain if he does not find my body attractive, so let's workout."

     I also get up and defend myself.

     "Ladies, I will still love you even if you're not perfect."

     Mary then Hana said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Stuff it Rick!"

     "This is a woman's pride not anything to do with you, dear."


     And that is how my incredible morning went. Then a quiet routine for the next week took place.

     Mary was extra emotionally needy due to probably hormones in her body changing is my medical guess. But we won't know for about a week till she misses her next period and gets morning sickness if she is pregnant or  not. Thanks to my medical knowledge, I can keep on top of Mary's development and health.

     Hana has spent the week teaching me the basics of ballroom dancing that was surprisingly easy for me to pick up due to many of my skills. We also bought matching outfits that screamed 'we are a couple' for the Hospital Ball. Due to her probably last period for a while, she stuck to siphoning my gas-tank and we mostly cuddled.

     Tina Feng had me do two one day jobs for her that were thankfully harmless and not life threatening. It would be annoying if I got wrecked every-time I worked for her. I personally think she is just overpaying me to drive her around in her hummer?!

     James Tong, my buddy Jim and I hung out once for the whole day at the mall doing guys' nonsense, like scoping out hot girls and rating them from 1-10. I know it's stupid, but that's what guy friends do. We act immature and just enjoy the moment. He told me that Akeno and he seem to be hot and heavy, and he too will be coming as her date to the ball!

     Today after this wonderful week, I received my acceptance letter for a full scholarship to the business course at Star University! James also made it in with me with a partial scholarship that pays 80% of his tuition, not bad actually.

     I also received a call that both Tina and Jenifer would be attending my business course this year... yay, not, sigh.

     Then I got even more exciting news, Nadia and Nichole told me Scott would also be in my business course so he can be by Linda's side. Shit that means not only high-school but college has to be spent looking at them again?

     And now that we all were accepted we need to sign up for a certain number of classes each-year on top of the mandatory business ones in the main degree.

     Tina demanded, and I meant she called and texted me non stop bugging me about joining the Kung-Fu club till I said yes. So I will join the University team.

     Nadia and Nichole demanded I take the same computer course as them so I could teach them along with their own studies, plus Scott won't be in that class. I was not going too, until Nadia kept sending me puppy-eyes emoji with the words... [Pweez Ricky!] Sigh I think it's a bad idea, but she really is adorable.

     I ignored Jim trying to get me on the swim team so he can hook up with hot-girls in swimsuits. I already have two hot-women working on wanting my kids for goodness sake!

     Star University will start in the second week of August that happens to be exactly two months after school ended. So just around five weeks left to train my body and spend more time with my lovers.


      And now the day of the Hospital Ball is also upon me in the blink of an eye and they timed it to be on the 1st of July as an annual fundraising event with many of the high influence nobles coming to get tax cuts. I meant to donate to the hospital.

     I had stayed the night into Saturday so Hana and I could get ready together and arrive early and thankfully she has her own parking spot so we won't have to look for parking lots far away. She also told me I cannot bring my gun due to them looking for weapons at the event hall and it's banned from even bodyguards so it's fair.

     I hold Hana in my arms as she stirs and smiles then says to me.

     "Not only will tonight be a fun date for us, but this will be the beginning of my chances for us, so work hard. Though it will be sad to put away miniskirts for a while, I will get them back after."

     "I don't mind, but I know you do, ha-ha!"

     "I just want you to know Rick, I am only going to have one child whether it's a girl or boy, then I will tie my tubes, is that fine?"

     I kiss her because I know she is concerned about her body due to her having a bit of vanity, but I don't mind. Mary is going to have two after all, so three kids is plenty.

     "I am happy with anything as long as you are satisfied my dear. I was an only child for my father, plus Mary will have kids too so there will be plenty of playmates."

     "Thanks Rick, I know some men are super into so many children."

     "Ha-ha, No I will be stressed with three of them, so I would probably age if I had too many. I am glad you and Mary know what you want and I support anything you choose, well except divorcing me that's a no-no!"

     Then Hana and I got up and began our day to get ready for the Hospital Ball...


Permanent Skills known...


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