After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 42 Hello I’m Number 6!

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EDIT: A Poll at the end. (A/N I have had enough readers complain about my use of...  ha-ha, he-he, and not using a [-] for separating a scene, so I will implement it as of chapter 42 and slowly work my way to edit past chapters, but this will take time, so read if you want or don't, but I am trying to make your experience better, thanks.)

Chapter 42  Hello I'm Number 6! by Harem-Fan


     Nadia and Nichole in their dark-blue-sundresses picked up their bags and looked very pleased with themselves as they walked out of the room side by side.

     James slid into the seat that Nichole was in and put his hand on my shoulder and told me.

     "Sorry brother, but what could I do? When I accidentally told those evil girls you could do this class in your sleep, they said they would share a free tutor! That vicious Nichole just told me to beat it when I said that was your seat."

     I smirk thinking how they really are inside, and I shook my head.

     "No man it's fine they are only trying to make my life hard for Scott, but they don't know I don't care. Let us go to our next classes, I need to pick up the princess."


     Soon I had made it back to Tina's management class, and I saw a man trying to talk to Tina and she and Jenifer looked a bit annoyed and were ignoring him.

     He is about 6 feet tall and has short black hair and looks like a noble from a middle family. He is like me and average looking, but I can tell he has an advanced level of fighting ability. So I walk to the two sitting women and say.

     "Tina and Jenifer, sorry I am late, let's get to our classes."

     Jenifer is not going to the Kung-Fu Club with us, and has her own classes to attend after we eat lunch. But she waited with Tina due to men bugging her.

     Tina with a bright smile stands and comes to my side and says.

     "I know a romantic sandwich place for us, so let's eat there."

     I know it's an act for this man, so I smile and offer her my left arm that she takes coquettishly and as we walk the man says to me.

     "Hey, you are Number 2, right? I don't think it's right to act like that with Tina Feng."

     I smile at this man and say.

     "None of your business how Tina and I spend our time together. She doesn't mind and her parents are fine with it, so goodbye whoever you are."

     As we left I could see he was on his phone in agitation.


     Tina was still holding my left arm and did not let go, then she said.

     "That was Number 5 that was trying to get my attention, he is also in our Kung-Fu Club with Number 6."

     I had tried to remove my arm from hers but she held on, and I sigh at her antics.

     "So then I will have to fight both of them? Great and let me guess, they joined the club to be near you? I am getting a sneaky suspicion this stupid tournament is to marry you."

     She put on a bright smile and said to me like an idiot, which apparently I am.

     "I am in fact the grand prize, plus full control of the Fire Birds."

     I had a hunch this might be the case but I was hoping deep down this was not the case.


     "Rick, why are you not saying anything? I honestly thought you would protest, deny, or be happy?"

     I smile and shake my head.

     "Because it does not matter, I will not marry a woman I don't love. I only want to beat Woo, and if I challenge him early then you can marry one of the others."

     Tina then lost her smile, let go of my arm and told me.

     "No you can't challenge Number 1 until the lowest numbers have had their shots at you and in order. I made you Number 2 because it means only you or Woo can marry me."

     She looks like her mind is elsewhere and I sigh in my heart at this strange and bizarre game her and her father are playing. But I think I get what she wants.

     "I think I get it. You are not the next Head of the Feng, so you are to marry the next Head of the Fire Birds to make a branch family. I am guessing Woo wants full control of the syndicate, but You actually want to run it and can't do that if he wins."

     We are now nearing the parking lot and I continued.

     "So you chose me because you knew I might beat Woo and hope I would let you run the Fire Birds without me doing it, like a leader in name only, while you are the real Head."

     Tina nodded and did not hide it.

     "So are you being forced into doing this branch family thing? Or are you doing it because it's your wish?"

     I opened the door of the hummer for the two girls and Jenifer went in while Tina stayed out to finish our talk.

     "The Fire Birds are very important to me, the Feng, and the Nation. I have dreamed of running it for the last ten years since I was 9 and have never once changed my mind. I became an assassin to make this dream a reality. So, I would have taken this path even if it was not an obligation. The catch... I have to marry someone strong."

     She looked up at the clouds and then said.

     "My father wanted Woo to do this job, but because he loved me, he at least gave me a chance to find another candidate. Part of the reason I chose you was that you are not after me for the wrong reasons. I did not ask you to be a contender freely because I know you would say no. But... You are the only man I can depend on."

     I look into her gold-eyes and say.

     "How can you know you could have depended on me?"

     She puts on a genuine smile and tells me.

     "You proved to me in our first year in high-school that you are very dependable. Your actions are what someone like me needs. I told you, win the game, and I will tell you why I watched you for four years, Rick Lee."

     Then she leaps into the hummer giggling. I closed the door and pondered, and when I got in I said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Tina, I did not say I would help you."

     She said in response.

     "Then think about it, and in the end, I promise I will not force you. Now go to the deli in Alabaster and fickle."

     I start the hummer and drive. My first day of University is testing my ability to roll with punches. I need to text my wives for a family meeting later before Mary goes to bed. I only sigh.


     So the three of us made it to the crowded deli that is mostly outdoor-patio and order. I am getting a rare roast-beef Reuben, Tina a turkey on rye, and Jenifer a veggie special (salad on a bun) and three iced-teas.

     As our food had arrived we were just enjoying it as two men came to the table.

     The man from before called Number 5, his real name Danny Shu, came with another man wearing the University Kung-Fu uniform like Danny is glaring at me.

     "See here he is eating with Tina, he is Number 2, Rick Lee. Hey Dick Lee this is Number 6, Ronald Di."

     Both men are taller and bigger than me, and I can tell Ronald is a 1st year like me and Danny is a 3rd year. I say to Tina.

     "Wow, these guys are so hyped for you, they stalk you. So do I just beat them up now or can I shoot them in the head for assaulting Lady Feng?"

     Tina, knowing I am kinda joking, says to the two men.

     "Rick is currently on the clock as my bodyguard, so unless you Ronald are officially challenging him right here and now, I will let him shoot the two of you for harassment, but only in the kneecaps."

     Ronald, seeing Tina looking pissed, said to her.

     "I will challenge Number 2 during class or after if we can't fight in the class, so don't be late Dick Lee. Fuck your weak-looking, later loser."

     Number 5, Danny flipped me off in agitation as he left, and then I smiled at Tina.

     "Your father is a nice guy, but his taste in men is strange?!"

     From under the table, Tina kicked my leg and irritably said to me.

     "First off, your statement about my fathers taste was a bit not right, and second, he is only nice to you for some reason? And he is normally stern and cold to the other men."

     Ring Ring Ring! I shrugged my shoulders and then got a call from Mary...

     [Rick, you text the both of us for a talk when you get home, is it bad or are you hurt?]

     "Mary calm down, I am fine and not in any life threatening issue. I just need to have a serious talk about my past actions coming back to surprise me. I don't want either of you to get worked up and I will tell you both everything when I get home."

     [How bad is it on a scale of 1 to 10?]

     "For my health a 2, for my emotions an 11, how it will affect you both maybe a 5 to 8, and for me personally I might be sleeping in the den for a bit?"

     [So a woman is involved?]

     "Um, Yes but it was before any of us got together or married, but it's super complicated."

     [Hmm, So you knocked up another woman?]

     "Detective Lee, can we do this when I am not in-front of others? I will tell you everything later."

     [Just one question before Hana and I set up a hangman's-noose, do you love her?]

     "Yeah, if I have to say yes or no, I would go with yes."

     [Bring home some pizzas then, so I can eat while I judge your crimes. I will let Hana know when she gets home. Click... do do do...]

     I put my phone away like a death-row inmate and then Tina asks.

     "So you did something that requires you to sleep in a den?! Is it me?"

     I get up to pay the bill and I flatly tell her.

     "Why would it be you, no, I left the seat up around pregnant women, and they take that seriously! Now let's go to class so we can do this stupid fight..."

     The two women grin at my misfortune. They may not know what it is, but seeing me like this only makes my match with 6 all that much more certain.


     Soon we had arrived at the student-parking and Jenifer went off to another class of hers. So Tina and I brought our gym-bags with our sparring gear in case the teacher starts us off with it.

     We have entered the enormous indoor stadium that is designed for major competitions that is like a soccer stadium in scale.

     And this building is used primarily by the Karate and Kung-Fu departments. Boxing and MMA have a slightly smaller stadium where they do their practices.

     At this point Tina and I split up to go to the male and female changing areas to get into our traditional uniforms.

     (A/N If you don't know the Karate uniforms look, I am sorry, but this is the Kung-Fu classic)

     I need to lock up my guns during class sadly but they are a big no-no here.

     This uniform is close to my Bodyguard outfit I wear under my long-coat. I can use Karate and all other styles, but the one with the richest history and perfection in Pangaea is Kung-Fu and is the most actively practiced martial art all over the world.

     Star University uses a gray color for their uniform to represent balance. It is not white or black or some nonsense they came up with to just pick grey. The Karate uniforms are also gray.

     And when I came out to the Kung-Fu half of the arena. I saw on the far end the Karate students, and I saw both Scott and Tony talking and laughing.

     So there are about 50 students in each club here right now, and the university holds about 3 classes a day, so in the Martial Arts program's there are about 500 to 700 students alone practicing among the four clubs. There is one main coach and then five sub coaches that are assistants, so there is about one teacher per ten students, give or take.

     Soon I smell Tina behind me trying to use her stealth on me, but I turn my head and grin at her defeated look. She pouts and asks.

     "All during high-school I could stalk you and now I can't sneak up on you anymore why?"

     I will pretend she did not say she stalked me and tell her.

     "Lately for the past couple of months I have been working out hard and now my body is sharper and can use more of my natural talent. So keep practicing Tina."

     Tina currently has her red-hair in a ponytail and she looks a bit hot in her uniform. I look at her and say.

     "I just realized, you and I have never crossed fists?!"

     "Stupid, if my mother said she might be defeated by you, why would I let you abuse me?"

     I point to the sparring mat and grin.

     "Won't we have to fight in class though?"

     Tina looks at me in the eyes and says.

     "And you had better be gentle or I will stab you when you are sleeping, in your dick!"

     "Then never-mind, I will just surrender to you."

     Tina laughed as she said to me.

     "See, you can be reasoned with."

     Then we heard the teachers announce...

     "Line up! Girls on the left, and boys on the right."

     Roll-call is done promptly with yells and all four years of University share the mat at the same time. This like swimming does not take length of time or year into account, it's just one big jumble, why? Because many students already know martial arts when they arrive, only a few oddballs come as a white-belt (Amateur) would be their skill talent.

     I see that Ashley Hue is standing near Tina, but the two are not talking. Then I saw Number 5, Danny Shu, and he handed the woman in-charge money in an envelope. Whispering to the female head coach and pointing to me, Ronald, and then Tina with a smile.

     The teacher did not look too happy with me and Ronald did to whatever dick-face said and then she announced to the gathered 50 students.

     "Ronald Di and Rick Lee step forward!"

     The two of us did so to the confusion of others and the teacher asked us both.

     "Ronald Di, is it true you challenged Rick Lee to a fight over student Tina Feng?"

     Number 6 said with confidence to everyone.

     "That's right Teacher, I don't want Rick lee around my future girlfriend!"

     The stupid teacher nodded and asked me.

     "Rick Lee, are you accepting his challenge for Tina Feng?"

     I look over at Tina finding this strange situation entertaining and she is trying not to laugh at me being painted as courting her.

     "Technically I guess?"

     Then the teacher pointed to the mat and said.

     "I love a good love-triangle, so if you are both skilled in Kung-Fu, step in the ring then bow to each other, and show Tina Feng your dedication!"

     Fuck, Number 5 was stupid, he did not have to pay this woman, she wants to see drama!

     As I slowly walked to the center of the mat, Tina adds fuel to the new-rumors that are going to spread like wildfire due to fucking Number 5!

     "Rick, kick his ass for me and I will give you a kiss!"

     Tina is holding her belly at my death glare I am giving her.

     Then the teacher comes between me and Ronald and drops her arm yelling...



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