After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 37 I Will Kill Some Dragons!

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Chapter 37  I Will Kill Some Dragons! by Harem-Fan


     Slurp Slurp Slurp! My dream is fantastic. I feel like I am getting an amazing blowjob and I reach-out and hold the head gently that is sucking on me with effort.

     As I run my fingers through the hair, I realize it's dark and my eyes are a bit blurry. I am however about to release all of my vanilla-cream and I grunt.

     "Mary?! Huh, I am cumming!"

     Slurp Gulp Cough Slurp! Mary, still a bit new to blowjobs, managed to not let it out, almost choking on my dick. She spends a moment making sure it's all clean and then she cleans her mouth with water. I noticed it's the middle of the night.

     "Mary what's going on, and I am in the den?"

     Then the lights turned on, and Hana in pajamas who turned on the lights came to me. Mary is in her police uniform and is going to work apparently.

     "When I came down for our racing night, you had passed out from drinking. I noticed what was on your computer and told Mary. Sorry I am worried for you."

     Mary had chewed some gum and sat next to me and said in her big sister tone.

     "Sorry, I have known since you were a little kid, but your dad told me to never tell you. He didn't want you to be entangled with your mothers family, but when Scott came out of nowhere your father was perplexed. Then they were gone. The last four years, I had no idea how to tell you, sorry."

     I pulled Mary in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.

     "Last night, I was really in a stunned state, but after drinking a bit and sleeping, I realized that nothing has changed. It was not your burden to carry anyway. You just thought it was the right thing to do. I think I would have kept it from me too. So thanks for that amazing wake-up and go to work knowing I am not depressed."

     Mary looks at me in surprise like I am some exotic wild animal.

     "Really? So it seems if I do anything bad, I just need to wake you with a blowjob to make it better?"

     I gently pushed her away and said.

     "Scram woman, you did not even listen to me, ha-ha!"

     Hana handed me a bottle of water and said.

     "Drink this, you're dehydrated, and Mary is leaving, so come up, shower and come back to bed, you still need more sleep."

     Mary happily hugged me and left for work, then I did exactly what Hana said. While showering, I realized, there is nothing to be upset about. Well the only thing that is different is the amount of suffering I will make Scott go through.

     After my shower, I crawled into bed and held Hana, then I whispered.

     "Sorry to miss race-night, and not seeing you in your new hot dress. I will make it up to you dear. Thanks."

     "Just hold me and sleep and that's more than enough, now good night dear."

     So I went back to sleep smelling her hair and feeling her warm body in my arms. Yeah, with two loving wives, I have no reason to feel depressed...

     A few days have passed and life living at our new home has been a dream come true. But now I have things to do, and foes to fuck-over! That brings me to my new project...

     I am currently late at night, scoping out a high-end apartment condominium. If you guessed I am paying Chris Honda a visit then you're a good criminal.

     I have confirmed on my new App I made called [Cat and Mouse] that Honda is currently at work.

     What is my App cat and mouse? It takes all of my black-book and friendly family and friends and puts their phone's GPS as a red or blue dot on a map overview and at a glance, I can see where they are, assuming they have their devices on them.

     This is good because I can see if Woo is following Mary for example, or if Scott and Honda are at the docks together showing suspicious movements.

     Honestly I am impressed with this simple app. Fortunately if anyone sees this they have no idea who the dots are except me. Also if I wanted to say, bump into Nadia by chance, cough, I could see she was at the mall or something.

     I have also brought a surprise for Honda. In a box, I have a liquid laxative that is tasteless and will add it to most of his foods and drinks in his fridge. He will have shit issues for a bit.

     I scale the wall to get to his condo, not wanting to use his front door and be spotted. The Cat Burglar Skill is no joke here. Plus I have no fear of heights thanks to my Acrobatics Master.

     Thanks to Tina's mother, my tools for breaking and entering are perfect here. Glass cutters, files, picks you name it I have everything I need. The only weapon I am using is my dads handgun with the suppressor if things get ugly. And yes I am dressed like a thief with cloth shoes and the whole ninja look.

     I did find Honda added security systems and amateur booby-traps and none of it could stop me. Computer hacking shut off power to his apartment while tricking the security system into thinking it is running. The Video cameras are just running a blank loop.

     I slip in through his bathroom window and begin my casing of the house starting with his bedroom.

     Cat Burglar Basic also lets me know where most people who think they are smart hide things they think others are too dumb to find.

     For instance, I just found a USB drive inside two airtight bags in his toilet-tank?! This must have juicy stuff on it.

     I then turn on his computer and copy the whole thing, then add some nice monitoring programs in it by accessing the right email I set up just for this. I will be using his computer remotely while he is sleeping to say visit sites the government might not like, and other fun things.

     Next I found a bolted down safe in his closet, and you guessed it, five minutes later it was open. Oh he has a 100000 dollars in cash! Yeah I am taking that.

     I used a blank USB drive he had that looked like the one in the tank and replaced it so he wont notice, and if he notices the money I don't give a fuck because its a lot of cash.

     Why am I robbing Honda you ask? Because I warned him at the race, and he went to Scott looking for help, so this is my retribution. This will escalate if he does as well.

     Soon I have found everything I will find, and I head to the fridge with love potion number 9! I add the tasteless liquid laxative to everything and smile at my childish prank.

     Soon I head out the way I came and restart all of his security features and cautiously make my escape in the shadows.

     I made it to where I hid my normal clothing and replaced my night-suit and what not so I don't look suspicious when walking the streets. I did not bring my car due to it being easily tracked. Being on foot lets me avoid intersection-cameras and bank machine security feeds as well...

     While I am wearing my normal Bodyguard long-coat I noticed I was being followed?

     I decided to head into an alley between two closed businesses and parkour up to the second story roof and draw my Beretta M9A4 with a suppressor.

     Using stealth to hide myself, I watch the front of the street.

     A street thug wearing the colors of the Hidden Dragons is looking down the alley on his smartphone talking...

     "Just spotted Rick Lee on Elm and Randell. He went into the alley here, but I don't see him right now? Yeah hurry."

     Why are the fucking Hidden Dragons looking for me? Is it that pink-eyes girl? No, the Head of the Long family gave me a hostile look at last Saturday's Ball?!

     While I wait for this situation to play-out I text Tina...

     [Harem-Fan: Hey Tina, any idea why I am currently being hunted by the Hidden Dragons?]

     [Big-Red: What kind of handle are you using? And why are they after you?]

     [Harem-Fan: Shit I just asked you that, I think it's that pink eyed girl or the Head of the Long!]

     [Big-Red: I will call that bitch now! Hold on.]

     While I wait for her response, I see some action happening at the entrance of the alley.

     A man wearing a cassock (monks robes) is talking to the thug who points into this alley. The bald man then looks up and sees me watching in the shadows. He smiles letting me know he sees me, damn. I can tell this guy is a Master level martial-artist!

     "Amitabha! Hello young practitioner, come down for a peaceful dialog?"

     I keep my handgun under my coat to hide it from view, and I yell down to the monk.

     "Sorry, my mother told me to not talk to or take candy from strangers, so save your peace for the man next to you."

     This guy is wearing mostly brown-robes with a white-undershirt, he is totally bald and looks to  be 30 or so. He is smiling and seems peaceful, but I sense hostility towards me and he wants to fight me for sure.

     I know that Tina is trying to contact me, but I can't divert my attention from this guy. Some of the first ninja were actually the monks! No the monks from this world are not exactly the same as from my other Earth, though the comical stereotypes are still here.

     The monk with a few leaps and bounces off the two buildings is now on the same building ledge as me and made it look easy. He then said to me.

     "So you are Rick Lee? I am sorry young one, but you seem to have many sins and I must cripple you so you do not spread your wickedness in the world. Please forgive this monk for being heavy handed."

     "So you're just barking for Kimberly Long?"

     He smiles and shakes his head lying. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "No I don't work for anyone but the Buddha! Now just relax and I shall make this quick."

     As the monk sprints to me, I quick-draw my Beretta M9A4 and take aim. The monk is trying to predict my shot like my dad did by looking where the barrel is pointing and my trigger-finger to time things right. Normally this guy can appear to dodge bullets, but, I know Gun-Fu!

     Thew Thew Thew! Feeling his killing intent, I aimed one to the head and two to the heart! Thankfully I have the suppressor on to not have my shots sound any louder than an air-rifle.

     Thump! And due to this guy underestimating my skill he did not dodge well because how could he know I combine martial-arts and shooting?

     Yes he is dead on the rooftop a mere 5 feet from me. He could not dodge while being on the wall ledge without jumping, sad really. I think whoever sent this guy to kill me did not show him my fight videos or something.

     Thew! Not forgeting the fucker who called for my hit, I blasted his kneecap off from long range, well I was actually aiming for his dick but the kneecap is good too!


     I leap across some rooftops to escape because it's going to get nuts here soon. I remove the latex-gloves I used to keep the gun-powder off in case I get brought in for questioning. I need to get my normal guns on me and stash this murder-weapon from investigations.

     When I went to remove camera-feeds, I realized all the cameras in the area are already turned off? Okay is someone helping me from the shadows, this is twice now?

     I quickly made it to my old apartment and put all of my gear and stolen goods into the old BMW trunk and wear clean normal jogging outfit and went running. I know I will get picked up for questioning in the next half hour or so.

     [Big-Red: I found out they are looking for you, are you alright?]

     [Harem-Fan: Sorry a Master monk was trying to kill me so he had to go to Buddha, and I blew off the knee of the fucking snitch. The Hidden Dragons have a hit on me so I will have to kill some idiots it seems.]

     [Big-Red: No holy crap you killed one of the Mountain Temple Monks?! Fuck, this is bad well for the ones that hired him.]

     [Harem-Fan: Well I need to call my lawyer early so if you got nothing I am logging out.]

     [Big-Red: Don't start killing the Hidden Dragon just yet, you can't fight them all. Let me handle this.]

     [Harem-Fan: I am not a Fire Birds member so you can do little, but tell them I can take out the Long before I die! In fact I will head to their home now and start! Click... do do do...]

     "Fuck I finally got to hang up on a woman first, ha-ha! Okay time to get in the hummer and crash a party, fuck the Long!"

     So with my HK P30's on, I climb into the battering-ram (hummer) and I will go knock on their fucking doors, fuck with me will they!

     I bring up the Long main estate on my GPS and then start my drive down south, sigh.

     No, I am not crazy or irrational here. The Long are sending fucking Master level assassins to me, and my wives are in danger if they take them hostage. So I have to draw their attention and shake their cages.

     Ring Ring Ring! My phone that I turned off is now ringing? I put it on speaker and wait. A voice that is scrambled is heard.

     [Rick Lee what are you going to do?]

     "Kill some Dragons so they can't touch my reverse scale, and why are you helping me?"

     [I am not helping, I am trying to stop a war.]

     "Really? Well the monk got to me, I was lucky he was stupid and I killed him. the Long will keep sending them till my wives die so I have to teach them a painful lesson before I reincarnate."

     [The government has already acted, so you don't need to go. That's why I called to tell you it is handled.]

     "Kimberly Long?"

     [Currently being arrested for attempted murder, she will most likely get off, but she wont move like this again. The whole Long family would go down if she does.]

     "Why help me?"

     [You can't reincarnate again or it would be a long time till you come back again...]

     I pull the almost battering ram over and turn off the engine.

     "Reincarnation is not real, I was joking."

     [No it is real and only you have done it, Yellow Emperor...]


     [Just go home and be with your family, and don't bother tracing me, I am as good as you. Just consider me a Guardian Angel. Click... do do do...]

     Phew! I exhale a long breath and try to gather thoughts in order.

     I am astonished that me being a reincarnate is known, and what was with being called the Yellow Emperor? I was shit in my last life and not much better in this one, right?

     Is this what Anthony Tang was talking about? People looking out for me?

     "Fuck! Was I really about to go murder-hobo on the Long?! Now I understand my father a bit more. When you love you have to get stronger, sigh."

     I start the engine and in a complicated mood, I drive home...

(Chris Honda's diarrhea future!)


Permanent Skills known...


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