After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 38 Destroy Honda With A USB!

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Chapter 38  Destroy Honda With A USB! by Harem-Fan


     Ashley Hue was currently in her Downtown office building where the Hidden Dragon executives do business as she is getting some terrible news.

     "When our man on the ground spotted the target Rick Lee, he immediately called for the Monk's assistance as you ordered. The target hid in the alley and waited for the Monk to come, and he was immediately seen by the Master."

     Ashley looked out the ten-story building's top floor while listening with her back turned so her face could not be seen.

     "After a few words the Master leaped to the top of the second story building where Lee was waiting. When the Master Monk rushed Rick Lee, he was shot once in the head and twice in the heart accurately. The Master died instantly."

     Ashley's heart skipped hearing that her senior Master level practitioner could not escape Rick's shots! She then coldly asked.

     "Anything else?"

     "Before Rick Lee made a rooftop escape, he from 75 feet away in the dark, shot out the informant's knee and he is crippled. And the last thing is, Tina Feng is on hold waiting to talk. She threatened us if we don't take the call soon."


     After the subordinate left, Ashley reached for the intercom button on the blinking hold button.

     [Finally decided you could slap me in my face in person, huh?]

     "Tina, what can I do for you? I am a bit busy."

     [Tried to kill my employee? Your Dragon Balls are huge Hue! What, you want to offend the Fire Birds, my Feng, or both?!]

     "This was not me. this was above me. And he did not get crippled."

     [Cripple?! My ass, that Monk tried to kill Rick. You're retarded if you think I will fall for your lies. And crippling? Why don't I cripple you then, and say it came from above?]

     "Just get to your point, and hang up."

     [Rick Lee wants to kill you guys for threatening him and his family, the Feng and Fire Birds will join him if you fight, so fuck off Ashley. Click... do do do...]

     "Fuck auntie Kimberly, I told you to not do this..."

     Ashley then looked at the phone, picked up the receiver and pressed a button.

     "Hello father, we have a problem. What? You know already? Aunt Kimberly is in Military custody?! The Feng and the Fire Birds are threatening war. Yes they are. I understand."

     Ashley put the phone in its cradle and sighs.

     "How did the Government get involved so fast? It's like they waited as soon as we moved? And why did the Master try to kill Rick, that was not the order? It was not my mother was it?!"

     Somewhere Downtown in a white 10 x 10 foot interrogation room, Kimberly Long sat in a pipe-chair with her hands handcuffed to the metal table in front of her. The fact she is wearing slippers, pajamas, and a robe indicates she was not aware of her capture.

     An armed military officer stood in front of her with his arms crossed and said nothing to her. She repeatedly asks the man questions but he only ignores her.

     "I am Head Long and you can't hold me without my lawyer, so I demand to be let go!"

     Then like magic, from the intercom behind the officer was heard all of her conversations from the Ball detailing her plans for Rick and how to cripple him and prevent him from attending University. The same creepy voice followed all of Kimberly's threats.

     [So my warning before was not good enough? Tonight your assassin died and your family was almost killed by Rick Lee, if I did not stop his anger. Don't think that child is not capable of wiping out you, your husband, your son, and your sisters. And we the Government will allow it. So if you do not listen to my warning this time, you get no second chances. Are you listening, Long woman?]

     "I-I hear you."

     [Then listen clearly and focus your tiny brain... When Rick Lee dies, so do the Long, all of you. Now you can talk to your lawyer.]

     After the intercom turned off the officer finally moved to the door to let in a nervous looking man. This is Kimberly's lawyer who looks like he was not treated kindly out there. Then he talked to his client about bail...

     In a control-room in the same government building, a woman with a sloppy hair bun was typing away at her high-end computer watching many monitors.

     May Lee is now going by the name of Lucy Shen. She colored her hair to a dark-crimson tint to help hide her identity. She is even sporting a pair of fake red-glasses.

     She sees a red-hummer drive into The Garden housing community and smiles at the fact he calmed and listened to her.

     "You were a bit too decisive to kill the Dragon without a full plan, but a blitz is most effective for Shock and Awe. Good thing I was following that Monk or I would not have found you in the streets. You know how to vanish, fufu."

     Soon she picked up the phone and called someone.

     "This is intelligence officer number xxxxxxx, I authorize one drop of a bunker-buster on the edge of the Mountain Temple. Make sure to send them the message to stay out of Star City or their whole monastery will be eradicated, that's all."

     She said to no one in particular. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "You have Kung-Fu, but I have Bomb-Fu!"

     And with a happy smile on her face she drank her coffee and continued to do her job.

     The Garden Estates..............

     I finally got home and my brain is in a better place. I will change the things I can and won't change what I can't, wise words.

     It is currently about 1 am and both women should be sleeping before Mary goes to work.

     I first go to my den and take a fast shower then head up to sneak into bed using stealth. I was successful and got in between both women without waking either.

     Knowing Mary will wake first I spoon her so she can wake in my arms...

     Sleep was very nice being in bed with two loving angels. I was apparently so sleepy that I don't remember Mary sneaking off to work, and I awakened with Hana hugging me.

     I kissed Hana till she opened her eyes groggily then she grins and asks.

     "Rick, how was your work?"

     "It was so good, I can put our kid through college!"

     Soon the morning passed with our workout and breakfast, then I sent Hana off to work before doing my own work.

     I forgot to tell you another badass feature of my Cat and Mouse App! I have proximity alerts in the app to alert me for things like...

     1 If a black target comes within one mile of me, it pings my smartphone like a text.

     2 If two designated phones get close I can be alerted, like Woo and Marry being within 300 feet it will alert me.

     3 If a tracked phone leaves the city limits or even from district to district.

     4 If the phone has its battery dead or removed.

     There are some more minor things, but like I said before, this App is really one of my best tools for staying safe and keeping my wives safe. Naturally they have to have their phone with them, so it's not perfect.

     I bring this up because I am adding the Long to my watch list now. At least Kimberly, Victoria, and Ashley the pink-eyed girl.

     So It seems that Kimberly is back home, but it's fine. If that person had the authority to use the government to bring in one of the four head family leaders, that person is not minor. So I will just keep tabs on Kimberly the most.

     So I am in my den and I am going through all of my ill gotten gains and investigating Honda's computer, and frankly the things I was finding are straight up criminal!

     On his USB is countless sex tapes he made with women he sleeps with. It seems most of his crimes happened a few months after he and Hana broke it off, like he went off the deep end when she ended it.

     I did find one file called Hana Chang, and without hesitation, I deleted it! I did not look at it, or imagine what it might have in it. I love my wife too much to see her shame.

     All of the women here are unaware that he secretly recorded them. And I imagine the same was with Hana. But Honda won't get off with this, no.

     I make sure no one else I know is in his sex files and then sort them cleanly. I even found out that one of the women he is sleeping with is the Director's wife and daughter... Together!

     "Sorry Honda, you should not have targeted my Hana, so your life as a doctor will have to end. So how many husbands and parents are going to want a piece of you now, Bitch!"

     Click! And with my final keystroke, I mass emailed the videos to all employees of the hospital and to all of the victims in the video to their personal emails!

     "You're going to have a shit day, oh?! If you drink the laxative, you can only hide in a toilet, ha-ha! Oh? Wait, I should send this to all the TV stations as well, yup doing that now!"

     And a short while later I sent everything with an apology letter (fake) from Honda!

     "I feel like I did some justice in the world today! Let's celebrate by taking Hana some pickup lunch today!"

     And I got the hummer keys and hummed some happy Kate Kong music as I left for food and the hospital!

     Star General, the doctors mens room...

     Squeak, Swoosh, Garble, Gurgle! Chris Honda was holding the handicap rails praying for his explosive diarrhea to end!

     "Sniff, Why won't it stop?! Was it the fried chicken?"

     Squeak, Swoosh, Garble, Gurgle! Then the door was opened and a few doctors were heard coming in and one of them said.

     "Fuck something died in here! Oh look, those are Honda's shoes!"

     Frankenstein,  Honda, was unaware that the villagers were wielding torches and pitchforks looking for him and he said.

     "Steve, I am in bad shape, cancel my operations today, something is wrong with my stomach!"

     Squeak, Swoosh, Garble, Gurgle! This my friends is a life lesson when you're taking a shit! Flush the toilet often for courtesy and for...

     BANG! As the stall-door was kicked open, three angry doctors with malicious faces advanced on the stupefied Chris Honda!

     Pow! Bam! Smack! And throughout the flurry of kicks and punches, Honda heard some of their taunts as he was viciously beaten.

     "Sleep with my wife? Did you have fun you fucker?"

     "My daughter is only 18, you bastard!"

     "I am just beating you because you are always taking my parking spot, fucker!"

     And this moment when Chris was being forced to get waterboarded in the toilet, his only thoughts were... 'I wish I had flushed. Oh god I swallowed some!' Then he passed out!

     He was then dragged out into the halls for public shame and some nurses kicking his junk, yeah! If I had known, I would have come for the live show instead of watching recordings from the men's phones.

     Outside of Hana's office...

     Knock Knock Knock! I knocked three times then entered Hana's office as she was nervously watching her computer looking worried.

     "Rick honey, you're here and brought lunch? Sorry I was preoccupied with this hospital crisis!"

     Putting the food on her table, I then walked around her and hugged her from behind. Her hand gently rubbed my arm and she nervously told me.

     "Chris Honda released his personal library of hidden sex tapes. I have been looking. I am afraid I might be here Rick, I am sorry."

     I stop the videos and turn her to me and kiss her. Then I told her.

     "My wife, you're not in there, and I did not watch it. It no longer exists in this world."

     Hana shot-up and plunged her face into my chest and held me super-tight. I can tell she is crying in relief for not being seen like the other women. I just rubbed her back and held her for a while.

     Soon she calmed and looked into my eyes.

     "Thanks for not watching. I was so afraid you would see it and hate me for being seen by others."

     "Silly genius doctor, there is not a thing about you I could ever hate, but let's eat the food that is getting cold, its pasta, ha-ha!"

     Soon the two of us made a pink-world in her office while the chaos outside was frightening.

     That night, Hana was extra aggressive in our lovemaking, and really made me speechless at the effort she was putting in.

     I really married two perfect wives!

     Don't forget the moral of the story, flush often and pray no one finds your USB!


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