After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 31 I Was Blindsided!

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Chapter 31 I Was Blindsided! by Harem-Fan


     Hana done dressing and styling her hair looks absolutely soul-stealing. Her hair is done in a long ponytail with a drill-curl added to give a royal-noble look to her charm.

     Her long white form hugging dress is tighter on top and connects to a white collar and is shoulder-less. The legs have enough give for easy dancing but still show her athletic legs. Her only color of decoration is a golden-bow on her ponytail to match my tie.

     She is dressing me in a contrasting black-suit with a white-shirt and a gold tie to match her hair-ribbon. We are a black and white pair with similar styles.

     This coloration and the fact we are 3 hours earlier than we needed to be should have sent red-flags in my thinking, but her sexy look and invitation to get her pregnant made me lose my edge in thinking straight. And this led to her next question.

     "Rick, ready to meet my parents?"

     "Really? Now, um, sure. Do they live nearby or are in town for something? And what do I need to know about them?"

     She kissed me because for some reason I started to freak out at the idea of meeting Hana's parents after the fact we are going to start a family. Yeah, I am not immune to meeting in-laws. With Mary it was just me and her.

     Hana grabs her keys with a smirk and says to the panicking me.

     "Come on, my parents are doing something at the Life Statistics building and it happens to be near the Hospital Ball, so it won't take any time at all, I will drive this time, fufu."

    This too should have sounded strange, but I was nervous about my first impressions. How do I explain my relationship with their daughter?

     I put my medical kit and gun-case in her trunk just in case, and climbed in the passenger seat and thought hard about how to impress my in-laws!

     Hana smiled at me and said.

     "Relax Rick, my parents already know everything about you already and approve of my choice. Do remember I am 25 and a grown woman. Who I marry is my choice. Plus my parents are kind of the hands off parenting type. I graduated high-school at 14 after-all."

     "Yeah, but won't they be disappointed in the fact I am only starting university? They are going to think you're grabbing some random high-school kid?"

     "Oh? A high-school kid with perfect marks and made 28000 dollars in two weeks legally? No, you overqualified. Plus my parents know you're a genius already."

     I look at her playful-eyes and I don't get what is so amusing.

     Soon we found a parking spot at the edge of the Life Statistics building and walked to the entrance. There I was confused because I saw six people waiting for us, four of them I know and the last two I can guess.

     Mary, James, Akeno, Kim Smith, a blonde woman that looks like an older Hana, and a mid 40's blond man with an elegant look to him. All of them are smiling at my confused face as Hana pulls me along.

     "Father and Mother this is Rick Lee that I have been telling you about, and he is caught unaware at this surprise, Ufufu!"

     Acting Basic kicks in and I school my stupid expression and put my hand out to greet.

     "Please forgive me for being caught off here, I have asked to meet you to ask you something, and just did not expect to meet you suddenly."

     Her father, who was shaking my hand, said to me. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Hello Rick, this is my wife, Gloria Chang and teacher of the Archeology Department at Star University. I am John Chang the Dean of Star University and we are very happy to meet you. Just call us father and mother."

     Hana's mother gave me a hug and then warmly said.

     "When Hana told us to look at your application, we were shocked. Then she told us all about you. Finally welcome to the family. I have been waiting for my baby to find a man she loves. So let's go, we have a Ball to attend, Ufufu."

     I look confused and see Mary smirking at me. Looking at both Mary and Hana I asked.

     "What's going on?"

     Mary handed me a ring box and bluntly said it...

     "Shotgun Wedding! What made you think Hana wanted a baby before marriage, let's go stupid!"

     Hana's white-dress, my black-suit, the Life Statistics building, her parents, Mary and the gang, and a smirking and blushing Hana now makes so much fucking sense! I have been Blindsided! Hana pulled me along in a daze.

     "Is this good or bad Rick? Do you want to wait?"

     "No! I very much want to marry you, I was just overwhelmed at your ability for all of you to surprise me like this. And your father is the Dean of my University? This is just a lot to process. Oh and this is a matching ring with Mary?!"

     "Yes it is. Mary and I got it last week. And today is a great day to marry because July 1st is easy to remember and special."

     Hana's two friends then pulled her aside for girls to talk with Mary while Jim patted my shoulder in jealousy.

     "You best take good care of Hana you bastard or I will have to console her when she divorces you, ha-ha!"

     "Scram you bastard! Who invited you anyway, ha-ha?!"

     James got serious and said to me.

     "Mary knew I was going to the Ball with Akeno, and thought bringing her friends and me along for your marriage would be a bit warmer, so here I am. Now let's get you hitched brother!"

     And a quick 30 minutes later we got to the end of the ceremony.

     "And do you two agree to this union?"

     "Yes, I will take the Name Lee and will marry him."

     "My only answer is, Yes!"

     "Then I will take your picture during the kiss and go ahead."

     So I take the misty-eyed Hana Lee into my arms, and gently kiss her to seal our marriage. She really took my breath away with her charm, beauty,and surprise.

     Clap Clap Clap! Mary, our friends, and her parents all clapped when we finalized it with the ring, kiss, and photo.

     Then Hana's mother went to Mary and gave her a hug and said.

     "Mary, we want you to treat us as mother and father too. We know all about you and want to open our doors to you as Hana's sister, so don't be a stranger."

     Mary could not help but cry a few tears feeling her sincerity. Then Hana took my arm, handed me the keys and told everyone.

     "Let's all head to the Hospital Ball and use it as our wedding party, Ufufu!"

     I now noticed Mary in a dress she threw on in the bathroom and asked.

     "Mary, are you also coming to the Ball?"

     "Yup, Kim here did not bring a plus one, so she gave me the spot to get in. Cant say no to high-class catering, right?"

     Then me in Hana's coupe, Mary and friends in the hummer, and her parents in their luxury sedan drove to the event near the Hospital.

     After we all easily found parking spots due to arriving early, the 8 of us showed our invitations and went through security to enter the event hall.

     Our group found a table near a corner that happened to have eight seats, so we occupied it and put up markers to show its taken.

     To my right sat Mr Chang, then his wife. To my left sat Hana and then Mary. Jim sat between the two nurse friends flirting away. Why do I think Jim is going to hook up with foreign girls in his harem?

     Dean-Dad told us that this event is really huge in Star City and even attracts the heads of families to attend usually,unless they are ill or out of town.

     You also tend to see their children. Noble families like to pretend or sometimes are philanthropists. But we all know they are bribing the hospitals to give them VIP treatments in the case they are hospitalized. But this is fair due to them funding it.

     My new father also points around the room showing how the four main families already have tables reserved in the massive hall. They keep them separated from their opposing clans so the Tang And Long are in different corners, interesting. This will also show what house attracts the most attention based on who is mingling where. (like a dick measuring contest to see who is popular.)

     "Rick, as the Dean, I usually meet all the houses out of good manners and have to drag Gloria or Hana with me, but instead let me introduce my new son-in-law, is that alright?"

     The pleading-eyes of mother says 'do it for me' and I cave.

     "Sure thing father."

     He patted my shoulder pleased, and Hana gave me a kiss for taking one for the team.

     This is a massive convention hall the size of a football field with a cleared out center for dancing.

     To the long-sides of the wall are tables that soon will be filled with all assortments of food and wine will be served to everyone that drinks.

     A live-band is playing at the far end where the Long (back left side) and Lang (back right side) are sitting. It so happens that by random chance we are closer to the Feng table (front left side.)

     Although many people are pouring in, father only points out the major four clans to explain who they are.

     The first group to show was the Long (azure dragon) Clan...

     "That older woman is the Head Kimberly Long and her husband Rex Long, and their teen aged son Nick is the next Head after his mother. That taller woman next to him is his aunt Victoria Long and is one of your business teachers this year."

     That Victoria is the one from the flat tire and shopping cart! Fuck she is going to be one of my teachers?!

     The second group to arrive was the Lang (black turtle) clan...

     "That man in the front is the Head of Lang, George Lang, and wife Sue Lang. Eldest daughter is the next head and is Tonya Lang. And next to Tonya is the youngest daughter Linda Lang and also in your same course."

     The third group to show was the Feng (phoenix) clan...

     And they are coming in and near us then he tells me.

     "The big redhead man in the front is the Head, Tony Feng and wife Lane Feng. Then the 1st daughter Jill Feng is the next head and older sister to Tina Feng who in fact will also be in your class, a loaded house this year."

     The last group to arrive was the Tang (white tiger) clan...

     "Lastly, that stern looking man in the front is the Head of the Tang, Anthony Tang and his wife Debby Tang. And that's the 1st daughter Helen Tang who is the next head. The lad behind her with the four black haired girls, is Scott Tang and he will be in your class too."

     The fuck?! Oh those two other girls are the ones that slept with Scott on the wedding-night, and he has his arms around them. And it looks like Nadia and Nichol are keeping their distance from Scott?! No, that's cool, but why?

     She kept it under the notice of everyone but me, but the curious-eyes of Nadia scanned the room and when she saw me, for a split-second she winked one eyelid with a grin at my stupid-expression like she caught me looking.

     I do hate the feeling of the big-fish that got away and no one believes you caught it.

     "Son the Hospital Ball does not officially start for a bit, and we will only greet them after it begins."

     "I understand,and I will remember them."

     I bring out my smartphone and immediately start looking at all of their profiles, so I can more easily interact with them, don't want to say the wrong thing after-all.

     Hana, being more seductive than normal now that she is married, whispers in my ear.

     "Husband~ I think my father is enjoying having a son around. Make my parents happy tonight and I will be extra attentive tonight, dear~!"

     Yes, your hand going up my leg under the table is not helping dammit! Hana needed a label on her identification like... [Warning: Do not add Marriage!]

     Shortly the Chief of Surgery and the Head of the hospital both took the stage and said some greetings, and announced the start of the Ball.

     "Okay Rick lets go and greet."

     As I got up, so did Hana who straightened my tie, and took my left hand and told the two of us.

     "Sorry there are too many single-women in those four groups, and I need to let them know he is taken, Ufufu."

     Her father and I smile helplessly at a woman's jealousy, but it's sexy as well!


Permanent Skills known...


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