After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 41 Computer Class Can Certainly Crash!

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Chapter 41  Computer Class Can Certainly Crash! by Harem-Fan


     "Thank you, Rick."

     Linda's grey-eyes look at me with some degree of life in them and I feel having her as my seatmate will be a really bad or really good thing. The upside, she smells good, looks good, and does not talk insistently.

     Then Victoria takes the podium and gets her notebook ready, then addresses the class. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Welcome to Micro/Macroeconomics introductory business class. I am Teacher Long. I will take attendance for the first time and after this, you're on your own, come to class or don't, it's your money and grades. however do note where you are currently sitting, for your seating will not change for the entirety of class."

    She pushed up her glasses and started calling out names of students and writing their seat-number down so she can more easily know who they are.

     "Dean Dong?"

     "Right here Teacher Long!"

     "Cat Woo?"

     "I am here!"

     I look at the white-hair girl to Jim's right and realize that's Steve Woo's wife and it seems that Tina and Jennifer seem to look at her as well. Seems they know of her but never saw her till now.

     "Linda Lang?"

     "I am here Teacher Long."

     "And lastly Rick Lee?"

     Victoria looks right at me, but being a professional, she does not act like she knows you during class and treats everyone the same. Okay my affection meter raised by 1% for her reasonableness.

     "Rick Lee, I would ask that you will be my teaching assistant for this class. Your knowledge of the subject will be good for this class, and I will make sure you get a good internship for University credits, will you take this task for me?"

     The internship thing she is talking about, is in the later years of business majors having to do part time work in a company as class credits, while the teacher grades you based on work performance. And with so many business students from many Colleges and Universities, it can be a challenge to find a decent opening.

     "If it does not interfere with my studies then sure."

     "Thank you, for now I will make a copy and I will have you mark attendance during future classes while the class is in session. Now to begin with the first lesson..."

     So Victoria goes right into a real lesson and not a watered down boring lecture.

     Now mind you, up until I was 18, all Advanced Business knowledge was crammed into my brain, it has a fatal flaw!

     Any new knowledge that comes out after my age of 18 must be learned by me. This means, I know this year's business tax code, but not next years. So my knowledge does not update in real time, no it was only implanted at the time it was given.

     So I do know everything Victoria is teaching, but if she teaches anything from the last two months I need to pay attention to learn it. Now learning new material is easy thanks to the previous knowledge, but, if I ever want to upgrade my knowledge to say Master level, I must learn like all the others. So no sleeping in class for me.

     James is frantically writing down everything, but I am also recording everything during University.

     I have brought out my laptop and taken notes on it, and if I am bored I can do other-things with it. Seems Linda keeps looking at me working on it. She is still using a notebook and is probably less into tech than me. Actually I was not heavy into computers before due to being kinda poor.

     I use one of those titanium-briefcases with a lock on it for my computer and have some extras included, including extra battery units for my self made laptop. This allows me to keep my computer running for long periods. I also have a couple of hidden weapons under the foam interior in case things get dicey.

     Class time was coming to and end quickly and I did not get bored listening to Victoria. She is rather good at teaching and not just looking good.

     "So that is what we will be learning in the first half of this year. If you have questions, email me and I will get back to you in due time. I will let you out ten minutes early due to some of you not being familiar with the campus, see you next class."

     Soon all the students began to pack up and get ready for the next class. I say to James.

     "I will meet you in computers, but first I have to take Tina to her next class, so save me a seat in the back."

     Linda, not knowing what to say to me said nothing. She only watched me as she too got her things. I actually don't know how to talk with her. 

     I don't hate Linda at all now, but I just don't know what to say to her. I do want to talk to her just to piss off Scott, but that's a horrible reason to talk to her. Maybe this year we can speak easily, so I nodded to her as I went to the packed Tina.

     "Your Management Introduction Class is on my way to my class, so let's go so I won't be late for my class."

     Scott scowled at me as he passed us, and I realized some fun facts about what I learned of him being my cousin. Scott does not know I know! He also does not know that I am aware of his father's orders about our squabble. This is good stuff actually.

     "Hey Scott, good to see you again buddy! Let's have a lot of fun this year."

     He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. Seeing my smile of pure joy, he is frustrated. And he knows he can't just punch me anymore and his rage is boiled up. Then he remembered my next class and grinned, he then said.

     "Don't think you will keep your smile for too long."

     "How are your two gorillas doing? I heard they slipped in the bathroom? The hospital was in a mess that day?"

     Scott for one moment had not considered it was me that took out his two bodyguards and seeing the satisfied smile on my lips, he only pointed at me. But I did not admit to anything so he huffed and left. Tina watching all of this asked.

     "What was that about?"

     "Oh? I ambushed his two bodyguards that always beat on me, and sent them to the hospital and they never even knew it was me, but I want them to know it was me now."


     As we walked to Tina's next class, I told her.

     "Because beating them once was not enough, so I want them to find me again for a second round. And if they go near my wives, I will kill them instead. I keep tabs on them."

     Tina leans in a whisper to me.

     "Now that University is back, Number 6 will be coming to challenge you. He is another one my father had picked. Don't forget the rules when he challenges you."

     I give her a dirty look and say flatly.

     "You still have not told me why you picked me for this stupid battle Royal?"

     Tina smiled and said.

     "If I told you the reason I picked you was that in all of my four years, you were the only male to never look at me with lust, would you believe it?"

     "Sure I did, plenty of times! And what does it have to do with fighting? Stop talking like some ancient master."

     Tina grinned and asked me a strange question.

     "Then before the day you broke into the twins locker, what fantasy have you had about me?"

     Actually before that? No, I only thought of her body only after I was working with her!

     "See, you never have? How about after that? Have you ever thought of me during one of your sexual encounters or masturbation?"

     Why do I feel like I am less than a man for not having fantasies about Tina, and wait, why is she so fixated on that?

     "Your face tells me I have observed you correctly so then, do you find me attractive, Rick?"

     "You're definitely one of the top ten women I have met list. So yeah you are attractive."

     Then like a teacher she asks more probing questions.

     "Pretend you're my husband, would you have sex with me?"

     "Now you're just asking stupid questions. By default that's what it would imply, duh."

     She then nodded her head and suggested.

     "Then would you have sex with me now in an empty classroom?"

     "No, and your questions are not right for your Bodyguard so stop messing with me."

     With a winner's smile she points to me and answers my first question.

     "This is why I picked you. You're not blindly after me or my body, you only want to beat up Woo, and keep him from winning a prize."

     "Sigh, I don't get you sometimes Tina, now here is your class and find a seat before I can go."

     Tina punched my arm softly and said on her way in.

     "Actually the real reason I picked you is... something I witnessed in our first year. I will never forget that day. But I will only tell you when you win."

     As she swayed into her class, I wonder what she saw in me in our first high-school year?! Then what was all that other bullshit she was asking me?

     When I saw that she was in a place no boys would mess with her, I left for my computer class.


     As I got near I thought of the oddity of knowing she was so hot, but I never fantasized about her. Now however, the thought of her smile just then was warming? This must be the fact we are now close to friends. So you can be friends with a hot girl after all?

     "Rick over here there is only this one seat left!"

     I had just finished my thoughts as I entered the computer room. I heard James' voice from the back-left corner. and when I turned to look, not only did I see James but two sisters I had not seen in forever. I was stunned for a short while.

     This room has three rows of desks from the left side, and one in the middle, then the right side. Each table has four computers on them so the rows from front to back have a total row count of Four. The teacher has the first center table spot for her desk and this makes for and even 42 computer spots for students.

     James is sitting on the outer edge of the aisle, then Nichole is next to him, with a space clear next to her, and against the wall in the corner is Nadia with a grin of playing a joke. 

     James gives me a look of saying he tried to keep the seat Nichole took but the girls must have forced the spot.

     So I school my face and ask the twins like I don't know them.

     "Um, I think it might not look good for me to sit between you ladies, right, and James is my friend."

     Nichole, who was typing something on her computer, said to me without looking at me.

     "No, if I let you two sit together I will be annoyed listening to you two gossip and joke, we are here to learn. Also my sister is bad with computers, so you can tutor us if we have issues, since your friend James here said you're a genius at it. Do you have a problem with that, Lee?"

     Fuck, if I did not know her true self, I would want to slap her for her annoying tone. But I know they are acting, so I play along.

     "Are you Tang girls trying to mess with me for Scott?"

     Nichole, still not looking, pointed to the empty seat and only said.

     "Sit down and shut up already, it's the last open seat and class is starting, humph."

     And Jim who thinks he sold me out with the computer bragging is looking away like he did not screw me, but inwardly I am happy. So I take my seat and turn on the computer.

     Now that I am sitting between Nadia and Nichole after the summer, it feels strange. We talk all the time but seeing and smelling them is soooo different.

     Then the teacher came into the class telling students hello as she began to set up her projector for the class today.

     Then from under the table on my right leg a soft hand lay on my thigh. It gently squeezed and conveyed comfort, assuring me we are still close.

     When I looked at the culprit Nichole, she was using her right-hand with her mouse while her-left was stealthily saying hello. Nichole's face has no emotion on it, like the hand on my leg was not hers.

     Gulp! As I could hear my own throat swallow, I saw it! The edge of Nichole's lips curled up, like she was pleased with my reaction. Then on my left Nadia asked me to look at something on her computer, so I had to lean over.

     "Hey Lee, how do I register on this site?"

     I know she is faking to get me to lean in and I was right...

     "Hiya Ricky, miss me~? Oh and just remember to not be mad at me okay? It was Nichole that fibbed and not me! Also I want to tell you a secret... My sister and I have never slept with another. Not even Scott."

     Yes the twins don't know I know because I never told them I spy on Scott's phone. But what did she mean by not being mad at her and it's Nichole's fault?

     "There your login is all ready for use."

     Nadia, seeing my confusion, was happy to see I cared about their sleeping arrangements. She figured I had not mentioned her text or denied it, so she feels comfortable messing with me.

     Nichole had not let go of my thigh, squeezed a bit harder to get my attention and whisper to me.

     "What did she tell you?"

     "She asked if I missed her!"

     Nichole's grip relaxed and she did not look worried now. Apparently either the no sex with Scotti or the fibbing is what she did not want her sister to spoil.

     "Well did you?"

     "No, I missed both of your company, not just in our texts."

     This time her hand was very gently saying I said the right answer?!

     The teacher has been doing roll calls and she got to James...

     "James Tong?"

     "Right here Teacher!"

     "Ah? Nichole and Nadia Tang?"

     Nichole released her friendly hand and raised it to flag the teacher.

     "I am Nichole and that's Nadia, Teacher!"

     "Gotcha, you two are marked as pregnant, so if you two are not feeling well and need to rush to the restroom just go and I will understand."

     I suddenly heard something that made the world fade out... You two are marked as pregnant... pregnant... pregnant?!

     No they have not had sex with Scott, and they don't know I know that...

     [Due to not wanting Scott's baby so soon, we are on the pill, so don't pull out, okay.]

     [Oh and just remember to not be mad at me okay? It was Nichole that fibbed and not me!]


     The teacher was yelling at me and the class was laughing at my pale face as I looked at her and said.

     "Yes Teacher, I can hear you?!"

     "Mr Lee, the only things that can crash in this room are the computers, not the people, so please get more sleep before class, and the next student is..."

     Nichole is looking forward, not even turning to see my face, but her cheeks are blushing in embarrassment. Fuck did she know I would find out like this?!

     When I looked to my left, I saw Nadia smiling happily clicking away at her computer and she mumbled...

     "Surprise Daddy, Ufufu!"

     "B-B-Both? Mine?"

     Nadia rubbed her belly and only nodded with a huge smile like she is the goddess of chaos!

     When I looked to my right, I expected to see Nichole with shame on her face or a blush like before, but no...

     She leaned over to whisper.

      "Congratulations, now I am going to blackmail you, fufu!"

     I know her well and she is not serious... I think? So I ask.

     "And what does Mrs Blackmailer want?"

     "Just keep me and Nadia satisfied secretly, and we don't have to make a home visit to chat with your wives, fufu, so just do what you did before and nobody has to know."

     Nadia leans in to whisper as well.

     "Ricky, I am getting paid to 'fuck with you', so do a good job my Ricky, fufu."

     I missed out on half the lecture due to the two smug women who are playing the bad-guy game. No, they only want an excuse to sleep with me, but...

     I want to be blackmailed...

     Oh no!!!! How do I tell Mary and Hana about them?!


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