After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 33 Hospital Ball!

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(A/N Thanks for your helpful comments to make the story better! I do listen to them to make improvements for you lovely readers when I can. Also I will re-link Chapter One's Skill Details in this spoiler if you need a refresher, like Acting imitating-voices for example, Thanks for reading!)


Chapter 33  Hospital Ball! by Harem-Fan


     After we had a small bit of yummy food, that is better than what I can make, Mary said to Hana. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "It is your wedding day so go dance first with Rick, then I will come and dance with him. He and I have never really danced after we were little kids."

     "Will do, and he learned fast, so our shoes won't get stepped on at least, fufu."

     I finished my glass of liquid-courage (wine) and was pulled to the center of the room by Hana.

     I gently place my hands on her hourglass-hips and she with a grin puts her hands around my neck in an intimate gesture as we start to sway to the classical instrumental music.

     "When I woke up in the hospital a new man, I would have laughed at anyone including my sister for telling me you and I would be here now, married. Thank you Mrs Lee."

     She pressed closer as we slowly turned with the rhythm of the music. Hana only smiled while our blue-eyes continued our wordless confessions of our feelings.

     Hana, seeing Mary make her way over, kissed me in the middle of the dance floor like how a couple might do in a slow-dance in Prom. For a moment, I felt like I did not miss my dance after all.

     "Ufufu, May I cut in on you love birds?"

     Letting me go and pushing me into Mary's arms, Hana said to us.

     "Perfect timing, I need to go talk to the Director and the board members to support the fundraiser, so keep him warm for me, fufu."

     And then Hana went over to where all the staff were congregating. Mary put her hands on my shoulders as I held her waist with a warm smile.

     If I still had a System, I would probably see I learned Dancing Basic, due to my practices and a combination of Acrobatics Master, and Kung-Fu Grandmaster. So moving is easy for my body.

     And you're probably thinking, 'but what about Chris Honda?' No, I have not forgotten that snake and have been watching him all during this event. Like who he is talking to and where he is in relation to Hana. I will listen to his phone calls later when I have free time, but naturally can't do it here. Mary brought me out of my thoughts.

     "Hana and I have been talking, and have come up with something for us now that we are both your wives. Hana has a few extra rooms, and wants us to live in her house?"

     I have kinda thought of this and found it sticky to bring up, but it seems just like the shotgun wedding, they have already thought of things for us.

     "My job as your husband is to make sure you two are happy, so I will follow your wants."

     Mary kissed me with a smile and told me the plan.

     "Then we will move in with Hana, it's safer, bigger, and you don't have to run all over to find us. I will keep the apartment for you to use as a backup safe-house and a place to hide things you don't want kids to see."

     I nod because giving up the apartment would be a waste, plus...

     "That apartment is our home too after all. Our painful memories, and happy ones. I don't want to forget our past, Mary."

     "My feelings are the same. We had our first relationship there. Maybe we can use it for an anniversary night as well, fufu."

     Speaking of snakes...

     Chris Honda was talking to Scott Tang, knowing the conflict between the two men and wanting to learn more.

     "So you and Rick Lee are childhood rivals, no I meant enemies?"

     "Yeah, but that trash has changed and has been fucking faking being a pig to lower my guard, and now he is making my life awful."

     "I thought Rick was dating Dr Hana Chang, so why is he so in love with that woman?"

     Scott looks at this 30 year old good looking doctor and understands his fixation for Hana, so he decided to tip the apple cart and he grinned and told him.

     "That's his sister he married, and as for that Hana woman... They are now married and she is now Dr Hana Lee, her father came to us and confirmed their wedding already happened, sorry man she is off the market and spreading her legs for Rick."

     Scott, seeing the look of a man being given a green-hat, just smiles like he did a good deed. Manipulating others to do his dirty work is one of Scott's favorite hobbies.

     "It's only been a few weeks, how? She must be lying! I will be back..."

     Nichole with a glass of apple juice who overheard everything, came to stand by Scott and said.

     "I see, a borrowed knife again?"

     Scott looked at his wife, grins and then asked.

     "If Little Dick Rick has a good life, then mine will be bad, so yes using this idiot to cause trouble is perfect. Also why are you not drinking wine? And why are you two still not letting me sleep with you again? You're my wife!"

     Nichole rolls her eyes at this retard and tells him.

     "You know damn well my sister and I hate men, even you. Our agreement was to marry you and give you Tang babies for you, we are most definitely pregnant, so our deal is done. I am not drinking wine, because I don't want the baby in my belly to come out as dumb as you."

     Scott was pissed he didn't remember hammering her and Nadia clearly and was dissatisfied, but the two new girls that they brought for him have been wonderful, as good as his lost lover.

     "If it would not shame me or the Tang, I would tell everyone about your sexual preferences. I don't know why my father wanted you two to marry me, you're useless as lovers."

     "Marriage is not about love idiot, it was to buy the Ning's loyalty to the Tang, so don't forget it, plus I have helped you make Rick Lee miserable, right?"

     Scott remembered something and said to her.

     "That's right! Rick Lee signed up for the same computer course as you and Nadia. Make sure to make him miserable. Sabotage his work for me."

     Nichole the schemer said to him.

     "Nadia will not do it for free, you know how much she loves money, so..."

     "Fine, I will give you two an extra 100000 dollars to make him miserable in University, just to make sure he is unhappy."

     Nichole with a charming smile said to Scott.

     "Good husband, I will make him very uncomfortable, and we will screw him over, fufu."

     And yes when I hear Nichole's words tomorrow when I go over phone logs, my spine feels a chill! No, do remember, I DO-NOT spy on the twins. I only heard her through Scott's phone. For me it feels wrong to spy on women I have or am in a relationship with.

     Over with the Doctors group where Hana was showing off her ring and telling them to call her Dr Lee, a sad man looked like he would rage or cry!

     I saw this and excused myself from Mary, who went back to the table for a second helping.

     Hiding my presence from the crowd, I walk up behind Chris Honda and say in his ear.

     "XXX Langley St. Lot 10-B, bedroom in the second floor rear right of the house. That is where you live so don't forget my warning you bastard."

     Chris spun around in horror that he did not even notice the smiling me standing there with an invisible blade at his neck.

     "How dare you threaten me you little punk!"

     With him trying to make a scene, my Acting Basic kicks in and I play the innocent high-school kid being falsely accused. The doctors all turn to see their coworker accusing the black-haired young man of threats?!

     "Dr Honda, I only asked to get by you? I don't think that is a threat. You don't look well, maybe you're not feeling well?"

     Hana, knowing our beef, helps her man by smiling and saying loudly.

     "Husband, over here, come and meet my coworkers. I was just telling them about you."

     Ignoring Chris, I went around him to go to Hana's side and she held my arm. I could tell Honda wanted to make a big deal, but now he can't.

     Looks like I will have to employ Operation: Pay Honda a House Call!

     "Hello everyone, I am Rick Lee and it's a pleasure to meet all of you."

     So for about 15 minutes, Hana buttered me up to the staff and I even joined in on some of their medical talk, impressing some of her friends in the process. This solidifies in their minds that Hana didn't marry a punk like Chris Honda will try and paint me at work.

     Then Hana went to be with her parents and Mary to discuss our living arrangements.

     I had a glass of wine in my hand, and had just tried a dessert I would try making for my wives when an unexpected voice was heard behind me.

     "I did not know you could dance, so may I please dance with you?"

     Swallowing the last of my food, I turned to face Linda!

     "No I don't-..."

     Just as I was half way rejecting this stupid woman for causing me problems, I saw Scott from across the room glaring at me to dare talk to Linda! Not afraid of this fucker anymore, I decided two individuals would suffer if I dance. George Lang and Scott Tang!

     "No, I would be rude to turn down the daughter of Lang and for being rude earlier, I shall accept your offer, Please?"

     And as I said that, I extended my hand properly as I was taught by Hana. Hope my wives don't get pissed at me though.

     Her hand was gloved and she took it. Her facial expressions never fluctuated much but her eyes had a look of surprise for me to accept. Clearly she had expected my harsh rejection.

     I led her to the center of the floor and held her left with my right-hand. I placed my left on her side in a normal spot for dancing, and the music was right. So the two of us start. She is clearly better at dance than me, but my movements don't shame me or her.

     Although I have no intentions of pursuing this woman, her smell and beauty is hands down great. This is also the first time in my life I have come into bodily contact with Linda.

     As Linda and I moved in a rhythm, her eyes looked as if she had a million things she wanted to say, but her mouth would let none escape. Her eyes look as though if she spoke I would vanish, and she only ignored all of the commotion we are causing in high-society.

     If my four years were not so complicated due to this woman and Scott, my heart would be so excited, but... Her trampling words still hurt to this day.

     [Hi I am Rick Lee, you're the first person I met in high-school, let's be friends?]

     [Commoner, don't talk to me, I don't need you as a friend, humph.]

     I am not stupid and can tell she is not the same woman as back then, but, my father and mother passed soon after and it hurt so much more...

     "Rick, am I making you sad?"

     Linda finally said something to me and broke me from my melancholy.

     "Just remembering my past, don't take it personally. you're fine and just ignore me."

     Linda does not seem to know how to talk with me, or me her. Soon however someone could no longer stand our close dancing.

     "Let her go Lee, this instant!"

     I ignore the barking dog, Scott, and ask Linda.

     "Shall we stop dancing?"

     Linda without hesitation answers loud enough for the surrounding dancers and Scott to hear.

     "No, don't stop."

     Scott hearing Linda and seeing us continue to dance while pretending he was not standing there just shocked his brain.

     Scott had delusions of me after marrying her and riding her on our first night. The very same delusions of his four year long obsession with Linda. Then the imaginary Linda while being ridden by me said to him.

     [Ahhh~! Only Rick is the one for me, 'little' Scott. Now Rick I want more~!]


     And like a raging tiger, Scott advanced on the two of us in blind-anger.

     Linda was confused and was pushed to the floor by Scott trying to separate us, and then he went to grab my neck.

     Thanks to my work out the past month, my body is in much better shape and reacting to his Karate skill was effortless, and more instinctive then anything. His moves are like a small child in slow motion to my Grandmaster skill.

     Grabbing his wrist, and flipping with my Acrobatics Mastery, I flip over his arm bringing his face down hard into the ground slamming him down into an arm-bar-lock pinning him in place. I know his nose may not have broken, but the trickle of blood from it means he did not land softly on his face.

     "Wrong move tiger, and tigers should stay down crouching. Miss Linda, are you alright?"

     Soon Mercy was at Linda's side to help her up. Fortunately everyone saw what happened, so no one can blame me for Scott's actions. Scott's two bodyguards did not come to help him out of this situation?!

     I roll off of Scott's arm knowing he won't attack, and dust off my suit, then I walk away from all three of them heading to my table.

     Soon the gossip started!

(The move used on Scott)


Permanent Skills known...


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